Psihologia în mileniul III: provocări şi soluţii
Psychology in the 3rd millennium: challenges and sollutions
Materials of the International Scientific Conference of October 25, 2019. Vol.1
Author(s): Silvia Briceag, Luminiţa Secrieru
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Social psychology and group interaction, Personality Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Family and social welfare
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: psychology; scientific conferences; scientific research; psihologie; conferință științifică;
Summary/Abstract: The paper includes materials from the International Scientific Conference "Psychology in the Third Millennium - Problems and Solutions" (25.10.2019) and the Conference of Students - Future Psychologists (26.10.2019). The scientific achievements presented in this collection are useful both for specialists in the field of psychology and for specialists in the field of education, medicine, social work, who are interested in the present and future of psychology.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-50-247-4
- Page Count: 344
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Romanian, Russian
Strategii de individualizare a demersului consilierii psihologice în tulburarea afectivă
Strategii de individualizare a demersului consilierii psihologice în tulburarea afectivă
(Strategies for individualizing the approach of psychological counseling in emotional disorder)
- Author(s):Silvia Briceag
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychoanalysis
- Page Range:29-33
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:counselling; affective disorders; adlerian concept; depression; individual psychology
- Summary/Abstract:The affective disorders (mood disorders) have attracted a very special attention of the researchers, theorists and practitioners of the psychiatry over the past 40 years. This finding is based on at least three sets of the arguments: the biological psychiatry researches have had a much more consistent success in the field of affective pathology than in other sequences of the mental pathology; the epidemiological researches have revealed the trend of continuous increase in prevalence rates, so today it is estimated that depression has become a global public health problem; the psychopharmacology researches have promoted four generations of antidepressant products and led to a significant improvement in the prognosis of this pathology. The affective life of the human being comprises a wide range of the mood experiences that extend between two poles, one of which is represented by the tears of pain and the other – by the tears of joy. We are facing a mood disorder, when the limits of physiological euthymia are exceeded. This article presents, in a structured way, another perspective of psychotherapeutic approach to adult anxiety-depressive disorders, centered on an adlerian methodology. The adlerian view of psychopathology is deceptively simple. It considers that the psychopathological disorders generally occur in the presence of 2 conditions: an exaggerated sense of inferiority and an insufficiently developed sense of adherence. In these conditions a person can live or anticipate the feeling of "discouragement" in the face of a seemingly impossible task. Adler tended to use this term in opposition to "pathology" or "sickness".
Comunicativitatea cadrelor didactice universitare
Comunicativitatea cadrelor didactice universitare
(The communicativeness of university teachers)
- Author(s):Lilia Nacai
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Communication studies
- Page Range:60-64
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:communication behavior; pedagogical aptitude; communicativity
- Summary/Abstract:This article is part of a larger research on the personality of the university teacher, the characteristics of the efficient university teacher, as well as the place, the role of the particularities of the educational communication, the communicativity that confers efficiency. It presents an interesting synthesis of the characteristics of the effective teacher, as well as the approaches to communicativity as an essential element pedagogical aptitude.
Tipuri de comportament managerial utilizate în instituții de învățământ preuniversitar
Tipuri de comportament managerial utilizate în instituții de învățământ preuniversitar
(Types of managerial behavior used in pre-university education institutions)
- Author(s):Vasile Garbuz
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Preschool education, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:64-67
- No. of Pages:4
- Summary/Abstract:The article reflects the psychological managerial behavior in the educational system, process of formation and development of the leaders' personality. The educational field advances a series of specific requirements towards the behavior of the manager. It must show a series of traits, personality traits but also specific skills.
Anxietatea ca factor determinant al insuccesului școlar
Anxietatea ca factor determinant al insuccesului școlar
(Anxiety as a determinant of school failure)
- Author(s):Maria Corcevoi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Higher Education
- Page Range:67-71
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:anxiety; school failure; student
- Summary/Abstract:School success is a key predictor of future success in life, and students with psychological problems are at a significant disadvantage in terms of school success if they do not receive adequate assistance. Currently, the phenomenon of anxiety is common in students. This phenomenon, in the school environment, has a negative impact on diminishing interest in school activities, resulting from the environments obtained during lessons. In this study we set out to highlight the fact that anxiety is a determining factor in school failure.
