Sztuka – edukacja – kultura. Z teorii i praktyki edukacji artystycznej
Sztuka – edukacja – kultura. Z teorii i praktyki edukacji artystycznej
Contributor(s): Urszula Szuścik (Editor), Ewa Linkiewicz (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: sztuka; edukacja; kultura; teoria;praktyka edukacyjna;
Summary/Abstract: Monografia pt. Sztuka – Edukacja – Kultura. Z teorii i praktyki edukacji artystycznej prezentuje różnorodne rozważania, zarówno od strony teoretycznej, technologii warsztatu artystycznego, dydaktyki sztuki i innowacyjnych rozwiązań w edukacji artystycznej. Publikacja zmusza czytelnika do refleksji nad miejscem i rolą sztuki w edukacji i wychowaniu we współczesnej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej bardzo szeroko pojętej. Na ile edukacja artystyczna zmienia się, a na ile jest osadzona w tradycji kształcenia artystycznego, takie pytania formułują Autorzy tekstów.Publikacja jest adresowana do szerokiej rzeszy teoretyków sztuki, badaczy, dydaktyków sztuki którzy zastanawiają się nad kształtem rozumienia sztuki i jej walorów edukacyjnych we współczesnym kształceniu artystycznym na wszystkich szczeblach nauczania.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-284-0
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-283-3
- Page Count: 328
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: English, Polish
Noty o autorach
Noty o autorach
(About the authors)
- Author(s):Not Specified Author
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:317-324
- No. of Pages:8
Cultivating the Arts in Education and Therapy / Kultywowanie sztuki w edukacji i terapii
Cultivating the Arts in Education and Therapy / Kultywowanie sztuki w edukacji i terapii
(Cultivating the Arts in Education and Therapy / Kultywowanie sztuki w edukacji i terapii)
- Author(s):Malcolm Ross
- Contributor(s):Jolanta Gisman-Stoch (Translator)
- Language:English, Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:13-29
- No. of Pages:17
- Price: 4.50 €
Filozofia, czyli służba Muzom. O potrzebie dialogu między filozofią a sztuką
Filozofia, czyli służba Muzom. O potrzebie dialogu między filozofią a sztuką
(Philosophy — a service for the Muses. On the necessity of a dialogue between philosophy and art)
- Author(s):Dariusz Rymarz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:30-46
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Plato’s dialectics; Plato’s views on art; beauty; ugliness
- Summary/Abstract:The article attempts to challenge the validity of stereotypical evaluations of Plato’s reflectionon art, which is often seen as a dogmatic attack on the artistic culture. The author argues, thatone should treat art in dialectical rather than dogmatic model. He indicates the potential varietyof interpretations of Plato’s Parmenides. A reference to dialectical method shows that Plato inhis attitude to art has presented only one of two complementary dialectic poles: the founderof the Academy explicitly characterizes art negatively, but also calls for its defense. Author’sargumentation shows that the most important premises for reconstruction of Plato’s “theory ofart” are included in the construction of the dialogues themselves, where aesthetic qualities aretreated with comparable care as the logical structure of the line of argument. Author illustrateshis reasoning with examples from Plato’s myth‑crafting (Symposium, Phaedrus, Timaeus). Theauthor discusses the meaning of the genealogical myth, included in the myth of the history of theuniverse, described by Plato’s Timaeus. In the conclusion, author contends that Plato’s dialecticsmay also assist our reflections on contemporary issues relating to both artistic culture and itstheory.
