Innowacyjność w praktyce pedagogicznej. T. 2: Refleksje pedagogiczne w teorii i praktyce
Innovativeness in pedagogical practice. Vol. 2: Pedagogical reflections
Contributor(s): Urszula Szuścik (Editor), Renata Raszka (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: art; aesthetic education; educational methods; stimulation of creative development
Series: Pedagogika, Dydaktyka
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3340-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3339-7
- Page Count: 226
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Polish
Indeks nazwisk
Indeks nazwisk
- Author(s):Not Specified Author
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:219-225
- No. of Pages:7
Kulturowe uwarunkowania innowacyjności pedagogicznej
Kulturowe uwarunkowania innowacyjności pedagogicznej
(Cultural determinants of pedagogical innovation)
- Author(s):Stanisław Ciupka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:11-23
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:education; culture; innovation. Change;progress;
- Summary/Abstract:The study seeks to draw attention to the fact that an important issue in introducing innovation to education, the educational culture. In the literature – on the cultural conditioning of innovative processes – there is great justification. Culture is a human adaptive mechanism, that functions as an intermediary between man and the environment in which he works and lives. Adaptations shall, inter alia through innovative processes that man creates with the available elements of culture, and that this culture change.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kreatywność jako wartość osobowa i zawodowa nauczyciela edukacji artystycznej
Kreatywność jako wartość osobowa i zawodowa nauczyciela edukacji artystycznej
(Creativity as a teacher’s personal and professional value in art education)
- Author(s):Mirosława Zalewska-Pawlak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:24-34
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:art teacher; pedagogy of creative work; self‑creativity
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with creativity in the personal and professional life of an art education teacher from an axiological perspective. It presents arguments in favor of the recognition of creativity as personalized work, the essence of which lies in the internalization of core values. This requires high self‑awareness of the teacher who can live his or her life to the full. This happens when your life is seen from the perspective of self‑improvement and self‑creativity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Retrospekcja relacji mistrz – uczeń w przestrzeni edukacyjnej sztuk pięknych
Retrospekcja relacji mistrz – uczeń w przestrzeni edukacyjnej sztuk pięknych
(Retrospection of the master – student relationship in the educational space of fine arts)
- Author(s):Anna Marta Żukowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:35-50
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:artistic education; fine arts; master–pupil; visual arts teacher
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the current article is to present the master‑pupil relationship against the background of the changing ideas about education in the field of fine arts. At the beginning, artistic education was of purely practical nature and took place in craft workshops. As time went by, it was introduced at universities and academies of fine arts. Moreover, the image of a visual arts teacher underwent a number of transformations and with it, as a result, the teacher‑student relationship.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wybrane uwarunkowania umiejętności innowacyjnych nauczycieli przedmiotów artystycznych
Wybrane uwarunkowania umiejętności innowacyjnych nauczycieli przedmiotów artystycznych
(Selected determinants of innovative skills of teachers of artistic subjects)
- Author(s):Beata Pituła, Wiesława A. Sacher
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:51-61
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:pedagogical innovation; teacher; art education
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents theoretical considerations regarding pedagogical innovation manifested by arts teachers. The authors describe a selected systematics of this phenomenon, discuss it with reference to certain views, and then critically analyze the innovative capacities of the teachers referred to in the paper topic.
- Price: 4.50 €
Edukacyjne i artystyczne walory ilustracji w książkach dla dzieci
Edukacyjne i artystyczne walory ilustracji w książkach dla dzieci
(Educational and artistic values of books illustrations for the child)
- Author(s):Anna Boguszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:63-72
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:education; aesthetic education; picture book;book illustration;
- Summary/Abstract:The development of civilization and technology promotes access to visual culture. The complete formation of human personality includes introduction to understanding of cultural communications, requires preparation from the earliest years of life. In the visual education of children the key assumption is the usage of picture books and books with illustrations of artistic character. They constitute the first artistic medium, the primary carrier of aesthetic values. Due to the ubiquity of visual culture in the 21st century, it has a vital significance in the contemporary aesthetic education of a child. Activities of a teacher in primary school are often the only chance for a child to learn to draw from cultural heritage of fine arts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Światłem – barwą – kreską. Autorski projekt edukacyjno‑artystyczny o charakterze proekologicznym, realizowany w cyklu czterech pór roku na terenie raciborskiego Arboretum Bramy Morawskiej oraz Rezerwatu Leśno‑Stawowego „Łężczok”
Światłem – barwą – kreską. Autorski projekt edukacyjno‑artystyczny o charakterze proekologicznym, realizowany w cyklu czterech pór roku na terenie raciborskiego Arboretum Bramy Morawskiej oraz Rezerwatu Leśno‑Stawowego „Łężczok”
(With Light, Colour and Line. The author’s proecological educational artistic project, implemented in the form of the four seasons cycle on the premises of the Moravian Gate Arboretum in Racibórz and the Łężczok Forest and Lake Nature Reserve)
- Author(s):Gabriela Habrom‑Rokosz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:73-84
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:light; colour; line; observation; photography;nature;
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the project is a mission which I decided to carry out as a teacher and a lecturer, and primarily as a human being. The mission was carried out together with school children and college students as a series of cyclic meetings and active learning education workshops. The main idea of the undertaking resulted from observing the impact of everyday reality on the development of young people. The obtained results have become the main source of creating the author’ own model of teaching art. The model is a proposal to enrich traditional methods of education in educational institutions through observing nature, taking inspiration from nature and consequently through creative activities and showing respect to nature’s eternal value.
