Managementul educaţional – actualitate şi evoluţie
Educational Management – current and evolution
Contributor(s): Cristian Mihail Rus (Editor), Laura Maria Cârstea (Editor), Antonela Cristina Sofronia (Editor), Puiu Petrică Sofronia (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Series: LUMEN PROCEEDINGS. Scientific Conference Proceedings
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-973-166-447-7
- Page Count: 424
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Romanian
- Author(s):Antal Attila
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:13-19
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:School success; Collaboration; management; pupils families; education;
- Summary/Abstract:Collaboration between the school and pupils families is important for the education of students. The family must accompany children throughout their education. The family, together with the school plays a key role in shaping the child's personality. Teachers will propose joint projects for parents and students to establish common objectives. To involve parents in school and extracurricular activities, permanent measures are needed. By involving parents in their children's education the quality of student learning will increase.
Modelul de evaluare al programelor educaţionale
Modelul de evaluare al programelor educaţionale
(The Evaluation Model of Educational Programs)
- Author(s):Radu Bălan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:21-25
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:social program; activities; projects; objectives; resources
- Summary/Abstract:The program represents all activities social and / or projects oriented towards a goal / objective group in which to produce goods, services or environmental changes in response to specific needs are properly organized human, material and financial. The programs are a means of implementing the policy, projects are components of the program. Evaluation is a process of learning, developing skills of all those involved in the program of self-assessment, to assess the work and results of the project team to participate in the evaluation process. Evaluative research in education includes the proper use of methods and research techniques to assess and improve planning, quality, effectiveness and efficiency of educational programs.
Inovaţie în managementul educaţional
Inovaţie în managementul educaţional
(Innovation in Educational Management)
- Author(s):Carmen Diana Băican
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:27-32
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management institutional; innovation; education; managerial efficiency.
- Summary/Abstract:In nowadays our society, whose development is based on knowledge, teachers represent one of the most important resources called to face this challenge, to ensure modernisation and on-going efficiency of the efforts dedicated to a complete capitalisation of the human potential. This article aims to catalogue the means of manifesting innovation at the level of the management of school units and the effects this produces regarding the partnership dimensions school-community, school-designed curriculum and the teachers working in the school unit.
Managementul educaţional în condiţiile modernizării permanente a învăţământului
Managementul educaţional în condiţiile modernizării permanente a învăţământului
(The Educational Management under Conditions of Permanent Modernization of Education)
- Author(s):Livia Teodora Birou
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:33-39
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:education; director; present; balance; performance
- Summary/Abstract:The rythm of development of contemporary society increasingly requires the routing of all components of the educational management towards achieving optimal, balanced relationships, but to fold present social demands. The Educational management refers to both the education system and the education process. That's why the most well-defined in this system is occupied by the school and implicitly its Manager, the director. In order to ensure a high level of education performance is needed a quality management. Therefore, any leader of our school must know the directions to which the Romanian school tends to keep rythm with these directions and to adapt to them.
Managementul resurselor în instituţiile de învăţământ
Managementul resurselor în instituţiile de învăţământ
(Management of Resources in the Educational Institutions)
- Author(s):Enikö Eszter Burján
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:41-45
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; resources in educational institutions; planning; activities in school; organizing
- Summary/Abstract:Within the framework of the educational institution there is a need for a change, a reform.This vision is being assured by a proper management system that gives an answer to big questions: What kind of services do we need? Who will do it? Which are the proper methods and strategies? Who will have the benefit from it? For these questions we find explanations in this present work.
Management versus leadership în societatea modernă
Management versus leadership în societatea modernă
(Management vs. Leadership in Modern Society)
- Author(s):Raluca-Alina Buturugă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:47-51
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; organizations; group; leadership; manager
- Summary/Abstract:A very important component of human resources in organizations is the managers. Their contribution to establishing and achieving the organization's objectives is obviously no substitute for the work of other staff, often decisive. Addressing notions of leader and manager has changed considerably over time, while also influencing the relationship between the two concepts. The relationship between leadership and management, default between leaders and managers, has generated divergent opinions between specialists and scholars in science management. Regarding the interface between leadership and management and default leader and manager of opinions specialists are different. Many authors consider that there is a clear distinction between management and leadership, while others believe that this distinction is not recommended, leadership is considered part management component targeting human dimension, in particular side or involvement of a group of people drive by a leader.
Managementul educaţional la nivelul liceului tehnologic Crîmpoia- tradiţie şi calitate
Managementul educaţional la nivelul liceului tehnologic Crîmpoia- tradiţie şi calitate
(Educational Management in Crîmpoia Technological Highschool – Tradition and Quality)
- Author(s):Viena Ciauşu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:53-58
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; leadership; innovation; quality in education; communication and trust; values and goals
- Summary/Abstract:Management and leadership alike-is a blend of traditionalism and innovation, between the administration and the formation of values and goals, which leads to the development of a quality management education in the evolution of a school organization. The quality of education and Romanian school involves a reorganization such that young people are encouraged and contribute their own ideas and initiatives in community development. Thus Crîmpoia High Technology promotes ethical climate of communication and trust at all levels: Head-teachers; Director -students and parents, teachers - pupils, students - students; Local school-family-community.
