Wędrówka, podróż, migracja w języku i kulturze
Wandering, travelling, migration in language and culture
Contributor(s): Ewa Biłas-Pleszak (Editor), Joanna Przyklenk (Editor), Artur Rejter (Editor), Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz (Editor)
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Sociology, Western Slavic Languages, Eastern Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Culture and social structure , Migration Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: wandering; travelling; migration; language; culture
Summary/Abstract: The nomadic character of contemporary culture (and not exclusively of it) is a fact that cannot be denied. People are wandering through life, but they are also moving in various other forms. Travelling in the geographical, mental and metaphorical sense ... determines the shape of our existence, invariably connected with different forms of movement. The complexity of this problem, its multifold nature and non-obviousness are confirmed by the authors of this monograph, who have chosen different versions of wandering, travelling and migration as the subject of description and interpretation. Not infrequently, which is worth emphasizing - the views are insightful, innovative and original. This approach to the topic of this volume should certainly be considered as its value.
The collected texts have been grouped in seven thematic clusters. The first one (“Maps and boundaries”) comprises studies that address, from different perspectives, the issue of mapping of the world, as well as establishing boundaries, which are understood here in very different ways. The second part (“Facets of Wandering”) includes texts relating to wandering, both in a literal, as well as metaphorical or conventional sense. What is an important issue from the point of view of the problems of contemporary times is the issue of (e)migration, which the authors have also explored. This subject is dealt with in the third part named “(E)migrant and (e)migration”. The title concepts of the volume have become the object of scientific reflection as conceptualized in the system of Polish language and its textual realizations - this is reflected in the studies comprised in the fourth part (“Conceptualization of wandering, travelling, migration in a language and text”). The most comprehensive are studies dealing with travelling treated as a topic considered in various epochs, discourses and areas of communication. They have been placed in the fifth element (“Writing (about) travelling”). The presentation of other cultures, lands and languages, as well as emotional states of the authors is an important issue and thus frequently addressed in this volume, as evidenced by the sixth part entitled Conversation of „Absentees - travelling in a dialogue ». The volume has been ended with the element that comprises studies dealing with an issue that is important from the point of view of contemporary humanities, i.e. the wanderings of generic forms as well as the wandering that is taking place within them (“Wandering of species, wandering within the genre”).
The book is addressed to Polish philologists, Slavists and humanists in general and to all those who are interested in travelling, wandering and migration.
Series: Nauki społeczne
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3369-4
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3368-7
- Page Count: 462
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Polish
Centrum – prowincja, peryferie, marginesy. Wędrówka pojęć w świecie dyskursów, znaczeń i aksjologii
Centrum – prowincja, peryferie, marginesy. Wędrówka pojęć w świecie dyskursów, znaczeń i aksjologii
(Provinces, Peripheries, Margins. A Journey of Concepts in the World of Discourses, Meanings and Axiology)
- Author(s):Bożena Witosz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:13-24
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The author ruminates on conceptualization of the titular concepts in different spheres of the public space in contemporary Poland: in academic discourse (linguistic and literary), as well as artistic, political and minority discourses (of ethnic and sexual minorities). The organizing rule in this debate is the center‑periphery relationship, while the point of reference consists in a scheme of three types of influence: a) the influence of the center over the peripheries; b) the influence of the peripheries over the center; c) a symmetrical mutual influence. In her interpretation of source texts, the author focuses on outlining the consequences that come with the relationship of domination (represented by the first scheme), the emancipatory tendencies of the peripheries and attempts at pluralistic integration resulting from the third scheme. The author concludes with the statement that both those relationships as well as the meanings of the concepts of center, province, periphery or margin are always inscribed into a particular cultural context and negotiated within those bounds.