- Price: 4.50 €
Innowacyjność metody aktywnego słuchania muzyki
Innowacyjność metody aktywnego słuchania muzyki
(The Innovative Character of the Method of Active Listening to Music)
- Author(s):Irena Burczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:85-93
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:active listening to music; perception;innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:Based on the definition of innovation in the pedagogy of creativity, the author uses it as the background for the method of active listening to B. Strauss’s music. She also refers to other proposals of activity associated with listening to the repertoire of musical literature that develops aural representations. At the same time, the article presents the method of active listening to music from the point of view of the perception mechanisms and selected models of listening to music.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zastosowanie technik muzykoterapeutycznych we wspieraniu rozwoju społecznego dziecka
Zastosowanie technik muzykoterapeutycznych we wspieraniu rozwoju społecznego dziecka
(The use of music therapy techniques in supporting social development of the child)
- Author(s):Alicja Ryczkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:94-103
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:Music therapy techniques can be used in work with children in various types of educational and care institutions and in home conditions. Both free and directed music therapy activities are useful in promoting of human social development. Free activities (eg. improvisation, musical composition, creativity inspired by the music) promote, among others, developing of abilities of creative cooperation and free communication. Whereas directed exercises (eg. musical reproduction, structured music and movement exercises and musical games based on solid rules) serve primarily ability to adapt to social rules and effective cooperation aimed at execute a specific task.
- Price: 4.50 €
Biofeedback jako metoda niwelująca stany stresowe z zastosowaniem utworów muzycznych
Biofeedback jako metoda niwelująca stany stresowe z zastosowaniem utworów muzycznych
(Biofeedback as a method of reducing stress with the use of music)
- Author(s):Tomasz Kopczyński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:104-117
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:stress; education; illness twenty‑first century; music; music therapy; therapy;emotions;
- Summary/Abstract:Biofeedback as the device becomes increasingly popular tool used in the broad context of education, diagnostics, training, therapeutic. Stress as a factor and stimulus causes numerous disorders in human cognitive processes meters at: memorizing, concentration, correct perception of reality and etc. Article attempts to present a method of working with biofeedback tool based on the musical aspect of support for the treatment of stress conditions. Biofeedback as a device can record our physiological states which are a direct exemplifies our emotions which in turn allows for full control of the session and conducted monitoring in the form of saved results in the current course of sensory activity. The author attempts to describe the basic elements having a relationship and impact on the effectiveness of the activities carried out in the field working with biofeedback and music as a secondary stimulus in reducing stress conditions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rola muzyki w stymulowaniu sprawności fizycznej uczniów klas I–III szkoły podstawowej
Rola muzyki w stymulowaniu sprawności fizycznej uczniów klas I–III szkoły podstawowej
(The role of music in stimulating the physical fitness of students from classes I–III of primary school)
- Author(s):Anna Trzcionka‑Wieczorek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:118-127
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:Music is a very important part of humans’ life. Children are interested in music in each periods of their life. They are prepared to take part in plays with music. That kind of activity is very important, because it stimulates not only their musical skills, personality but also physical fitness. The results of empirical research indicate that today the physical fitness of young people is low. Because of it children have bad posture and other problems with health. This article demonstrates that teachers should inspire plays with music at school every day. It is important, because movement connected with music is both attractive and important for physical fitness, also for health of early school‑age children. Moreover, it can be helpful in a prevention, correction of bad posture and promotion healthy life style amongst pupils.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nauka tańca towarzyskiego – użytkowego w parach dla dzieci w wieku 5–10 lat jako innowacyjna metoda kształcenia i wychowania w przedszkolu i w szkole podstawowej
Nauka tańca towarzyskiego – użytkowego w parach dla dzieci w wieku 5–10 lat jako innowacyjna metoda kształcenia i wychowania w przedszkolu i w szkole podstawowej
(Teaching ballroom‑utilitarian dancing in pairs for children aged 5‑10 as an innovative method of pre‑school and school education)
- Author(s):Ligia Gepfert
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:128-150