- Price: 4.50 €
Standardy to nie wszystko
Standardy to nie wszystko
(Standards is not everything)
- Author(s):Ireneusz Botor
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:47-52
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:The function of art;Cultural identity; Continuation of culture; Standards;
- Summary/Abstract:The text was written from the point of view of an active creator in a post‑industrial area. Theauthor claims that the care for the cultural identity should be the function of art in the contextof the changing reality and globalization. The standards of conduct preferring the changeabilityand the technologies of recording becoming out‑dated generate the dangers leading to the lossof the continuity of culture. The introduction of new standards in art should include relation(even negative) to the cultural heritage of a certain place. A model of new layers, not changes ispreferred. A change is a threat to the continuity of culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tu i teraz, czyli o niektórych wyzwaniach i kontekstach edukacji artystycznej w ponowoczesnym świecie
Tu i teraz, czyli o niektórych wyzwaniach i kontekstach edukacji artystycznej w ponowoczesnym świecie
(Here and now, that is, about some of the challenges and contexts of art education in the postmodern world)
- Author(s):Ryszard Solik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:53-62
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:art education; learning processes; contexts of art education; contemporary culture;art postmodern;
- Summary/Abstract:The art education — whatever it is perceived — irrespective of historic variants, objectives,teaching methods, solutions, or levels of education is undoubtedly a contextual experience. Thesedependencies are associated with the actulizing and historically determined intentionality ofobjectives, with measures and methods of teaching, as well as with the institutions within learningprocesses take place, with the relations between teachers and those being taught and finallywith the space‑time and cultural location. Thus, I consider the experience of the art educationespecially in the context of contemporary culture, specifically in the horizon of purposes’ dependences(as defined in the source material quoted in the text) and the challenges that postmodernart and reality set today for the art education and educational processes by the art and for the art.
- Price: 4.50 €
O życiu w sztuce, o wychowaniu artysty sceny dramatycznej i o roli etyki w przestrzeni teatru (Z historii teatru rosyjskiego i doświadczenia szkoły Stanisławskiego)
O życiu w sztuce, o wychowaniu artysty sceny dramatycznej i o roli etyki w przestrzeni teatru (Z historii teatru rosyjskiego i doświadczenia szkoły Stanisławskiego)
(A life in the arts, the education of the artist stage drama and the role of ethics in the theater)
- Author(s):Magdalena Zaorska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:63-78
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:history of Russian theater; ethics in the theater; the thought of teaching
- Summary/Abstract:Article shall consider and attempt to define what should be life in the art of theater. Thewording of this definition helps to reveal the essence of art education actor and emerge answertoday’s most nagging questions: what should be the priority of the educational process, whichshows up in the auditorium of drama school, and what should be life in the art of theater pedagogy?The first and most important sphere, which takes into account the historical realm. At thispoint refers to the history of Russian and Soviet theater. In this looking for patterns that wereidentified during a thorough reform. It also attempts to answer the question: are these signs, setone hundred years ago by the outstanding figure of Russian and Soviet theater — Stanislavsky,who at that time theater artist directly introduced to the art world and led directly to her idealsare still valid? Examining pedagogical thought Stanislavsky, is in the timeless patterns of teaching,but also education. During the analysis of reference works written by the creator of the“system”, he finds in them a lot of tips that should build an atmosphere of creative process ofraising a dramatic artist. As far as the first name of the sphere of historical realm — the realmof dramatic art ideals, and the school‑teachingor artistic sphere maturation, this space is calledthe space of prose of life.
- Price: 4.50 €
Współczesne funkcje sztuki. Sztuka pomiędzy twórcą a odbiorcą na przykładzie twórczości malarskiej artystów środowiska śląskiego
Współczesne funkcje sztuki. Sztuka pomiędzy twórcą a odbiorcą na przykładzie twórczości malarskiej artystów środowiska śląskiego
(Art between the creator and the audience as exemplified by the work of Silesian artists)
- Author(s):Anna Maria Zadora
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:79-96
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:artists from the Silesian artistic community; idea of a work of art; protection of art; presentation of art; interviews with artists;contemporary art;
- Summary/Abstract:In contemporary world art performs social functions. Both the protection of art and thepractice of exhibiting art entail discerning and respecting the idea of a work of art. Interpretationof the idea of a work of art can be facilitated by basic aesthetic categories. Interviews with Silesianartists follow the current trend in documenting ideas for modern art. For the most part, workproduced by Silesian artists is traditional in terms of matter and ideas, which is a result of theinfluence of graphic art. These artists also create their paintings using untypical materials andpainting media, they annexe space, take advantage of the passing of time and ongoing matterdegradation. Some artists hold the view that documenting activities, including giving interviews,is the only form of protection of painting.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sztuka strategią radzenia sobie z rzeczywistością tanatologiczną