Management educaţional. Actualitate şi evoluţie
Management educaţional. Actualitate şi evoluţie
(Educational Management. Actuality and Evolution)
- Author(s):Mária Edit Ciobotaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:59-63
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:education; management; actuality; evolution
- Summary/Abstract:In looking of the best solutions we asking how to do a good management, which are essential components of a school succes. Applying the managment school reform, experiencing the system and specialized theories on the successes of institutions, it is good to make an analysis of own retrospective choosing better aspects that can be achieved in the current education system and which must to be put on the list of expectation. The key of succes constitute a selection of different methods to achieve the goals of the institution in such a way, that the primary factor -Child-to not be removed from his crucial position.
Management educaţional. Actualitate şi evoluţie
Management educaţional. Actualitate şi evoluţie
(Educational Management. Actuality and Evolution)
- Author(s):Anişoara Ciofu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences
- Page Range:65-72
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:education; management; knowledge; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:The role of the knowledge management in organizations is to create a work environment that promotes creation, distribution, storage and use of knowledge. The explicit management of knowledge through distribution and storage of knowledge in education, promote the continuous update and development of knowledge, innovation, skills and competences, that is to say, promotes learning. In addition, knowledge management encourages employees to share their experiences and knowledge, teaching each other in formal structured activities or informally in the day to day business
Managementul schimbării
Managementul schimbării
(Management of Change)
- Author(s):Adriana Cioinaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:73-78
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Reform; strategy; change; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:The educational reform in Romania has to be connected with the socio-politic and economic context but also with the global one. The mission of the school has to be often achieved in a hostile or even “turbulent” environment which leads to the implementation of a change. There are many obstacles which interfere with the change that is why the manager must always remember the values and motivations of the people who work in the organization. Thus, the manager must embrace an attitude according to which the teacher must feel that he owns the change in order to implement it efficiently.
Management şi leadership
Management şi leadership
(Management and Leadership)
- Author(s):Constantin Coca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:79-85
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; leadership; transition; learning organisation
- Summary/Abstract:Change is the only certainty of an ever-evolving society and the educational institutions are obliged to follow in order to meet new requirements and standards. The progression of school as an organisation becomes acute as it is more and more left behind. It is at this point that the demand of a new type of management arises, following the principles of leadership, in order for formal education to remain relevant and actual to the present social conditions. The transition to leadership might prove difficult for some managers, as being a leader implies human-oriented skills, but not impossible. The final goal? Creating the necessary context for the transformation of school into a "learning organisation".
Managementul educational - profesorul manager în contextul celorlalte profesiuni
Managementul educational - profesorul manager în contextul celorlalte profesiuni
(Educational Management – The Professor Manager in the Context of other Professions)
- Author(s):Natalia Coroiu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:87-90
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:education; management; professor; manager; methodology
- Summary/Abstract:Management indicates a certain mentality, a personal manner, but also an art-handling, drive resources (Human), elements of the organization, which corresponds to consider itself as a science and art education. Educational management methodology would be an optimal global approach-education-strategic activity, but not a leadership model based unit of the education system, applicable by the school complex. Management education / teaching occurs as interdisciplinary teaching discipline, studying "events that occur in the decision of organizing a determined pedagogical activities and in management education programs"
Management educaţional. Actualitate şi evoluţie
Management educaţional. Actualitate şi evoluţie
(Educational Management – Actuality and Evolution)
- Author(s):Selena Costea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:91-95
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:education; management; study; practice; principles
- Summary/Abstract:Management education as a field of study and practice, was spun off, obviously of general management principles. In Romania, the term educational management came quite recently after the communist regime, its application in education still looming. Education management, viewed from today's perspective, but also from the future, looming as a central romanian education as a gateway to the mysteries of the world, ensuring the quality of information sent new generation preparing people for life, so that tomorrow be better than today.
Problemele managementului haotic şi birocraţia excesivă din învăţământul românesc
Problemele managementului haotic şi birocraţia excesivă din învăţământul românesc
(Issues of Chaotic Management and Excessive Bureaucracy in Romanian Educational System)
- Author(s):Luminiţa Cotoară
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:97-103
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; national
- Summary/Abstract:The Romanian education system is currently plagued by excessive beureaucracy and a lack of direction that gives the overall impression of a complete lack of organization, rather than the excessive regulation at the root. The following article attempts to analyze the effects of deficient management as one of the driving factors in the unravelling of the national education system, along with its potential threat to the private sector under the guise of state regulation, and speculates to the potential future implications of a perpetually faulty management structure on a national level, while outlining several potential solution strategies.
Munca în echipă
Munca în echipă
(Team Work)
- Author(s):Dana-Maria Cosma
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:105-110
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:team work; education; development; competences
- Summary/Abstract:Team work is a didactic strategy which emphasizez on developing the competences of interpersonal communication, of student’s social behaviours. The traditional paradigms, focused on transmitting and assimilating knowledge, are slowly starting to no longer fit to the educational reality. The emphasis is on the student, on developing his oral and written communication competences, and digital ones. Team work is an old activity, which failed to be promoted constructively by education. This is why children nowdays fail to communicate, understand, cooperate. Only a gifted teacher can use such strategies in class, in any subject. Team work is a term which hides a variety of educational approaches, combining the effort of both students and their teachers. It is a form of collaborative learning, a technique of educational training where students work in groups in order to achieve tasks and reach mutual purposes, each of them contributing to it individually. It values the students’ need to work together as a real team, in a collegial climate, of mutual help, continuous advice, constructive communication, divergent thinking.
