Managementul educaţional. Legatura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Educational Management. Connection between school, family and the society
Contributor(s): Cristian Mihail Rus (Editor), Laura Maria Cârstea (Editor), Antonela Cristina Sofronia (Editor), Puiu Petrică Sofronia (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Series: LUMEN PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Conference Proceedings
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-973-166-451-4
- Page Count: 364
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Romanian
Relaţia şcoală, familie, societate din punct de vedere managerial
Relaţia şcoală, familie, societate din punct de vedere managerial
(The Relationship between School, Family and Society from a Managerial Point of View)
- Author(s):Corina Luana Alexe
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:13-15
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:School; family; society; relationships; management; education
- Summary/Abstract:It is required that educational partnerships between family ,school and society don't remain at a level of parent-teacher meeting, house calls, pedagogic lectures and extra-curricular activities but progress by involving the parent , and through them the rest of society as a whole in school life. In the context of reforming Romanian School System, educational partnerships must off concrete and real solutions to the big problems that the school system is facing, solutions which need to be contributed to by: School System personnel, students, parents/legal guardians, local authorities, governmentaland non-governmental organizations, religious representatives, economic agents, etc.
Rolul parteneriatelor în sistemul de învăţământ
Rolul parteneriatelor în sistemul de învăţământ
(The Role of Partnerships in the Educational System)
- Author(s):Florica Bălan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:17-22
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; functions; community; factors; educational process; school; institutions; social environment; educational partnership; family; student; teacher; collaboration
- Summary/Abstract:Human education is the function that must satisfy both the nature of the human being and the community present in his life. Variety of factors that contribute to the educational process in the social environment and society are stakeholders - school or educational establishment, the company concerned, state, family, institutions and companies interested in promoting the education and training centers Church. To educate is to adapt the child to the adult social environment, taking into account its own nature, the individual possibilities of assimilation, is to appeal to the means, methods and procedures that correspond to the child's necessities. To educate is patience and persistence, means a continuous daily work.
Triada şcoală-familie-societate
Triada şcoală-familie-societate
(The Triad School-Family-Society)
- Author(s):Ioan Balint
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:23-27
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:school; family; society.
- Summary/Abstract:Education is a main problem for humanity in wich work together the school, family and community. The school is one of the central institutions of society but it’s value increases only including the family and society. The school offers students the opportunity to integrate in the real society. Family is the most important social group because it defines the human being by insuring the best climate for emotional development. Community must support school and family. Working together, they must assume their responsibilities, so they create a better future for our children.
Legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate – în noua legislaţie
Legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate – în noua legislaţie
(The Link between School, Family and Society in the New Legislation)
- Author(s):Nicoleta Barbu-Ţigriş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:29-33
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:school; family; society; connection; legislation
- Summary/Abstract:The school is an institution that provides educational, convey knowledge, develop skills, competencies forms, norms, values recognized and socially acceptable. She works amid changes over which the Romanian society, seeking search and crystallization of identity, school plays a crucial role in restoring social identity and enhancement of human potential, a community made up of many factors of education that have turn offer educational family, authorities, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, police, church, etc. Community is defined in the Explanatory Dictionary of Romanian as a group of people with similar interests, beliefs or rules of common life, all the inhabitants of a town, of a country, all those who live in the same place and the same habits, the same rules of life etc. The family is a factor of formal education, on the other hand, it has obligations and rights arising from the status of students by children in the formal education system.
Planificarea resurselor umane - planificarea organizaţională
Planificarea resurselor umane - planificarea organizaţională
(Planning of Human Resources. Organizational Planning)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:35-41
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:evaluation; selection; resources; performance; motivation; education.
- Summary/Abstract:The evaluation of the performances of an organization’s employees, also known as the evaluation of the employees’ results or employee classification, has gained a deeper meaning during the modern times rather than from a classical viewpoint; previously, it was simply regarded as estimating the degree at which an employee manages to fulfill his work duty. Each employee has a personal view regarding the achievement of performance at work, influenced by various factors, such as: education, family, past experiences, earnestness, and the desire for performance.
Strategiile manageriale în relaţia şcoală-comunitate
Strategiile manageriale în relaţia şcoală-comunitate
(Managerial Strategies in the Relationship between
School and Community)
- Author(s):Magdalena Maria Boldaşu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:43-49
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; partnership; community; local factors
- Summary/Abstract:To ensure good quality, education requires that each school to develop a strong partnership with the community. It is necessary to redefine the balance of decisions made by school education and initiatives from parents or local factors. It needs to move quickly from authoritarian and unique role of the school to a system of humanistic values, importance on responsible initiative coming from all sides involved in educating young people.
