Home to Die
Home to Die
Keywords: Croatia; refugees; Croatian government; Serbian refugees; Anto Bagaric
History returns to Croatia much more easily than its Serbian refugees.
More...Keywords: Croatia; refugees; Croatian government; Serbian refugees; Anto Bagaric
History returns to Croatia much more easily than its Serbian refugees.
More...Keywords: Serbia and Montenegro; Novi Pazar; Serbia; economy; Slobodan Milosevic; economic crisis; VAT; KFOR; black market
A multiethnic region along both sides of the Serbo-Montenegrin border is hit by massive unemployment and political uncertainty.
More...Keywords: Potma; Soviet prison system; Soviet Union; Mordovia
At least for foreign prisoners, the legacy of the Soviet prison system may be welcome.
More...Keywords: Public Libraries; Electronic librarians; Skills; Iran
Public libraries are available for anyone who can use it. Unlike other libraries that servicing just for special users, public libraries welcome any kind of people at any age or education. In the future public libraries, some skills are required for librarians. These skills include education, research, information literacy and computer skills. The purpose of this article is to identify the role of the electronic librarians in the future of public libraries in Iran. This article is a review of a number of public libraries in Iran. There are 7 types of public libraries in Iran and almost all kinds of them as close stack system in servicing the users. It is undeniable that trained staff are necessary for the users and services of this kind of library. So librarians should adapt themselves to these changes. We can conclude that, this article observes the features of public libraries in Iran, the skills that a public library librarians need and the changes we will need in our future library. A number of suggestions are made to how they can respond to these conditions.
More...Keywords: organizational communication; strategy; writing instruments
The market of writing instruments is a part of paper and office supplies market. The main selection criterion applied by the Romanian consumer regarding the stationery products is the price. However, in the market of writing instruments, the situation is rather atypical since this is a specialized market that differentiates as tendency from the stationery market. The goal of this work is to point out the trends recorded in the writing instruments market and to present a practical example of communication plan specific to organizations that launch a new range of products.
More...Keywords: Kazakhstan; OSCE; President Nursultan Nazarbaev; Central Asia; Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev; human rights activists; Sergey Duvanov; journalists; media; Tamara Kaleyeva; Adil Soz; press freedom; Risk Assessment Group; President Kurmanbek Bakiev;
As Kazakhstan’s year at the helm of the OSCE ends, critics say the chairmanship was an award for work not performed.
More...Keywords: United Nations; economic growth; Vasile Tarlev; economists; World Bank; International Monetary Fund; Moldovan government; Communist government; Shigeo Katsu
Europe’s least-developed country is boasting some impressive growth figures. Pity the growth isn’t helping the economy very much.
More...Keywords: electricity production; renewable sources; renewable energy; Czech Venti; Proventi; wind turbines; Czech Energy Regulation Office; Ladislav Kriz; CEZ; Ladislav Pazdera
Environmental and economic concerns are taking a back seat to politics in the Czech government's thinking on renewable energy.
More...Keywords: Digitization; Cultural Heritage; Online services;
This paper presents a practical approach for digitizing city landmarks based on free and limited Web resources. The digital replicas are then placed on the Web using popular services, like Google earth, and are accessible to a huge user base. The method is easily applicable and quite valuable to organizations with limited funding.
More...Keywords: anti-naturalism; 1890s; fin-de-siècle; Medievalism; William Morris
The paper examines the relationship between William Morris’s Medievalist aesthetics and the other anti-naturalist trends at work in the 1890s, by looking at his fantasy writing, particularly Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. The way in which his text makes use of the generic markers of the fairy-tale, its treatment of closure and of authorship and the use of ornamentation all connect Morris’s writing to fin-de-siècle experimentation.
More...Keywords: Remaining Relevant After Communism; book; review; Boris Akunin; fiction; novel; Crime and Punishment; Dostoevsky; Tarantino; Oksana Robski; Akulina Parfenova
Russian popular culture watcher David MacFadyen spots 10 of the year's most notable novels and other stories.
More...Keywords: life expectancy; data processing; forecasting; statistical analysis; buyers; marketing strategy.
