Gatunki i style dyskursu publicznego w ujęciu konfrontatywnym
Genres and styles of public discourse from a comparative angle
Contributor(s): Andrzej Charciarek (Editor), Anna Zych (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Series: Językoznawstwo
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3768-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3767-8
- Page Count: 270
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Russian, Polish
Z salonów do sieci. Dyplomaci w świecie mediów (Rekonesans)
Z salonów do sieci. Dyplomaci w świecie mediów (Rekonesans)
(From salons to the net. Diplomats in the world of media (Reconnaissance))
- Author(s):Małgorzata Kita
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:11-49
- No. of Pages:39
- Keywords:political discourse; diplomacy; language of diplomacy; language of diplomats; persuasion; diplomatic genres; mediation of diplomacy
- Summary/Abstract:The article is a reconnaissance in the area of complex issues of diplomacy language, a preliminary study and identification of issues for more detailed research from the linguistic perspective. The scientific exploration of the diplomatic language seems to be a promising theoretical-methodological and research (analytical) undertaking. It is a specialized code with a large background of tradition, used by a group that is very sensitive to the form of the created text, aware of the performativity of the utterance and the sense of responsibility for the effects and consequences of their linguistic activity. Modern anthropological linguistics – those branches that accept the over-disciplinarity of research into a complex object (this is important, because the description of the language of diplomacy cannot be limited to the linguistic aspect only) – provide research tools capable of reaching the essence of the language of diplomacy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Судьба высокого стиля в публичном дискурсе: Попытка сопоставительного анализа
Судьба высокого стиля в публичном дискурсе: Попытка сопоставительного анализа
(High style fate in public discourse – an attempt of comparative analysis)
- Author(s):Zoja Nowożenowa
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:51-71
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:public discourse; high style; stylistic connotation; textual modality; cultural and national determinacy
- Summary/Abstract:In the article the author examines the stylistic category of “high style” from the perspective of its functioning in public discourse. Theoretical condition of the issue makes it possible to define it as a stylistic connotation of the word and/or as an axiological textual modality. The parameters of public discourse are defined and realization of the “high style” category is described in different sectors of public discourse (diplomatic, religious, journalistic). The author also shows historical determinacy of the category and possibility of its comparative analysis.
- Price: 4.50 €
O dyskursie (nie)parlamentarnym w polskim Sejmie
O dyskursie (nie)parlamentarnym w polskim Sejmie
(On (un)parliamentary discourse in the Polish Sejm)
- Author(s):Anna Zych, Andrzej Charciarek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:73-104
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:verbal communication; language of politics; parliamentary discourse; language aggression
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the issue of the features of Polish parliamentarians’ utterances during the sessions of the Sejm. The authors refer to the studies and observations of leading contemporary researchers of political discourse and public communication. As it turns out, the utterances presented on the basis of transcripts from parliamentary sessions and descriptions of the behaviour of the parliamentarians are in contradiction not only to the rules governing the meeting room, but even to the generally accepted rules of social coexistence. The article discusses the linguistic phenomena of this particular type of discourse, determining on their basis the inter-party and even interpersonal relations holding in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pojęcie patriotyzmu w polskim i rosyjskim dyskursie parlamentarnym
Pojęcie patriotyzmu w polskim i rosyjskim dyskursie parlamentarnym
(The concept of patriotism in Polish and Russian parliamentary discourse)
- Author(s):Ewa Kapela
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:105-130
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:parliamentary discourse; linguistic picture of the world; cognitive definition;patriotism; nationalism; nation; national character; national culture; historical memory;universalism;particularism;
- Summary/Abstract:The present draft is an attempt to reconstruct the discursive image of the term “patriotism” based on the assumptions of Jerzy Bartmiński’s cognitive definition. The chapter presents the historically and ideologically conditioned changes in the meaning of the Polish noun patriotism and Russian noun патриотизм and their axiological ambiguity. The understanding and value of patriotism in Polish and Russian society has been discussed. The main research material are stenographic reports from the meetings of the Polish Sejm and the Russian State Duma covering the period from January 2017 to February 2018. On their basis, a proposal for a cognitive definition of the concept of patriotism has been formulated.