Impactul parteneriatului şcoală, familie şi societate asupra absolventului de mâine
Impactul parteneriatului şcoală, familie şi societate asupra absolventului de mâine
(The Impact of the Partnership between School, Family and the Society on Tomorrow’s Graduate)
- Author(s):Angelica Bulai
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:51-57
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; Romania; partnership
- Summary/Abstract:Due to the ongoing dynamics of processes occurring in all political, economic, social and cultural areas, it is of outmost important the educational management to be flexible, attractive and competitive. At any level, it must focus on improving and finding new solutions for the benefit of the students and their educational organizations and proactively cope with the ongoing changes that disrupt the traditional educational management. In this paper I discuss the importance and the impact of the school-family-society partnership for the future of the students of tomorrow.
Parteneriatul educaţional - arc peste timp
Parteneriatul educaţional - arc peste timp
(Educational Partnership – Arc over Time)
- Author(s):Maria Chiseliciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:59-63
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:education; partnership; arc; time; influence
- Summary/Abstract:In a contemporary society, the child is the target of the influence exercised by many educational partners. Increased or tends to increase the role of district or comunity, medical institutions, organizations of parents, private organization, police or media. Families, comunities and schools are educational partners which have an overwhelming influence on the formation and personality development of students. An equally important factor is the educational relations between the three courts, mutual attitudes they develop, position it adopts each other in school-family-community relationship. The following study tries to explain the history of this partnership and the ways in wich it could be improved. I really hope that in the future school will be supported for all these partners and develop a correct administration for the benefits of the students.
Managementul educaţional - legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate - ştiinţă, artă, practică
Managementul educaţional - legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate - ştiinţă, artă, practică
(Educational Management – Connection between School, Family and Society – Science, Art, Practice)
- Author(s):Anca Maria Colţa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:65-69
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; education; term
- Summary/Abstract:In order to understand this concept of ,, educational management” it is necessary that everyone understand what it means. So, the term ,, management” cames from economical departament; The word referres to leadership skills. The term ,,education” means, the systematic instruction, schooling or training (...). The family education lays the foundation stone for the child`s future. The school education completes family education. The educational management is considered to be a „charmed” mixture of science, art and practice and its task is to design an alternative world in which education plays a vital role in shaping tomorrows leaders.
Managementul educaţional – legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Managementul educaţional – legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(Educational Management – the Connection between School, Family and the Society)
- Author(s):Ioana Cruceru Velican
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:71-80
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:educational management; organizational culture; emotional intelligence; management skills
- Summary/Abstract:Selection of educational leaders promote their management structuras rigorous criteria and continuous improvement throughout their careers, will allow their professionalisation, increase their competence and promptness acts leading to beneficial effects on the efficiency and effectiveness of the whole school.
Management educaţional – legătura dintre grădiniţă, familie şi societate
Management educaţional – legătura dintre grădiniţă, familie şi societate
(Educational Management – The Connection between Kindergarden, Family and Society)
- Author(s):Zsuzsanna Csibi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:81-87
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:education; management; kindergarden; family; society
- Summary/Abstract:This dissertation has two main ideas: the first one is the cooperation between parents and institution, the second one is the partnership between institution and educational partners. The first section of the dissertation contains a discussion about open and accepting attitude of the kindergarten educator, about different ways on how parents should be involved in the institutional education of their children, about specific ways on how to introduce some rules to children which are accepted, respected and used by parents in everyday education. In the second section of the dissertation I am looking for available methods to create an active and efficient partnership between kindergarten and its possible educational partners: local authorities, mass media, library, museum, police. Their aim is to improve and to strenghten cooperation between parents, educators and community. Conclusion: It is important to establish a good long term cooperation between the families of children, kindergarten and educational partners in order to ensure a values-based education necessary for a democratic convention and community integration.ucation, innovation etc
Management educaţional - legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Management educaţional - legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(Educational Management – Connection between
School, Family and Society)
- Author(s):Aurora David
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:89-96
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:education; management; school; family; society.
- Summary/Abstract:The school needs to be more actively involved in maximizing the intelectual potential of each individual. This kind of stimulation helps an individual shape his or hers own personality. The partnership between school, family and comunity has to not only support and help the student to achieve the desired success in school, but also prepare the student for the next chapter in life. Involving the parents, local comunity and school in the student’s education, creates a functional support, that helps the individual develop professionally, ethically, morally and the integrity within the society nonetheless. A modern society has to be formed by the individuals that are responsible and well prepared profesisonally.
Management educational - legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Management educational - legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(Educational Management – Connection between School,
Family and Society)
- Author(s):Petru David
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:97-104
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:education; management; school; family; society.
- Summary/Abstract:In order to integrate in a society, a person needs education, which usually starts in the family. The family is where the child starts to first build up the character and the personality, in this context, the parents being the first factors in a child’s education. Social events such as divorce or parents fleeing abroad for work have a negative impact on the child’s education. In the pre-school and early school years, the parents continue the education process alongside the teachers. The school contributes to the child’s education by forming a good managerial activity and a tight collaboration with the family and the local comunity. This process helps the child into building an adequate personality and integrate in the everday social life.
