Nazwa – styl – tekst. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesor Elżbiecie Umińskiej-Tytoń
Name – style – text. A jubilee book dedicated to Professor Elżebieta Umińska-Tytoń
Contributor(s): Anetta Gajda (Editor), Anita Pawłowska-Kościelniak (Editor), Rafał Zarębski (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: onomastics; stylistics; textology; diachrony; synchrony
Summary/Abstract: The monograph contains articles on synchronic linguistics, diachronic linguistics (textology, onomastics, stylistics) and biblical studies. In the description and analysis of the diverse material, various research methodologies were used, which correspond to the interests of the authors of the collected texts and reflect these interests. The aim of the monograph was to show the diversity of the Jubilarian's scientific interests. This goal has been fully achieved.
Series: Uniwersytet Łódzki
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-131-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-130-2
- Page Count: 480
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Polish
Słowo od Redakcji
Słowo od Redakcji
(A word from the Editor)
- Author(s):Anetta Gajda, Anita Pawłowska-Kościelniak, Rafał Zarębski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:11-11
- No. of Pages:1
Biografia naukowa prof. dr hab. Elżbiety Umińskiej-Tytoń
Biografia naukowa prof. dr hab. Elżbiety Umińskiej-Tytoń
(Scientific biography of Prof. Dr. Elżbieta Umińska-Tytoń)
- Author(s):Ewa Woźniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:13-16
- No. of Pages:4
Wykaz publikacji naukowych Jubilatki
Wykaz publikacji naukowych Jubilatki
(List of the Jubilarian's scientific publications)
- Author(s):Ewa Woźniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:17-28
- No. of Pages:12
Elżbieta Maria Umińska-Tytoń – w kręgu imienia i nazwiska Jubilatki
Elżbieta Maria Umińska-Tytoń – w kręgu imienia i nazwiska Jubilatki
(Elżbieta Maria Umińska-Tytoń – in the circle of the name and surname of the jubilarian)
- Author(s):Renata Marciniak-Firadza
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:31-55
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:lexis; onomastics; anthroponymy; historical Polish; modern Polish
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is primarily to present the etymology of the names and surnames of the Jubilarian as well as the way these onimas function both historically and today. The source material for analysis was excerpted from dictionaries of the Polish language: etymological, general (explanatory: historical and contemporary dictionaries), dialect, phraseological, and onomastic.
Jeszcze o imieniu Elżbieta słów kilka
Jeszcze o imieniu Elżbieta słów kilka
(A few more words about the name Elżbieta)
- Author(s):Iwona Żuraszek-Ryś
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:57-69
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:anthroponomastics; system of naming people in Poland; meaning; origin and history of the name Elżbieta
- Summary/Abstract:Elżbieta is the name of biblical origin, and its appearance in Polish anthroponymy should be associated with the expansion of Christian culture, which in the Middle Ages covered almost all of Europe. It is a name taken from the Hebrew language. In Poland this name has been known since the 13th century. The first record of the name can be found in the document from 1198, then in the form Helisabeth: „Mesacho, Pollonie dux et prima uxor eius Helisabeth. For many centuries it was the name of a very popular, but since the sixties of the 20 th century, its popularity is decreasing.
Onomastyczne aspekty analiz staropolskiego apokryfu. W stronę tekstu, gatunku i dyskursu
Onomastyczne aspekty analiz staropolskiego apokryfu. W stronę tekstu, gatunku i dyskursu
(Onomastic aspects of the Old-Polish apocrypha analysis. Towards text, genre and discourse)
- Author(s):Artur Rejter
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:71-86
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:onomastics; apocrypha; stylistics; speech genre; discourse
- Summary/Abstract:The article concerns the possibilities of Old-Polish apocrypha analysis from onomastic perspective. The research certifies that proper names observed in contexts of text, genre and most of all discourse can bring interesting answers to a question of apocrypha character. Two main functions of proper names are distinguished: speech genre forming and fear eliciting. One can affirm that the first function is connected with structural and semantic aspects of apocrypha speech genre, whereas the second one relates to pragmatic and partly style levels of the speech genre pattern. However both functions are important in the analysis of discourse level which is significant in the case of research on apocrypha understanding as an Old-Polish culture phenomenon.
