Financing of the development of local landline on the example of rural communities the świętokrzyski province Cover Image

Finansowanie rozwoju lokalnego na przykładzie gmin wiejskich województwa świętokrzyskiego
Financing of the development of local landline on the example of rural communities the świętokrzyski province

Author(s): Paweł Dziekański
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego

Summary/Abstract: The primary challenge for Polish regions is the optimal use of the potential for development in order to ensure sustainable development, enhance the competitiveness of the economy and the social, economic and spatial. Instruments Economic and financial, which have a direct impact on local development is the formation of local taxes and fees and prices for utility services. The purpose of this article is to point to the role of self-and to a process for the use of government spending to finance local development. In the processes of local development activities understood as conscious, intentional and prospective, is made tangible social profit. It is defined as – socially desirable destination, the degree of territorial development of social system, the spatial order and higher degree, meet the basic needs of local communities and better living conditions. In actions for local development, which in the era of globalization is a challenge for local communities – government plays a key role. Municipalities receive income own, including the participation in taxes from individuals. The structure of government revenue in-come each other are from 12 to over 70%, while the share of revenue from a share in PIT revenues will amount depending on the year in the period of about 18–60%. Revenues from taxes are the main source of power budget of the revenue of municipalities. Main directions of mounting expenditure is current expenditure of municipalities representing 60 to 80%, and investment accounts for an average of 12 to 40%.

  • Issue Year: 2013
  • Issue No: 16
  • Page Range: 145-161
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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