Interacţiunea dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Interacţiunea dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(Interaction between School, Family and Society)
- Author(s):Zoltán Dézsi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:105-112
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:interaction; school; family; society
- Summary/Abstract:This paper tries in a concentrated form to present the role of the school and the family in preparing future generations,emphasizing that the knowledge society, learning, mastery and exploatation of information are the guarantors of individual and collective succes.Thus, the transmission and the power of information, the capacity of use become the primary tasks of the school and the family.In this process the role of the school is radically changed,which from an autonomous institution orientated in the transmission of the science from the book, becomes the interface in the relation between the individual and society, and the family is the first and the most important partner.
Legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(The Connection between School, Family and Society)
- Author(s):Florin-Vasile Doble
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:113-118
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:collaboration; partnership; school; family
- Summary/Abstract:Parents` participation in school improvement process supposes, at least, that every parent should know his legal rights and obligations regarding his child`s education, the importance of his attitude in his child`s school success and the strategies for effective collaboration with school. It is necessary to exist an effective partnership/dialogue between teachers and parents; teachers have to be prepared to have a relationship with parents - that should be considered a professional skill- and parents have to be prepared to play their educational role in the co-operation with the teachers; schools have to provide the necessary assistance to parents such as associations.
Relaţia dintre şcoală, familie, societate
Relaţia dintre şcoală, familie, societate
(The Relationship between School, Family and the Society)
- Author(s):Elena Drochioi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:119-124
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; collaboration; school; family; society
- Summary/Abstract:In terms of lifelong learning, the relationship between school, family and community is characterized by complementarity of the three main sources for the development and education of human personality. Consonance collaboration is a first requirement being understood her views not only drive, but the drive attitudes educated. Collaboration also means besides the unity of views and coordination of actions in achieving unity. School aims to coordinate collaboration factors education, because it is uniquely qualified for such action. Active cooperation of the school and teachers with other educational factors - family, local community, media, church, NGOs - should lead to the development of sustainable partnerships, conducive to a positive approach to various problems of young students.
Aspecte ale relaţiei şcoală – familie şi modalităţi de aprofundare a acesteia, prin activităţi comune
Aspecte ale relaţiei şcoală – familie şi modalităţi de aprofundare a acesteia, prin activităţi comune
(Aspects of the Relationship between School and Family and Ways of Deepening through Mutual Activities)
- Author(s):Attila László Fazakas
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:125-129
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Education; relationship; collaboration; efficiency; management; partnership.
- Summary/Abstract:Education is a common task in which parents and teachers have the same goals: to rise happily gaining more and more knowledge. In order to achieve these goals an efficient collaboration based on mutual respect is very important. Intermittent meetings with parents are not enough to strengthen the relationship and collaboration; I think parents should be involved in collective activities: trips, open-days, sports contests, and holidays. This way they will have the possibility to know each other better, to discuss about problems and to find solution for these problems.
Triunghiul educaţional: familie, şcoală, societate
Triunghiul educaţional: familie, şcoală, societate
(The Educational Triangle: Family, School and Society)
- Author(s):Nicoleta Filote
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:131-137
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:education; triangle; family; school; society.
- Summary/Abstract:A child's education takes place in an educational triangle formed by family, school and society. From the three sides, a family occupies a special weight, although lately it is attached an increasingly higher importance to school and to the act of education achieved in school. Every educational institution must take into account the fundamental principle of education, love. If a child is unconditional loved in his family, if he is properly respected and appreciated at school, he will be able to cope with challenges later in a mature and balanced way.
Managementul educaţional - comunicarea şcolii cu familia şi societatea
Managementul educaţional - comunicarea şcolii cu familia şi societatea
(Educational Management – Communication between School, the Family and the Society)
- Author(s):Mihaela-Maria Florea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:139-145
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; family; society; teachers; students.
- Summary/Abstract:Education, just like any other organized action, involves three important factors in its progress: school, family and society. School represents the organized framework in which the educational process takes place, under the guidance and coordination of teachers, family instills the first behaviors into the child and supports the educational actions of the school, and society has the role to promote true/real values. The convergence of those three factors and an agreeing upon the means of achieving this common goal become the main ways of accomplishing the educational ideal.
Educaţia şi parteneriatele şcolare
Educaţia şi parteneriatele şcolare
(Education and School Partnerships)
- Author(s):Simona-Natalia Ganea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:147-152
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; management; cooperation; responsabilities; partnership; institution; interactions; partners; motivation; kindergarten; community; future adult
- Summary/Abstract:Romanian education from the perspective of management, has a certain structure or natural setting levels. We speak, so an institutional system of education management among its elements there, according to I.Jinga (2001) "ties of subordination and / or cooperation in relation to the functional responsibilities established by law and other regulations." Educational partnership should be seen as a positive factor that supports the development of the institution, requires the active participation of all those involved and also constitutes a strong point to establish a constructive interactions among the partners involved, the motivation the integration of kindergarten in the community and active participation the formation of the future adult.