- Price: 4.50 €
Styl religijny we współczesnej polszczyźnie (na tle własnej historii i uwikłań dyskursywnych)
Styl religijny we współczesnej polszczyźnie (na tle własnej historii i uwikłań dyskursywnych)
(Religious style in contemporary Polish (against the background of its own history and discourse entanglements))
- Author(s):Maria Wojtak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:131-147
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:style; religions style; discourse; genre of speech; genres of religions
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the categories of discourse, style and genre as phenomena that permeate and mutually elucidate one another. The contemporary religious style is presented as a resultant of impacts of: (1) traditional communication scenarios and other elements of discourse as well as the related genre formulas, (2) modification of this tradition that was shaped as early as in the Middle Ages, (3) deviation from the abovementioned heritage. Presenting an analysis of the oldest fixed-formula prayers, their modern versions and referring to works that show breaching of the genre code of both the prayer and the prayer book, the author describes basic transformations of the religious discourse (in its cult version) and the evolution of selected religious communications.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ewolucja polskiego dyskursu religijnego Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego – na podstawie dwóch wydań Śpiewnika kościelnego ks. Jana Siedleckiego
Ewolucja polskiego dyskursu religijnego Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego – na podstawie dwóch wydań Śpiewnika kościelnego ks. Jana Siedleckiego
(The evolution of the Polish religious discourse of the Roman Catholic Church – based on two editions of Śpiewnik kościelny [The Church Song-book] by Rev. Jan Siedlecki)
- Author(s):Kazimierz Ożóg
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:149-170
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:religious discourse; linguistic conservatism; colloquialism;emotionality;
- Summary/Abstract:Contemporary Polish religious discourse in its verbal layer oscillates between two tendencies. On the one hand, it is a striving for a solemn, truly sacral word, established by tradition, spectrified, ritualistic, emphasizing the uniqueness of the relationship between man and God. On the other hand, it is natural for people to strive to refresh their linguistic means, to modernise them so that they better reflect the intellectual and emotional situation of today’s man. This can be seen in the changes in the syntax of sacral texts, in the use of colloquial and environmental elements.
- Price: 4.50 €
Metafory Kościoła we współczesnym dyskursie katolickim
Metafory Kościoła we współczesnym dyskursie katolickim
(Metaphors of Church in contemporary Catholic discourse)
- Author(s):Marzena Makuchowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:171-195
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Catholic Church; religious language; post-Conciliar image of the Church; metaphor; cognitive concept of metaphor; personification; creation of the sacred;Pope Francis;
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the metaphors of the Church that the Catholic Church uses in its own contemporary discourse. The term Church (Latin: ecclesia) has been represented for centuries by means of images, so their rich and well-known stock (vineyard, fold, ark etc.) has already been created. The author, however: 1) focuses on metaphors that create the image of the so-called the post-Conciliar Church, contained in the documents of the Second Vatican Council and in the statements of Pope Francis, 2) shows the use of conventional images in their traditional form, but also in new meanings, 3) extracts conceptual metaphors (Lakoff, Johnson 2010), whose metaphorical character is not even noticed, and which play an important role in teaching about the nature of the Church and its mission today.The main presentation of the results is preceded by a discussion of the metaphor function in religious language and in teaching about the Church. The subject of religious language is the transcendent world, inaccessible to human cognition, so it is believed that metaphors are means of indirect speaking about this world, so that it becomes imaginable and understandable for people. S. Sztajer (2009) sees the more radical role of the metaphor, claiming that (along with the symbol and myth) metaphors construct, and do not describe the world of the sacred, do not extract similarities between the initial and source domains, but they produce these similarities. In Catholic teaching, the Church is a dual nature: supernatural and earthly. Metaphors are needed above all for the supernatural. As the research shows, they draw from ordinary human experience, but are also consciously modeled, in accordance with doctrinal teaching and in a way that is to arouse positive feelings for the Church, inspire specific attitudes and actions.In the analytical part, the following metaphors are discussed in turn: the Church is the eole of God, the Church is the eole ilgriming on the way, the Church is a container, the Church is a mother, the Church is a erson (mother and father), the