Praca, bezrobocie, zatrudnienie
Work, Unemployment, Employment
Values and Actions in The Development of Labour Market Policy. A Jubilee Book Dedicated to Professor Małgorzata Szylko-Skoczny
Contributor(s): Maciej Duszczyk (Editor), Jacek Męcina (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: work; unemployment; employment; labour market; Małgorzata Szylko-Skoczny
Summary/Abstract: A collection of texts showing changes on the Polish labour market and the employment policy after 1989. The authors present the results of their research and describe the issues which allow the reader to understand the changes as well as the current conditions of the Polish labour market such as the reforms in this sector, the evolution in professional activation, the influence of demographic processes, gender equality issues and current gender discrimination, the influence of COVID-19 and telework as a new type of employment, which is currently developing very rapidly.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6384-6
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6376-1
- Page Count: 236
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Polish
Pragmatyzm i wrażliwość w rozwiązywaniu kwestii bezrobocia oraz promocji zatrudnienia – od okresu transformacji społeczno-gospodarczej lat 90. do integracji europejskiej i wyzwań współczesnych
Pragmatyzm i wrażliwość w rozwiązywaniu kwestii bezrobocia oraz promocji zatrudnienia – od okresu transformacji społeczno-gospodarczej lat 90. do integracji europejskiej i wyzwań współczesnych
(Pragmatism and sensibility in handling the issues of unemployment and promotion of employment – from the period of the socio-economic transition of the 1990s to the European integration and the challenges of today)
- Author(s):Jacek Męcina
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:19-32
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:employment; unemployment; labour market; social policy; labour law
- Summary/Abstract:The article attempts an analytical look at the trends in labour market and unemployment research developed by Małgorzata Szylko-Skoczny and her research team from the perspective of three decades of development of labour market and employment policy in Poland. Unemployment on local labour markets, the social and economic effects of unemployment, the role of the state and local labour market policy in balancing the Polish labour market and counteracting unemployment are the basic trends in research pursued at the Institute of Social Policy, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, which have had a huge impact not only on scientific development but above all on the socio-economic reality in Poland. Many of the research and scientific activities have been a source of inspiration for reforms and changes undertaken by decision-makers. However, the specific value of the research was in joining the European discussion on key problems of the labour market – from the social effects of unemployment, specific problems of young people entering the labour market despite many barriers, to the ideas of flexicurity and changes in the world of work, increasingly apparent in the globalising economy. The advantage of the scientific practice promoted by Szylko-Skoczny, has been its completeness and multidimensionality – moving forward research on the labour market and unemployment, the training of specialists in this field, a huge body of new publications and textbooks, internationalization of research, and finally the beginning of new trends in the University of Warsaw’s research and analysis of the labour market and employment in terms of migrations, social labour system, social dialogue, flexible forms of employment. This potential of achievements, in the scientific dimension as well as in terms of professional position and prestige and the potential for the development of scientific capital, deserves to be consolidated, catalogued and analysed separately.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dualne kształcenie zawodowe w Niemczech w warunkach pandemii
Dualne kształcenie zawodowe w Niemczech w warunkach pandemii
(Dual vocational training in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic)
- Author(s):Zenon Wiśniewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:33-47
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:German dual apprenticeship training; COVID-19 pandemic; youth unemployment; transition from school to work
- Summary/Abstract:The vocational training system in Germany consists of three tiers: dual apprenticeship training for adolescents, vocational schools and the transitional sector. The dual apprenticeship training is a highly regulated and well-regarded system whereby young people learn through a mix of on-the-job training and education in the classroom. The current situation of young people on the labour market in Germany is very good. The reasons for that are manifold but the most important factor appears to be the dual apprenticeship training for adolescents. Although during the COVID-19 pandemic the number of apprenticeships decreased, the dual vocational training has proven to be an effective system facilitating the entry of young people into the labour market.
- Price: 4.50 €
Co po populizmie?
Co po populizmie?
(What comes after populism?)