Efectul optimizării relației de cuplu prin asumarea rolurilor maritale
Efectul optimizării relației de cuplu prin asumarea rolurilor maritale
(The effect of optimizing the couple's relationship by assuming marital roles)
- Author(s):Maria Corcevoi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Individual Psychology, Social psychology and group interaction, Personality Psychology
- Page Range:76-81
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:couple; marital roles; marital satisfaction; marital relationship; couple counseling
- Summary/Abstract:Adoption, internalization and defective exercise of marital roles lead to distortions of the family role structure, significantly jeopardizing the stability and balance of the conjugal dyad and consequently the entire family system. This study intends to influence the assuming of marital roles by marriage counseling, hence optimizing the couple relationship.
Corelația dintre stilul de comunicare și satisfacția în muncă a angajaților din domeniul judiciar
Corelația dintre stilul de comunicare și satisfacția în muncă a angajaților din domeniul judiciar
(The correlation between the communication style and the job satisfaction of the employees in the judicial field)
- Author(s):Inga Baciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:81-88
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Communication styles; professional communication; professional activity; lawyers; job satisfaction
- Summary/Abstract:The dimensions that communication styles involve on professional activity urge us to new scientific challenges. The main purpose of this check is to explore the correlation between of the communication style practiced in the professional activity and the level of work satisfaction to the lawyers. The interest for the job satisfaction is motivated by the fact that a part of our life is dedicated to professional activity. Moreover, numerous studies have demonstrated a direct link between underperformance and job dissatisfaction. Thus, if there are positive correlations between the level of job satisfaction and the style of communication practiced, then the style of communication could be investigated as a psychological relevant criterion to the personal and professional development of the lawyers.
Protecţia socială în Republica Moldova: cadru legal şi analiza statistică
Protecţia socială în Republica Moldova: cadru legal şi analiza statistică
(Social protection in the Republic of Moldova: legal framework and statistical analysis)
- Author(s):Irina Movilă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social Informatics, Social Norms / Social Control
- Page Range:111-115
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:social protection; social inclusion; social workers; the elderly; people with disabilities
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes the main characteristics and principles of social protection in the Republic of Moldova, highlights the main social problems, including the problems of people with severe disabilities. The legal and organizational framework of social assistance was studied. Statistical data were analyzed regarding the dynamics of social assistance for the elderly and the unemployed and the dynamics of the number of pensioners from the Republic of Moldova in territorial profile. The average size of the established monthly pension of the pensioners in the records of the social insurance bodies of the population was analyzed. The main forms of oriented social assistance are presented.
Reprezentarea identităţii psihosociale la moldoveni
Reprezentarea identităţii psihosociale la moldoveni
(Representation of psychosocial identity in Moldovans)
- Author(s):Luminiţa Secrieru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Social psychology and group interaction
- Page Range:120-124
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:l'identité; représentation de soi; représentation sociale
- Summary/Abstract:Cette investigation utilise la méthode IMIS (l’investigateur multistade de l’identité sociale). Elle permet d’accéder au système identitaire à partir de l’analyse du discours. En d’autres termes, elle permet d’observer concrètement comment des représentations sociales – celles qui touchent au domaine du Soi, d’Alter et de la Société – deviennent des mots identitaires.
Reprezentarea socială a persoanei cu dizabilităţi în mediul studenţesc
Reprezentarea socială a persoanei cu dizabilităţi în mediul studenţesc
(Social representation of the person with disabilities in the student environment)
- Author(s):Daniela Cazacu, Alexandra Hriţiuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Communication studies, Higher Education , Educational Psychology
- Page Range:128-133
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:disability; social representation; peripheral elements; person; central core
- Summary/Abstract:As the day goes by, the issue of people with disabilities grows larger. We note that the number of people with disabilities is increasing. Whether it is an acquired cause (accidents) or the cause is congenital, these people are incapacitated and their lives differ significantly from the lives of other people. Possibly, knowing what the social representations of people with disabilities are, we will understand why, however, these people are most often discriminated against in society. Speaking about the student environment, these representations regarding people with disabilities differ from student to student.
