Досвід війни. Медійно-дискурсивний простір сучасної України
The Experience of War. The Media-Discursive Space of Modern Ukraine
Contributor(s): Svitlana Romaniuk (Editor)
Subject(s): Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Ukrainian language; media discourse; identity; Ukraine; war
Summary/Abstract: The monograph offers a number of works analysing the linguistic situation of modern Ukraine. The authors tackle a wide range of topics: the formation of national identity, strategic narratives, discursive strategies and tactics as well as constructive and destructive influences of media technologies. They also provide an outline of modern linguostylistics, pragmatics of verbal and non-verbal resources used to realise the discourse of the time of crisis and war as well as of topical approaches in neology and neography. Special attention is paid to the perspectives of medialinguistics, media discourse and theolinguistics.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6346-4
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6338-9
- Page Count: 240
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Ukrainian
Foreword to the Reader
Foreword to the Reader
(Foreword to the Reader)
- Author(s):Svitlana Romaniuk
- Language:English, Polish, Ukrainian
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:11-24
- No. of Pages:14
O autorkach
O autorkach
(About the authors)
- Author(s):Not Specified Author
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History
- Page Range:237-239
- No. of Pages:3
Займенникове конструювання національної ідентичності в сучасному медійному дискурсі України
Займенникове конструювання національної ідентичності в сучасному медійному дискурсі України
(Pronominal Construction of National Identity in the Modern Mass Media Discourse of Ukraine)
- Author(s):Natalia Yacakova
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:27-41
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:pragmatics; media discourse; mass media text; national identity; pronoun “we”; discursive strategy
- Summary/Abstract:The papers contains analysis of parameters of use of the national “we” that appeared in Ukrainian media texts in the year of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. This research is based on the publications and excerpted statements from the newspaper "Den" that were made public during 2022. Identity is a dynamic phenomenon and language plays a key role in its design, alteration and support. The pronoun “we” is one of the linguistic means that help form national identity, it is used to denote all representatives of the nation, including a speaker, and in such case it serves as a national “we”. The diversity of “we” as well as the frequency and naturality of use of that nominative pronoun in different contexts and communication situations is the basis for the efficiency of its use to define, shape and actualize national identity in the media discourse. Verbalization of the national identity by means of the nominative pronoun “we” is understandable due to the deep rooting of the “friend-or-foe” opposition in the human social nature, which in general terms can be represented by the pronouns “we” and “they”. The national “we” is indicative of a political community, hence, we interpret it as an aspect of an ideological “we” – one of the semantic and pragmatic variations of the categorical meaning of first person appearing in the course of interaction of the person and number categories. The use of the national “we” in Ukrainian mass media texts that appeared in the year of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine is a display of discursive construction of Ukrainian national identity through assimilation and dissimilation strategies. The national “we” is used to emphasise the need of clear definition, demonstration of the Ukrainian national identity; strengthening of the existing nation and state; representation of the nation’s present and future; formation of a common vision of the past; establishing of characteristics of the Ukrainians; separation of such characteristics from those of the enemy and finding a place amidst friendly nations. The more general research project is to determine the role of linguistic means in the construction, support and transformation of Ukrainian identity in different periods and in different discourses: in politicians’ speeches, the mass media, high school and secondary school textbooks, fiction books, social media, etc.