Învăţământul simultan-deziderat şi realitate
Învăţământul simultan-deziderat şi realitate
(Simultaneous Learning – Desideratum and Reality)
- Author(s):Ariadna Croitoru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:111-117
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; simultaneous teaching; classes; teacher; reality; planning
- Summary/Abstract:Due to the accentuated depopulation of villages in recent decades and the demographic characteristics of communities, some schools have to work with simultaneous teaching. Simultaneous teaching is a teaching system in wich the teacher have to work with several classes at once, using independent work for each class. This results in a great effort from the teacher, who has to plan carefully the activities at the class. This method has benefits but also has disadvantages, wich need to be carefully balanced.
Rolul curriculum-ului ascuns în sporirea calităţii învăţării
Rolul curriculum-ului ascuns în sporirea calităţii învăţării
(The Role of the Curriculum Hidden in Increasing the
Quality of Learning)
- Author(s):Gabriel Valeriu Dunduc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:119-125
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Curriculum; management; education; innovation; participatory learning; school success
- Summary/Abstract:The structural approach, the curriculum is teaching a system of actions planned to achieve positive influence on the students. These actions are to be achieved in practice through the educational process. Capitalization of knowledge, skills and abilities of school children is done by teachers in all activities. By thematic projects work teachers have complete freedom to observe the peculiarities of individual age and by creating learning situations that allow students to progress in different ways, the purpose being the same goals. Upgrading school curriculum is a natural step in the process of curriculum development. Upgrading school curriculum is a natural step in the process of curriculum development. Instead of promoting the learning of abstract, theoretical, insufficiently connected to the communicative needs of schoolchildren, current training programs aimed at children and young personality.
Leadership-ul - o fațetă a managementului
Leadership-ul - o fațetă a managementului
(Leadership – A Facet of Management)
- Author(s):Sanda Monica Ene
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:127-132
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:leadership; facet of management; education
- Summary/Abstract:Leadership is just one of the many assets a successful manager must possess. A manager cannot just be a leader, he also needs formal authority to be effective. A manager may only have obtained his position of authority through time and loyalty given to the company, not as a result of his leadership qualities. A leader may have no organisational skills, but his vision unites people behind him.
Managementul educaţional, competenţă şi autoritate
Managementul educaţional, competenţă şi autoritate
(Educational Management, Competence and Authority)
- Author(s):Nicoleta Filote
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:133-137
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:education; management; competence; authority
- Summary/Abstract:When we are talking about management we refer to the action of leading, organizing, coordinating and evaluating the activity of an institution. The manager is the one who manifest authority over his subordinates, but not in a dictatorial sens. The manager is more than a leader, and the management is more than the leadership. A good manager holds the qualities of a leader, but improves them true the professional competence witch is bound to have. The management assumes interdependence between authority, competence and responsibility. The competence transforms a leader into a manager. The responsibility makes the manager an example for all that surround him.
Managementul clasei de elevi
Managementul clasei de elevi
(Classroom Management)
- Author(s):Corina Florincuţa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:139-145
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:class management; students; education; teaching
- Summary/Abstract:The management of the contents does not refer to the skills of teaching a specific discipline but rather it refers to those skills appicables to all disciplines and activities. In the center of the management skills of the classroom sits the management of the instructional activities, the correlation and the integration of the extra- activities and the solving of the specific problems of the discipline. If the mutual trust is stronger, the students will become earlier responsible individuals. In this way, both educators and also students become co-participants in the process of teaching- learning, trying to obtain the best individual and collective results.
Managementul grupei de preşcolari
Managementul grupei de preşcolari
(Management of the Group of Preschoolers)
- Author(s):Mădălina Gălbenaşu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:147-152
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Manager; functions of management; managerial roles
- Summary/Abstract:The functionality and existence of preschool micro-groups involves assigning the status of manager to the teachers. They must respond to the co-action of more specific functions of management, namely: planning-organizing function, function-oriented methodological guidance, together with self-adjusting function of the educational process and hence of the education system. At the preschool-type education level, the manager must assume: interpersonal roles, informational roles, decision-making roles.
Decizia- funcţia esenţială a conducerii
Decizia- funcţia esenţială a conducerii
(Decision - The Esential Function of Management)
- Author(s):Diana Găurean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:153-159
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:decision; function; management; education
- Summary/Abstract:The article ” Decision - The esential function of management” presents the role of decision in educational management, how to reach a decision and how to take/make a decision. The first chapter presents the definitions and characteristics of decision showing great interest on the main characteristics of the process of decision. The second chapter presents the types of decisions. The third chapter points the steps of taking a decision: preparation, adoptation, application and concludes with the results of its achievement. In the last chapter there are presented the methods and techniques for taking the right decisions to solve the educational problems and difficulties.
Comunicarea- un deziderat al managementului educaţional modern
Comunicarea- un deziderat al managementului educaţional modern
(Comunication- A Goal of Modern Management Education)
- Author(s):Cristina Gheţeu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:161-165
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; education; communication; policy of the school; the school manager
- Summary/Abstract:Communication involves social interaction in educational management, through modes of behavior innate or acquired. Effective communication relational dimension determines a relationship deeply serious between the school manager and the people they lead. A low level of communication instead determines a superficial relationship, formal affect the smooth running of the whole teaching process. Community dimension of communication in educational management requires a coherent relationship, sincere manager institutions and local communities, with social groups. Option size of a modern educational management is a purposeful policy of the school, without which the development of education can not be conceived in the decisions of institutional identity and school practice. An important role in creating a climate conducive to stimulate and develop an educational process in addition to good communication is the manager's attitude towards creativity and spontaneity of the people they lead, playing an active and balanced approach any of these.