Church is a bride of Christ. The metaphor of God’s people emphasizes the community’s vision of the Church and close relationship with God. In the image of pilgrimage, God/Christ is a destination, a guide and a companion. Pope Francis positively values spaces off the road (other roads, the edge of the road, the periphery, wilderness) where the Church should go to reach all people. As a container (mainly the house of the Father), the Church is to have the door opened, both for Christ who wants to go outside, and for people, so that they can enter inside. Personifications (mother, father, bride) primarily evoke the image of relationships characterized by emotional closeness, love and mercy. Francis does not continue the traditional representations of the severity of God the Father contrasted with the gentleness of Mary Mother, and the Pope’s God shows maternal features. The image of the Mother Church in the conciliar documents also combines female and male traits, reaching far beyond the traditional stereotype of the mother realizing herself at home. As one of the world organizations, the Church is the subject of international public life, taking part in matters of very high rank, and its activities are institutional. The Church performs advanced mental activities (considers, considers, recognizes, values, etc.), expresses firm will (proclaims, rejects, strictly forbids etc.), its image thus exhibits the features stereotypically attributed to a man who has important functions in world.There are two conclusions: 1) metaphors not only allow us to think and talk about the Church, but also to create its desired image. The feeling of “adequacy” of this image and the power of persuasion derives from fitting not with the supernatural world, but with the reality of this world and deeply grounded (e.g. in stereotypes) human knowledge about how it works; 2) the need of today is the Church serving people here and now, in this world and in this life, and not only in eternity or after death. That is why there are no metaphors with eschatological meanings.
- Price: 4.50 €
Homo mysticus в публичной христианской беседе (лингвопрагматический аспект)
Homo mysticus в публичной христианской беседе (лингвопрагматический аспект)
(Homo mysticus in public Christian interlocution (Linguo-pragmatic aspect))
- Author(s):Anna Petrikova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:197-227
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:Christian discourse; media text; speech act; principle of cooperation; deep performative utterance
- Summary/Abstract:In this syncretical research, the author, using conversation analysis reveals the language tools regulating the personal mystical experience of the Christians as interacting subjects of the Christian discourse. On the example of interlocutions as one of the genres of the public discourse, the ways of speech acts organisation, function of blessing, greeting, particles which are the subject of linguo-pragmatics research are shown. The text highlights the issue of holding the principles of cooperation in the dialogical nature of the Christian interlocutions. The methodological basis of the research is the integrative approach combining modern achievements of text linguistics, functional stylistics, linguo-pragmatics, cognitive-conceptual and discursive directions of linguistics, philosophical hermeneutics, Orthodox and Catholic theology. The research also defines such concepts as: interlocution as a dialogical genre; media text in the Christian medial space; communicant of Christian discourse: a discursive identity; the Christian’s mystical experience; Christian consciousness; speech act; deep performative utterance; principle of cooperation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Переводной дискурс и интертекстуальность
Переводной дискурс и интертекстуальность
(Translation discourse and intertext uality)
- Author(s):Zdenka Vychodilova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:229-244
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:translation discourse; intertextuality; translation strategy; Russian;Czech;
- Summary/Abstract:The draft is devoted to various aspects of intertextuality in relation to translation discourse. The author discusses conceptual and terminological problems (definitions and differentiation of the terms discourse, intertextuality, translation strategy). Above all, however, she attempts to demonstrate how intertextuality, being an artistic means, manifests itself in the process of translation, to what modifications its functions are subjected after being transferred to a different cultural and linguistic environment. The author analyses different approaches to solving the aforementioned issues both from the diachronic perspective as well as from the point of view of contemporary translation studies. She verifies theoretical assumptions against the linguistic material of contemporary Russian fiction and its translations into the Czech language.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jakoby w dyskursie prasowym
Jakoby w dyskursie prasowym
(Jakob/якобы in the press discourse)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Krawuczka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:245-269
- No. of Pages:25
- Price: 4.50 €