Лінгвостилістичні та прагматичні особливості неодериватів і неографізмів періоду російсько-української війни
Лінгвостилістичні та прагматичні особливості неодериватів і неографізмів періоду російсько-української війни
(Linguo-Stylistic and Pragmatic Features of Neo-Derivatives and Neographisms of the Period of the Russian-Ukrainian War)
- Author(s):Natalia Kostusiak
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:43-58
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:neo-derivative; neosemanticism; neographism; vocabulary; lexical meaning; noun; adjective; mass media language; Ukrainian language
- Summary/Abstract:The paper characterizes the linguistic toolkit of contemporary journalistic-military discourse, which has undergone noticeable shifts due to external factors. An important indicator of dynamism is identified in structurally, semantically, and graphically modified markers of innovation, which play a crucial role in covering current events and psychologically charged situations. At the same time, these markers serve pragmatic and intentional goals for journalists, creating effects of sensationalism, unusualness, and unpredictability, thereby adding irony, sarcasm, emotional evaluation, and expressive nuances to media content. It is noted that improvisation and creativity in formal representation are provided by lexical units that have undergone an expansion of their semantic structure. A significant portion of non-derivatives and neologisms in media texts on military themes consist of enemy designations, which, although beyond the norms inherent in journalism and literary writing, vividly represent disgust, hatred, and disdain towards Russian aggressors, imparting mocking-humorous and contemptuous tones to the texts. Descriptions are given of contaminated linguistic units (moskolota), complex words formed with two evaluative nouns (ordyntsi-okupanty, ordyntsi-moskovyty), and pejoratively connotated adjectives (moskovsko-fashystskyi and others). The focus is on neosemanticisms, within which the adjectival derivative miasnyi is explored. It appears in phrases like miasni khvyli and miasnyi shturm predominantly in the context of destroying Russian occupiers. Among secondary epithets with syncretic content, disparaging-ironic identifiers for the Belarusian president are analyzed, emphasizing his negative traits in a degrading fashion, even to the point of vulgarizing the text. It is clarified that the noun bulba, along with its related attribute bulbashnyi and the latter’s synonymous correlate kartoplianyi, are components of secondary nominations for Alexander Lukashenka (bulbashnyi posipaka, kartoplianyi dyktator, kartoplianyi fiurer, kartoplianyi los, kartoplianyi khrobak). The adjective kartoplianyi imparts a contemptuous tone, functioning as a component in the names of the Belarusian state (kartopliana kraina). In the context of linguistic transformation, the names of states, their leaders, and other individuals involved in the military aggression in Ukraine are analyzed. These names are often stylized with lowercase letters in mass media to express scorn and contempt. Their stylistic features, emotional connotations, and communicative-pragmatic functions are examined.
Інновації в текстах українських масмедіа воєнної тематики
Інновації в текстах українських масмедіа воєнної тематики
(Іnnovations in Texts of Ukrainian Mass Media on Military Subjects)
- Author(s):Marina Nawalna
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:59-76
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:innovations; vocabulary; lexical-semantic system; variants of meanings; language of Ukrainian mass media; military topics
- Summary/Abstract:The study examines innovations in Ukrainian mass media texts on military topics. The proposed corpus of lexemes demonstrated an expanded scope of their use both in language practice and in the language of Ukrainian mass media. The paper offers a comprehensive investigation of the lexemes of various part-of-speech affiliations which were attested in the language of mass communication during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war, characterizes the semantic meanings and nuances of these language units, identifies occasionalisms, considers lexemes and phrases in their dynamics as well as the role of style in journalistic texts. The corpus of the collected material shows the appearance of homonymous formations, which is caused by the desire of speakers to figuratively name a phenomenon or action, conveying shades of meaning or expression for which there are no special means in the Ukrainian literary language, which engenders the need to break linguistic automatism. The research focuses on the category of personality, structural-semantic and functional-stylistic aspects of homonymous formations, and the expression of proper names. As evidenced by the language of modern mass media, the word-forming onymic base of such lexical units has significantly expanded, and their stylistic load has fundamentally changed. To study innovations in the language of Ukrainian mass media, the observational and descriptive methods were mainly used. At various stages of the study and classification of language units, the method of functional analysis was used to determine the stylistic potential of lexical units. The source of the presented lexical material was the texts of modern Ukrainian mass media operating in both regional and all-Ukrainian information space ("Ukrainska Pravda", "Vysokyi Zamok", "TSN", "Detectormedia", "UNIAN", "UKRINFORM", etc.). The language of modern Ukrainian media shows a wide use of new lexemes and well-known words with new meanings as well as fixed phrases that have acquired additional variants of meaning. In the language of Ukrainian journalism, new verbs are recorded, which are often formed from proper names, to convey actions, processes and states that are characteristic of the persons or communities in question. There is a tendency for journalists to use new nouns and occasional formations. Nouns in mass media texts often acquire new meanings that are understandable only in their contexts. Under the influence of non-linguistic factors, a group of phrases has been formed, which develop new connotations and function as fixed expressions. The innovations mostly give the language of the mass media means to express negative assessments: they convey contempt for the invaders and their politicians, emphasize their vulgarity and inability to resist the Ukrainian military and the Ukrainian people in general.