Modelul suedez
Modelul suedez
(The Swedish Model)
- Author(s):Florentina Gaspar
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:153-157
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Swedish model; education; management
- Summary/Abstract:"The Swedish Model is an article in which I have wanted to present the way in which the Swedish understand to do education. The educational management centered on the needs of each child/student has at the basis, but at the same time as result, the bond between school, family and the Swedish society. The Swedish, a warm and very tolerant people, have made education their personal and national priority. Their system is quite different from ours and I say that starting from the fact that students learn in open spaces, meaning there are no desks, school registers or hierarchy, only individual freedom of development and respect for the others. This approach on education made Sweden a developed country and the Swedish very indulgent. I hope you will also like the "The Swedish Model".
Managementul clasei de elevi
Managementul clasei de elevi
(Classroom Management)
- Author(s):Fulga-Carmen Grigorescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:159-164
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:class-room; management; education; teachers
- Summary/Abstract:Classroom management is crucial in classrooms because it supports the proper execution of curriculum development, developing best teaching practices, and putting them into action. Preventive approaches to classroom management involve creating a positive classroom community with mutual respect between teacher and student. Teachers using the preventive approach offer warmth, acceptance, and support unconditionally – not based on a student’s behavior. Fair rules and consequences are established and students are given frequent and consistent feedback regarding their behavior. One way to establish this kind of classroom environment is through the development and use of a classroom contract. The contract should be created by both students and the teacher. In the contract, students and teachers decide and agree on how to treat one another in the classroom.Some characteristics of having good teacher-student relationships in the classroom involves the appropriate levels of dominance, cooperation, and awareness of high-needs students. Dominance is defined as the teacher’s ability to give clear purpose and guidance concerning student behavior and their academics. By creating and giving clear expectations and consequences for student behavior, this builds effective relationships. Such expectations may cover classroom etiquette and behavior, group work, seating arrangements, the use of equipment and materials, and also classroom disruptions. Assertive teacher behavior also reassures that thoughts and messages are being passed on to the student in an effective way. Assertive behavior can be achieved by using erect posture, appropriate tone of voice depending on the current situation, and taking care not to ignore inappropriate behavior by taking action. Robert Di Giulio sees positive classroom management as the result of four factors: how teachers regard their students (spiritual dimension), how they set up the classroom environment (physical dimension), how skillfully they teach content (instructional dimension), and how well they address student behavior (managerial dimension). In positive classrooms student participation and collaboration are encouraged in a safe environment that has been created. A positive classroom environment can be encouraged by being consistent with expectations, using students' names, providing choices when possible, and having an overall trust in students. Ignoring and approving is an effective classroom management strategy. This involves ignoring students when they behave undesirably and approving their behavior when it is desirable. When students are praised for their good behavior but ignored for their bad behavior, this may increase the frequency of good behavior and decrease bad behavior. Student behavior may be maintained by attention; if students have a history of getting attention after misbehavior, they may continue this behavior as long as it continues to get attention. If student misbehavior is ignored, but good behavior results in attention, students may instead behave appropriately to acquire attention.
Managementul educaţional. Legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Managementul educaţional. Legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(Educational Management - Link between School,
Family and Society. Summary)
- Author(s):Cristina Marilena Hodârnău
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:165-172
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:education; management; school; family; society
- Summary/Abstract:If the family is the first educational setting, kindergarten is the first factor of social, launch pad in preparation for school. Suitable for school attitude yielded by children, high school performance. The school is the social institution in which the organized education of the young generation. She factor that contribute to a person able to participate in the formation of society. The child learned to follow rules and behave responsibly in the family and in school, it will fit perfectly in society when it matures. School-family-community relationship is a beneficial factor interrelate with each other to provide contemporary society, young well-trained, competitive labor market, featuring multiple capabilities and skills.
Managementul educaţional participativ
Managementul educaţional participativ
([Participative Educational Management)
- Author(s):Reghina-Leontina Horga
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:173-177
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:participative management; education; school; approach
- Summary/Abstract:A participative management approach leads to the formation of the school of a participatory management approach leads to the formation of a community school level professional facilitate the introduction of change, institutionalizing innovative practices and Increased school performance. In schools where the professional community is strong, teachers work together effectively, share professional community that will facilitate the introduction of change, institutionalizing innovative practices and increased school performance. In schools where the professional community is strong, teachers work together effectively, share the vision and mission of the school and make joint efforts to create conditions for learning each student.
Parteneriatul dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Parteneriatul dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(The Partnership between School, Family and Society)
- Author(s):Etelka Ilyés
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:179-186
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:partnership; school; family; society
- Summary/Abstract:The following paperwork presents the importance of a proper communication between school, family and community, which has as result a permanent and competent education in the life of young students. Families and communities implication in the educational process beside school is important in developing a mutual cofidence. An efficient relation between school-family-community gives an important fundation to the process of education and helps to raise an active generation of youth. A strong community in which each part takes full responsability can lead to an efficient collaboration in problem solving in the teaching-learning process.