- Price: 4.50 €
Migracje a dzieje języków i językowa mapa świata
Migracje a dzieje języków i językowa mapa świata
(Migration and Its Inlfluence on Languages and the Language Map of the World)
- Author(s):Bogdan Walczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Migration Studies
- Page Range:25-35
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:There are two factors that play the most crucial role in the evolution of language: time and space. The article focuses on the latter factor and its influence on the process of language differentiation, which accompanies various kinds of journeys and migrations. The author recalls the example of the dissolution of the Pre‑Slavic language community, brought about by the Slavic migration to the west, east and south. The Slavic migrations contributed, thus, to the emergence of various Slavic languages and dialects (ethnolects). Basing his research on the available literature on the subject, the author also reconstructs the language map of the world from before the time of great geographical discoveries (which resulted in modern colonial expansions) as well as provides a contemporary language map of the world.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wędrówki słów. Kilka zdań na temat pracy Émile’a Benveniste’a „Le vocabulaire des institutions indo‑européennes”
Wędrówki słów. Kilka zdań na temat pracy Émile’a Benveniste’a „Le vocabulaire des institutions indo‑européennes”
(The Journeys of Words. A Few Thoughts on Émile Benveniste’s „Le vocabulaire des institutions indo‑européennes”)
- Author(s):Ewa Sławkowa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, French Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:37-46
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents a two‑volume (published in Paris in 1969) monograph of a distinguished French Indo‑European linguist, which constitutes a seminal work for comparative studies, ethnology as well as anthropology and philosophy of culture. The author attempts to reach the linguistic roots of the most important concepts from the social sphere (law, power, economy, religion, society, family) which came to form the foundation of the Indo‑European order of life and shaped the European world of thought, values and convictions. To this end, on the basis of etymological and comparative studies, the author reconstruct the roots of selected lexemes in over ten Indo‑European languages (historical and contemporary), pointing to the existing parallels. In order to convince the readers about the value of Benveniste’s work and demonstrate his work method at the same time, the author compiles tables which show the history of several crucial for the European culture concepts, whose linguistic roots reach the times of the Indo‑European community. Some of these concepts are freedom, community and trade.
- Price: 4.50 €
O mapie jako elemencie językowej i geopoetyckiej konstrukcji dyskursu eseistycznego (na podstawie lektury „Mapy” Andrzeja Niewiadomskiego)
O mapie jako elemencie językowej i geopoetyckiej konstrukcji dyskursu eseistycznego (na podstawie lektury „Mapy” Andrzeja Niewiadomskiego)
(On the Map as an Element of the Linguistic and Geopoetic Construct of the Essayist Discourse (On the Basis of a Reading of „Mapa” [„The Map”] by Andrzej Niewiadomski))
- Author(s):Małgorzata Karwatowska, Adam Siwiec
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:47-66
- No. of Pages:20
- Summary/Abstract:Niewiadomski’s work constitutes an original and open to different interpretations lecture on the topic of the map as a text of the world, a model of experience and a form of cognition, into which a cartographic narrative has been inscribed, delineating the geopoetic shape of the discourse possible to reconstruct from the text. It is an essentially essayist discourse, one which eschews formal boundaries and limitations regarding the approach to the subject, using the autobiographical and fictional conventions, linking academic knowledge and erudition with literary work, philosophy with rhetoric, or, in other categories: direct and indirect representation, linking them through image and metaphor. The conceptually original approach to the topic is predicated on the concept of the essayist work as delineated in the discussed work (Musil’s writing) as well as a certain reflexivity characteristic of the essay, maintaining the connection with the model of authorial relationship with the world and revealing the author’s “I” (self‑presentation), intertextuality and the quotation technique, which are based on the modal framework of the utilized essayist discourse: interactive stance and dialogism (a dialogue between the author and himself as well as his writing project, realized in the act of writing, as well as a dialogic stance towards the intended reader). Other characteristics possible to find in the text are the stacking of meanings, departure from monosemy, and, in the sphere of composition: non‑linear narrative. All of those elements come together in a particular way to form the lecture on the subject of the ontology of the map, while also influencing the reading of Niewiadomski’s essay, which is a difficult text to read and comprehens, requiring particular literary and cultural competences from the reader.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wędrówki (w) pamięci zbiorowej (na przykładzie motywu Kopciuszka)
Wędrówki (w) pamięci zbiorowej (na przykładzie motywu Kopciuszka)
(The Journeys in/of Collective Memory (On the Example of the Cinderella Motif))
- Author(s):Marta Wójcicka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:69-79
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:The author discusses the subject of collective memory understood metaphorically as a journey (stages, equipment, wanderers) as well as mechanisms of memory based on nomadic motifs. Those nomadic motifs, which consist of the schematic and individualizing elements, are connected to particular types of collective memory: communicative and cultural; functional and accumulative. The role of those nomadic motifs in collective memory has been showcased on the basis of contemporary variations of the story of Cinderella.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wędrówka „ręka w łapę”. Intymistyczny wymiar dyskursu posthumanizmu
Wędrówka „ręka w łapę”. Intymistyczny wymiar dyskursu posthumanizmu
(A Journey „Hand in Paw”. The Intimist Aspect of the Posthuman Discourse)
- Author(s):Artur Rejter
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:81-93
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The article concerns the posthuman discourse in its intimist aspect. The conducted analysis has shown that the posthuman discourse in its private incarnation can be characterized chiefly by those characteristics and processes which confirm and implement the posthumanist postulates. The experiences of people living alongside animals contribute to the creation of an interspecies community, help build empathy and mutual understanding. Those aspects are then actualized in the fact of bestowing human qualities on animals and vice versa – the perception of non‑human entities through the lens of their emotions, personal characteristics and the willingness and ability to communicate. It should be noted, however, that the aim of these actions is not to simply and crudely anthropomorphize animals, which would once again betray the anthropocentric nature of the world, but rather to grant equal status to all creatures existing in nature. In the case of the posthumanist discourse in its intimist aspect, it is possible to observe an interdiscursive relationship which is based on simultaneous interference and domination of one of them. It should be noted that the discourse of privacy (distinguished on the basis of a subjective criterion), on the one hand remains dominant, inscribed indirectly and almost incidentally into the ideologically‑motivated posthumanist discourse, but on the other hand, it complements and co‑constitutes it at the same time.
