Author(s): Lazăr Ioan,Lazar Laura / Language(s): Romanian
/ Issue: 12/2015
Keywords: abuse; dominant position; abuse of dominant position; abusing; sanction; compensation;
In this article, the authors examine the question of the abuse of dominant position in the European competition law, according to the provisions of article 102 TFEU. The structure and the body of the study reveal the comments on abusing its dominant position, on justifying the abuse of dominant position, on sanctioning the abuse of dominant position and for the purpose of the above-mentioned, the doctrine developed by certain important names in the field of domestic and international law is taken into consideration (D. Negrescu, Gh. Oprescu, P. Akman, G.J. Werden, L. Lazăr, Ph. Marsden, L. Lazăr, M. O. Mackenrodt, B. C. Gallego, S. Enchelmaier, P.J.G. Kapteyn, P. VerLoren van Themaat, E. Østerud, A. Jones, B. Sufrin, R. Joliet, P. Craig. G. de Burca, D. Chalmers, G. Davies, G. Monti, T. G. Kattenmaker and S. C. Salop, St. Weatherill, P. Beaumont, V. Korah, P. Andrews, G. Coman, D. Bogdan, L. Ritter, D. Braun, R. Whish, D. Bailey, S. Deleanu, A. Jones, B. Sufrin, L.L.Gormsen). Finally, the authors put forward a few consideration regarding the actions for compensation in case of the abuse of dominant position.