Exemplu de bune practici. Internatul Gaudeamus din Sighişoara- cămin al liceenilor
Exemplu de bune practici. Internatul Gaudeamus din Sighişoara- cămin al liceenilor
(Example of Good Practices – The Gaudeamus Boarding School in Sighisoara – Home of High School Students)
- Author(s):László Imola
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:187-193
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Solidarity; education; integration; studying; volunteering; cooperation; chance
- Summary/Abstract:Boarding school is the best alternative for students coming from the countryside or from poor environments. The Gaudeamus campus from Sighisoara offers home to 40 students, by creating the modern circumstances which can contribute to a harmonious, secure integration in the school system and society. As the result of the cooperative educational work between teachers and civil volunteers, students, whose whose social status wouldn’t allow the continuation of their studies, have the chance of a lifetime to experience the values of belonging to a community and to develop their social identity by continuing their studies, their education.
Educaţia, şcoala, familia şi societatea, un tot unitar
Educaţia, şcoala, familia şi societatea, un tot unitar
(Education, School, Family and Society as a Whole)
- Author(s):Mihaela-Corina Jercan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:195-200
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:family; community; school; personalities; evolution; partnerships; children; education; manager
- Summary/Abstract:The school is one of the key institutions of society whose results influence the evolution of both its direct beneficiaries, as well as the communities, indirect beneficiaries. The family is the first community that has an impact on human nature and at the same time, the first school that lays the foundation of future personalities. The school must be open to community needs, identify those areas where it can develop community partnerships: alternative leisure for children and youth, activities of road education, health, helping the elderly, poor families etc. A school is developed in response to a wider range of needs of its clients, it is open to partnerships with people trained and motivated.
Şcoala - o familie de rezervă?
Şcoala - o familie de rezervă?
(School – A Backup Family?)
- Author(s):Carol László
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:201-205
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:school; family; institution; education
- Summary/Abstract:Each institution providing education has the task to establish priorities concerning the strategic goals they want to achieve during their educational processes. These goals are going to define the direction all the members of the educational process are going to. There certainly will be distracting elements during this process that can come from the teachers, the students or the parents. It is the role of the school to take over certain tasks from the parents and to create an appropriate environment for the harmonious development of children.
Management educaţional – parteneriatul şcoală, familie şi comunitate
Management educaţional – parteneriatul şcoală, familie şi comunitate
(Educational Management – Partnership between School,
Family and Community)
- Author(s):Ana-Maria Mariş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:207-212
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; management; community; school; development
- Summary/Abstract:School-family-community partnership has an important role in personality development. Each party has to learn from each other, while analyzing the positive and negative aspects of each party. School aims to bring as many benefits for students and involve community members through various projects. Only harnessing all aspects of family and community, the school will be able finally to "attract" students in the knowledge and research, the fruits of the involvement of all students in making a child-friendly schools.
Rolul şi importanţa legăturii dintre grădiniţă şi familie
Rolul şi importanţa legăturii dintre grădiniţă şi familie
(The Role and Importance of the Connection between
Kindergarden and Family)
- Author(s):Emese Márkó
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:213-218
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:family; nursery school; maintaining relationship.
- Summary/Abstract:Based on the experience I gained throughout a few years, the importance of a systematic, balanced and confidential relationship between families and the nursery school proved to be true. The consequences of these experiences lead me to the decision to analyze the possibilities of maintaining relationships between parents and the nursery school. In the first part of the study I dealt with two vital scenes of child socialization: the importance of the family and the nursery school. In the other parts of the study I detailed the possibilities of maintaining relationships between the nursery school and parents and the applicability and efficiency of these relationships. I believe that a persistent relationship and communication are the bases for a good cooperation, which help in overcoming barriers and build a bridge between the home and the nursery school.
Managementul educaţional – legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Managementul educaţional – legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(Educational Management – Connection between School,
Family and the Society)
- Author(s):Mihaela Mocean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:219-223
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:educational management; functional illiterate; children psychology.
- Summary/Abstract:This papers aims the importance of educational management and its benefits. Nowadays we are surrounded by technology and information. Everything its moving fast, children learn faster, have more aces to various fields of science, they can engage in different activities online and offline. The children psychology is changing, they don`t have the same desire to learn just theoretical information, they want to explore, to test and engage in communication skills. This is the era of new discoveries regarding human intelligence, the iq is no longer a number that establish how smart you are, because according to science there are nine types of intelligence: naturalist intelligence, musical intelligence, mathematical- logical intelligence, existential intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, kinaesthetic intelligence, linguistic intelligence, intra-personal intelligence, spatial intelligence. Educational managers need to have the ability to explore as much as they can and for this they need logistics, trained teachers and flexibility to adjust their curricula in order to keep the children interested. In this paper is presented, along with the basic info about an educational manager duties is also a study which claims that in Romania 42% of pupils are functional illiterate, which means that they don`t have the ability to understand an information and to work with it. This study is a living proof that we need educational management and we need to adjust to the population needs.