Форми офіційних звертань до осіб в українському медійному дискурсі періоду російсько-української війни (на матеріалі телемаратону „Єдині новини”)
Форми офіційних звертань до осіб в українському медійному дискурсі періоду російсько-української війни (на матеріалі телемаратону „Єдині новини”)
(Official Forms of Address in the Ukrainian Media Discourse During the Russian-Ukrainian War (Based on the Material of the “United News” Telethon))
- Author(s):Larysa Kolibaba, Svitlana Romaniuk
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:77-93
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Ukrainian media discourse; form of address; noun; personal name; vocative case
- Summary/Abstract:In the Ukrainian language of the third millennium, we observe changes caused by the democratization of society, the awakening of national and linguistic consciousness, a strengthening of the tendency towards autochthonization and an activization of purist sentiments. These changes began in the 1990s and today they continue. First of all, they consist in an attempt of the nationally conscious linguists to return the specific foundations of the Ukrainian literary language – phonetic, syntactic, morphological, word-forming, etc. – and thereby restore language’s value as part of national identity. Such trends became much more pronounced after the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, when the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians began to abandon the linguistic means sharing common traits with Russian ones, and instead use only those that, in their opinion, allow them to distance themselves from the “Russian world”. Based on the material of the “United News” telethon (2022–2023) as a leading information resource in the modern Ukrainian media space, this paper analyzes the changes in the official forms of address in the news (public) discourse during the Russian-Ukrainian war. Two main types of changes are singled out and characterized, and their reasons clarified. The widespread use of official forms of address to persons, consisting of the etiquette noun pan (to a man) or pani (to a woman), combined with another noun, which might be a given name, surname or professional position, title (scientific, military), social status, etc. Secondly, under the influence of Europeanization trends, the international integration of Ukrainian society and the efforts of its members to distance themselves from any commonalities with the Russian language, such forms of address as patronymics were pushed to the periphery of linguistic practice. Another significant change was noted – the predominant use of the vocative case, which constitutes a grammatical specificity of the Ukrainian language, although not all representatives of modern media discourse adhere to the vocative case in addresses. The reasons why media representatives do replace the vocative case forms with the nominative case forms in addressing individuals are substantiated. It has been shown that the main of them is the interfering influence on the Ukrainian language of those languages whose grammatical system does not have the vocative as a special case form, above all the Russian language. Another reason that limits the functioning of the vocative case is the so-called human factor – the low speech culture of some speakers and numerous manifestations of linguistic carelessness. The correlation of the mentioned changes with the norms of Ukrainian orthography of 2019 was traced and compared with the morphological norms codified in the previous edition of Ukrainian orthography of 1993. These changes were evaluated from the point of view of the current literary standard. Special attention is focused on normative grammatical forms of address. Trends in the formation of forms of appeal in modern media and political discourses are compared.