Reprezentările sociale ale bătrâneței: diferențe de gen
Reprezentările sociale ale bătrâneței: diferențe de gen
(Social representations of old age: gender differences)
- Author(s):Daniela Cazacu, Ştefan Hriţcu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Social psychology and group interaction
- Page Range:133-138
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:old age; social representations; gender differences; peripheral elements; central nucleus
- Summary/Abstract:In our paper that we set out to investigate the social representations of old age from the gender perspective, mentioning that by identifying the social representations of old age we will know the significant differences between the genders and what are the perceptions regarding the term inductive old age. We investigated which are the social social representations of old age. the elderly from the gender perspective because the specialized literature knows a very narrow range of researches of the social representations of the old age at the present stage and it is a strict necessity to investigate the social representations of the old age in the Republic of Moldova, where they find out what is identified and what cognitive assemblies are based on the elaboration of the social representations of the elderly in the population of the Republic of Moldova.
Стратегии моделирования восприятия родительских ролей у современной молодежи
Стратегии моделирования восприятия родительских ролей у современной молодежи
(Strategies for modeling the perception of parenting roles in modern youth)
- Author(s):Daniela Cazacu, Aleksandra Ovdienko
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Sociology
- Page Range:225-230
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:social representations; parenthood; young age
- Summary/Abstract:This article is devoted to the study of social representation about parenthood at a young age. The theoretical part of the study is an introduction to such concepts as: social representations, parenthood and psychological characteristics of a young age. The practical part submits the results of the study, tells about the truthfulness of the presented hypotheses. It also presents the developed program of psychological counseling of young people regarding the role of the parent.
Psihoterapia cognitiv-comportamentală în tulburarea anxioasă generalizată
Psihoterapia cognitiv-comportamentală în tulburarea anxioasă generalizată
(Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy in generalized anxiety disorder)
- Author(s):Daniela Cazacu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology
- Page Range:230-234
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:psychotherapy; methods; generalized anxiety; automatic thoughts; cognitive behavior therapy; anxiety
- Summary/Abstract:Patients diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder think that worries are synonymous with a negative thing. Throughout the therapeutic process, the psychotherapist aims to explain to the patient that worries are a common phenomenon that is characteristic of many people. Cognitive-behavioral treatment in generalized anxiety disorder displays an infringement of distorted beliefs and dysfunctional thoughts.
Relația dintre stilul de comunicare și particularitățile temperamentale la persoanele adulte
Relația dintre stilul de comunicare și particularitățile temperamentale la persoanele adulte
(The relationship between communication style and temperamental peculiarities in adults)
- Author(s):Inga Baciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:239-244
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:temperamental feature; style of communication; maturity
- Summary/Abstract:This study finds its relevance by exploring the relationship between the temperamental features and the styles of communication, answering a question that directly relates to maturity. In addition, although there is a lot of information about the styles and the nature of communication in general, there is relatively little information about the specific relationships of these two variables. Based on these results, in this article we will try to investigate the relationship between the temperamental features and the styles of communication in adult individuals.
Rolul strategiilor cognitiv-comportamentale în ameliorarea agresivității la copii din familii vulnerabile
Rolul strategiilor cognitiv-comportamentale în ameliorarea agresivității la copii din familii vulnerabile
(The role of cognitive-behavioral strategies in improving aggression in children from vulnerable families)
- Author(s):Maria Corcevoi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Social psychology and group interaction
- Page Range:244-249
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:aggression; socially-vulnerable families; vulnerable children; cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Summary/Abstract:Current research and statistics report a spectacular increase in the phenomenon of aggression in the last three decades in the Republic of Moldova. From this point of view, this study describes the subject of aggression, especially in pre-adolescents, and proposes the implementation and testing of a program to improve the level of aggression in children from vulnerable families. The use of techniques and methods from the cognitive-behavioral approach aimed to reduce aggression, by teaching people to identify, evaluate, control and modify negative thoughts as well as the behaviors associated with them.
Особенности профилактической работы школьного психолога
Особенности профилактической работы школьного психолога
(Features of the preventive work of a school psychologist)
- Author(s):Natalija Gucu
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Psychology
- Page Range:259-263
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:school psychologist; psychological prevention
- Summary/Abstract:Psychological prevention is one of the main activities of a school psychologist. It is very important the work of a psychologist to prevent possible ill-being in the mental and personal development of students, to create conditions for successful learning and psychological development of a child in situations of school interaction.