- Price: 4.50 €
Interdyskursywność (jako wędrówka nazw, idei i pojęć) w polskiej powieści uniwersyteckiej
Interdyskursywność (jako wędrówka nazw, idei i pojęć) w polskiej powieści uniwersyteckiej
(Interdiscursivity (as a Journey of Names, Ideas, Concepts) in Polish Campus Novel)
- Author(s):Magdalena Graf
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:95-108
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the concept of intertextuality interpreted as a textual realization of the motif of journey. The author, on the basis of selected examples representing the Polish campus novel (academic novel), showcases how the concept of migration might hinge directly on the plot of the novel, but also can be presented with the use of various plotlines, topics, characters or proper names, contributing at the same time to the discussion on the condition of contemporary academia (Humanities in particular).
- Price: 4.50 €
Wokół nazw osób, które z domu na wędrówkę wyruszyły – kilka uwag leksykalno‑semantycznych
Wokół nazw osób, które z domu na wędrówkę wyruszyły – kilka uwag leksykalno‑semantycznych
(On the Subject of Names for People Who Have Left Home on a Journey – A Few Lexical and Semantic Comments)
- Author(s):Urszula Sokólska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:109-120
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses a hundred names for people who are about to undertake a journey or are currently on the road, either of their own volition or, due to forces beyond their control, compelled to set out for a journey, leave their place of dwelling, or leave their home, country and family behind. Moreover, the author categorizes the various travelers and points to the semantic and value‑judgment metamorphoses which those names have undergone in the past two hundred years.
- Price: 4.50 €
Trudne powroty do polszczyzny. Uwagi o przyczynach problemów językowych dzieci z polskich rodzin reemigranckich
Trudne powroty do polszczyzny. Uwagi o przyczynach problemów językowych dzieci z polskich rodzin reemigranckich
(Difficult Return to the Polish Language. On the Reasons for Language Issues of Children from Polish Reimmigrant Families)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Gębka-Wolak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Migration Studies
- Page Range:123-138
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The article collects and organizes information concerning the fundamental reasons for language difficulties in children coming from Polish families returning from emigration after several years. The factors preventing children from reimmigrant families from acquiring full language competences have been divided into systemic and individual. This division accounts for the criterion of the scope of the factor and the possibility of prognosis regarding its force. In the analysis proper, the author focuses on systemic factors which have been further divided into intralingual and extralingual. The intralingual factors are connected with the fact of acquiring language in a multilingual environment and the change of status of the Polish language from inherited language to first language. On the other hand, the extralingual factors include the Polonia and Polish education systems. Towards the end, the author enumerates steps to be undertaken in order to more effectively support the language education of children from reimmigrant families.
- Price: 4.50 €
Obraz kryzysu migracyjnego i migranta w prasie niemieckiej na podstawie tygodnika „Die Zeit”
Obraz kryzysu migracyjnego i migranta w prasie niemieckiej na podstawie tygodnika „Die Zeit”
(The Image of Migration Crisis and the Figure of the Imigrant in German Press on the Example of “Die Zeit”)
- Author(s):Marta Smykała
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Migration Studies
- Page Range:139-161
- No. of Pages:23
- Summary/Abstract:The article constitutes an attempt at analysis of the changes in the image of the migration crisis and the figure of the immigrant within the span of one year (September 2015 – September 2016), on the example of journalistic texts which came out during that time in the German weekly magazine “Die Zeit.” The journal, despite the radicalization of the social climate, attempted to remain moderate in the narrative it provided in the context of the so‑called migration crisis. The key questions for the present analysis, based on the methods of linguistic analysis of discourse, are: Did the development of the situation find its mirror in the form of more critical tone of publications? How is the multinational character of the German society protected? Did, and if so, then to what degree, the moderate, influential weekly publication change the way of reporting on immigrants and the challenges for the contemporary German society connected with an increase in the number of immigrants during that year? Those questions, coupled with analysis of keywords and the ways of conceptualizing the phenomenon, helped the author to attempt an analysis of the linguistic ways of constructing reality in and by the media.