Українська неологія доби російської агресії 2014–2023 років (лексикографічний аспект)
Українська неологія доби російської агресії 2014–2023 років (лексикографічний аспект)
(Ukrainian Neology During the Russian Aggression, 2014–2023 (Lexicographical Aspect))
- Author(s):Natalia Adach, Halyna Vokalchuk
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:95-110
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:lexicography; neologism; neology; neosemanticism; precedential phenomenon; dictionary
- Summary/Abstract:The study presents the features of lexicographical description of a corpus of specific lexical units documented in Ukrainian-language content from 2014 to 2023, as published in a special neological dictionary titled "The Dictionary of Ukrainian Resistance" ("Ukrainian Neology During the Russian Aggression 2014–2023"). The purpose and primary objectives of the dictionary have been highlighted, its type, composition and purpose defined, and the sources for compiling the neologism registry identified. Criteria for identifying lexical innovations among other non-usual units (folklorisms, colloquial and dialectal vocabulary) have been characterized. The main tasks of the lexicographical expertise conducted during the selection of the material and its subsequent filtration have been described. The components of a dictionary entry have been characterized. Specific examples have been provided to illustrate instances of neologism formation through substantiation. Dictionary entries have been provided in which homonymous neologisms are recorded. A characterization of semantic innovations (neosemanticisms) has been provided. It has been noted that a significant number of neologisms are derived from words of foreign origin, with corresponding comments in the dictionary entries. It has been acknowledged that graphosemantic phenomena are attested in the corpus of lexical innovations. A distinctive feature of the collected material is the abundance of terms formed from precedential phenomena, especially from the surnames of political figures. Examples of emotionally charged terms with a strongly negative connotation and original in form for referring to the Russian Federation and its inhabitants have been provided. The analysis of the material allows us to assert that such terms are the result of neological experiments by speakers, primarily driven by extralinguistic factors, notably hatred and contempt for the Russian aggressors. Cases have been analyzed where the registered word does not match its contextual usage. The corpus of neologistic material for the analyzed period attests to the direct influence of extralinguistic factors on the linguistic creative activity of speakers, resulting in the emergence of new nominative units that incorporate components that are both genuinely Ukrainian and borrowed from other languages.
Неологізми у час війни: функційність поняття „байрактарщина”
Неологізми у час війни: функційність поняття „байрактарщина”
(Neologisms of War: Functionality of the Concept of “Bayraktarshchyna”)
- Author(s):Hanna Dydyk-Meush
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:111-122
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Ukrainian media discourse; linguistic picture of the world; semantic and word-formation neologization; neologism; neoseme; lexical innovations
- Summary/Abstract:Based on a survey of Ukrainian students (2022–2023) this paper analyzes the features of new words which appeared in the Ukrainian lexicon over the initial year and a half of the Russian invasion. Neologisms appear especially often in media discourse. The Ukrainian media discourse allows for a most complete and accurate description of new phenomena in the vocabulary of the modern Ukrainian language. Thanks to such research, it is possible to obtain additional information about the linguistic picture of the world of modern Ukrainians. Our research is based on one neologism, bayraktarshchyna. This word illustrates a very interesting phenomenon of the lexical system, the semantic and word-formation neologization from the original neologism Bayraktar. Neologisms of war (like bayraktarshchyna) do not belong to passive vocabulary; they immediately become part of the active vocabulary. They become polysemantic and acquire an evaluative connotation, which is largely negative. In our example, the word bayraktarshchyna referred to frequent use of war memes. Atthe next stage of development, it took on a new negative connotation – primitivization in the use of war memes, debasement, humiliation, symbolizing an insult to Ukrainian defenders and at the same time an insult to all Ukrainians. Other negative neosemes were: parasitism in war, gains from trade in war, disregard for history, culture and morality, etc. However, the neologism bayraktarshchyna has a positive neoseme as well: support for the fighting spirit of Ukrainians, faith in victory over the enemy, optimism, humour, comism, etc. The coincidence of positive and negative connotations in the same word is an example of enantiosemy. The lexeme bayraktarshchyna is formed using the suffix -shchyna. This Proto-Slavic suffix has several meanings in modern Ukrainian derivatology. That is why the word bayraktarshchyna can mean territory, region and belong to the category of toponyms ("Odeshchyna", "Poltavshchyna", etc). In modern media discourse it has an antonym: mo-skovschyna ‘enemy territory, foreign territory’. Ukrainian media discourse remains a reliable source for identifying and studying lexical innovations that arose in the modern Ukrainian language during the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Розмовники воєнного часу
Розмовники воєнного часу
(Wartime Phrasebooks)
- Author(s):Oleksandra Antoniv