Sztuka strategią radzenia sobie z rzeczywistością tanatologiczną
(Arts strategy to deal with the reality of Thanatos, manifested)
- Author(s):Natalia Maria Ruman
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:97-114
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:art; catharsis; spirituality;sacred;
- Summary/Abstract:General culture, a concept covering the whole material and spiritual achievements of mankind,together with the values and becomes the primary good of the community.Promoting culture is one of the most important instruments of the impact of parental leave.It is not easy to talk about art today, even harder to define and evaluate. The world in which welive is full of cultural signs and symbols. Just knowing their own national and regional culture,we can prepare for a possible broad acceptance of various social phenomena.Modern man needs care, needs to experience the sacred, he wants help from the source andunwavering tradition of great power. Art ennobles man and raises him as long as it is sincere.Land art, especially sacred in everyday life can deal with life and himself. Education through art,including the sacred is the way of realization of the integral human education.Art enriches and extends the natural boundaries of individual existence, allows full expressionof personality, because every man feels the need to express their individual attitudes, beliefsand feelings.It should create conditions for the presentation of artistic creation inspired by religiousvalues, so as to give an aesthetic experience, bring the people to the Supreme Beautiful for God.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wpływ zajęć artystycznych na niwelowanie zachowań agresywnych młodzieży — doniesienia z badań
Wpływ zajęć artystycznych na niwelowanie zachowań agresywnych młodzieży — doniesienia z badań
(Effect of artistic activities for young people cope with aggressive behawior — research report)
- Author(s):Teresa Wagner‑Tomaszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:115-130
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Prevention; art classes;free time;
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays aggression and violence are problems not only in families. They appear more oftenat schools and peer groups.Many groups of people are searching for methods, ways to solve this problem. The author ofthis article proposes introduction for preventing actions (like for instance a rich offer of artisticactivities) that could counteract aggressive behavior and addiction among children.This studywas complied from a survey of children from one of the primary schools in Mysłowice. In thesurvey children from The fifth classes took part. Analysis of the survey and hypothesis confirmedand proved that such preventing activities (especially art classes) are necessary. It shows thatthe aim of the survey was achieved. Such activities and classes (e.g. art) reduce frustration andtension and relieve aggression among children.
- Price: 4.50 €
Systemowe oddziaływania a przygotowanie młodzieży szkolnej do uczestnictwa w kulturze wizualnej
Systemowe oddziaływania a przygotowanie młodzieży szkolnej do uczestnictwa w kulturze wizualnej
(System impact and preparing school youths for participation in visual culture)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Kowalski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:131-146
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:civilization of the image; visual communication; educational system; artistic education; education through art;Fine Arts;
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of author’s work is to analyze the factors that organize artistic area of educationin Polish School at primary and lower secondary levels, in only which students have the opportunityto come into contact with the values of culture of art, in adolescenceand their artisticteachers — competent in respect of such training. Juxtaposition of formal factors, systemic alongwith implementation factors, resulting from the author’s research, allows to answer whether thegraduates of these schools are prepared to participate in an active way in visual culture and raisesquestions what changes should be made.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kształcenie plastyczne — refleksje z własnej praktyki
Kształcenie plastyczne — refleksje z własnej praktyki
(Arts education‑reflections from practice)
- Author(s):Ernest Zawada
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:147-153
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:shortcoming; education; arts; manners; promotion;art;
- Summary/Abstract:Currently, at all stages of education are serious shortcomings plastic educational resulting ina reduction of sensitivity and aesthetic consciousness of young people. One of the most importantis the lack of proper preparation of theoretical and methodological young cadre of educatorsin the field of basic information about the measures of artistic expression, the possibilities fortheir use as well as the theory and history of art. Another shortcoming is the lack of respect forindividual learners creative personality of a young man, expressed in free artistic expression ormimetic activities and decorative. Canon ‑mannerism happens already in pre‑school, primaryschool, in high schools and colleges, including the arts, as well as at the stage of higher education.However, the lack of authority, the master is a major flaw of contemporary art education whichresults in hegemony curators and critics dictate fashion trends of art.
