Niepełnosprawność i edukacja
Disability and education
Contributor(s): Grzegorz Całek (Editor), Jakub Niedbalski (Editor), Mariola Racław (Editor), Marta Sałkowska (Editor), Joanna Sztobryn-Giercuszkiewicz (Editor), Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, School education, Higher Education , Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: education people with disabilities; Education children with disabilities; education students with disabilities; Third Age University; new technologies in education
Summary/Abstract: Kolejna czwarta z serii monografii Sekcji Socjologii Niepełnosprawności PTS poświęcona została edukacji osób z niepełnosprawnościami. Znalazły się w niej teksty dotyczące funkcjonowania przedszkoli i szkół integracyjnych, szkolnictwa specjalnego, orzecznictwa poradni psychologiczno-pedagogicznych, edukacji ustawicznej dorosłych osób z niepełnosprawnością, barier edukacyjnych osób z niepełnosprawnościami czy prawa osób z niepełnosprawnością w wymiarze edukacyjnym. Tematyka ta ma dziś istotne znaczenie. Z jednej strony wynika to z problemów, jakie dotknęły uczniów, nauczycieli oraz szkoły w dobie pandemii COVID-19. Z drugiej strony kształcenie osób z niepełnosprawnościami stanowi istotny element polityki społecznej. Z tego względu w niniejszej monografii zaprezentowano diagnozy i ukazano problemy związane z kształceniem osób z niepełnosprawnościami, realizacją ich potrzeb oraz wspieraniem w rozwoju. Dzięki tekstom przedstawiającym najnowszy stan wiedzy i wyniki prowadzonych badań możliwe stało się również wskazanie pożądanych kierunków w kształceniu osób z niepełnosprawnościami z uwzględnieniem potencjału, jaki do edukacji mogą wnieść najnowsze technologie.
Series: Uniwersytet Łódzki
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-115-9
- Page Count: 186
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Polish
Edukacja wobec zjawiska niepełnosprawności – osoba z niepełnosprawnością w przestrzeniach edukacyjnych
Edukacja wobec zjawiska niepełnosprawności – osoba z niepełnosprawnością w przestrzeniach edukacyjnych
(Education in the face of disability phenomenon – a person with disabilities in educational areas)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Całek, Jakub Niedbalski, Mariola Racław, Marta Sałkowska, Joanna Sztobryn-Giercuszkiewicz, Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:7-16
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:disability; inclusive education; human rights model of disability
- Summary/Abstract:The text is an introduction to topics related to the phenomena of disability in various forms of education. The author, showing the perspective of the human rights based disability model, addresses issues such as inclusive education, inclusion in various types of education, people with special needs in the education system. The text also presents the topics of the individual chapters of the volume.
Zalecenia zawarte w orzeczeniach o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego uczniów z niepełnosprawnością wzroku i ich realizacja przez szkołę
Zalecenia zawarte w orzeczeniach o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego uczniów z niepełnosprawnością wzroku i ich realizacja przez szkołę
(Recommendations included in the Decisions on the need for special education of pupils with visual impairment and their implementation by the school)
- Author(s):Magdalena Kokot-Rybińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:19-34
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:inclusive education; mainstream school; special education needs; visual impairment
- Summary/Abstract:Decisions on the Need for Special Education have been functioning in Poland for over 30 years, and in an almost unchanged form (Journal of Laws No. 95, item 425 of September 7, 1991, Law on the Education System). It would seem, then, that the education system had enough time to adapt to this form of providing support to pupils of mainstream education. Unfortunately, despite numerous reforms, programs and directions for the development of the system of equalizing educational opportunities, a student with special educational needs still has to deal with numerous shortcomings or even omissions on the part of the teaching staff and the management of the school. The aim of this study is to present the difficulties faced by pupils with visual impairments in the implementation of the recommendations of the Decisions on the Need for Special Education in mainstream schools. This article was created based on the analysis of data collected through the proprietary questionnaire on the assessment of the implementation of recommendations on the need for special education by schools. The content of the recommendations contained in the decisions issued by the state Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Centers, which were made available by the respondents, was also analyzed.