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:123-134
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:phrasebook; lexical competence; communicative competence; situational approach; crisis; Ukrainian language
- Summary/Abstract:Phrasebooks as a genre are an interesting linguistic phenomenon known since the ancient times. The first Ukrainian phrasebook is attested at the end of the 17th century. In today’s world, phrasebooks are a common phenomenon, with frequent reprints of phrasebooks, or entire series of phrasebooks from one publisher, in which only the target language is changed. Yet an interesting category of works remains outside the attention of researchers – phrasebooks that arise as a reaction to a crisis, namely wartime phrasebooks. Such phrasebooks have been known since the Second World War. The author mentions the unique German-Russian-Ukrainian-Polish Ostarbeiter’s phrasebook, published by the Institute of Eastern Europe in Breslau in 1943. The object of the present study was three modern phrasebooks that appeared during the Ukrainian-Russian war (2022–2023): "A Ukrainian-Polish Phrasebook for Schools" by Katarzyna Jakubowska-Krawczyk, Svitlana Romaniuk and Marta Zambrzycka; Anna Ohoyko’s "Ukrainian Phrasebook for Helping Refugees" and the ICOON pictographic dictionary. The study of their micro- and macro-structure and content makes it possible to draw certain conclusions. Phrasebooks arise as a reaction to an extralinguistic situation and reflect the recipient’s linguistic picture of the world. Wartime phrasebooks show a change in the thematic content, like the absence of the usual topics: "Lesuire", "At the museum", "At the hotel", and the emergence of new topics not encountered before, e.g. "Communication with children", "Safety at school", "Emotions", "War in Ukraine", "Political slogans". If peacetime phrasebooks are for those who go abroad to travel, wartime phrasebooks are for those fleeing war and those who host refugees, educate children, volunteer, and treat patients. Special attention is paid to communication with children in a crisis. In the language of wartime phrasebooks, we note an expansion of the lexical content of specific topics, e.g. health: covid, and the emergence of new vocabulary groups: war, violence. In the syntax of wartime phrasebooks, we observe an increase in imperative and interrogative sentences. Modern ways of disseminating information have made phrasebooks more accessible (on government offices’ websites, using QR codes, with the option of downloading applications to your phone). A pictographic version of a phrasebook for Ukrainians is attested for the first time. The above conclusions give grounds for expanding the criteria for classifying phrasebooks to foster further detailed analysis and systematization of the rich and exciting linguistic material.
Росія як об’єкт співчуття: дезінформаційний наратив у європейському контексті покаяння
Росія як об’єкт співчуття: дезінформаційний наратив у європейському контексті покаяння
(Russia as an Object of Compassion: The Disinformation Narrative in the European Context of Repentance)
- Author(s):Alla Yarova
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:137-152
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:disinformation; narrative; Russian-Ukrainian war; propaganda; Germany; Ukraine; Europe; repentance
- Summary/Abstract:One of the essential features of current hybrid wars, including Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, is the information component, in particular, the spread of disinformation – false information that is created and disseminated to deliberately mislead the public or gain economic benefits. Untruthful narratives, which are gaining strategic importance in the conditions of hybrid warfare, explain the reasons for the invasion and justify it as well as shape reality in accordance with the aggressor’s intentions. Contemporary Russia considers itself an opponent of the collective West, its culture, values, and especially Western liberal democracy, and it constructs its own identity from this standpoint. The Second World War is an important element of Russian identity, and the Kremlin perceives the victory in this war as “the holiest achievement”. However, the Russian narrative of the events of the Second World War and the meanings that Russian propaganda assigns to these events are manipulative and intentionally misleading. The historical memory of modern Russians, as well as of external audiences, is formed by the Russian and earlier Soviet authorities exclusively around the second stage of the war, which began in June 1941, when Hitler attacked the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, it became taboo to discuss how the war started with the German-Soviet aggressive military pact of August 1939, how the Nazi and Soviet troops invaded and split Poland, how the Soviet Union occupied and annexed Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, and how Stalin was a Nazi ally. While the European politics of memory in general, and the German one in particular, is based on admitting guilt and repentance for crimes committed, the Russian one does not recognize its own crimes, creates an image of the enemy, and cultivates a narrative that justifies its own radicalization. The narrative of victimhood, which Russia is actively disseminating in the European information space, has several functions in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, namely: it undermines confidence towards the governments of European countries that did not support Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, blurs official narratives about the need for military assistance to Ukraine, and pushes Ukraine out of the circle of states that suffered from Nazism during World War II.