Performanţa în leadership
Performanţa în leadership
(Performance in Leadership)
- Author(s):Mioara Gudea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:167-172
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:leadership; performance; effective leader; organizational
- Summary/Abstract:Along the years, there have been many attempts to define the term leadership. To be an effective leader one has to balance two complementary roles, a charismatic one and an architectural one. Although in practice, we can define various styles of leadership, there is no mistaking the fact that a charismatic leader performs much better than the one focused solely on task achievement. The modern world has entered a new age of leader – follower relationship and it is more evident than ever that there is a direct connection between leadership and performance at the work place.
Managementul şcolar
Managementul şcolar
(School Management)
- Author(s):Daniela Halici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:173-179
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:educational management; education
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses the role and the importance of the school manager in the act of leadership and the main components of the educational act, so that the theory, the practice and the experience combined represent the key to an effective, performing and qualitative educational act. The conclusion is that, in order to achieve an effective educational management in Romania, if someone aspires to the position of manager in education, they need solid and proper theoretical and practical training, to be fulfilled in the appropriate institutional environment, which should secure them the acquisition of aptitudes and competences to ensure their continuous adaptation to the social, economic and cultural changes happening in Romanian schools, in comparison with the evolution of this domain in the world.
Cunoaşterea gradului de motivare a personalului unităţii şcolare. Studiu de caz
Cunoaşterea gradului de motivare a personalului unităţii şcolare. Studiu de caz
(Knowing the level of Motivation of the Personnel in School Units. Case Study)
- Author(s):Georgica Ilie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:181-187
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; organization; human resources
- Summary/Abstract:A manager transforms decisions into actions through a key function of management, namely the drive and motivation, who called the function of motivation. In the context or managerial motivation is to stimulate the members of the organization through various means, to act towards reaching both organizational objectives, and of the individual. Degree of motivation research work of the teaching staff of the School of Technology „Ion Ghica”Olteniţa, aims to identify those elements that motivate the teachers to obtain higher performance so that they fully utilize their availability for physical and intellectual achievement of the performance optical set is the big change it brings to motivate employees.
Modele de leader educaţional
Modele de leader educaţional
(Models of Educational Leaders)
- Author(s):Cristina Ioan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:189-194
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; leader; technique; learning; management
- Summary/Abstract:The leader in education is representing a very important link to develop the main activities in schools. He can support the goal to achieve all objectives in a educational institution. He is the main guarantor for students and parents that the school will provide assets and knowledge for all people who come to become specialists. There are many types of leaders and manors of leading, all those being chosen by the situations geographical, economical, governmental, the specific of the school and the personal choice of leader himself.
Managementul organizaţiei şcolare
Managementul organizaţiei şcolare
(Management of School Organization)
- Author(s):Angelica Adriana Ionesi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:195-201
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; evolution; functions; teacher
- Summary/Abstract:The educational management is the dynamic path of education which handles the educational institutions which include human resources and as well the physical ones. Moreover, there are ideas, laws and regulations which influence the educational process. All these parts form the educational management assembly and the scope is to bring the human resources to a higher forming state of the ideas and society values. Educational management is an unique activity, a continuous process which isn’t based only on the science conquer but also on social aspirations of a nation.
Consilierea şi îndrumarea corpului profesoral către servicii educaţionale de calitate, cu privire la integrarea firească a elevilor cu cerinţe special
Consilierea şi îndrumarea corpului profesoral către servicii educaţionale de calitate, cu privire la integrarea firească a elevilor cu cerinţe special
(Counselling and Guidance of Professors towards Qualitative Educational Services, regarding the Natural Integration of Students with Special Needs)
- Author(s):Teodora Iordăchioaie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:203-209
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:counselling; guidance; teachers; educational services
- Summary/Abstract:Children with disabilities represented in Romania, "the most controversial category of children protected under Law 3/1970". During the communist era, these children hospitalized in an institution was considered the most appropriate care and possibly their schooling because it is thought that they needed an environment adapted to specific requirements. One of the directions pre-university education strategy is the inclusion of all children with disabilities or special schools. Theoretically, the degree of disability does not have a direct link to forms of education that are available to every child. Even having a certificate of severe disability, a child can be enrolled in school meals. Instead, only the certificate of admission to degree of disability and the parents wish, a child can be enrolled in a special school. Also, the certificate issued by the CPC guarantees the child in the support program, where he attends an inclusive school.
Rolul cunoaşterii personalităţii în managementul resurselor umane în instituţiile de învăţământ
Rolul cunoaşterii personalităţii în managementul resurselor umane în instituţiile de învăţământ
(The Role of Knowing the Personality in the Management of Human Resources in Learning Institutions)
- Author(s):Edith Jakab
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:211-215
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; school; institution
- Summary/Abstract:This present document has the goal to present personality theory of Fritz Riemann (depressive, schizoid, obsessive and hysterical) in order to get to know and develop human interactions within the framework of an educational institution. I meant to write a personality description with weak and strong peculiarities and realize the assesment of each type of personality in school institution. The conclusion of my work is that if we don’t make effort to know ourselves and other people then we will not make changes in our life and in the life of the institution that we are making part.