Edukacja dzieci z niepełnosprawnością w czasie pandemii COVID-19 w szkole wiejskiej – w doświadczeniu pedagoga szkolnego
Edukacja dzieci z niepełnosprawnością w czasie pandemii COVID-19 w szkole wiejskiej – w doświadczeniu pedagoga szkolnego
(Education of children with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in a rural school – in the experience of a school pedagogue)
- Author(s):Tomasz Śliwowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:35-48
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:child with disability; distance learning; student with special educational needs; village school
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes issues related to remote education of students with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. It concerns the selection of appropriate forms of education in the case of children in a primary school in the countryside in the Białystok district in the Podlaskie Voivodeship. It describes selected methods and forms of distance learning on the basis of changing provisions of the education law in the years 2019–2022. The analysis of individual cases of children with disabilities attending one school in a rural commune shows the multiplicity of possibilities of choosing methods and forms despite the pandemic. Points to the need to analyse the possibilities and difficulties of individual children learning in an institution in preparing an effective form of education for these children. The article describes the education of children with disabilities based on the experience of a school pedagogue.
Wyzwania dla edukacji seksualnej uczniów z głębszą niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w Polsce
Wyzwania dla edukacji seksualnej uczniów z głębszą niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w Polsce
(Challenges for the sexual education of students with deeper
intellectual disabilities in Poland)
- Author(s):Celina Kamecka-Antczak, Mateusz Szafrański, Klaudia Wos
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:49-62
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:participatory action research; person with intellectual disability; sex education; sexuality
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the results of participatory action research conducted with polish students with intellectual disability. The research concerned students’ knowledge of their own sexuality and their needs related to conducting sex education at a special school. The presented research is part of a larger project, which aimed to create a didactic tool for conducting sex education classes with people with intellectual disabilities. The research was conducted in accordance with the assumptions of the participatory paradigm, putting postulates being a response to the UN Convention of the Disabled Rights of Poland ratified by Poland.
Czego o niepełnosprawności może dowiedzieć się uczeń z obrazków w podręcznikach szkolnych?
Czego o niepełnosprawności może dowiedzieć się uczeń z obrazków w podręcznikach szkolnych?
(What will students learn about disability from pictures in school books?)
- Author(s):Angelika Greniuk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:63-76
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:disability; people with disabilities; school textbooks; visual representations of disability
- Summary/Abstract:The visual dominates over the text – modern man homo videns prefers the image, which is quicker and easier for him to assimilate, it also has more significance than the word. The image, like the text, carries its own message, creating a way of knowing and perceiving a given reality (Szpunar, 2008; Sztompka, 2005). School textbooks contain many visual elements, providing a separate and additional source of information. Disability and people with disabilities are presented visually very rarely. Nevertheless, it is possible to establish the ways and messages of depicting disability in school textbooks and to determine what students, including students with disabilities, can learn about disability from images in school textbooks. This article presents the results of a study of this issue. It is part of the results from a larger research project entitled. ’The (non-)presence list. Disability in school textbooks’, by Dr Marta Sałkowska, Magdalena Kocejko, Magda Szarota and Angelika Greniuk, implemented by Collegium Civitas in 2021.
Wyrównywanie szans edukacyjnych studentów z niepełnosprawnościami i szczególnymi potrzebami – nowe wyzwania dla szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce
Wyrównywanie szans edukacyjnych studentów z niepełnosprawnościami i szczególnymi potrzebami – nowe wyzwania dla szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce
(Equalizing educational opportunities of students with disabilities and special educational needs – new challenges for higher education in Poland)
- Author(s):Joanna Sztobryn-Giercuszkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Higher Education , Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:79-94
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:disability; higher education institutions; inclusive education; students
- Summary/Abstract:In the article, the author considers the processes of change in higher education in the context of supporting people with special needs, including students with disabilities. The author reflects on the impact of social, legal, and economic transformations on the accessibility of universities and supporting people with disabilities in their academic education. The considerations derive from the author’s experience as a researcher and a person actively participating in shaping the policy of equalizing educational opportunities at universities in Poland. The publication presents threats and chances resulting from new situations, often crisis ones, currently faced by higher education institutions in Poland.
