Cross-Border ‘New-Wave’ Services: The Example of the Polish-Belarusian Borderlands Cover Image

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Cross-Border ‘New-Wave’ Services: The Example of the Polish-Belarusian Borderlands

Author(s): Marzenna Błaszczuk-Zawiła, Elżbieta Skąpska
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Keywords: Belarus; regional development; Podlaskie province; high-level services; international trade

Summary/Abstract: The aim of this article is to examine the development of so-called new-waveservices in Poland’s eastern Podlaskie province, in particular their role in boosting internationalcooperation. According to regional officials, the development of relations withother regions and countries helps Poland’s Podlaskie overcome its development barriers.The article uses the desk research method and the results of surveys carried outamong service companies in Poland’s Podlaskie province and neighbouring Belarus.The research shows that companies based in the Polish province show limited opennessto foreign cooperation. Meanwhile, the conditions for developing such cooperationseem to be favourable, with many Belarusian companies displaying a high level ofreadiness to work together, especially in terms of access to resources and the provisionof comprehensive services. Other enabling factors include the progressive warming ofEU-Belarusian relations and the availability of EU funds for cross-border cooperation.It seems important to make entrepreneurs in Poland’s Podlaskie province aware of thepossibilities and benefits of engaging in various forms and types of international activities,and to increase their involvement. The peripheral location of the Polish provinceand the relatively low level of wealth in Belarusian society will continue to hamper bilateralcooperation in the coming years.

  • Issue Year: 306/2021
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 121-143
  • Page Count: 23
  • Language: Polish
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