Campania 2%- un ajutor bine-venit
Campania 2%- un ajutor bine-venit
(The 2% Campaign – A Welcomed Help)
- Author(s):Elena-Delia Năstasă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:225-230
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:fundraising project; the 2% campaig O.D.I.S.- The Development and Social Implication Organization
- Summary/Abstract:In this work is presented a fundraising project, the 2% campaign which was unfolded at the level of the secondary school from Liebling, through which the school is sustained by the community members the ones who wanted to sustain a non-profit organization and who produced wagesʼ income could assign 2 % from theincome tax, a right which was given to them by 227/2015 Law-New Fiscal code by completing the 230 form. This project took place through O.D.I.S.(The Development and Social Implication Organization) from Timişoara, with which the secondary school from Liebling signed a partnership.
Legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(Connection between School, Family and Society)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:231-238
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:connection; school; family; society; education
- Summary/Abstract:This paper reflects the necessity of implementing an authentic partnership school – society, seen from an educational perspective. This cannot be done randomly; it involves organizational measures that have at their grounds purposes, objectives, methods and concrete activities of implementation – basic tasks that lay also on the grounds of educational management. Educational management strategies lead to educational outcomes – motivated students, ready to learn and finally, ready for social and professional integration.
Colaborare şcoală-familie.condiţie pentru reuşita şcolară
Colaborare şcoală-familie.condiţie pentru reuşita şcolară
(The Collaboration between School and Family.
Conditions for Scholar Success)
- Author(s):Lidizia Carmen Oprişanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:239-245
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:collaboration; school; education; success
- Summary/Abstract:For children, family is the natural environment, the closest and the most useful one they need to have a proper personal development and lead a successful life. The education they get during the so-called “seven years from home” or the total lack of it is of utmost importance in every man's destiny. School and family have the same educative goal: training children to become people developed on many and various levels. To achieve this unique aim what is needed is unity of action and concordance between the specific means of influence used by these two social institutions.
Managementul şedinţei cu părinţii
Managementul şedinţei cu părinţii
(Parents-Teacher Conference – a Management Method)
- Author(s):Maria-Cristina Pascu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:247-252
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; education; Parents-Teacher Conference
- Summary/Abstract:Parents-Teacher Conference is a management method by which information is transmitted, needs are identified and solutions found, solutions that must be accepted by most of those involved. The homeroom teacher is the class coordinator, tutor and organizer, a mediator between school and family, a partner who works with parents to help students throughout their learning process. PTC initiated by both class council and parents, remains the most effective form of communication, which helps school and family as well to find optimal solutions in the education of students.
Managementul educaţional – legătura cu familia şi comunitatea
Managementul educaţional – legătura cu familia şi comunitatea
(Education Management - Family and Community Relationship)
- Author(s):Elena Petrariu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:253-257
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:education; management; family; community
- Summary/Abstract:Managers education: teachers, professors, teachers, headmasters, Methodists, etc. have a common goal: increasing the quality of education. Without a real and sustained support from the community and family there can be no real success of the objectives set by the school. Such a partnership we have achieved in our school, with a parish priest by the introduction of an educational project partnership, the volunteers „ Free time- otherwise”
Managementul educaţional
Managementul educaţional
(Educational Management)
- Author(s):Narcisa Petreuş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:259-265
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; methodology; principles; leadership
- Summary/Abstract:The Management reprezents a methodogy of global approach, optimum & strategic of the activity of education, an ensemble of principles & functions, of norms & methods of leadership. It assures the achievement of the objectives of the educational system. The educational management implies the master oe theory, of metodology, of principles, a certain mentality, an art of guiding, an involvement of resources. In education the management studies the events which occur in the decision of organising of a pedagogical activity being an explicit conception, a methodology of action in obtaining sucess in education.
Şcoală-familie-societate, îmreună pentru viitorul nostru
Şcoală-familie-societate, îmreună pentru viitorul nostru
(School – Family – Society, Together for Our Future)
- Author(s):Ioana Popescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:267-279
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Management; education; school; family; society; partnerships; relationships.
- Summary/Abstract:Educational management, as a field of study and practice, is a part of general management. The difference between general management and the educational one is represented by finalities. The final products of educational management are the "graduate" and an informational package. They are used in obtaining financial profit, which in turn is the end goal of general management. For a larger financial profit, the graduates need to be well prepared. For this purpose, educational management is required to foresee the current and future needs of society. These are usually represented by the needs of the work market.
Parteneriatul educaţional - o soluţie reală în sprijinul managementului grupei
Parteneriatul educaţional - o soluţie reală în sprijinul managementului grupei
(Educational Partnership-a Real Solution in the Support of the Group’s Management)
- Author(s):Anca Prăjan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:271-276
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:partnership; strategies; education; pre-school level
- Summary/Abstract:The implementation of the most adequate strategies, on the level of the educational partnerships, provides the fulfillment of a Qualitative Education, on the pre-school level.
Managementul clasei de elevi la confluenţa cu stilurile parentale
Managementul clasei de elevi la confluenţa cu stilurile parentale
(Management of the Pupils’ Class at the Confluence with the Parental Titles)
- Author(s):Victor Prăjan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:277-281
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:manager of class; contemporaneous school; teacher.