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:ballroom‑utilitarian dancing; early education; interpersonal communication; intercultural education; integration; education towards responsibility;innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:As a rule, educational innovations have the context of unsatisfactory teaching results acquired in the new reality by means of traditional methods. This usually occurs along with the teacher’s awareness of irreversibility of the changes which have taken place in this reality. Being conscious of their lack of influence on the organization of the teaching process and the material conditions in which it occurs, teachers feel responsible for educational effects in the face of learners, parents and the society. Therefore, most frequently teachers notice new potentialities in implementation of existing curricular contents in a new way, using the knowledge acquired through their own personal interests, skills and experiences. The discussed innovation concerns a new way of educating kindergarten children from the age of 5 and school children to the age of 10. The authoress with her husband have made use of their personal interests and skills associated with practicing tournament ballroom dancing in helping children not only to learn dance steps and figures or to provide them with aesthetic and motor stimuli but also to enhance their reading, writing, social skills and interpersonal communication. The cooperation of the couple has resulted in an authorial syllabus of teaching ballroom‑utilitarian dancing in kindergarten and primary school for children aged 5– 10. The elements of dancing are used for introducing sounds, letters, numbers, in developing communication skills and a lot of other contents. What is also presented in the article are some suggestions concerning the implementation of the Ministry curriculum for kindergarten and primary school (classes I– III) by pre- and early school teachers through ballroom‑utilitarian dancing. The suggestions refer to the possibilities of supplementing teachers’ professional workshop.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wielointeligentna edukacja dziecka poprzez realizację projektu „Spotkania z operą – ukryta orkiestra” realizowanego w Operze Śląskiej w Bytomiu
Wielointeligentna edukacja dziecka poprzez realizację projektu „Spotkania z operą – ukryta orkiestra” realizowanego w Operze Śląskiej w Bytomiu
(Multinteligent education of a child through the project realization “A meetings with the opera – hidden orchestra” performed in the Opera Silesian in Bytom)
- Author(s):Grażyna Leśniczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:151-163
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:preschool education; elementary education; musical education;multiple intelligences;
- Summary/Abstract:Since the 1980s the theory of multiple intelligences has been raising a lot of interest and positive emotions among teachers. It promotes the individual attitude towards a pupil which has made it the base of numerous methodological proposals. Since the general education accessibility, the problem of educational failure and disparity of intellectual potential among pupils has appeared. H. Gardner’s theory gives an opportunity to work out an individual plan of learning according to the pupil’s dominant type of intelligence. The author of the article presents the educational project which is carried out in the Silesian Opera in Bytom titled ‘Meetings with opera – hidden orchestra’. It’s aimed to deliver the general knowledge in relation to music and children’s observation to estimate their level of development, skills and behavioural features. The pedagogical and educational activities, as part of thinking and pace of memorizing. The authors of the project take into consideration also the fact that the hearers are marked by different cultural experience and level of learning motivation encouraged by the surrounding environment.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wielointeligentna edukacja dziecka poprzez realizację projektu „Spotkania z operą – ukryta orkiestra” realizowanego w Operze Śląskiej w Bytomiu
Wielointeligentna edukacja dziecka poprzez realizację projektu „Spotkania z operą – ukryta orkiestra” realizowanego w Operze Śląskiej w Bytomiu
(Multinteligent education of a child through the project realization “A meetings with the opera – hidden orchestra” performed in the Opera Silesian in Bytom)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Bortliczek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:164-176
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:preschool education; elementary education; musical education; multiple intelligences
- Summary/Abstract:Since the 1980s the theory of multiple intelligences has been raising a lot of interest and positive emotions among teachers. It promotes the individual attitude towards a pupil which has made it the base of numerous methodological proposals. Since the general education accessibility, the problem of educational failure and disparity of intellectual potential among pupils has appeared. H. Gardner’s theory gives an opportunity to work out an individual plan of learning according to the pupil’s dominant type of intelligence. The author of the article presents the educational project which is carried out in the Silesian Opera in Bytom titled ‘Meetings with opera – hidden orchestra’. It’s aimed to deliver the general knowledge in relation to music and children’s observation to estimate their level of development, skills and behavioural features. The pedagogical and educational activities, as part of thinking and pace of memorizing. The authors of the project take into consideration also the fact that the hearers are marked by different cultural experience and level of learning motivation encouraged by the surrounding environment.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ekspresywne wykonanie tekstow poetyckich w wychowaniu literackim przedszkolaka