Today, company activities begin with understanding and anticipating customer needs, demands and desires, continue with delivering desired values that satisfy these needs and end up with loyal and profitable relationships. Achieving the final goal requires detail analysis of all the factors that influence customer behavior. Buyers around the world, beside purchasing power as main economic factor that determines the quantity and types of purchased products and services, differ each other in terms of their life expectancy and that demographic variable also has a significant impact on their behavior. Historical statistical data about life expectancy vary from country to country, but also from region to region. When it comes to Macedonia and EU countries, comparative data indicate significant differences. Thus, the average life expectancy in the Republic Macedonia in 1995 was 72 years, in 2000 was 73 years, and in 2010 was 75 years. In the EU in 1980, the average life expectancy was 73 years, in 1995 was 76 years, in 2000 approximately 77 years, and in 2010 was 80 years. This paper will show the processed statistical data with their comments through tabular and graphical display.
More...Keywords: Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Romania;
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Romania (and possibly elsewhere) is like wine: it has to mature to make a better impression. Not all wine bottles are collection items; also, not all FDIs make the same impact. This article suggests that a critical mass of FDI has been reached on a sector-by-sector case; and that FDI represents a major channel of technology transfer contributing to overall economic development. Whether or not it also contributes to the development of local capital firms – this is a distinct question, not to be tackled here (a working hypothesis could be that positive spillovers on local firms also occur on a sector-by-sector case).
More...Keywords: Service sector; globalization; marketing.
Specific features of the globalization process are constant growth of the service sector perform-ance, its role and importance as well as the appear-ance of new specific kinds of services. The service sector is the one contributing mostly to the value and growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of devel-oped market economies. Nowadays a constant in-crease of services share in global transactions is ob-served reaching ¼ of international trade value. As to its annual growth rate it is twice higher than the growth rate of the trade of goods. Services are de-fined as the result of economic activity which can not be touched physically: from banking to entertainment services and accounting [1]. The major factor affect-ing the role and market positioning of services is the progress of information, communication and infor-mation technologies. Recently India has started to be considered the book-keeping office for many multi-national companies. Generally the term consumer services includes financial services, telecommunica-tions, accounting, health and social services, travel, tourism, rest and recreation, cultural services, busi-ness and personal services, insurance and trade ser-vices, etc. This sector accounts for 70 per cent of added value in the European Union, provides 69 per cent employment as well as 710 billion Euro cross-border commerce[2]. Diversification of service prod-ucts is largely observed in the process of globaliza-tion of the world economy. This process is influenced by the following factors: • Development of new technologies for the production of complex products, requiring special accompanying services; • Incessant increase of resources for rest and recreation, travel services and customers’ other pleasures, that result in growth of certain service spheres; • Activity of many companies is connected with relations to foreign partners, which leads to us-age of banks, airway companies, hotels, insurance and consultancy companies. The latter being in the business sector supply services, that are “invisible” and do not result in any product’s acquisition.
More...Keywords: Calin Popescu-Tariceanu; George Copos; Dan Voiculescu; Miron Mitrea; Evenimentul Zilei; Center for Legal Resources
New transparency requirements uncover the hidden wealth amassed by Romanian officials.
More...Keywords: archaeology; material culture; interview
Bjørnar Olsen graduated in Archaeology (in 1984) at the University of Tromsø where he is Professor of Archaeology. Professor Olsen has published widely on theoretical archaeology, material culture studies, Norwegian prehistory, the culture history of the Sámi, and Museology. Bjørnar has held visiting professorships at Cambridge, Stanford, and University College London.
More...Keywords: Lithuania; NATO; Czech; Roma; sterilization; nuclear; westinghouse; atomstroyexport; Russia; Poland; Shale; Grabowksi; dobrolet; sanctions; Bulgaria;
Plus, Bulgaria finally chooses between Russia and the West for a new nuke project, and more Lithuanians embrace NATO troops on their soil. Around the Bloc is TOL's daily digest of the important, the trivial, the tragic, the weird, and the sober from its coverage region.