- Price: 4.50 €
Motywy podejmowania studiów na kierunku Edukacja Artystyczna w zakresie sztuk plastycznych. Komunikat
Motywy podejmowania studiów na kierunku Edukacja Artystyczna w zakresie sztuk plastycznych. Komunikat
(Motivations for undertaking university studies in the field of Artistic Education In Fine Arts — the results of a questionnaire survey among students of this academic course)
- Author(s):Piotr Wysogląd
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:154-160
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:The article consists of the results of the questionnaire survey conducted among the first andsecond year students of artistic education in fine arts in the Faculty of Arts of the University ofSilesia in Cieszyn. The studies were carried out in October 2010 and they comprised 52 people.The questionnaire was anonymous. The research was designedas pilot studies.The studies aimed at answering the following questions:1. What motivations do the candidates have for undertaking this field of studies in Cieszyn?(applies to I and II year)2. What province do the students come from? (applies to I and II year)3. How did they learn about this field of studies in Cieszyn? (applies to I and II year)4. Why did they choose studying artistic education in fine arts in Cieszyn?5. Which university facilities are of greatest significance for students?6. What do the students expect from the university?
- Price: 4.50 €
Od zera do bohatera, czyli problemy tworzenia program edukacji kulturalnej w muzeum uniwersyteckim
Od zera do bohatera, czyli problemy tworzenia program edukacji kulturalnej w muzeum uniwersyteckim
(From zero to hero — problems of creating the program of cultural education in the university museum)
- Author(s):Anna Bińkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:163-177
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:History and culture of the universities play a huge part in creating the cultural situation inits regions. It is necessary to point out the role of the university in cultural education of childrenand young people who are in close relationship to the environment of the academy. It’s alsonecessary to determine the methods and goals of the artistic education, which will be shownon the example of Museum of University of Warsaw. Up until now, the artistic education wasabsent in the program of the Museum, but recent projects are trying to change that by trying toincorporate art, art history and history.
- Price: 4.50 €
Młodzież w muzeum — wybrane konteksty edukacji artystycznej
Młodzież w muzeum — wybrane konteksty edukacji artystycznej
(Youth in the museum — selected contexts of art education)
- Author(s):Jolanta Skutnik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:178-190
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:art education; museum; youth at the Museum
- Summary/Abstract:The importance of artistic experiences in shaping personality and entire communities (althoughperhaps more lack of a proper assessment of the gravity phenomena) are beginning torecognize European environmental investing quite far from the realm of formal education. Setof goals and tasks that put on arts education in Europe shows that definitely changed thinkingabout the quality of jobs and arts education. It ceases to be an element of education only interms of knowledge and technique but becomes part of the humanistic education of the personwho has the knowledge and skills in the chosen field of artistic support and inspiring whole lifeprocess of the development of individual creativity held wide field of social experience and notdirectly affected by. The non‑formal education, in addition to social groups and communitieshave a huge role to play in cultural institutions. Contemporary museum space becomes increasinglyimportant the presence of the viewer area. It is a place open area of free choice, opennessto the coexistence of different points of view. Thus plays two roles simultaneously: a space inwhich the viewer autonomously decide how the discovery of art but also functions as a center forinformation and education.
- Price: 4.50 €
Student jako krytyk i artysta w literackim performance
Student jako krytyk i artysta w literackim performance
(Student as a critic and an artist in literary performance)
- Author(s):Anna Gronostaj
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:191-209
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:literary performance; aesthetic communication; oral interpretation;intertext;
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents literary performance as a method of interpreting literature that developsstudents’ critical and artistic skills and their sensitivity towards the words of another humanbeing. The article presents definitions of literary performance and describes how they were appliedin teaching literature at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and at Higher VocationalSchool of Professional Studies (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa) in Nowy Sącz.
- Price: 4.50 €
W stronę prostoty i umiaru — Land Art
W stronę prostoty i umiaru — Land Art
(Towards simplicity and moderation — Land Art.)