- Author(s):Włodzimierz Anioł
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:49-63
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:populism; populist social policy; welfare state; rule of law; welfare state of law; Nordic model of welfare state
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter discusses the main features of populist-type social policy, which is gaining popularity in contemporary world, including Poland. It appears that in the long run this policy is not as friendly to the people as is usually promised. The author argues that the chances for overcoming the populist temptations lie in a new progressive fusion of socially-oriented liberalism and social democracy in the formula of a “welfare state of law”. This might be a specific combination of the fundamental principles of the classical European welfare state and the German Rechtsstaat concepts. The idea, which is quite different from both neo-liberal and populist-national narratives, is inspired mainly by Scandinavian experiences and solutions developed for the last decades.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polityka aktywizacji na przykładzie usług rynku pracy w Polsce
Polityka aktywizacji na przykładzie usług rynku pracy w Polsce
(Activation policy as exemplified by labour market services in Poland)
- Author(s):Mirosław Grewiński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:65-85
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:employment policy; activation policy; labour market services; labour market institutions
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents social activation policy as exemplified by labour market services in Poland. Labour market services are an important element of activation policy as a delivery paradigm for social policy in Europe, being developed for over 25 years. The aim of the article is to offer a synthetic analysis of the achievements and challenges related to the development of labour market services in Poland against the backdrop that is the concept of active social policy. The author recommends reforms of labour market institutions, developing labour market services, increasing individualized social services, counseling and job placement, and integration of labour administration services with social assistance and the social economy. He also emphasizes the need to invest in professional career counseling and career orientation services and support for the development of dual vocational education. The article concludes with recommendations for science and decision makers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tworzenie i ochrona miejsc pracy w polityce publicznych służb zatrudnienia
Tworzenie i ochrona miejsc pracy w polityce publicznych służb zatrudnienia
(Creation and protection of jobs in the policy of public employment services)
- Author(s):Ewa Flaszyńska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:87-102
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:jobs; public employment services; labour market; labour offices; employment
- Summary/Abstract:There are a number of instruments and institutions that support economic development and operate at national, regional and local levels. Many of them are related and cooperate with one another. It would seem that public employment services do not create jobs, and their main task is to reduce the effects of long-term unemployment through various programmes and to support the process of professional reintegration. However, labour offices carry out activities supporting entrepreneurs in creating new jobs, combining them with the implementation of statutory activities addressed to the unemployed. What is also worth emphasising, labour offices passed the test that was the COVID-19 pandemic, being an integral part of the system supporting the protection of existing jobs. The aim of the article is to analyse the policy of public employment services in terms of creating and protecting jobs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wpływ procesów demograficznych na kurczenie się zasobów pracy w Polsce
Wpływ procesów demograficznych na kurczenie się zasobów pracy w Polsce
(The impact of demographic processes on the contraction of labour resources in Poland)
- Author(s):Anna Organiściak-Krzykowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:103-118
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:labour resources; demography; ageing
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter is an attempt to determine the role of demographic changes in shaping labour resources in Poland. The essence of these changes is related to the demographic processes of ageing observed in the country. This phenomenon is the result of an increase in the average life expectancy, a decrease in the fertility rate of women and migration. As a result of these processes, labour resources are shrinking and the share of older people in the population is increasing. The consequence of the intensification of these processes is an increase in the burden on the economically active population, which is a threat to the social security system.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kobiety na rynku pracy i w ubezpieczeniu emerytalnym
Kobiety na rynku pracy i w ubezpieczeniu emerytalnym
(Women on the labour market and in old-age pension insurance)
- Author(s):Gertruda Uścińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:119-134
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:women; social insurance; labour market; old-age pensions; gender gap
- Summary/Abstract:Significant gender differences and disproportions often emerge in various areas of society. Women on the labour market receive, on average, lower wages, have greater difficulties in finding and keeping a job, and may encounter greater restrictions on professional advancement. The consequence of women’s situation on the labour market is that they are entitled to lower old-age pension benefits due to shorter insurance periods and lower level of contributions. This, in turn, causes, among other things, that the majority of seniors at risk of poverty are women. In the social reality, phenomena such as the ‘gender pay gap’ and the ‘gender pension gap’, as well as barriers to professional development and upwards mobility (such as ‘glass ceiling’ and ‘sticky floor’) still exist and are highly resistant to change. The study discusses these phenomena.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polskie organizacje gospodarki społecznej jako pracodawcy i dostawcy usług rynku pracy
Polskie organizacje gospodarki społecznej jako pracodawcy i dostawcy usług rynku pracy
(Polish social economy organisations as employers and providers of service of the labour market)
- Author(s):Ewa Leś
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:135-145
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:social economy; size and revenues of social economy organisations; cooperatives for socio-economic reintegration; voluntary organisations for work insertion and social services