More...ÉVA FORGÁCS: Bauhaus (Bauhaus), 2nd extended edition, Pécs, Jelenkor, 2010. 264 p., ISBN 978 963 676 489 0 ESZTER GÁBOR: Az Andrássy út körül (Around Andrássy Street), Budapest, Osiris Publishing Company, 2010. 504 p. ISBN 978 963 276 053 7 IVÁN NYUSZTAY: Az önazonosság alakváltozásai az abszurd drámában. Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter és Tom Stoppard (Metamorphoses of Identity in Absurd Drama), Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2010. 205 p. ISBN 978 963 236 279 3 GÉZA PÁLFFY: A Magyar Királyság és a Habsburg Monarchia a 16. században (The Hungarian Kingdom and the Habsburg Monarchy in the 16th Century), Budapest, Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2010. 564 p. (Historia könyvtár, 27.) ISBN 978 963 9627 31 4 IBOLYA CS. PLANK – VIRÁG HAJDÚ – PÁL RITOÓK: Fény és forma. Modern építészet és fotó 1927–1950 (Light and Shape. Modern Architecture and Photography 1927–1950), Budapest, Vince Publishing, 2010. 307 p. ISBN 978 963 303 006 6 CSABA PLÉH: A lélektan története (The History of Psychology), Budapest, Osiris Publishing Company, 2010. 652 p. ISBN 978 963 276 052 0 SÁNDOR RADNÓTI: Jöjj és láss! – A modern mûvészetfogalom keletkezése – Winckelmann és a következmények (Come and See! – The Origin of Modern Concepts of Art – Winckelmann and the consequences), Budapest, Atlantis Publishing, 2010. 573 p. (Master School) ISBN 978 963 9777 07 1 Retorikai lexikon (A Rhetorical Encyclopaedia) Edited by: TAMÁS ADAMIK, Bratislava, Kalligram Publishing, 2010. 1296 p. (Anthropos books) ISBN 978 80 8101 344 7) GÁBOR UJVÁRY: A harmincharmadik nemzedék. Politika, kultúra és történettudomány a „neobarokk társadalomban” (The Thirty-third Generation. Politics, Culture, and Historical Science in the “Neo-Baroque Society”), Budapest, Ráció Publishing, 2010. 543 p. Publications of the History section of the Kodolányi János University, 1. ISBN 978 963 9605 96 1 ÁGNES R. VÁRKONYI: Európa Zrínyije. Válogatott tanulmányok (The Zrínyi of Europe. Selected studies), Budapest, Argumentum Publishing, 2010. 442 p. ISBN 978 963 4465 522 ANTAL BABITS: Végtelen ösvények. Zsidó bölcselet és misztika (Endless Trails. Jewish Wisdom and Mysticism), Budapest, Gabbiano Print Ltd., 2010. 360 p. ISBN 978 963 8879 10 3 Bonum et pulchrum. Essays in Art History in Honour of Ernõ Marosi on His Seventieth Birthday. Edited by LIVIA VARGA, LÁSZLÓ BEKE, ANNA JÁVOR, PÁL LÕVEI, IMRE TAKÁCS., Budapest, Institute for Art History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2010. 566 p. ISBN 978 963 7381 97 3 ISTVÁN CSUPOR: Céhes kerámiák (Guild Ceramics) Budapest, Ethnographical Museum, 2010. 231. p. (The article catalogues of the Ethnographical Museum, 16.) ISBN 963 944 232 1 VILMOS GÁL: Világkiállító magyarok (International Exhibiting Hungarians), Budapest, Holnap Publishing, 2010. 232 p. ISBN 13 978 963 3469 08 8
More...Keywords: innovation; innovation of enterprises; manufacturing enterprises
The main purpose of the article is to attempt to estimate the level of innovation of manufacturing enterprises in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 2008–2016 with the forecast for 2017–2019. The article was divided into a theoretical and practical part. The first part of the work is based on the subject literature and refers to the theoretical aspect of innovation and enterprise innovation. The second part of the work is empirical – evaluation of the level of innovation in manufacturing enterprises. The research area includes enterprises operating in: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary (the common feature of the countries is membership in the European Union) in 2008–2016. The data used in the analysis come from the European Statistical Office (Eurostat). The survey was based on the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2) – section C – manufacturing. Synthetic indicators of innovation of enterprises from the manufacturing sector of countries for Central and Eastern Europe (each country separately and total) in 2008–2016 were created and the forecast for 2017–2019 was presented.