O świadomości nazewniczej w twórczości Wincentego Pola
O świadomości nazewniczej w twórczości Wincentego Pola
(Onomastic awareness in Vincent Pol’s works)
- Author(s):Władysława Bryła
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:87-99
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:geograpical names; folk names; the Polish language; naming convention
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents Vincent Pol’s (1807‒1872) fascination with Polish folk names from a geographical and botanical domain. Pol argues that such names are well-suited and constitute a source of information about the world. He postulates that regional and folk names should be included in academic descriptions.
O funkcjach toponimów w pamiętniku Juliana Borzyma — szlachcica z Podlasia
O funkcjach toponimów w pamiętniku Juliana Borzyma — szlachcica z Podlasia
(On the functions of toponyms in the memoir written by Julian Borzym, a nobleman from Podlasie)
- Author(s):Irena Jaros
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:101-113
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:linguistics; onomastics; toponymy; memoire
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the paper is to indicate functions of toponyms in the text of the 19th century memoir written by Julian Borzym — a Polish nobleman coming from Podlasie (north-east part of Poland). Local and field names perform a informative function in the text. They create a geographical background for the presented events, show topography of towns and villages, indicate a position and status of described people (names of owned or leased properties). The informative function is connected with the locative one, that indicates the position of presented toponyms in time (e.g. names connected with historical events) and space, and also the affiliation to a given region which can be seen in the characteristic morphological features such as suffixes -(ow)izna/-yzna (Wierzbowizna, Piszczatowizna, Malinowszczyzna), -k instead of -ek in the forms of the genitive case (z Rzepk, z Rosk, do Niemierk, do Kobosk).
Jak modrzew stał się skwirtem i dlaczego
Jak modrzew stał się skwirtem i dlaczego
(How larch becam a skwirt and why?)
- Author(s):Krystyna Szcześniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:115-125
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:larch; spruce; dendronyms; Lemko dialects
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt to solve the genesis of the Lemko word skwirt (present in the name of the village of Skwirtne in Low Beskids). Based on the available written sources (from Slovak, Ukrainian and Polish areas, Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian lexicons, as well as correspondence with famous botanicts, the author tries to explain not so much the ethymology of the lexeme (which is know), but the reasons for a specific intersection on a specific area (Lemko region) of the names of the trees: spruce and larch.
Nieoficjalne nazwy miejskie Bydgoszczy
Nieoficjalne nazwy miejskie Bydgoszczy
(Unofficial city names of Bydgoszcz)
- Author(s):Magdalena Czachorowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:127-141
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:urban naming ; unofficial circulation ; Bydgoszcz
- Summary/Abstract:The article is intended to be a research reconnaissance, an attempt to face the variable and unstable resource of unofficial urban onims, to signal methodological problems that may arise during proper research, to show the possibilities and limitations of the researcher of this issue. Already from a superficial analysis prepared on a small set of colloquial urban names, difficulties arise related to the generacy, hermetic, openness of the set and fluidity of names different from official ones. The analysis led to the following conclusions that urban colloquial nomenclature arises by modifying official names through ellipses, phonetic changes, inflectional changes, etc. — existing names or through doublets — previous names, changed; and without reference to the circulation of official names in the form of urbanonyms created on the basis of associations, language games or language jokes.
Nazwy własne o proweniencji sportowej w przestrzeni miejskiej Łodzi
Nazwy własne o proweniencji sportowej w przestrzeni miejskiej Łodzi
(Proper names with a sports origin in the urban space of Lodz)
- Author(s):Beata Grochala
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:143-162
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:urban toponymy; sport; city
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the names of Lodz streets with a sports origin and proper names of sports facilities. The material was excerpted from the Słownik nazewnictwa miejskiego Łodzi and from the website of the City of Łódź Office. The names were subjected to a semantic and structural analysis.
Akty nominacji w komunikowaniu politycznym
Akty nominacji w komunikowaniu politycznym
(Acts of nomination in political communication)
- Author(s):Edyta Pałuszyńska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:163-176
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:political communication; onomastics; proper noun; definite description; chrematonim
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with selected features of political communication. Its purpose is to analyze the means of secondary nomination in relation to persons, objects, human collectives, and the means of primary and secondary nomination in relation to names of human collectives and events. The author analyzes proper names and descriptions from the last 20 years, during which she observed the political discourse in the media. Representative examples are given in the article. The analysis of the entire material shows that the acts of nomination play an important role in political communication. They are used to build an image, shaping a positive attitude towards the object or its discredit. Secondary changes of names are not uncommon, which are a signal of a different position and polemics. Specific descriptions that identify individual objects but do not lose their motivation deserve special attention. Thanks to this, they perform a persuasive function.