- Price: 4.50 €
Strategie kształtowania postaw wobec uchodźcy we współczesnym polskim dyskursie katolickim
Strategie kształtowania postaw wobec uchodźcy we współczesnym polskim dyskursie katolickim
(Strategies of Forming Attitudes towards Refugees in Contemporary Polish Catholic Discourse)
- Author(s):Bernadetta Ciesek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Migration Studies, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:163-178
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:For several months the public discourse has been centered around the category of the refugee/immigrant. For global societies, migration is by no means a new phenomenon; however, the mass influx of culturally foreign people and the dangers of that foreignness results in the emergence of new discourse distinguished on the basis of a thematic criterion. In humanist discourse, a newcomer arriving from a place which remains remote not only geographically but also culturally is designated as the Other. In the context of communication and its social outcomes, it is possible to differentiate between two mutually exclusive communication practices visible in the public sphere with regard to the Other: exclusion and tolerance. Subjects participating in the discourse (re)produce opinions and attitudes responsible for the shaping of the image of a visitor from the Middle East and their relationship with the Europeans. The subjects of the conservative discourse position the Other as a disruptive force destabilizing the moral and cultural way of life in Europe, bringing a promise of threat. However, in the discourse of “Tygodnik Powszechny,” those immigrants are perceived as equal to the Self. Both perceptions of reality and the attitudes of the subjects are connected by the fact that those perceptions and attitudes are created on the ideological level.
- Price: 4.50 €
Słowotwórczy obraz podróży i wędrówki
Słowotwórczy obraz podróży i wędrówki
(Derivational Image of Travel and Journey)
- Author(s):Iwona Burkacka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:181-196
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The article descibes the derivational potency of the verbs: travel, wander, migrate as well as the noun tourist. The characteristics of their derivational nests have been confronted with the characteristics of the nests of the verbs of movement and nouns. A comparative study of the collected data has revealed derivational similarities of the discussed verbs (identical types od derivatives and derivational methods), which points to the fact that the meaning carried by the root is more important than its genesis and opens up particular derivational possibilities. A differing layout of derivatives as well as the participation of particular parts of speech and formants should be connected with stylistic characteristics and the genesis of the roots.
- Price: 4.50 €
Najeździł się, ale czy się wyjeździł? O ekwiwalentach (?) semantycznych w grupie czasowników saturatywnych
Najeździł się, ale czy się wyjeździł? O ekwiwalentach (?) semantycznych w grupie czasowników saturatywnych
(Najeździł się, ale czy się wyjeździł? On Semantic Equivalents (?) in the Group of Saturative Verbs)
- Author(s):Karolina Lisczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Semantics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:197-206
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The author aims at providing an answer to the question whether saturative verbs with discontinuous formants na‑… się and wy‑… się constitute semantic variants. The author analyzes in detail the pair of verbs najeździć się (ride a lot) and wyjeździć się (ride out), looking at their lexicographic definitions and contexts of use available in the National Polish Language Corpus. Moreover, the author analyzes their lexical cohesion (particularly with intensifiers). The conducted semantic analysis allows the author to formulate preliminary definitions of both verbs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Onimiczne realizacje motywu quest w tekstach fantasy
Onimiczne realizacje motywu quest w tekstach fantasy
(Onimic Implementations of the Quest Motif in Fantasy Texts)
- Author(s):Izabela Domaciuk-Czarny
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:207-218
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The article is concerned with descriptions of fictional worlds through proper names in fantasy texts, in which one of the main motifs is the journey of the characters to places regarded as possible worlds. The reader becomes gradually familiar with the world of the story thanks to the characters performing their roles in this created reality, through the analysis of the quest narrative, characteristic of fantasy texts. This, in turn, is facilitated through description, maps, and onimic practices. Proper names in fantasy texts are usually compounded from comprehensible units, elements of Old Polish and semantically unclear forms alluding to foreign languages (e.g. „Dająca Wzrok” – „Sight Giver”; „Twardokęsek”, „Emhyr var Emreis”). Such varied onomasticon reinforces the egzomimetic space created by the author in the works of epic fantasy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Podróż w głąb ziemi. Wizerunek górnika dawniej i dziś
Podróż w głąb ziemi. Wizerunek górnika dawniej i dziś
(A Journey to the Center of the Earth. The Image of the Miner Now and in the Past)
- Author(s):Wioletta Wilczek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:219-234