Provocări ale managementului educaţional în învăţământul din mediul rural
Provocări ale managementului educaţional în învăţământul din mediul rural
(Challenges of Educational Management in Rural Education)
- Author(s):Liliana Lazăr
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:217-222
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; educational; communication; feedback; manager
- Summary/Abstract:An important implication is that school leaders should devote a major part of their work to capacity building in the school and will place a high priority on knowledge management to build the intellectual capital of the school. Also the school leaders should ensure that they and their colleagues are up-to-date with their knowledge of good practice in school improvement, and that the building of social and intellectual capital lies at the heart of the work of senior leaders in the school. Successful leaders are increasingly focused on learning, the central and unique focus of educational organizations. The school manager needs to be a great communicator.
Educaţia pentru carieră
Educaţia pentru carieră
(Education for Career)
- Author(s):Aurica Lecz
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:223-229
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:education; career; fundamental needs
- Summary/Abstract:Work is the fundamental form of human activity, oriented towards a fundamental purpose, developed knowingly and willingly. It represents the way in which the person expresses and affirms its personality, proving his capacities and competences. It involves a succession of actions, and physical and intellectual operations, manually made, using: tools, instruments, machines, etc., in order to produce goods and services necessary for satisfying the fundamental human needs of food, existence, security, as well as the superior needs: appreciation, self-achievement, etc.
Funcţii ale managementului educaţional: controlul-evaluarea-monitorizarea
Funcţii ale managementului educaţional: controlul-evaluarea-monitorizarea
(Functions of Educational Management:
Control – Evaluation - Monitoring)
- Author(s):Valentin-Marius Lepşa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:231-235
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; education; control; monitoring; evaluation; school
- Summary/Abstract:Control-monitoring-evaluation is the latest and perhaps the most important function of the educational management. This function is measuring the degree of achievement of other management functions and establish corrective measures of the deficiences found. The most important documents on wich it is made the control-monitoring-evaluation of the employees in a school are: the job description and the evaluation work sheet.
Calitate şi profesionalism în managementul educaţional
Calitate şi profesionalism în managementul educaţional
(Quality and Professionalism in Educational Management)
- Author(s):Liviu Marin
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:237-242
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:quality; professionalism; education; management
- Summary/Abstract:School management appears as a system of actions exercised consciously organized systematically to transform students' personalities, according finality who proposed it. Besides school manager directs, organizes and manages all organizational issues at school level. Thus, school management supports quality education, effectiveness and progress of the school. When we talk of progress must necessarily start from an assessment of what has been an assessment of what has been achieved until then. So it requires an assessment of the work of teachers, students, and a self manager. Best reflects the quality by assessing student achievement and hence the work of teachers.
Management educaţional. Actualitate şi evoluţie
Management educaţional. Actualitate şi evoluţie
(Educational Management – Actuality and Evolution)
- Author(s):Ana Mihăilă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:243-249
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:education; management; actuality; evolution
- Summary/Abstract:The paper Educational Management- Actuality and evolution is a presentation of the concept of educaţional management and at the same time highlight the need for professionalization of leadership educational institutes. Also, try to show that educational management should be done by professionals, people who have mastered the art of management methods and techniques, people balanced, moral and not least the people who really love children and education . Also present work aims to provide elements of general management and educational development of current and short of it.
Elaborarea procedurilor operaţionale la nivelul unităţii şcolare
Elaborarea procedurilor operaţionale la nivelul unităţii şcolare
(Developing the Operational Procedures at School Level)
- Author(s):Elena Moldovan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:251-255
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; managerial control; procedure; education; school
- Summary/Abstract:According to Minister of Finance no. 946/2005, as amended and supplemented, approving the Internal Control Code / managerial comprising managerial control standards at the public entities, any school unit must prepare written procedures communicated to all employees involved. This paper covers the steps to follow for the development of operational procedures. Some steps include concrete examples at the school level.
Istoricul, evoluţia şi concepte actuale ale managementului educaţional
Istoricul, evoluţia şi concepte actuale ale managementului educaţional
(History, Evolution and Current Concepts of
Educational Management)
- Author(s):Csaba Nagy
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:257-263
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:The work has two chapters. The first chapter refers to the history and evolution of educational management and the second on its existing concepts. In studying organizations, school organization and therefore, one of the most important aspects was the reference to effective leadership. Competent and effective leadership education both at the system and from the school requires its scientific substantiation. The basis of this is science fundamentals driving education or educational management.
Leadership educaţional
Leadership educaţional
(Educational Leadership)
- Author(s):Săndica Ochian
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:265-271
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:School leadership is the process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils, and parents toward achieving common educational aims While school leadership or educational leadership have become popular as replacements for educational administration in recent years, leadership arguably presents only a partial picture of the work of school, division or district, and ministerial or state education agency personnel, not to mention the areas of research explored by university faculty in departments concerned with the operations of schools and educational institutions.
Managementul educaţional- între ieri şi azi
Managementul educaţional- între ieri şi azi
(Educational Management – Between Yesterday and Today)
- Author(s):Daniela Rodica Orăşanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:273-279
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; action; leadership
- Summary/Abstract:Analysis of socio-organizational perspective school could be considered, at first glance, an unusual approach, taking into account the specific schools, her basic human dimension. But there is human activity, especially individual and unfolded in time, that would not involve the act of leadership, management. Education is one of the instruments which stimulate the company, directs and controls the development processes. For the teacher, knowledge and mastering the art of management is essential, because knowledge management as a complex process does not mean ,, dirigisme "and managers did not ensure immediate success of an action.