- Author(s):Wiesław Karolak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:210-223
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:art; land art; art history; education;aesthetic education;
- Summary/Abstract:Article is foreshadow of book in creative LAND ARTICLE, my authorship, which is inpublishing process presently and soon it will appear. Book as well as whole my considerationrelated it with over 30 year of work land artistic so arte as well as pedagogical but last time andmedia with related it theraphy arte. Title to part of simplicity and after reading last two bookmoderation author bestseller book art simplicity it has been born Dominiqe Loreau and art ofmoderation. Authors from many in Japan summerliving, culture of east fascinating. Considerationit about land about art article range thought, education, about life, about past, present andfuture. And for example, so, as stop last time I think in journey person non even if over problemif traveler sees more than it, who become in house. I assign question often philosophers so as ifastronomer sees with telescope more than biologist with microscope. If already philosopher butmaybe I am child else. If there is philosopher better be if child. I think about crisis of moderneducation also and over this problem of solution of state. Make that, in order to educationalprocess had human face, it was attractive and it brought positive results.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przełamywanie stereotypów w edukacji artystycznej na przykładzie Międzynarodowych Warsztatów Niepokoju Twórczego Kieszeń Vincenta
Przełamywanie stereotypów w edukacji artystycznej na przykładzie Międzynarodowych Warsztatów Niepokoju Twórczego Kieszeń Vincenta
(Breaking stereotypes in art education at the example of the International Workshop Creative Anxiety Vincent’s Pocket)
- Author(s):Tadeusz Wieczorek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:224-233
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:art education; art workshops;culture and art;
- Summary/Abstract:Article on example of International Workshop of Creative Upset Pocket Vincenta it indicate asin (innovative and it is possible to break creative manner in artistic education stereotypes. Projectis realized from 2002 year. Center of Art of Child is organizers from start in Poznań, AssociationArtisticly‑Educational Store Magazine, but partners Artistic University in Poznań, Committeeof association of international education by art polish InSEA, in years 2002—2007 KulczykFoundation, Art Stations Foundation 2008, Old brewery, since 2007 the School of Humanitiesand Journalism in Poznan. Are invited to collaborate universities with Polish, Czech Republic,Germany, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine. The overall objective of the project is innovation relatedto education and artisticpractice led by professors/lecturers and their students. In contrast tostereotypes article shows how the various editions of the Pocket Vincent can develop children’simagination,teaching them to think, believe in your abilities and how to develop creative, innateneed to commune with art and encouraged to participate in it.
- Price: 4.50 €
W poszukiwaniu nowego teatru dla dzieci
W poszukiwaniu nowego teatru dla dzieci
(In search of a new theater for children)
- Author(s):Ewa Tomaszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:235-251
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:children’s art; children’s creative expression; children’s theater; interactive form of theater
- Summary/Abstract:Art for the child has a very short history. Appeared when it was childhood for a specificperiod in the life of a man who requires a special form of art. Theatre for children is part ofthe art for the baby. You can divide it into two forms of creative expression: children’s theater,created by a team of professionnalartists and theater for children, created by children. Art isa form of communicationartist—recipient. The theater for children arises a problem of the languagethat the artist has an adult talking to a child audience. Modernity, with all the media andconsumer bang, as the artist puts face new challenges. Given this paper presents two ideas fornew, interactive forms of theater that can meet the artistic, intellectual and educational functionfor today’s young audiences.
- Price: 4.50 €
Edukacja artystyczna w instytucji kultury a upowszechnianie kultury w instytucji oświaty
Edukacja artystyczna w instytucji kultury a upowszechnianie kultury w instytucji oświaty
(Artistic education in institution of culture but generalization of culture in institution of education)
- Author(s):Sylwia Nowak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:252-267
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:culture; animation-cultural; creative education; educational cultural facilites
- Summary/Abstract:Basic definitions have been placed in text, cancellation for research and materials of conferences,meetings and from range of education installation and cultures. These informationsin that this domain appear situation find. It present on their backgrounds forms and methodsof work, entering of culture to structures of education and social area, invading of educationfor work of animation‑culturalsocially, as well as examples of workshops of creative education,methods of artistic projects educationally, occupanceart therapy. Description is based on experiencesof people and immerses cultures in mining oak forest example of work of educationalinstitution culturally it — in Palace Cultures in Dąbrowa Górnicza.