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents the major empirical findings on the scope, structure, economic weight, finances and role of the social economy sector in Poland in the field of labour market integration, employment creation and social services. The term ‘social economy’ as used in the chapter refers to the broad array of organisations that include: voluntary organisations, disabled persons cooperatives, work cooperatives and social cooperatives. This article highlights these entities’ specific, often innovative role in work integration of disadvantaged social groups, their importance as providers of services ranging from rehabilitation to education to social services, and finally, their role in advocacy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Etniczny podział pracy
Etniczny podział pracy
(Ethnic division of labour)
- Author(s):Andrzej Wierzbicki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:147-159
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:labour market; labour market segmentation; ethnic division of labour; ethnicity; colonialism; capitalism
- Summary/Abstract:One of the criteria of labour market segmentation, i.e. its division according to accessibility criteria, is ethnicity. The aim of this article is to indicate the conditions, causes and consequences of this phenomenon. The author attempts to explain the reasons for the ethnic division of labour on the basis of its historically established connection with the way of satisfying the needs of specific ethnic communities depending on geographical, natural and climate conditions and the development of colonialism and capitalism, which was accompanied by a growing demand for work, impossible to meet with the available resources. In addition, he points to several other reasons for ethnic division of labour.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przesiedleńcy-repatrianci na rynku pracy w Polsce w latach 1990–2017
Przesiedleńcy-repatrianci na rynku pracy w Polsce w latach 1990–2017
(Resettlers-repatriates on the Polish labour market, 1990–2017)
- Author(s):Paweł Hut
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:161-177
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:labour market; unemployment; impatriation; repatriation; people of Polish descent
- Summary/Abstract:The resettlement of people of Polish descent from the Soviet Union, which began at the turn of 1989 and 1990, was spontaneous and unorganised. This caused numerous problems. It was only with the adoption of the Act of 1997 on Foreigners that administrative management of this process began, and in 2000 the Act on Repatriation came to regulate all issues related to resettlement. However, this did not protect the repatriates from marginalisation, poverty or unemployment. For years, they remained settled far from relatives and friends, working below their qualifications. The Polish labour market turned out to be limited for them by barriers that they were unable to overcome. The factors that made it difficult to find a job were: age, health condition, lack of knowledge of the language, unrecognised diplomas and, finally, too great a distance from cities with a developing absorptive labour market. Despite the profound changes in the repatriation programme after 2016, resettlers still have to face these obstacles.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dyskryminacja w zatrudnieniu – dochodzenie roszczeń na drodze sądowej
Dyskryminacja w zatrudnieniu – dochodzenie roszczeń na drodze sądowej
(Employment discrimination – judicial enforcement of claims)
- Author(s):Tomasz Niedziński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:179-187
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:employee; employer; discrimination; claims; court
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of this paper is to analyse and assess the phenomenon of employment discrimination (with its different forms) and the judicial enforcement of claims in case of discrimination. It is a fruit of the author’s particular interest in the subject of employment discrimination and its legal consequences. Its essence is to illustrate the complexity of this occurrence. The author has tried to pay special attention to the notions related to judicial enforcement of claims, such as compensation, infringement of moral rights and criminal proceedings following an allegation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zapewnienie trwałości zatrudnienia w okresie kryzysu COVID-19 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pracy zdalnej
Zapewnienie trwałości zatrudnienia w okresie kryzysu COVID-19 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pracy zdalnej
(Ensuring employment continuity during the COVID-19 crisis, with particular emphasis on remote work)
- Author(s):Grażyna Spytek-Bandurska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:189-206
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:work; personnel management; COVID-19 pandemic; business continuity; employment sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to present solutions in the field of employee management that were to ensure business continuity and maintain employment at an unchanged level during the COVID-19 pandemic. Particular attention was paid to the use of remote work. Its peculiarity was that it protected the health of employees and at the same time enabled the functioning of enterprises. Other activities (organisational, training) aimed at stabilizing the situation on the labour market were listed, and illustrated with the statistical data of the Central Statistical Office. A lot of the information presented in the paper was obtained thanks to empirical research carried out as part of the EU project the results of which were used to prepare this study.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rynek pracy i nie tylko
Rynek pracy i nie tylko
(The labour market and beyond)
- Author(s):Maciej Duszczyk, Małgorzata Szylko-Skoczny
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:207-233
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:labour market; EU; history; transition; migration; unemployment; employment
- Summary/Abstract:The Polish labour market went through many different perturbations after 1989. The period of economic transition resulted in high unemployment. Many of the challenges were related to the process of joining the EU. The difficult labour market situation resulted in decisions by many Poles to emigrate. After the EU accession, the labour market began to improve rapidly. These and many other related issues are the subject of an interview with Prof. Małgorzata Szylko-Skoczny, who had the opportunity to observe these changes not only as a researcher, but also as a participant in many decision-making processes. The chapter is thus a record of the history of changes in the Polish labour market after 1989.
- Price: 4.50 €