Managementul educaţional în învăţământul preşcolar
Managementul educaţional în învăţământul preşcolar
(Educational Management in Pre-School Education)
- Author(s):Geta Popa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:281-286
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:preschool; education; management; learning
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the belief that the methodology management can ensure consistency of curriculum, from design to evaluation by the human essence of education, supporting the need to train managers for all educators, whatever their place in the hierarchy of school organization, initial training and continuous, single coherent thought as phases of individual development and organizational responsibility as teachers involves adding several roles: the teacher, the parent, the counselor. The effort is considerable and often requires much organization, dedication, patience and sacrifices. Only the satisfaction that comes after three years of working with preschoolers when making that bridge between kindergarten and preschool is the only source of energy required class manager to continue this noble activity.
Management educaţional – provocări şi evoluţie
Management educaţional – provocări şi evoluţie
(Educational Management – Challenges and Evolution)
- Author(s):Firuţa Prodaniuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:287-292
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; education; challenges; evolution
- Summary/Abstract:The text refers to the connection between Educational Management and the Education itself. The changes occurred in the Educational system brings necessarily adaptation of the Educational management as well. We present further what new needs require new Management, and the „new educations” that have issued from the society in a continuous development. The educator’s role in this process is to respond through all his/her work to the new challenges, and we insist on the responsibility the educators have on this respect. In the last part of our study we distinguish the two kinds of management teachers have to deal with, the class management and the organizational management of the leaders of Education. Successful education methodology and disturbing factors are also dealt with.
Management educaţional- actualitate şi evoluţie. Aspecte generale despre management şi manager şcolar
Management educaţional- actualitate şi evoluţie. Aspecte generale despre management şi manager şcolar
(Educational Management – Actuality and Evolution. General Aspects on Management and School Management)
- Author(s):Simona-Loredana Rădoi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:293-298
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:education; management; school manager
- Summary/Abstract:Educational management is the science and art of preparing human resources for according to some finality to form personalities requested and accepted by society individual. It can be analyzed in effect acted operational, practical, tactical, procedural theory, global general, strategic, scientific.Work characteristics of management wishes to submit educational actual and its evolution since the emergence of the concept. Education to ensure high efficiency and performance required knowledge and application of management science education. Role (manager) education is a profession and, like any profession, be learned.
Managementul crizelor şi arta negocierii. Negocierea şi medierea conflictelor
Managementul crizelor şi arta negocierii. Negocierea şi medierea conflictelor
(Crisis Management and the Art of Negotiation. Negotiation and Conflict Mediation)
- Author(s):Anişoara Răuţă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:299-305
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Abandon; aggressive; alliance; cohercion; negotiator
- Summary/Abstract:Conflict resolution depends also on the type of management structure and leader, a lax system, the conflict will be much more difficult to solve than in a structured management organization that seeks clear objectives. Negotiation is not an inflexible bargaining positions of power and it is no problem solving. Mediation is described as "an informal process” in which a neutral third party with no power to impose the solution helps the warring parties to reach an acceptable mutual agreement.
Managementul Educaţional -scurtă introducere-
Managementul Educaţional -scurtă introducere-
(Educational Management. Short Introduction)
- Author(s):Lucian-Aurel Roşca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:307-311
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; education; planning; projection; organization
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an introduction to the theory of educational management, briefly presenting the etymology of the term, its definition from various perspectives, as well as its functions. Finally, the author proposes a discussion regarding time management but also a managerial Decalogue.
Managementul educational- locul şi rolul profesorului manager
Managementul educational- locul şi rolul profesorului manager
(Educational Management – Place and Role of the Manager Professor)
- Author(s):Ioana Sala
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:313-316
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:management; education; role; professor; manager
- Summary/Abstract:Management education is theory and practice, science and art design, organization, coordination, evaluation, adjustment elements of business education (not just resources) as development work free, full, harmonious, of human individuality, permanently, to assert autonomous his personality and creative, according to the ideal set educational policy. I.Jinga is different pedagogical management believes that science and art of preparing human resources to form personalities, according to finally accepted by the individual and society. Then it is defined as a set of principles and functions, rules and management methods which ensure that the objectives of the education system, the quality and efficiency standards as high as possible, and at the level of each educational system is state specific notes ".
Educaţia – element cheie in formarea resurselor umane
Educaţia – element cheie in formarea resurselor umane
(Education – Key Element in the Formation of Human Resources)
- Author(s):Antonela Cristina Sofronia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:317-322
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; organisations; human resources; behaviors; education.
- Summary/Abstract:Modern organisations accept the existence of incotrollable situations. The fear of the unknown future and the fear of losing job helps the organisations in the proces of conditioning the human resources. In order of mantaining behaviors and the expectances of the team in normal limits, the social control uses a special statement between motivation-obligation based on the abilities of the leaders.
Eficienţa organizaţiei versus eficienţa managementului
Eficienţa organizaţiei versus eficienţa managementului
(The Efficiency of the Organization versus the Efficiency of Management)
- Author(s):Puiu Petrică Sofronia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:323-328
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:position; development; personal; manager; education
- Summary/Abstract:The efficiency of the activity is determined more or less by staff practicies, top leader’s vision and career’s management in the organisation and at the individual level. The potential must be encouraged through accent on the skills. There has to be a preocupation for training, orientation and involvment of the employees through different posibilities of encouraging theirs careers on the way to success.