Російсько-українська війна: структура, лексико-семантичні засоби реалізації стратегічного наративу в посланнях глави УГКЦ Блаженнішого Святослава (Шевчука)
Російсько-українська війна: структура, лексико-семантичні засоби реалізації стратегічного наративу в посланнях глави УГКЦ Блаженнішого Святослава (Шевчука)
(Russian-Ukrainian War: The Structure and Lexical-Semantic Means of Implementing the Strategic Narrative in Messages of the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Archbishop Sviatoslav (Shevchuk))
- Author(s):Adriana Chuchwara
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:153-169
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:strategic narrative; Russian-Ukrainian war; religious message; Archbishop Sviatoslav (Shevchuk)
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the study is to reveal the structure and lexical-semantic means of implementing the “Russian-Ukrainian war” strategic narrative in messages of the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Sviatoslav (Shevchuk). The tasks are: (1) to identify topics and linguistic means of narrative implementation; (2) to find out what essential features express the content of the researched narrative before and after 2022. The material for analysis comprises 9 Christmas (2014–2022) and 10 Easter (2014–2023) messages available online. The research methods used are content analysis, the descriptive method and the comparative method. The Christmas (2014–2022) and Easter (2014–2023) messages highlight the following topics: the 2014–2023 war, circumstances of the 2014–2023 war, consequences of the 2014–2023 war, prospects for ending the 2014–2023 war. Until 2022, regarding the linguistic expression of the topics 2014–2023 war and circumstances of the 2014–2023 war, the following means to name the events in Ukraine were used: aggression, struggle, fight, war, Way of the Cross, Procession of the Cross. After 2022, these include hell, struggle, open war, (Russian) occupation and the Lord’s cross. The leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church calls the events before and after 2022 a war, with the messages after 2022 referring to an open war. Religious discourse both before and after 2022 is represented by the metaphors of "Way of the Cross, Procession of the Cross, and the Lord’s Cross". The category of time in the discourse of the 2014–2023 messages of the Church Head was expressed linearly, based on sequential disclosure of events. The numerals used in the messages testify to the beginning of this war in 2014. Until 2022, the author of the messages localizes the event in space using phrases like in the eastern regions of our country, in the East of Ukraine. After 2022, the messages speak about the events taking place in Ukraine, in the Ukrainian sky, in every corner of Ukraine. The localization of events in space has thus expanded. There is no determined nomination of the aggressor in the analyzed corpus of texts until 2022. After 2022, the author of the messages points to the enemy – namely Russia, Russian troops (aggressor, enemy, (Russian) invader, occupier, neighbour, the one who brings death, the one who wants to enslave with death). In the discourse of religious messages before and after 2022, means of nomination of defenders of Ukraine are also attested. Speaking about the armed forces of the state after 2022, the author of the message designates them with the toponymical adjective Ukrainian (Ukrainian army) and the pronoun our (our army). Archbishop Sviatoslav expands the meaning of the concept of front, understanding it in spiritual as well as physical terms. The analysis undertaken reveals that the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church adeptly paints an authentic picture of the world in his messages. This authenticity is underscored by the unreserved coverage of social and political developments transpiring in Ukraine.