Ekspresywne wykonanie tekstow poetyckich w wychowaniu literackim przedszkolaka
(Expressive performance of poetry pieces in literary education of a preschooler)
- Author(s):Alicja Ungeheuer-Gołąb
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:177-186
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:methods of working with a poetic text‑literary education in preschool
- Summary/Abstract:The article touches the problem of literary education of a preschooler. It introduces the author’s method of working with poem as well as the examples of how the method was applied. The author draws readers’ attention to the position the poetry holds in terms of child’s literary education, what’s more, she indicates the importance of the role the poetry ays in aesthetic upbringing of a contemporary person. She also refers to extra verbal ways of working with a literary piece, and on their basis she presents the basics of her own method. In the proposed poems she avails various forms of child’s expression.
- Price: 4.50 €
Edukacja finansowa w domu i w szkole
Edukacja finansowa w domu i w szkole
(Financial education at home and at school)
- Author(s):Renata Raszka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:187-200
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:money; financial education;children;
- Summary/Abstract:The article contains reflections on not an easy task that parents and teachers face, that is economic education of children. Parents play a leading and responsible role in financial education of their children. The family is the first and basic environment in which the child gains experiences connected with understanding the value of money. The child’s personal experiences play a very important role in the development of operational reasoning in terms of understanding the value of money, and what follows, in success in solving mathematical tasks based on money calculations. Moreover, they contribute to increasing the child’s resourcefulness and self‑reliance in managing their own money.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kwadraty łacińskie Eulera w rozwijaniu operacyjnego rozumowania i zapamiętywania obrazowego uczniów. Komunikat z badań
Kwadraty łacińskie Eulera w rozwijaniu operacyjnego rozumowania i zapamiętywania obrazowego uczniów. Komunikat z badań
(The role of Euler’s latin squares in developing operational reasoning and image memorization in the early education of pupils with learning difficulties – in terms of logic components and orthography)
- Author(s):Ewa Zabielna
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:201-206
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Euler’s latin squares; operative reasoning; logical tasks; the teaching process; early education; educational kinesiology;limbic system;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is the author’s brief information on the results of the experimental activities to support innovation and operational development of reasoning and accelerate memorizing spelling words with difficulty, to run classes I–III of the first stage of education. Use in tasks solved Euler’sLatin squares speeds up memorizing spelling (write correctly) words with difficulty, while helping students develop reasoning operational. Article summarize the conclusions of the practical operation of the author.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zdrowa edukacja. Propozycja ćwiczeń równoważnych przy użyciu specjalnego zestawu mebli szkolnych „Kivak”
Zdrowa edukacja. Propozycja ćwiczeń równoważnych przy użyciu specjalnego zestawu mebli szkolnych „Kivak”
(Healthy education. Proposition of balance exercises using a special set of school furniture “Kivak”)
- Author(s):Tomasz Szurmik, Piotr Kurzeja, Dariusz Mucha, Jarosław Prusak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:207-217
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Psychomotor development; body posture; school furniture; balance exercises
- Summary/Abstract:Development of children and youth during ontogenesis occurs in various spheres and at different rate. Learning about the rules that regulate this development and opportunities for positive stimulation that result from this knowledge are subject of research and investigation for representatives of both, science and practice. Stimulation of development of children and youth in school age, primarily pre‑school and early school, deserves special attention. The proposed two‑aspect solution involves:– use of special set of school furniture “Kivak” during school education period,– performing balance exercises with the furniture set.The described possibilities may positive influence not only children’s body posture (through developing the balance habit) but also development of other features such as, among others, coordination, attention, concentration, precision of moves and senses like sight and hearing.
- Price: 4.50 €