„Labor omnia vincit improbus”. Work Ethos in Literature and Culture – Selected Approaches Cover Image
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„Labor omnia vincit improbus”. Etos pracy w literaturze i kulturze – wybrane ujęcia
„Labor omnia vincit improbus”. Work Ethos in Literature and Culture – Selected Approaches

Contributor(s): Michał Kuran (Editor), Aleksandra Goszczyńska (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: literary studies;work ethos;homo sapiens;homo faber;cultural studies;work in literature;work in culture
Summary/Abstract: A reflection on work ethos from the perspective of literary studies is neither the first, nor the last in the history of university humanities. Attempts to define the condition of homo sapiens from the point of view of homo faber are made again and again. The crux of the matter is to break the stereotypes in the perception of the meaning of work and to expose misrepresentations. […]It is worth stressing that the book offers a fresh look at various aspects of the human creative effort. […] The presence and recurrence of work ethos in the cultural tradition stems from the essence of the human condition, human destiny and the structure of human existence. […]The subject of work in literature and culture has been treated by the authors of the publication as a testimony to the specific manner in which humans experience the world. It is all about noticing the ways of infusing aesthetics into various forms of human activity (usually in connection with the underlying reasons and moral assessment).The authors of the individual chapters base their analyses on a similar premise. A concept shared across the book is the understanding of the category of subject as the cornerstone of a painting, literary work or a film. The conclusions are determined by the subject and scope of research. For example, in Michał Sadowski’s contribution, work turns out to be above all a striving to improve living conditions, whereas in her conclusion, Aleksandra Goszczyńska puts in an assessment of political, civilizational and moral differences between the Ottoman Empire and Christian Europe.From the review by prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Błażejewski

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-438-7
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-437-0
  • Page Count: 218
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Polish
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