Candle. Journal of Theology and Culture of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuţi Cover Image

Candela. Revistă de Teologie şi Cultură a Arhiepiscopiei Sucevei şi Rădăuţilor
Candle. Journal of Theology and Culture of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuţi

Publishing House: Editura Crimca
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Biblical studies
Frequency: 1 issues
Print ISSN: 1582-9626
Status: Active

  • 2023
  • Issue No. 3
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  • Year: {{ issueInfo.Year }}
  • Volume: {{ issueInfo.Volume }}
  • Number: {{ issueInfo.IssueNo }}

Articles list
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Short Description

In the list of national Journals of Orthodox Theology, the Candela Journal - conceived ab initio as a church-literary journal - designed its own academic route starting on July 1th, 1882, when Metropolitan Dr. Silvestru (Morariu-Andrievici) of Bucovina and Dalmatia offered the blessing for her appearance. Initially, it was intended to appear bilingual, Romanian and Ruthenian (Ukrainian). In the period 1882-August 1914, the Journal appeared without any interruption under the title Candela – foaie bisericească-literară (Candle - church-literary sheet), following that after the outbreak of the First World War, it stopped appearing until 1923, when the second edition began.

The definitive cessation of this secondary series of Candela Journal will occur in 1946 (number 57, published in Iasi, in 1947). The main reason behind this editorial disappearance was the merger of the Faculty of Theology from Suceava with the one from Bucharest, an event that took place in 1948.

Approximately five decades later, with the enthronement of the Most Reverend Father Pimen Zainea as Archbishop of Suceava and Rădăuților (March 3th, 1991), the Candela Journal will be reactivated by keeping the consecrated title, but with substantial changes regarding its form and content. This publication, greatly reduced in pagination, tried to present itself more like a flyer or an official summary bulletin of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuților, including very small theological and literary articles, patristic and thematic anthologies, a brief presentation of the activities socio-philanthropic, as well as inserting the agenda of the hierarchs.

Based on the decision of the Permanence of the Diocesan Center (no. 1386/30.03.2021), this Theological and Cultural Journal was reactivated, proposing that the new series (the third, therefore) continue the trajectory already imposed, but receive (also) a aggiornamento sine qua non of the contemporary context. The new format, which preserved as much as possible the sections of the Candela Journal from the interwar and postwar period, will try to bring to the fore large-scale studies that cover different fields, such as theology, history, classical philology, Christian literature and art, contemporary thought etc. Of course, a special emphasis is also placed on the utilization of the homiletic treasury and on the training of the faithful, which can be achieved by publishing pastoral speeches at the great holidays of the church year. In extenso and complementary to these directions, the knowledge of the ecclesiastical life of this Diocese, of the events of which it is an integral and integrative part, is another pressing necessity and a structural milestone, which the new concept of the Journal will certainly take into account.

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