- Price: 4.50 €
Perspektywa psychologiczna w edukacji plastycznej dziecka
Perspektywa psychologiczna w edukacji plastycznej dziecka
(Psychological prospect in the plastic education of the child)
- Author(s):Urszula Szuścik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts
- Page Range:268-279
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:psychology; plastic education; child; an aesthetic experience; art; creativity;artistic work;
- Summary/Abstract:The author is paying attention to the pschological aspect important and little stressed inunderstanding the plastic artistic work of the child he appoints character of his artistic work.He is underlining advantages of the aesthetic education and the division into stages in educatingthe child for the art of, for for her surviving, understanding and expressing. From the Author’sperspective undestanding is significant through of the child teaching experiences and an aesteticexperiences and them stimulation in the course of the education. In the process the Author isshowing the value of the art in contemporary educational of the child, as essential to this normaldevelopment and the mental health.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sztuki plastyczne w procesie kształtowania osobowości i postawy otwartej na świat
Sztuki plastyczne w procesie kształtowania osobowości i postawy otwartej na świat
(Visual arts in shaping the personality and attitude of openness to the world)
- Author(s):Ewa Linkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Visual Arts, Culture and social structure , Personality Psychology, History of Art, Pedagogy
- Page Range:280-292
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:visual arts; the formation of personality; open mind; open attitude to the world
- Summary/Abstract:Article indicates the elements of the development of the human personality and what is the significance of the visual arts in shaping personality, as a tool and method of interaction in the development of an integrated personality and learning visual artistic culture. Visual arts are treated here as a basic form of expression and the expression of individual psychological development, and thus one of the ways of knowing mental development. The issues are complemented by an analysis of selected cases where activity was used as a result of surgery to change attitudes, verification of self‑esteem, improve social relationships and the development of the capacity of perceiving reality, concentration, development of visual memory, imagination and creative thinking.
- Price: 4.50 €
Arteterapia w pracy oligofrenopedagoga
Arteterapia w pracy oligofrenopedagoga
(Art therapy work oligofrenopedagoga)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Gorgól
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Culture and social structure , History of Art, Pedagogy
- Page Range:293-304
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:art; art therapy; therapy through art; oligophrenopedagogy
- Summary/Abstract:Oligophrenopedagogy who daily deal with working with people with intellectual disabilities in varying degrees, are looking for an even wider range of methods and techniques that will help them in the therapeutic work. Increasingly, in the circle of their interest in art therapy appears as the art of communication tools gives disabled people in an atmosphere of affirming individuality, originality. In art, there are no solutions only right, success is guaranteed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kreatywne nauczanie w warunkach powszechnego gimnazjum na przykładzie projektu Klas Aktywności Twórczej
Kreatywne nauczanie w warunkach powszechnego gimnazjum na przykładzie projektu Klas Aktywności Twórczej
(Art‑education‑culture in a public school (gimnazjum, pupils between 13—16) by the example of the Project‑Classes of creative activity)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Drzazga, Katarzyna Michalska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Culture and social structure , School education, History of Art, Pedagogy
- Page Range:305-311
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:cultural education; Classes of creative activity
- Summary/Abstract:Classes of creative activity are the project of cultural education leading since 5 years by Aleksandrę Drzazgę and Katarzyna Michalską in a public school (gimnazjum, pupils between 13—16) — Gimnazjum nr 1 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Ks. J. Szafranka in Bytom. Within the framework of the Project, young people have the obligatory classes — 2 hours a week of Education for creativity‑literature, art and media (K. Michalska) and 2 hours a week of Education for creativity‑theatre with some elements of creative thinking training (A. Drzazga).
- Price: 4.50 €
Synergia nauki i sztuki w projektach artystyczno‑edukacyjnych
Synergia nauki i sztuki w projektach artystyczno‑edukacyjnych
(Synergy of science and art in artstic and educational projects)
- Author(s):Łucja Piwowar-Bagińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Culture and social structure , History of Art, Pedagogy
- Page Range:312-316
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:forced migration; the synergy of science and art; cross‑border network of history and arts; an international educational and artistic project
- Summary/Abstract:Artstic and educational projects undertaken by the international network of art colleges and universities called CROSS‑BORDER NETWORK OF HISTORY AND ARTS. Presentation of the purpose and effects of the project “Forced Migration”, realised in April 2011 in the headquarters of the Krzyżowa Foundation for the European Agreement in Krzyżowa in Lower Silesia.
- Price: 4.50 €