Status i granice nazw własnych a ortografia. Uwagi na temat dwóch reguł użycia wielkiej litery
Status i granice nazw własnych a ortografia. Uwagi na temat dwóch reguł użycia wielkiej litery
(The status and limits of proper names versus ortography. Remarks on two rules of using the capital letter)
- Author(s):Mariusz Rutkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:177-193
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:proper names; Polish spelling; capital letters; spelling regulation
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the problem of the use of capital letters in relation to two selected orthographic rules: the spelling of the names of titles and the names of objects in urban space. It was shown that the current orthographic rules are to a great extent inconsistent and are the result of arbitrary (and, more importantly, incorrect) interpretation of the status of genre names. The postulate of an overriding orthographic rule was formulated, which would require that all words in the structure of proper names be spelled with capital letters. Such a solution would have a systemic value, simplifying the existing chaos and unnecessary detailing of regulations.
Słownictwo religijne w Wielkim słowniku języka polskiego PAN
Słownictwo religijne w Wielkim słowniku języka polskiego PAN
(Religious vocabulary in the Great Dictionary of the Polish Language PAN)
- Author(s):Renata Przybylska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:197-212
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:lexicography; tematic classification
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes the religious vocabulary and the way it is presented in the Great Dictionary of the Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The author characterizes the main conceptual circles in which the religious vocabulary is focused, and analyzes the chronological, stylistic and pragmatic qualifiers used in the description. She draws attention to new lexical units, not listed in previous dictionaries.
Nazwy Niedzieli Palmowej w tradycji Kościoła zachodniego
Nazwy Niedzieli Palmowej w tradycji Kościoła zachodniego
(Names of Palm Sunday in the tradition of the Western Church)
- Author(s):Andrzej Sieradzki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:213-227
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:identification of Sundays; Palm Sunday; Western Church; name motivation
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of analysis in this article is the names of the sixth Sunday of Lent (Palm Sunday), which functioned over the centuries in the official church language. Analyses are basically limited to Latin names. The way to identify this Sunday in vernacular languages is cited only in exceptional cases. In determining the motivation for the various names, I use direct testimony from the anonymous text Sermones dominicales IV. In Dominica Palmarum, which dates from the early Middle Ages. The research conducted shows that the names of Sunday were motivated in different semantic areas. They were related either directly to Gospel events or to worship, penitential practices, baptismal rites and the theological interpretation of the holiday itself. In each of these areas, certain elements are highlighted, which are the direct motivation for the name, giving it its proper meaning. These elements are always specific in nature. These include objects (e.g., palm tree, tree branches), e.g., Dominica Palmarum, persons (e.g., penitent, awaiting baptism), e.g., Dominica Reconciliationem, and actions related to the situation (e.g., singing, head washing), e.g., Dominica Capitilavii. This way of categorization shows that it was done from a colloquial perspective. The only exceptions in this regard are names of the Passion Sunday type, which cover the entire event with their scope, rather than its isolated element. However, they are the product of theological thought.
W obronie niewiasty
W obronie niewiasty
(In defense of [the word] niewiasta)
- Author(s):Joanna Sobczykowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:229-245
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:biblical style; translation; cultural language; archaism; current
- Summary/Abstract:The article is a reflection on the stylistic status of the lexeme niewiasta in contemporary Polish — in connection with the text in „Tygodnik Powszechny” 2019 Niewiasty, wiejadła i inni winowajcy, which criticizes a term that is lofty, sublime in the biblical style. It takes into account dictionary qualifications and translation solutions of selected biblical places in four translations and the viability of this lexeme in religious and secular language. It touches upon the aspect of language and religious culture and suggests that the term sublime should be kept in the most important places in the Bible.