Managementul întâlnirilor (şedinţă, lectorat, simpozion, conferinţă)
Managementul întâlnirilor (şedinţă, lectorat, simpozion, conferinţă)
(Meetings Management (Meeting, Lecture, Symposium, Conference))
- Author(s):Adela Spilcea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:329-335
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Meetings; work-shops; lectures; symposiums; conferences
- Summary/Abstract:The meetings are reunions mostly attended by people who are working in the same field or the same object of activity. These meetings are materialized in work-shops, lectures, symposiums, conferences, debates. Therefore, they must be carefully prepared through a rigorous analysis of the topic and its opportunity and impeccable organization through the display of the meeting. This means observing the steps and specific procedures, the duties and the skills of its actors, the overall structure and experience gathered up in the professional culture.
Relaţia dintre succesul şcolar şi stilul de predare al profesorului
Relaţia dintre succesul şcolar şi stilul de predare al profesorului
(The Relationship between School Success and the
Teacher’s Teaching Style)
- Author(s):Adina Lăcrămioara Stan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:337-342
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:School success; management; creative learning; education; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:This paper highlights the relationship between school success and teaching style. Participatory and creative learning has become the central problem of modern didactics, which started numerous researches in order to discover effective ways to educate students in the spirit of conscious and active attitudes, to engage them in a permanent learning activity and to ensure them with the capabilities that are needed for productive learning activities that require intense logical operations. This is why the communication between teachers and pupils has achieved a key element in active, participative training. Creating an appropriate social- educational context, using the methods that have the maximum efficiency and impact for each learning sequence, adapting the methods of teaching - learning - assessment to each content, to each form of organization and to the psychological profile of the students, provides the optimal setting for an intellectual development that every teacher should ensure in his class work.
Managementul relaţiilor interpersonale în şcoală
Managementul relaţiilor interpersonale în şcoală
(Management of the Interpersonal Relationships in School)
- Author(s):Laurentiu Stan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:343-347
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; conflict; education; method; teaching style; objectives
- Summary/Abstract:Teachers as managers of students teams hold as an ideal both academic performance and human formation. Interpersonal relationships in school should be coordinated by teachers working with students. In class work, interpersonal relationship management is done permanently. The management of interpersonal relationships involves managing conflict situations. In schools, the conflicts are common between pupils and between pupils and teachers. Other conflict situations that occur in school are between parents and teachers, parents and students, but there may be conflicts between teachers and between teachers and school officials (director). During business hours or on break, teachers supervise and guide student behavior. Also, the teachers are developing interpersonal relationships with parents.
Calităţi ale unui manager şi management de succes
Calităţi ale unui manager şi management de succes
(Qualities of a Successful Manager and Management)
- Author(s):Dan-Cristian Stoicescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:349-354
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:qualities; successful; manager; management; education
- Summary/Abstract:We hear more and more people talking about “management" and ”manager", nouns associated with at least one of the adjectives effective, ineffective, defective. Most often, discussions are about what managers should do and almost never about what they can do. Those of us whose knowledge is at least above average, know that managers have the freedom of movement, of action and of involvement, and the results obtained confirm or deny the value of the management. The manager, as a managerial-trained person, must have the necessary information and correctly shape the group in which they exert their manager quality, as their only task should be centered on amelioration and improving efficiency.
Management. Istoric şi evoluţie
Management. Istoric şi evoluţie
(Management. History and Evolution)
- Author(s):Daniela- Iulia Stroescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:355-362
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; history; evolution; education
- Summary/Abstract:We hear more and more people talking about “management" and ”manager", nouns associated with at least one of the adjectives effective, ineffective, defective. Most often, discussions are about what managers should do and almost never about what they can do. Those of us whose knowledge is at least above average, know that managers have the freedom of movement, of action and of involvement, and the results obtained confirm or deny the value of the management. The manager, as a managerial-trained person, must have the necessary information and correctly shape the group in which they exert their manager quality, as their only task should be centered on amelioration and improving efficiency.
Managementul clasei de elevi
Managementul clasei de elevi
(Classroom Management)
- Author(s):Ildikó Székely
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:363-367
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; education; attitude; principle; condition; stress
- Summary/Abstract:Educational management is a field which studies theoretical and practical perspectives from the pupils` approach in order to interference of teachings taff in proper educational situations. Classmanagement is being defined as the ability of teacher to plan and organize class activities and assure a favourable atmosphere for teaching. It works in the function of four principles and again educational management, teacher, have multitudinous responsibilities and functions.
Profesorul-manager şi leader în procesul educaţional
Profesorul-manager şi leader în procesul educaţional
(Professor – Manager and Leader in the Educational Process)
- Author(s):Mihaela Tănase
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:369-373
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; manager; managerial culture; leader; education; optimization.
- Summary/Abstract:Educational management is a discipline needed to improve the effectiveness of educational relations to stimulate transformation in the personality of the students, but also teachers. In the classroom, the teacher assumes the role of transmitting not only knowledge, but also the role of manager (organizer, coordinator and evaluator of the resources necessary to achieves the objectives set). As leader of the class, the teacher contribute to pupils personalities, their formations as individuals and citizens. Therefore, there is an acute need for management training, pedagogical preparation to connect to the realities and problems of the school and classroom level.