Новітні вектори української теолінгвістики: сакралізація в умовах війни
Новітні вектори української теолінгвістики: сакралізація в умовах війни
(Latest Directions of Ukrainian Theolinguistics: Sacralization in the Conditions of War)
- Author(s):Natalia Poddubna
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:171-189
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:sacralization; desacralization; resacralization; precedent; language game
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is devoted to the verbalization of the category of the sacred in Ukrainian linguistic culture during the Russian-Ukrainian war (2022–2023). The presentation of religious meanings and their modernization in present conditions are shown as a feat of linguistic creativity of Ukrainians in regard to the continuation of the national tradition in the modeling of semantic-pragmatic meanings in the sacred–profane plane. Attention is drawn to the fact that verbalization of the sacred and anti-sacred, like everything in the language system and speech, demonstrates progress, dynamism, development. The study examines the linguistic manifestations of the processes of sacralization, desacralization and resacralization as components of the category of the sacred. In particular, attention is focused on combined resacralization, whereby based on a combination of national and biblical elements, precedent situations are modeled. This enables the emergence of new images, in particular of Ukrainian soldiers – brothers of angels, and the creation of a multidimensional text in which biblical allusions are intertwined with concrete life stories, the imaginary with the real. It is substantiated that in modern literature and, accordingly, in the language of the war time, various structural types of biblicisms are widely used with the aim of creating original images, sacralizing Ukrainian soldiers and the entire Ukrainian nation, which indicates biblicality as a typical feature of the Ukrainian linguistic culture. One of the means of verbalization of the latest sacralization is biblical allusion as the most popular form of literary intertextuality. The role of the language game – manifesting itself at different linguistic levels (graphical, word-forming, phraseological) – in the desacralization of certain religious concepts is demonstrated. The cultural and worldview conditioning of the sacred is shown, which is realized in the partial desacralization of religious concepts and sacralizationof national precedent ones, primarily that of the Armed Forces. The attention is focused on the appearance of new specific precedent texts, in which partial desacralization of important religious concepts is a kind of background for the expression of the sacralization of the Armed Forces and Ukraine, which demonstrates both the durability of tradition and innovation in Ukrainian linguistic culture.
Семантико-текстуальні дослідження в українській лінгвоекспертології: тлумачення поняття ‘глорифікація’
Семантико-текстуальні дослідження в українській лінгвоекспертології: тлумачення поняття ‘глорифікація’
(Semantic-Textual Research in Ukrainian Linguistic Expertise: Interpretation of the Concept of ‘Glorification’)
- Author(s):Natalia V. Kondratenko
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:191-201
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:linguistic expertise; semantic-textual analysis; speech act; glorification; evaluation category
- Summary/Abstract:The study investigates one of the current and promising areas of modern linguistics – linguistic expertology. This direction is at the stage of formation in Ukrainian linguistics. Linguistic expert research is primarily represented by semantic-textual analysis carried out based on media texts. Modern historical conditions cause increased attention to the dissemination of information in the public space, in particular in media discourse and social networks. The emergence of new concepts and changes in legislation require linguists to respond immediately and provide theoretical justification for previously unknown terms and approaches. One such term, ‘glorification’, actively functions in modern requests for semantic-textual linguistic research. The purpose of the paper is to determine approaches to the analysis of the concept of glorification in semantic-textual linguistic expertise. The tasks of the research is to define the concept ‘glorification’ based on terminological sources and explanatory dictionaries, determine the main linguistic means of expressing glorification in political and media texts and highlight the main speech acts of glorification. The material for the research was the texts of the protocols and queries of the semantic-textual linguistic expertise of the period of the full-scale invasion of the Russian troops in Ukraine (2022–2023), which were mostly created in the Russian language, but function in the Ukrainian public space. It has been shown that the concept of glorification in semantic-textual linguistic expertise is a manifestation of the category of positive evaluation, which implies its qualification according to semantic and pragmatic criteria. The concept of glorification in the semantic-textual expertise, according to the explanatory glossaries of the Ukrainian language, has the meaning of “veneration, exaltation” and implies a positive assessment of the relevant subjects. The main speech acts of glorification are praise, approval and thanks. Linguistic expertise should be based on traditional methods of semantic analysis with the identification of vocabulary with positive evaluative meaning and on linguopragmatic analysis to determine specific speech acts of praise, which are the expression of the highest degree of positive evaluation.