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the image of the miner, taking into consideration the constant and variable characteristics in a diachronic perspective. The source material is comprised of older literary texts (first half of the 20th century) as well as contemporary fiction. The theory of the language image of the world as well as the category of stereotype serve as the methodological framework. The analysis of older depictions of the miner reveals the mostly positive perception connected with, among others, the diligence of the miners, the dangerous character of their jobs, or their religiousness. Contemporary literature also points to the characteristics of their professions, the toil and the danger, which contribute to social respectability. However, there are also pejorative images to be found, including bad working conditions under the ground, the monotonous character of the job, and the detrimental influence on health. Apart from that, contemporary literature engages with contemporary issues, such as the employment of women in the mines. The article, apart from the study of old and contemporary image of the miner, constitutes an answer to the question regarding the permanence and change in the depictions of this profession.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Ku pożytecznej a bogatej może w treść [rodaków] zabawie” – wielojęzyczność w „Dziesięcioletniej podróży po Wschodzie” Ignacego Pietraszewskiego
„Ku pożytecznej a bogatej może w treść [rodaków] zabawie” – wielojęzyczność w „Dziesięcioletniej podróży po Wschodzie” Ignacego Pietraszewskiego
(„Ku pożytecznej a bogatej może w treść [rodaków] zabawie” – Multilingualism in „Dziesięcioletnia podróż po Wschodzie” by Ignacy Pietraszewski)
- Author(s):Jolanta Klimek-Grądzka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:237-249
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the use of foreign words in „Dziesięcioletnia podróż po Wschodzie” [„The Ten‑Year Journey to the East”], a travel writing account by the 19th century Orientalist and diplomat Ignacy Pietraszewski. The analysis of the saturation of the text with foreign words, particularly of Turkish origin, the methods of their implementation in the text and translation to Polish, as well as the thematic areas to which the words belong allow to reach two conclusions. First, it could be possible to treat the introduction of barbarisms as a way to introduce precision, one of the genre characteristics of travel writing. Second, it would be possible to see them as an enrichment of the primary, according to Pietraszewski, didactic function.
- Price: 4.50 €
Podróż w poszukiwaniu tożsamości – geografia i mit we Wschodzie Andrzeja Stasiuka
Podróż w poszukiwaniu tożsamości – geografia i mit we Wschodzie Andrzeja Stasiuka
(A Journey in Search of Identity – Geography and Myth in Wschód by Andrzej Stasiuk)
- Author(s):Joanna Przyklenk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:251-266
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to a discussion of the geographical and mythical dimension of journey in Andrzej Stasiuk’s „Wschód” [„The East”], including the identity context. To this end, the author conducts a functional analysis of the geographical proper names, the use of the lexemes geography and tectonics as well as the use (including mythopoeic use) of the concepts of the map as well as that of the boundary and boundlessness, taking into account strategies dynamizing the presentation of the geographical space. Moreover, the author describes the mythizations dominating in the descriptions of particular geographical areas (East Poland, Russia, Mongolia and China). In the later part of the article, the author presents the way in which the narrator reconstructs his identity, focusing on those aspects which are connected with the geographical or travelling context of the narrative. In the course of analysis, the author enumerates the following characteristics of the narrator motivated by geography and its mythicization: alienation, the status of the inhabitant of the borderland or the East, the traveller and the writer.
- Price: 4.50 €
Żywioł nomadyczny w twórczości Edwarda Stachury (z perspektywy geopoetyki)
Żywioł nomadyczny w twórczości Edwarda Stachury (z perspektywy geopoetyki)
(The Nomadic Element in the Works of Edward Stachura, from the Perspective of Geopoetics)
- Author(s):Wiesław Setlak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:267-281
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The life and works of Edward Stachura could be interpreted in the context of geopoetics. He represents the type of creator endowed with exceptional spatial dynamic — he could write everywhere he was led by his nomadic temperament. His entire oeuvre is deeply marked by this intellectual nomadic nature. This, in turn, allows to classify the author as a nomadological subject and posit a thesis regarding comparable activity of Stachura in two spaces: internal and external. The former can be a subject of a phenomenological description, while the latter reveals itself in a complementary function. The predominance of the nomadic element above other topics is revealed in the narrative strategy (“the narrator is me”) as well as hypersemiotic and overexpressive portrayals, the conflict between conscious and subconscious representation, vitalism juxtaposed with the nihilistic worldview, search for knowledge about the world and oneself countered by epistemic impotence. Edward Stachura can be considered, then, a writer of the road that ultimately leads nowhere, exemplified by his suicide. Or, perhaps, that was in fact his goal and his liberation?