Polaryzacja semantyczna odpowiedników hebrajskiego rdzenia qrn (Ex 34:29–30,35) w polskich renesansowych przekładach biblijnych
Polaryzacja semantyczna odpowiedników hebrajskiego rdzenia qrn (Ex 34:29–30,35) w polskich renesansowych przekładach biblijnych
(Semantic polarization of the equivalents of the Hebrew root qrn (Ex 34:29–30,35) in Polish Renaissance biblical renderings)
- Author(s):Tomasz Lisowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:247-265
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Polish Renaissance Old Testament renderings; Catholic renderings — the Leopolita’s Bible (1561); the Jakub Wujek’s Bible (1599); Protestant renderings — the Brest Bible (1563); the Gdańsk Bible (1632)
- Summary/Abstract:The Hebrew root qrn appears in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Its meaning depends on the context. In most biblical verses it is vocalized to the denominative form qeren and means ‘a horn’. In Ex 34:29–30,35, according to the Judaic tradition, it is vocalized to the verbal form of qaran ‘to send out rays’. However, in the Latin Vulgate its equivalent in those verses is the lexeme cornutus ‘horned’, which corresponds to the Hebrew form of qeren. Polish Renaissance biblical renderings can be divided into two groups due to the translational basis. Catholic renderings, i.e. the Leopolita’s Bible (1561) and the Jakub Wujek’s Bible (1599), were based on the Vulgate. The Protestant renderings, i.e. Evangelical renderings — the Brest Bible (1563) and the Gdańsk Bible b y D aniel M ikołajewski ( 1632) a nd t he A nti- Trinitarian renderings — the Bible by Szymon Budny (1572), were based on the original Hebrew text. The choice of the translational basis resulted in the image of the horned Moses’ face of Moses (i.e. Pol. rogata twarz Mojżesza) in Catholic renderings, and the image of the radiating face of Moses (i.e. Pol. promieniująca twarz Mojżesza) in Protestant renderings. Such a Catholic vs. Protestant semantic and imaginative polarization persisted in the Polish cultural space until the second half of the 20th century, that is, until the new Catholic rendering of the Bible from the original languages appeared, i.e. Biblia Tysiąclecia [the Millennium Bible] (1965). From then on, regardless of the religious tradition, Moses’ face shines in the Polish imaginary sphere.
Polszczyzna biblijna i jej podłoże retoryczne — propozycje badawcze
Polszczyzna biblijna i jej podłoże retoryczne — propozycje badawcze
(Biblical Polish and its rhetorical background — research proposals)
- Author(s):Stanisław Koziara
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:267-278
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:biblical Polish; ancient rhetoric; Semitic rhetoric; stylistics
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with selected issues of biblical Polish seen as one of the stylistic varieties of the Polish language. The main aim of the study is to indicate the possibility of widening the hitherto attempts to describe this thematic domain of Polish language by means of approaches referring to the methods of rhetorical analysis originating both from the Hellenic and Semitic rhetorical tradition. The author has presented the application of such a research procedure on the basis of a selected sample of materials, including fixed units of Polish language of the phraseological and paremiological biblical type as well as wider textual sequences.
Realizacja cech stylu urzędowo-prawnego w Kodeksie prawa kanonicznego (wybrane zagadnienia)
Realizacja cech stylu urzędowo-prawnego w Kodeksie prawa kanonicznego (wybrane zagadnienia)
(Implementation of features of the officialese (legal) style in the Code of Canon Law (selected issues))
- Author(s):Maria Wojtak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:279-296
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:law; canon law; code; style; officialese (legal) style
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the analysis in this article is the Code of Canon Law (of 1987). Generally all features of the officialese (legal) style and their exponents known from secular communication have been implemented in this document. The Code is distinguished by a special composition, i.e. a division into segments, ways of naming the segments and their arrangements. Standardization as a feature of the style is enriched by exponents implemented in a microscale, and so, first of all, the navigation formulas, contributing to cohesion of the utterance and being a manifestation of a pursuit of precision. The author sees the exponents of this feature in formulas defining the scope of norms and also clarifying the content of provisions. Yet, legal definitions are the most important manner of specyfying the content of legal concepts (terms). The Code of Canon Law contains a few schemata of such definitions, which strengthens and emphasizes the triteness of the wording. The ways of formulating the directives are also in conformity with the law, they also become the exponents of impersonality as a feature of the officialese. Wheareas manifestations of interference with the religious style are included in the content of the norms. The abovementioned features, occuring in the complementary relations, contribute to create a set of exponents of the genre style of a legal utterance which is a code.
Znaczenie pisma, stylu i redakcji tekstu w określaniu wiarygodności pomników prawa polskiego w pracy Antoniego Zygmunta Helcla (XIX w.)