Наукові передбачення у масмедійному дискурсі російсько-української війни: комунікативно-прагматичний аспект
Наукові передбачення у масмедійному дискурсі російсько-української війни: комунікативно-прагматичний аспект
(Scientific Predictions in the Mass Media Discourse of the Russian-Ukrainian War: A Communicative and Pragmatic Aspect)
- Author(s):Olena Dotenko
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:203-220
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:media discourse; critical discourse analysis; forecasting; scientific forecasting; Ukraine
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the study is scientific projections as one of the ways to create a verbal model of the future. The study is based on the text and video content of scientific forecasts about the course of the Russo-Ukrainian War after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian military. Today Ukrainians suffer from the Russian military’s actions and information warfare organized by the authorities and propagandists of the Russian Federation, they feel permanent stress and are very sensitive to prognostic content, which is supposed to help citizens prevent dangerous situations. Thus, Ukraine faces a serious problem of differentiating between high-quality and manipulative forecasts, which makes urgent the study of their communicative and pragmatic peculiarities, verification of the forecasts, and dissemination of information about the forecasting content quality. The aim of the study is to explore scientific forecasting as a special type of verbal modeling of the future, which has different communication purposes, specific intentionally organized non-verbal context of the messages about the future and means of linguistic impact on the recipient, as opposed to esoteric and naive empirical forecasting. The results of this study showed that scientific forecasts are characterized by the use of scientific methods of knowing the future, as evidenced by their connection with the present and the past, the combination of theoretical understanding of the probable version of the unfolding of events with empiricism, and the implementation of statements with an explicit or implicit hypothetical type of subjective epistemic modality. On the communicative-pragmatic level, scientific predictions are potentially verifiable, and involve causal statement as well as argumentation of the content of the main statement. The addressee of the message is directly or indirectly involved in the events related to the prediction, and the forecast takes into account their psycho-emotional and cognitive features and ability to react appropriately. The purpose of scientific forecasting is to provide information necessary for effective reaction to events and prevention of their negative consequences.
„У цій єдності – найголовніша наша сила…”: дискурсивні стратегії вираження консолідації українського суспільства у виступах Президента України Володимира Зеленського 2022–2023 років
„У цій єдності – найголовніша наша сила…”: дискурсивні стратегії вираження консолідації українського суспільства у виступах Президента України Володимира Зеленського 2022–2023 років
(“This Unity Is Our Greatest Strength…”: Discursive Strategies of Expressing the Consolidation of Ukrainian Society in the Speeches of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi in 2022–2023)
- Author(s):Olena Semenets
- Language:Ukrainian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
- Page Range:221-236
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Russia’s war against Ukraine; consolidation of Ukrainian society; President of Ukraine; Telegram channel; public speech; critical discourse analysis; discursive strategy; discursive tactics
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is devoted to the analysis of discursive strategies and tactics of expressing the consolidation of Ukrainian society realized in the speeches of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi during the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The analysis based on the materials published in the official Telegram channel of the President (“Zelenskiy / Official”) and in the official channel of the Office of the President of Ukraine (“Office of the President”). The research covers the period from February 2022 to October 2023. The study was conducted in the field of critical discourse analysis, based on T. A. van Dijk’s sociocognitive paradigm. Three main discursive strategies for expressing the consolidation of Ukrainian society in countering the armed aggression of the Russian Federation are identified: 1. the strategy of expressing the unity of the Ukrainian people in the fight against the enemy; 2. the strategy of uniting the Ukrainian people and the authorities in the country; 3. the strategy of reflecting the solidarity and unity of the peoples of democratic countries with the people of Ukraine in countering the aggressor. Each of those discursive strategies is realized in specific tactics of communication and of influencing the audience, which entail certain principles of using a system of means and techniques of communicative influence. The study concludes that the implementation of these discursive strategies and tactics in Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s public speeches is a manifestation of effective implementation of the state information policy aimed at maintaining the unity of the Ukrainian people. At the same time, it demonstrates the need for constant effective interaction between the authorities and civil society, rapid response to public demands, especially regarding reforms to strengthen the democratic foundations of socio-political life in Ukraine.