- Price: 4.50 €
Podróż (i podróżowanie) oczyma blogerów. Refleksje nie tylko lingwistyczne
Podróż (i podróżowanie) oczyma blogerów. Refleksje nie tylko lingwistyczne
(Travel (and Traveling) through the Eyes of Bloggers. A Not Entirely Linguistic Reflection)
- Author(s):Ewa Ficek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Media studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:283-295
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The author of the article conducts preliminary characteristic of selected Polish travel blogs. The aim of the analysis (characterized by a logocentric slant – though not entirely), conducted under the pretext of commenting on travel journals, has been, among others, to provide answers to questions regarding: the profiles and intent of the bloggers; the ways of shaping their travel narratives and references to establisher practices within the genre (an account of the travels and other forms of blog messages, concretization and enrichment of the message, the importance of description, etc.); the images of travel and traveling on blogs. Such a targeted analysis has allowed to note two things: first, an evolution of academic reflection regarding the heterogenous characteristic of the internet space; and second – a change within the blogosphere itself, which seems to become more structured and rigid, even though the blog (as an object permanently connected with the processes of transgression, journey or migration between genres, styles and discourses) has yet to be unambiguously defined.
- Price: 4.50 €
Budowanie wspólnoty podróży na przykładzie zjawiska carpoolingu – analiza komunikatów na stronach internetowych i forach dyskusyjnych poświęconych tematyce współdzielenia przejazdów
Budowanie wspólnoty podróży na przykładzie zjawiska carpoolingu – analiza komunikatów na stronach internetowych i forach dyskusyjnych poświęconych tematyce współdzielenia przejazdów
(Building a Travel Community on the Example of Carpooling. An Analysis of Messages on Carpooling Websites and Message Boards)
- Author(s):Beata Duda
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Media studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:297-309
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the analysis of messages produced by the users of websites and message boards concerned with carpooling, i.e. sharing free places in one’s car for monetary compensation, in order to characterize and delineate the boundaries of a new travel community, which, in turn, allows to discover the characteristics of its discourse. The author presents discursively crucial characteristics of this phenomenon arising in the process of building a community that exists at the intersection between two worlds: virtual and digital. Moreover, the author points to the economic, communication and community‑forming aspects of carpooling in the context of the dominant discourses on the communication map: public and media‑oriented.
- Price: 4.50 €
O podróżowaniu i kibicowaniu przed telewizorem, czyli kolarska podróż przez Europę
O podróżowaniu i kibicowaniu przed telewizorem, czyli kolarska podróż przez Europę
(On Traveling and Cheering in Front of the Television Set, or a Cycling Tour Across Europe)
- Author(s):Beata Grochala
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Media studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:311-321
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:The article touches upon the issue of sports commentary during the TV broadcast of the cycling competition Tour de France. The author focuses on those elements of the commentary which are directly related to traveling, i.e. the descriptions of landscape, landmarks, nature, which comprise a significant portion of the commentary. The commentators, then, combine sports commentary with an account of traveling across France, which, in turn, creates an uncommon, individualized broadcast, while the Tour de France commentary cannot be called a straightforward sports commentary.
- Price: 4.50 €
Czego możemy się dowiedzieć o języku mieszkańców Czarnego Lądu na podstawie „Listów z Afryki” Henryka Sienkiewicza?
Czego możemy się dowiedzieć o języku mieszkańców Czarnego Lądu na podstawie „Listów z Afryki” Henryka Sienkiewicza?
(What We Can Learn About the African Languages from „Listy z Afryki” by Henryk Sienkiewicz)
- Author(s):Danuta Kowalska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:325-343
- No. of Pages:19
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to reconstruct the image of African languages presented in „Listy z Afryki” [„Letters from Africa”] by Henryk Sienkiewicz and to analyze the language consciousness of the writer in the context of historical and comparative linguistics, which experienced a period of rapid development at the end of the 19th century. „Letters from Africa” abound in meta‑linguistic digressions regarding the roots of Swahili, language migration, mutual linguistic influences and the resulting appearance of loan words. Moreover, the book includes commentary on the topic of genealogical relationships of languages, the proto‑language and language families. Sienkiewicz, according to the commonplace 19th century beliefs regarding language, understood that language reflects the culture of a particular nation and constitutes the distinguishing element which characterizes different ethnic groups according to their nationality and occupied territory. His attention to detail and dedication to realism, then, necessitates the introduction of various foreign proper names and other words, characteristic phrases or sayings, meant to familiarize the Polish reader with the realities of Africa.