Moje doświadczenia edukacji osób z niepełnosprawnością. Autoetnografia
Moje doświadczenia edukacji osób z niepełnosprawnością. Autoetnografia
(Education of persons with disabilities: own experiences. Authoetnography)
- Author(s):Magda Lejzerowicz, Katarzyna Podstawka, Wiktoria Boryca, Paulina Salska, Aleksandra Sanecka, Paulina Surgiel, Anna Westfal-Kuczyńska, Monika Wróblewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:95-112
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:autoethnography; education; inclusion; narration; participatory action research; person with disabilities
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the research is a change in research competency of participants, getting methodology knowledge, ability of using it in practise and reflection on their own experiences in education of people with disabilities. Using autobiography elements authors reveal their reflections on education experiences. Working on the article allowed authors to change their approach to scientific research, getting to know autoethnographic method and a change in perception of the described social reality. All article’s authors are researchers, as well as the ones who were examined.
Czy Uniwersytety Trzeciego Wieku mogą być szansą na włączenie społeczne seniorów z niepełnosprawnościami?
Czy Uniwersytety Trzeciego Wieku mogą być szansą na włączenie społeczne seniorów z niepełnosprawnościami?
(Third Age Universities as an opportunity for social inclusion of seniors with disabilities)
- Author(s):Joanna Wojtyńska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Adult Education, Higher Education , History of Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:113-143
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:accessibility; disability; disabled people; seniors; old age; Third Age University; exclusion
- Summary/Abstract:It is estimated that half of the people with disabilities in Poland are people over 60 years of age. Both people with disabilities and seniors are groups at risk of social exclusion, including digital and information exclusion. One way to prevent exclusion is by providing access to information and education. The availability of education for older people with disabilities largely depends on the awareness and good will of the organizers of forms of education intended for seniors, in particular Third Age Universities. Significant changes in this area could be implemented by the acts adopted in 2019: on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities and on ensuring accessibility to people with special needs. The COVID-19 pandemic, the related with it lockdown and the change in the formula of classes from stationary to remote learning, could theoretically be an opportunity for people who, for various reasons, were unable to travel to the TAU classes. The article discusses the results of the review of the TAU websites and the analysis of their content in terms of the form of the offered classes during and after lockdown, as well as the presence of an accessibility declaration and a report on the status of ensuring accessibility, compared with the results of the survey conducted at the beginning of 2020, which was to answer the question: if and what offers are addressed to people with disabilities.
Internet szansą dla dzieci z zespołem Aspergera
Internet szansą dla dzieci z zespołem Aspergera
(The Internet as a chance for children with Asperger’s syndrome)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Całek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:147-162
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Asperger’s syndrome; disability; education; social relationships; the Internet
- Summary/Abstract:The article concerns children with Asperger’s Syndrome, i.e. one of the autism spectrum pervasive developmental disorders. Asperger’s syndrome is characterized by such symptoms as social interaction disorders, inability to work in a group and difficulties in non-verbal communication. These symptoms have a major impact on the functioning of students with Asperger’s syndrome among their peers at school. The article explains how to reduce the problems of a child with Asperger’s Syndrome by shifting a significant part of his/her activity over to the Internet. Communication via the Internet may be a chance for better social interactions of people with Asperger’s syndrome and progress in their education.
Pułapki (nie)dostępności – muzeum w dobie nowoczesnych technologii. Na przykładzie Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie
Pułapki (nie)dostępności – muzeum w dobie nowoczesnych technologii. Na przykładzie Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie
(Traps of (in)availability – a museum in the age of modern technologies. On the example of the National Museum in Krakow)
- Author(s):Iwona Parzyńska, Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba, Beata Cichy, Paulina Gajoch
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion, Pedagogy
- Page Range:163-177
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:accessibility; disability; museum; new technologies; virtual tours
- Summary/Abstract:The museum plays an important educational role, providing knowledge and information while visiting museum collections. It is also a meeting space for people who have similar interests, contributing to building their networks and cultural capital. Today, the museum, like every cultural institution, has faced new challenges in the face of the emergence of modern technologies, which on the one hand open the museum to people with various types of disabilities, and on the other, constitute a new reason for excluding those for whom these technologies are not available. The law has imposed on public entities, including the museum, the need to adapt digital solutions to the standards of accessibility for people with disabilities. This means that today the museum offer more often includes virtual tours or solutions based on modern technologies that facilitate sightseeing. Our article shows how people with disabilities evaluate the solutions that facilitate accessibility introduced at the Princes Czartoryski Museum in Krakow. The interviews allowed to recreate the activities of the museum are most appreciated by the respondents with disabilities, from where they learn about the collection and what potential they see in new technologies used in museums to advertise events and / or share the collection.