Znaczenie pisma, stylu i redakcji tekstu w określaniu wiarygodności pomników prawa polskiego w pracy Antoniego Zygmunta Helcla (XIX w.)
(The importance of writing, style and text editing in determining the credibility of monuments to Polish law in the work of Antoni Zygmunt Helcel (19th century))
- Author(s):Iwona Pałucka-Czerniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:297-315
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Anguage; style; monuments of the Polish language; monuments of Polish law; scientific discourse
- Summary/Abstract:The observation of the scientific discourse related to the history of the Polish language, and more specifically the history of law, has become the general research goal of the article. Research interest is associated with the problem of the state and changes in linguistic awareness within a specialized communicative community. The analysed material is located on the border of two types of evidence that can constitute the basis for recreating the image of linguistic awareness: direct and indirect. A.Z. Helcel, a historian, by analysing old documents of Polish law written in Latin, gave an expression of a shaped and developed linguistic awareness. He introduced new proposals of research methods to the scientific discourse of legal historians, based on, among other things, linguistic analysis. He used a large repertoire of rhetorical and stylistic concepts to document the authenticity, antiquity and significance of a document. He called for attention to be paid to the stylistic formations considered by others to be trivial. He understood, distinguished and repeatedly used the terms: text, style, content, form, error, writing manner, habit. Most likely, he distinguished a functional style and an individual style. He understood the concept of a genre: he named various genres, mainly legal texts, and talked about genre-creation. He referred to the concept of a norm. He also noticed the need to simplify the graphy, i.e. he declared the use of transcription. He also included past Old Polish translations in the work, seeing them as a historical and historical-linguistic value. He was aware of the value of the old monuments of the Polish language, preserved in old translations.
Między literackością a potocznością Janina Konarska: Dwór na wulkanie. Dziennik ziemianki z przełomu epok 1895–1920
Między literackością a potocznością Janina Konarska: Dwór na wulkanie. Dziennik ziemianki z przełomu epok 1895–1920
(Between the literary and colloqvial in the diaries (1895–1920) by Janina Konarska from 1914–1920)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Zatorska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:317-333
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:The Literary Polish; the Colloqvial Polish; diaries; the First World War; stylistic
- Summary/Abstract:This article is devoted to a set of linguistics features of the diaries (1895–1920) by Janina Konarska from 1914–1918. The author of the study analyses the manifestations of the Literary Polish language and the Colloquial Polish language in the examined texts. The signs of literacy are: eruditional lexis: aeroplan ‘areoplane’, emablować ‘amuse (woman)’, fraucymer ‘maids of honor’, zeppelin; sublime collocations: kraina krzyżów i mogił ‘the land of crosses and graves’ (p. 159); metaphores: na szczyt chwały poprowadzić ‘to lead to the top of glory’ (p. 135). The commonness signals are some expressions describing everyday life and food needs: dużo jabłek ‘a lot of apples’, kartofle ‘potatoes’ and problems of supply difficulties: najgorzej z cukrem ‘worst with sugar’; Mięsa zupełnie nie jadamy ‘We don’t eat meat at all’ (p. 283). Some colloqvial verbal lexems are excerpted: drapnął ‘He escaped’ (p. 159) władze ruskie zmykają ‘the Russian authorities are running away’ (p. 111) as well as some colloqvial phraseologies, eg. chyba pójdziemy do Tworek ‘We will probably get mad’ (p. 186), w skórę dać ‘spanking’ (p. 1 50). The Nominalizations are confirmed by the both stylistic varieties. They reflect both war events: bój ‘fight’ (p. 130), wysadzenie mostu ‘blowing up the bridge’ (p. 170) and minor incidents: szukanie swoich torebeczek ‘looking for your bags’ (p. 145). The stylistic means of evaluation are demonstrated in the diary, eg. biedne te Kielce ‘poor Kielce’ (s. 121), okropne zajścia w Belgii ‘the horrible incidents in Belgium’ (p. 126), straszne czasy ‘terrible times’ (p. 122); dzielne Legiony ‘brave Legions’ (p. 284), wspaniały koncert ‘magnificent concert’ (p. 260). The superlative forms of adjectives are observed: Najokropniejsze jest to żołdactwo ‘The soldiery is the most horrible’ (p. 177), najpiękniejsze było to zjednoczenie duchowe całego niemal świata ‘The most beautiful was the spiritual union of almost the entire world’ (p. 262). The conclusion from the research is that the Konarska’s diary from the Great War is characterized by the stylistic diversity and richness of stylistic means.