- Price: 4.50 €
Językowe sposoby opisywania (przybliżania) obcej rzeczywistości w „Listach z podróży do Ameryki” Henryka Sienkiewicza
Językowe sposoby opisywania (przybliżania) obcej rzeczywistości w „Listach z podróży do Ameryki” Henryka Sienkiewicza
(Lingustic Methods of Describing (Making Familiar) the Foreign Realities in „Listy z podróży do Ameryki” by Henryk Sienkiewicz)
- Author(s):Magdalena Pietrzak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:345-359
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:“Listy z podróży do Ameryki” [„Letters from the Journey to America”] by Henryk Sienkiewicz constitute an example of a travelogue — popular 19th century literary form — which significantly contributed to the development of the genre. The aim of the article is to analyze the tendencies in descriptions of the American reality, foreign to the average reader of „Letters”. In the course of functional and genre analysis, the author has been able to determine that „Letters” are more concerned with the aesthetic factor than the information factor, characteristic of practical genres. This aestheticization can be seen predominantly in the use of the elements of the literary style (metaphors, sensory detail, epithets, similes).
- Price: 4.50 €
Deskrypcje egzotyki krajów Wschodu w korespondencji prywatnej Sienkiewicza
Deskrypcje egzotyki krajów Wschodu w korespondencji prywatnej Sienkiewicza
(Descriptions of the Exotic East in Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Private Letters)
- Author(s):Leonarda Mariak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:361-375
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes eleven letters addressed to Sienkiewicz’s sister‑in‑law, Jadwiga Janczewska nee Szetkiewicz, documenting his Eastern voyages. On the basis of the analysis of their contents as well as their lexical makeup, the author presents the writer’s attitude towards the Eastern realities. In his descriptions, Sienkiewicz pays particular attention to the architecture as well as the appearance of the inhabitants of that part of the world. The value judgments evident in his correspondence paint him as an Occidentalist, fascinated by the culture of the West and strongly negating the value and beauty of the culture of the East.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Życie podróżą jest…” – o wędrówce idei (na podstawie nieznanych, prywatnych, oryginalnych listów Jerzego Szaniawskiego z lat 1965–1970)
„Życie podróżą jest…” – o wędrówce idei (na podstawie nieznanych, prywatnych, oryginalnych listów Jerzego Szaniawskiego z lat 1965–1970)
(„Life is a journey…” On a Journey into Oneself (Based on Hitherto Unknown, Private, Original Letters by Jerzy Szaniawski, Dated 1965–1970))
- Author(s):Barbara Kudra
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:377-390
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes hiterto unknown, unpublished letters by Jerzy Szaniawski (overall 19 letters dated 1965–1970) addressed to Hans Gernot Herrmann, a German Slavic languages expert who spoke Polish. The letters reveal a private character, and they were written by Szaniawski himself, as well as (with his knowledge and permission) his wife, Wanda Anita Szaniawska, a particularly eccentric individual. The majority of the letters is concerned with the search for one Ernest Wirrwa, who espoused the ideals of “making the homeless happy,” an idea which the Szaniawski couple wanted to propagate in Poland. The author analyzes the letters in the context of the concept of neo‑sentimentalism and the so‑called roaming of ideals.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wpływ sytuacji komunikacyjnej na kształt dialogu w „Rozmowach podręcznych dla podróżujących do Londynu Polaków nieumiejących zupełnie języka angielskiego” (1857) Franciszka Kuszla
Wpływ sytuacji komunikacyjnej na kształt dialogu w „Rozmowach podręcznych dla podróżujących do Londynu Polaków nieumiejących zupełnie języka angielskiego” (1857) Franciszka Kuszla
(The Influence of the Communicative Situation on the Form of the Dialogue in „Rozmowy podręczne dla podróżujących do Londynu Polaków nieumiejących zupełnie języka angielskiego” (1857) by Franciszek Kuszel)
- Author(s):Irmina Kotlarska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:391-403
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The article introduces into the study of linguistics („Rozmowy podręczne dla podróżujących do Londynu Polaków nieumiejących zupełnie języka angielskiego” [„A Phrasebook for the Polish Traveling to London Who Do Not Know English”] (1857) by Franciszek Kuszel – first handbook of English written for the speakers of Polish consisting exclusively of dialogues meant to imitate real‑life interactions. The aim of the analysis has been to showcase how the elements of the communicative situation in which the intended audience for the handbook found themselves influenced the form of the dialogues included in the book, on the formal and stylistic levels. The conducted analysis has proven that the contents and form of the dialogues was influenced not only by the aim of improving the communicative competence of the readers, but also the desire to familiarize them with the realities of 19th century London.