Rolul stilului de conducere în managementul instituţiei şcolare
Rolul stilului de conducere în managementul instituţiei şcolare
(The Role of the Leadership Style in the Management of School Institution)
- Author(s):Mirela Tărăgan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:375-381
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:school management; school leadership; leadership styles
- Summary/Abstract:An approach regarding the management and the workplace relations within the school is required in the current operational and legislative context. The Working Group Management within the primary and pre-primary education implies certain peculiarities regarding curent tasks, taking risks, and recommended managerial styles. Therefore, we analyzed, within the kindergarten in which we operate, the relevance of the relationships between the latent and the acttual teachers leadership styles and their management potential.
Leadership versus management educaţional
Leadership versus management educaţional
(Leadership versus Educational Management)
- Author(s):Elena Toader
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:383-385
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:leadership; management; competences; performance; vision; control.
- Summary/Abstract:Management notion refers to taking responsibility in achieving a goal and the efficient allotment of resources (material and human) in this purpose. On the other hand, the leadership notion refers to the process of influencing and directing of the organization members to the goal achieving. A good thought inspired formulation of management could be that of the russian poet Evtushenko who claimed that management is an “applied philosophy”. Manager is not an ordinary man, but he gets in this position because of his technical background, professional ability, but also his personality factors and the competence of approaching those in interaction with him. These factors could ensure success of an organization.
Performanţa managementului educaţional – cheia alinierii invăţământului românesc la cel european
Performanţa managementului educaţional – cheia alinierii invăţământului românesc la cel european
(The Performance of Educational Management – The Key to Aligning the Romanian Educational System to the European One)
- Author(s):Daniela Tobă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:387-391
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; performance; education
- Summary/Abstract:In the conditions of the decisional process’s conditions, the managers should take charge of their actions more and more, in a new cycle which supposes: data – fundaments – actions and which is, actually, the knowledge management. In this way, the accomplishment of a good organized knowledge management is imposed, in order to assure performance and efficiency in the educational domain.
Antrenorul – managerul activităţilor sportive de antrenament şi competiţie
Antrenorul – managerul activităţilor sportive de antrenament şi competiţie
(The Coach—the Manager of Sports Activities for
Training and Competition)
- Author(s):Vasile Tranulea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:393-400
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:coach; education; sports; activities; competition; management
- Summary/Abstract:Synthetically, managing requires skills of leadership from the manager who is due to fulfill the task working with other people(the practitioners). At a close analysis of the concept of ”management„ we notice a pregnant overlaping of this word with the meaning of other usual words in different contexts, for example: supervising, leadership, commandment, executive, administration, control, etc. No matter the central element of these definitions, there are some sharing elements, meaning: the need for purpose and objective for any activity; the importance of due timing in individual growth; the proper work is partially or completely done by other individuals than those who are managing it.
Management educaţional din perspectiva relaţiilor de management
Management educaţional din perspectiva relaţiilor de management
(Educational Management – Perspectives of the Management Relationships)
- Author(s):Alexandra Vaida
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:401-405
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; education; teachers; innovation; implication
- Summary/Abstract:Management model with its emphasis on self- assessment, teamwork, strategy, analysis and leadership has a universal message. It is about to the establishment of equal opportunities for each and every student efficient utilization of resources, to successful operation of the institutional system, to the issue of quality and efficiency of education. The best aspects of professionalism role are about care and high academic and vocational standards. Blending the best aspects of professionalism with total quality is essential to success.
Managementul educaţional de la origini până în prezent
Managementul educaţional de la origini până în prezent
(Educational Management from Origins)
- Author(s):Alexandru Vida
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:407-411
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; educational; resources
- Summary/Abstract:The Management represent that aware process of coordination and leading of a group or individual actions and the resources of the company for reaching its socio-economical objectives. The Educational Management is very important for modern world because is training and prepare human resources, that are so necessary for the society by forming their personalities. The Educational Management is referring at the organization and usage of school personell and resources to reach the best level of performance.The Management represent that aware process of coordination and leading of a group or individual actions and the resources of the company for reaching its socio-economical objectives. The Educational Management is very important for modern world because is training and prepare human resources, that are so necessary for the society by forming their personalities. The Educational Management is referring at the organization and usage of school personell and resources to reach the best level of performance.
Abordarea modelelor colegiale în şcolile gimnaziale din mediul rural
Abordarea modelelor colegiale în şcolile gimnaziale din mediul rural
(Approaching Colleague Models in Middle Schools in the
Rural Environment)
- Author(s):Rodica Vezeteu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:413-418
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; education; leadership; collegiality
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims to analyze the collegial models in schools from rural areas from the perspective of efficient management and leadership, which are highly encouraged in the 21st century educational system. For this matter, we wish to highlight the importance of the experts' authority regarding educational management, the common objectives and values of the teaching staff and also the importance of consensus in decision-making policies. Finally, this paper correlates the term "collegiality" with the three leadership models from the perspective of true collegiality vs. artificial collegiality.
Managementul educaţional - ca ştiinţă
Managementul educaţional - ca ştiinţă
(Educational Management – as Science)
- Author(s):Cristina Maria Vlasie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:419-423
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Education; management; principles
- Summary/Abstract:The competence of leadership and the efficiency of education, at the system level and also at the level of the institution, requires scientifical groundwork. The basis of this groundwork/ substantiation is the educational leadership or the educational management. Being a manager of education is a profesion/ job and like any job, it has to be learned. For best result in this field, every manager must know the principles of education, the levels and functions of educational management.