Problemy nazewnictwa Biblii w judaizmie i chrześcijaństwie
Problemy nazewnictwa Biblii w judaizmie i chrześcijaństwie
(Issues related to biblical names in Judaism and Christianity)
- Author(s):Andrzej Piotr Perzyński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:337-363
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:Judaism; Christianity; Hebrew Bible; Septuagint; Old Testament; apocrypha; languages of the Bible; biblical canon; Bible translations; replacement theology
- Summary/Abstract:The article Issues related to biblical names in Judaism and Christianity consists of the following parts: 1. Historical outline; 2. Old Testament or Hebrew Bible?; 3. Old Testament languages; 4. Ancient Bible translations; 5. Significance of Apocrypha; 6. Hebrew Bible / Old Testament in Judaism and Christianity; 6.1 Three-part division of the Hebrew Bible and its significance; 6.2. issues related to understanding and authority; Ending. Issues related to the names in the Bible were analyzed from three perspectives: texts language; existence of ancient translations and question of collection content. The intention of the author was to present how today various religious communities (Christian churches and synagogue) perceive the same materials through various prisms, in different canonical orders, in different languages and with different emphases. Those differences are not the foundation for arguments who understands the text correctly. They point out to the text richness, interpretative traditions and human imagination.
Kilka uwag o obrazach Maryi w utworach poetyckich wybranych Ojców syryjskich
Kilka uwag o obrazach Maryi w utworach poetyckich wybranych Ojców syryjskich
(Some remarks on the images of Mary in the poetic works of selected Syriac Fathers)
- Author(s):Janusz Lewandowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:365-376
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Elżbieta Umińska-Tytoń; Mary; Mariology; poetry of the Syriac Fathers; St. Ephrem the Syrian; Jacob of Sarug
- Summary/Abstract:The author dedicates the text to Professor Elżbieta Umińska-Tytoń of the University of Łódź. The paper outlines poetic images concerning Mary contained in selected works of St. Ephrem the Syrian, Jacob of Sarug and in an anonymous fifth-century Hymn from the circle of Christian ancient Syriac poetry. They contain a kind of theological reflection operating with numerous comparisons, metaphors, symbols and associations, which often bring the truths of faith closer to the reader and in a more accessible way than theological treatises. The language of the works is closer to that of the liturgy. Apart from their poetic value, they bear witness to a rich Mariological tradition dating back to the first centuries. Particularly noteworthy in it are the motifs of combining the maternity and full virginity of Mary, her image as „full of grace” and mediatrix of all graces and intercessor with God.
Metafory w języku pandemicznym polskiego episkopatu
Metafory w języku pandemicznym polskiego episkopatu
(Metaphors in the Pandemic Language of the Polish Episcopate)
- Author(s):Magdalena Jankosz, Wiesław Przyczyna
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:377-390
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:COVID-19; language; metaphor; Polish Bishops’ Conference
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to show the language of the Polish Episcopate used in its letters and messages regarding the COVID-19 pandemic from its beginning until August 2021. The research problem was to inquire about the role of metaphors used. The research material consisted of documents published on the website of the Polish Bishops’ Conference. The first part of the paper describes the phenomenon of metaphorisation in relation to disease, the second presents the types of metaphors used by the bishops, the third one presents the nature of these metaphors, while the fourth one describes the role they played.
Rytuał i potoczność — o sakramencie pojednania jako dialogu
Rytuał i potoczność — o sakramencie pojednania jako dialogu
(The rite and common language — the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a dialogue)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Sitkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:391-407
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Sacrament of Reconciliation; dialogue; rite; paraphrase; common language
- Summary/Abstract:This paper presents the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a dialogue in a specific sender-receiver relationship. The expressions included in the Rite of Penance as well as the confession of sins are shown as dialogic. It recommends paraphrasing while in a conversation with a penitent as it can help him or her celebrate the sacrament in a deeper way.
Kanon czy kanony wartości w statutach współczesnych polskich partii politycznych?
Kanon czy kanony wartości w statutach współczesnych polskich partii politycznych?