- Summary/Abstract:In the contemporaneous school, the teacher staff has multiple tasks: good observer, guide, persuasive, advisor, counsellor and manager of the class.
Mangementul educaţional-legătura dintre şcolală, familie şi societate
Mangementul educaţional-legătura dintre şcolală, familie şi societate
(Educational Management – The Connection between School, Family and Society)
- Author(s):Daniela Maria Pralea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:283-288
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; management; school; family, society
- Summary/Abstract:In my opinion the school has an extremely important role in the further evolution of the young because it shapes the character of students.Firstly, the education received in school, along with the education provided by parents, has a major role in the development of character, personality and, in particular, behavioural patterns in society. Secondly, the education received in school does not always beneficial effects in young's later evolution, because when this education differs from that provided by the parents, the young man becomes confused and, instinctively choose to adhere to the education provided by parents, thus ignoring the one offered in the school.
Familia-şcoala–comunitatea. Parteneri în educaţie
Familia-şcoala–comunitatea. Parteneri în educaţie
(Family-School-Community. Partners in Education)
- Author(s):Gheorghina Puşcaş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:289-295
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:family; school; education; partners.
- Summary/Abstract:Active cooperation of the school and teachers with other educational factors - family, local community, media, church, NGOs - should lead to the development of sustainable partnerships, conducive to a positive approach to various problems of young students. School must find optimal forms by those involved in this education process can manage human resources, have knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, to adapt quickly to change management in today's society. However, important role, at least now, she has school teachers, teachers whose activities developed, may developed rules and conduct sociomorale students can developed skills and moral civic behavior in current European context
Management educaţional. Legătura dintre şcoală-familie-societate
Management educaţional. Legătura dintre şcoală-familie-societate
(Educational Management. Connection between School,
Family and Society)
- Author(s):Cătălin Radu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:297-300
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:management; education; innovation; family; leadership; educational goals; social development; society
- Summary/Abstract:This article highlights that educational management can be defined as a system of concepts, methods, tools, guidance, leadership and coordination. Educational managers are persons who conduct a certain level hierarchical school organization to fulfill the goals pursued. The school aims to establish a solid relationship with the child’s family. The family become a partner of the teachr in the educational relationship with the children. The society is the environment in which children will grow and develop. Therefore, cooperation between family, school and sociey is a priority.
Şcoala şi partenerii săi
Şcoala şi partenerii săi
(School and its Partners)
- Author(s):Viorica Radu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:301-306
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; knowledge; school; family; community; cooperation
- Summary/Abstract:Children's education has been a priority for all nations since the older times. They have learned from their parents or families that without work, knowledge not education they will not be able to cope and overcome the obstacles that will arise in their lives. School efficiency (as becoming personalities shapers) can grow through cooperation that must coexist between the school and the family. Today, the family is regarded as a true and necessary partner in act for education, together with another important factor that is the local community. The process of collaboration between the three essential factors in education: school-family-local community, primarily involves assuming all responsibilities.
Dezvoltarea resurselor umane, restructurarea personalului şi reconversia profesională
Dezvoltarea resurselor umane, restructurarea personalului şi reconversia profesională
(Development of Human Resources, Personnel Restructuring and Professional Reconversion)
- Author(s):Puiu Petrică Sofronia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:307-313
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:management; career; staff; organization; motivation; manager.
- Summary/Abstract:Human resources management is a dynamic and complex system that evolves together with the entire organization. It is comprised of a series of processes which interact with and define both the staff’s individual careers and their rapports with the organization. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be used either simultaneously or alternatively, but every manager should know that long-term motivation is always non-financial, and it is up to their abilities as a manager how the two kinds are applied in their interaction with the employees.
Managementul resurselor umane ale organizaţiei
Managementul resurselor umane ale organizaţiei
(Management of Human Resources in an Organization)
- Author(s):Antonela Cristina Sofronia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:315-320
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; staff; evaluation; selection
- Summary/Abstract:General management and, more specifically, human resources management, are areas which involve highlighting and employing people’s best abilities; that means, finding the right place for every one of them in the context of the organization. The people are the most important resource of an organization, regardless of its kind, and the correlation between the best management and each employee’s performance is made according to the used motivational tools.
Management educaţional - legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
Management educaţional - legătura dintre şcoală, familie şi societate
(The Relation between Family, School and Society in Education)
- Author(s):Mariana Stancu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:321-324
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:management; education; family; personality; society; behaviour; school.
- Summary/Abstract:In educating the ”human child”, the most important factors in the training procedures are family, school and society. The relations between these factors and the child are educational, with repercussions that we must take consideration of. In the relational process between the educator and the child, the educator’s lifestyle, attitudes and behavior leave a mark on the child, influencing his personality from an early age. We as society, family and school must be involved in a constant manner in helping the new generations forming process. This way we provide our future in a civilised world characterised through a never ending evolving action in all it’s fields of activity.