- Price: 4.50 €
Konwencjonalne i niestandardowe elementy przewodnika „Warszawa kobiet” Sylwii Chutnik – perspektywa genologiczna
Konwencjonalne i niestandardowe elementy przewodnika „Warszawa kobiet” Sylwii Chutnik – perspektywa genologiczna
(Conventional and Non‑Conventional Elements of the „Warszawa kobiet” guidebook by Sylwia Chutnik. A Genre Perspective)
- Author(s):Magdalena Hawrysz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Polish Literature, Western Slavic Languages, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:407-421
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to provide genre characteristic of the subgenre of a guidebook called a city walkbook. The study is based on the example of a book by Sylwia Chutnik, „Warszawa kobiet” [„The Warsaw of Women”]. The conducted analysis has shown that in each of the aspects – structural, pragmatic, epistemic, stylistic – the guidebook, apart from the typical elements, includes also several nonstandard elements. Their presence within the book is motivated by a pragmatic factor, i.e. a communicative intention which consists in reclaiming the space of women in social consciousness.
- Price: 4.50 €
Podróżowanie na małym ekranie: od telewizyjnego magazynu podróżniczego do reality show
Podróżowanie na małym ekranie: od telewizyjnego magazynu podróżniczego do reality show
(Traveling on the TV Screen: From Travel Show to Reality Show)
- Author(s):Ewa Szkudlarek-Śmiechowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Media studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:423-432
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The author, on the basis of various TV programs concerned with travel, describes the changes occurring in contemporary television. Among the most important ones the author enumerates: the domination of the ludic function and constant updates in the means of influencing the audience, achieved through the mixing of genres, topics and aims of communication. The commercial aspect of travel in the discussed TV programs remains twofold. On the one hand, it is concerned with the medium itself: the images of traveling render the program more attractive to the viewer, while at the same time, the presented places, people and cultures become an attractive tourist product in their own right. Television, as one of the most important forms of mass media, shapes the contemporary popular culture, whose influences can be seen even in the most common and commercialized form of travel, i.e. tourism (see also expressions such as “visual consumption of places,” “tourist spectacle”). The most recent television programs which use travel (tourism) as their basic premise, such as „Holiday Diaries” (a quasi‑documentary telenovela) or „Asia Express” (a reality show) exemplify both the recent changes in contemporary television (genre, functional, thematic hybrids) as well as the more far‑reaching developments which encompass the social and cultural sphere.
- Price: 4.50 €
Teoria i praktyka dyskursu turystycznego (na przykładzie Słowacji i Rzymu wpisanych w przewodniki)
Teoria i praktyka dyskursu turystycznego (na przykładzie Słowacji i Rzymu wpisanych w przewodniki)
(Theory and Praxis of the Tourist Discourse (on the Example of Slovakia and Rome as Seen in Guidebooks))
- Author(s):Paweł Graf
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:433-448
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the analysis of the image of Slovakia which emerges discursively from guidebooks. The author analyzes, in order, the Polish, Slovakian and English discourses. As a result, the reader can observe three stories of Slovakia emerging – stories, which, paradoxically, can tell us more about the authors and the readers than about the place itself. The second part of the article presents the “discourse on Rome,” approached narratively. In the conclusion, the author proposes several lines of theoretical inquiry.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pande(me)mia – o strategiach migracyjnych memu internetowego w ujęciu genologicznym
Pande(me)mia – o strategiach migracyjnych memu internetowego w ujęciu genologicznym
(Pande(me)mic – on Migration Strategies of the Internet Meme in Genre Perspective)
- Author(s):Alicja Bronder
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Media studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Western Slavic Languages, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:449-459
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the migration strategies of the internet meme in linguistic genre perspective. This particular genre has been growing in popularity among the Internet users, while at the same time retaining its characteristic architecture, which makes it possible to establish a fairly consistent standard. Its commonality in the cyberspace is influenced by, among others, the way it migrates and disseminates among the Internet users, illustrated through the metaphor of the virus. This viral nature of the meme, which becomes almost pandemic in media communication which reaches across cultural and spatial borders, manifests itself in the unique constellation of text‑formation elements, whose organization enhances to construct of the message and decides the genre, as well as in the particular sender‑receiver combination. The differentiation of particular genre characteristics remains key for the present analysis, as those characteristics enable the deployment of the abovementioned viral migration strategy. The research material – which comprises texts available on the most popular Polish internet websites – is analyzed through the lens of textual and linguistic genre analysis, which allows to emphasize the characteristics of the pattern, which are based on the idea of constant dynamic movement and migration.
- Price: 4.50 €