(The canon or canons of values contained in the statutes of contemporary Polish political parties)
- Author(s):Izabela Kępka , Lucyna Warda-Radys
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:409-426
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Value; statute; official language; politicial discourse
- Summary/Abstract:The article proposes a look at the world of values in the statutes of political parties on two levels determined by S. Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska: communication (interaction) and performance. The former is related to the sender, recipient, intention and communication situation, the latter — is clearly verbalized, showing the most important values for the sender. The value at the interactive level in the statutes of political parties is considered to be universal good: creating an institutional unity of action for the benefit of the supra-individual. Values important for political parties that appear at the level of representation are very similar to each other and, in fact, independent of the party’s slant. The differences in the statutes concern rather small things, a slightly different formulation of similar content, or a more or less detailed treatment of various issues.
Perswazyjność komunikowania politycznego. Analiza wystąpienia sejmowego premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego ws. polexitu (14.10.2021)
Perswazyjność komunikowania politycznego. Analiza wystąpienia sejmowego premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego ws. polexitu (14.10.2021)
(The Persuasiveness of political communication. Analysis of the parliamentary speech by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the polexit (October 14, 2021))
- Author(s):Rafał Leśniczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:427-444
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:political communication; polexit; persuasiveness; Mateusz Morawiecki
- Summary/Abstract:The undertaken study analyzes the persuasiveness of the speech of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, delivered on October 14, 2021, which concerned Poland’s presence in the structures of the European Union, in connection with the allegations of the polexit by opposition politicians. The politician’s speech noted the dominance of the persuasive strategy over the information strategy. As for the content of the speech, the politician’s communication strategy was focused around the program as well as political and ideological values. In the Prime Minister’s statement, the politician did not promote his own personnel offer. In Morawiecki’s speech, there were means of positive persuasion (with regard to the political activities of the United Right) and means of negative persuasion (with regard to the actions of the opposition).
Formuła pożegnalna jako element ramy tekstowej w epistolografii polskiej XVII i XVIII wieku
Formuła pożegnalna jako element ramy tekstowej w epistolografii polskiej XVII i XVIII wieku
(Farewell formula as an element of the textual framework in Polish epistolography of the 17th and 18th centuries)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Sicińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:445-458
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:letter; farewell; formula; text delimitation; 17th and 18th century Polish language
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the article is the farewell formula present in Polish epistolography of the 17th and 18th centuries. It is an important element in the structure of a letter and a determinant of its genre. The formula has primarily a phatic and pragmatic function, that is, it extinguishes and ends the contact between the partners in an epistolary dialogue while maintaining an atmosphere of politeness. In addition, it has a delimiting function, that is it sets the boundaries of the epistolary text and ensures its coherence. The farewell formula may be a statement of the end of the epistolary dialogue e.g. with these words I conclude (tymi słowy kończę), or it may signal an indirect intention to end the dialogue — by indicating the exhaustion of the topic e.g. I have nothing more to report; I have nothing more to announce (więcej nie mam co donieść; więcej nie mam nic do oznajmienia) or the necessity to abandon contact for the sake of the addressee e.g. I do not want to bother you reading my words, I do not tell old chestnuts (nie bawię pisaniem, nie zatrudniam ramotą).
Punkt widzenia jako kategoria profilująca obraz miasta we Wspomnieniach Marii Kietlińskiej
Punkt widzenia jako kategoria profilująca obraz miasta we Wspomnieniach Marii Kietlińskiej
(Point of view as a category profiling the image of the city in Memoirs by Maria Kietlińska)
- Author(s):Magdalena Hawrysz, Irmina Kotlarska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:459-478
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:point of view; profile; city image; 19th-century diaries; Maria Kietlińska
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the sketch is to identify the sender’s point of view and to reconstruct the city profiles defined by his prism (understood from the social perspective as residents, events they participate in, everyday experiences, way of thinking and experiencing the world) revealed in Maria Kietlińska’s 19th-century diary, Memoirs. The analysis revealed a clear point of view — it is the view of an aristocrat who wrote in a mature age, whose youth fell during the time of national captivity, and whose memoirs are written during the difficult post-war situation. Such optics allowed to distinguish three profiles of old Krakow: sentimental, for which the most important thing is the dissonance between the brilliant past and the disappointing present, national, in which patriotism plays an important role, and the salon one, showing family ties and customs of the nineteenth-century elite.