Colaborarea şcoală şi familie-factor hotărâtor în educarea şcolarului pentru integrarea în societate
Colaborarea şcoală şi familie-factor hotărâtor în educarea şcolarului pentru integrarea în societate
(Collaboration between School and Family – Decisive Factor in Educating the Students to Integrate in the Society)
- Author(s):Mihaela Stratulat
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:325-332
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:collaboration; school; family; education
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the definition of educational management, I have shown in this paper that children's success depends largely on harmonizing approaches the school with the family and the good cooperation between teachers and parents to establish an educational continuity. We paid particular interest for decision making, negotiation and management of activities leading to the interrelation of three factors-society -the family school.
Impactul aprecierii şcolare asupra elevului în familie şi societate
Impactul aprecierii şcolare asupra elevului în familie şi societate
(The Impact of School Appreciation of Students within the
Family and the Society)
- Author(s):Anca Sucioaia-Tudor
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:333-337
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Management; didactic evaluation; education; partnership
- Summary/Abstract:School Assessment is a key factor in becoming young student responsible with initiative and educated. Professor and families need to motivate, encourage exceeded all limits and orderly development of student skills, to achieve full potential. The teacher must guide students on the content and process of focusing on learning and less on the mark obtained. Parents are advised to observe the skills of their children and support them in developing child acestora. No pressured to bring high marks in all subjects, try to form a child assured, a strong personality with high self-esteem and without fear take it over again. In this case, at least in part the child has skills, they will soon occur.
Managementul pedagogic
Managementul pedagogic
(Pedagogical Management)
- Author(s):Iulian Tăbăcaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:339-344
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; management; science; teacher; research
- Summary/Abstract:Management Education / Pedagogy is the science teacher, developed through a research strategy of interdisciplinary, engaged in "studying the events involved in the decision to organize a pedagogical activities determined in management education programs" (The Landsheere, Gilbert). In terms of philosophy and policy of education, pedagogical management is on the one hand, a methodology to address global-optimal-strategic activity Education A) "management system and educational process" B) and on the other hand a leadership model of the base of the education system, applicable by the school complex ("school organization management"
Valorizarea personalităţii elevului prin instruire diferenţiată
Valorizarea personalităţii elevului prin instruire diferenţiată
(Valuing the Student's Personality through Differentiated Training)
- Author(s):Rodica-Elena Tăicuţu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:345-348
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:value; students; personality; differentiated training; education
- Summary/Abstract:The key innovation millennium education and education management is to use multiple intelligences. An Intelligence for Succes is an Integrated set of skills, necesary to achive succes in life, no matter how one defines it within their socio-cultural context. ‘’People’s intelligence should be quantified by capitalizing on them as much as possibles. In this line of thought, recognising one’s weaknesses should stand as a starting point in conecting them and compensching for them.’’[1} Contemporary teacher should know that each student shows not only intelligence, but "smart profiles"[2]
Managementul consilierii educaţionale
Managementul consilierii educaţionale
(The Management of Educational Counselling)
- Author(s):Elena Toader
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:349-351
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:counselling; emotionally healthy; management; emotions competences.
- Summary/Abstract:The management of educational counseling is a disciplinary branch of the educational branch and at the same time a field of strategic action, integrated and complementary to that of counseling, which has as objectives: leadership, coordination, administration and control of services and programs of educational counseling. The role of the counseling is an active and proactive one, which implies the prevention of personal and educational crisis situations of the pupils.
Importanţa implicării familiei în dezvoltarea performanţelor şcolare ale elevilor
Importanţa implicării familiei în dezvoltarea performanţelor şcolare ale elevilor
(The Importance of Family Involvement in the Development of Students’ School Performance)
- Author(s):Ramona Maria Trif
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:353-358
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:School achievement; family and school; partnership
- Summary/Abstract:Education should play a major role in every society, because human culture cannot exist without its two important institutions: family and school. The aim of my paper was to express the importance of family involvement in a child’s education and the role of family and school collaboration. Children get their good family upbringing during early childhood and later on school continues shaping this, according to their age and personality. School is extremely important, but without the family’s involvement it will not lead to the desired purposes. The family’s involvement in a partnership with the school depends on how interested the family is in a child’s education. The more of a value school is to the family, the more involved the family will be. Children who are supported by their families, who see their parents having a pro-school attitude, achieve high school results. The family’s attitude towards school is transferred to children and it is manifested in the child’s interest in school activities, homework, school results and appreciations.
Şcoala - inima comunităţii şi a partenerilor educaţionali
Şcoala - inima comunităţii şi a partenerilor educaţionali
(School – The Heart of the Community and the Educational Partners)
- Author(s):Elisabeta Zaişovschi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:359-363
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:school; community; heart; education; partners
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of a society which is in a continuous changing, operating modifications in shape and substance at all its subsystems, the Romanian educational system assumes a new perspective over its functioning and evolution. The Education, under all its forms, is engaged to find solutions through which the child should adapt quichly and efficiently to the society he/she lives in. No matter how hard school may try, it can’t replace the rest of the institutions which have the mission to form the new young generation.