Keywords: school; pedagogy; education; teacher; pedagogue education; teacher education; quality of education
The book discusses relations between pedagogy as a scientific discipline and education as a specific type of social practice, the issues related to education of teachers, their preparation for a job, and further professional development, as well as key issues regarding teacher education: integration of the pedagogical theories with educational practice, key values in educating teachers, inspirations and prospects for this professional group.
More...Keywords: revolution; Hong Kong; relative deprivation; protest; socio-political split; party system
The author presents the causes, course and consequences of the so-called umbrella revolution in Hong Kong in 2014. The protests should be interpreted in the wider context of the changes that followed 1997, that is, from the moment of the transfer of authority over the region to the People's Republic of China. Although they lasted less than three months, they left a significant mark on the internal situation and the party system as well as the social-political attitudes of the residence of Hong-Kong (Hong-Kongians).
More...Keywords: academic migration; highly qualified migrants; internationalization of higher education; silicon valleys; academic careers
The authors examine the process of migration, work and life of scholars who came to Poland from abroad and were full-time employees in Cracow – in one of the Polish “silicon valleys”. They discuss academic environment of Cracow analysing the university’s websites and conducting in-depth interviews in two contexts: the world migration of highly qualified specialists and structural complexity of contemporary waves of migration, as well as the entire community of foreigners employed in the Polish research institutes.
More...Keywords: Canadian Foreign Policy; Stephen Harper; Justin Trudeau; NATO
The book Międzynarodowa pozycja Kanady (2006-2018)] [International position of Canada (2006-2018)] consists of three chapters written by three different scholars. Each chapter identifies and analyzes specific factors that have determined the position Canada holds in the contemporary international relations. The first chapter is devoted to the assessment of Canada's foreign policy during Stephen Harper’s prime ministership (2006-2015). This part of the book distinguishes and analyzes four basic elements of Stephen Harper's foreign policy doctrine: the need to keep a broad conservative coalition and to include the values and interests of this group of voters (as well as the personal views of the prime minister) in the formulation of foreign policy; the emphasis on the need to increase the role of the military sphere in building the international position of Canada; the redefinition of Ottawa's attitude to multilateralism; the importance of the economic sphere of international relations, especially international trade and the export of Canada’s natural resources, particularly energy resources. The second chapter is focused on the most contemporary Canadian foreign policy, as it was conducted by the Justin Trudeau government in the years 2015-2018. The chapter presents both the main theoretical assumptions of the Trudeau foreign policy doctrine and its practical implementation in such spheres of external policy as Canada's activity in the fora of multilateral international organizations, particularly in the contexts of peace-building and peacekeeping, immigration and refugee policies and bilateral economic relations between Canada and the U.S. The third chapter analyzes Canadian foreign policy towards Central and Eastern Europe between 2014 and 2018. The chapter proves that firm attitude towards Russia (especially sharp rhetoric and imposition of economic sanctions), military engagement within NATO and its reassurance measures in promoting security in Central and Eastern Europe, political, financial and military support for Ukraine, and closer cooperation with Poland can be considered as good exemplifications of Harper`s doctrine in Canadian foreign policy. The large Polish and Ukrainian diasporas in Canada, and their influence on politics in Ottawa is a very important factor as well. The Liberal government of Justin Trudeau has different foreign policy goals – it regards the necessity of a political dialog with Russia in other fields. However, Trudeau declares willingness to prolong supporting measures for Ukraine and commitment to NATO.
More...Keywords: art of Burgundy; art of Netherlands; North European art
This volume discusses the Netherlandish panel painting and graphics of the era of van Eyck, van der Weyden, Memling and Bosch. It presents original functions of paintings and their religious messages, it follows the technical procedures as well as the workshop and commercial strategies of the painters, it reveals the stereotypes and myths built around the works of masters. The author emphasizes the issues that were especially interesting for the researchers during the last 50 years, mostly the discoveries and interpretations from the 1990s and the beginning of 21st century.Second of three volumes presenting the synthesis of the artistic culture in an important region of old Europe, written by the expert on the subject. The series can be read as a thorough analysis for the specialists, as a coursebook for the students and as an interesting book for the wider public.
More...Keywords: art of Burgundy; art of Netherlands; North European art
This volume offers a new interpretation of the Netherlandish and North European art of 15th century, presenting it as a mix of objects-things that affect the receiver in a defined – material and spatial – way. It analyzes the objects of macroscale that impose the movement on the viewer, and the ones of microscale that encourage to manipulate themselves. The author searches for the „agency of things”, i.e. for evoking defined behaviours – liturgical, devotional, propaganda-political or establishing the social status of the object owner – that once contributed to the network of material and spiritual culture. Third of three volumes presenting the synthesis of the artistic culture in an important region of old Europe, written by the expert on the subject. The series can be read as a thorough analysis for the specialists, as a coursebook for the students and as an interesting book for the wider public.
More...Keywords: topos of a journey; thinkers in India; journey to India; Hesse in India; Eliade in India; Jung in India; Lévi-Strauss in India
The monograph explores the relation between experiencing a journey in its physical aspect and the practice of its literary rendering. In the narratives of Herman Hesse, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Mircea Eliade and Carl Gustav Jung the author sees the figures characteristic of these authors: magic bridges, a triangle, a labyrinth and a mandala. They help express the meaning of the authors’ travels to India, giving substance to the topos of a journey.
More...Keywords: epistemic communities; postcolonial critique; strategic culture; securitization; discourse; feminism; institutions; capitalism; pluralism; markets; new wars
Carefully selected and first translated into Polish excerpts from academic works, which shaped the international relations science. The anthology reflects the plurality of theoretical, normative and methodological approaches, characteristic of modern international relations science.
More...Keywords: stalinism; communism; komunizm; stalinizm
Książka wydana wspólnie z Niemieckim Instytutem Historycznym w WarszawieTajny referat Chruszczowa z 1956 roku zachwiał komunizmem w posadach. Późniejsze lata kojarzone są zwykle z powolnym upadkiem tej ideologii. Pavel Kolář przedstawia natomiast inną perspektywę: interpretuje destalinizację jako początek nowej epoki. Dowodzi, że utopijne wizje cechowały również komunizm doby poststalinizmu. Ich istotą nie było już jednak niepohamowane dążenie do idealnego ustroju społecznego, lecz stopniowa poprawa istniejącej sytuacji. Wychodząc poza historię komunizmu, książka opowiada o przekształceniach nowoczesnych ideologii i budowaniu nowego konsensusu władzy.
More...Keywords: supply chains;supply chain management;reconfiguration;Adaptability;medicinal products and medical devices
The book deals with the important and current subject of the effectiveness of the creation and functioning of Supply Chains in a changing, uncertain reality. It presents the results of analyzes on increasing the adaptability of supply chains. The authors focus on finding answers to the main research question of building resilience while maintaining operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness on the one hand, and on the other hand, being prepared for turmoil in the long term. Importantly, it is not about another possible wave of a pandemic, but about natural disasters, climate change, cyberattacks or limited access to certain resources that affect the efficiency of supply chains supporting all socio-economic processes.The research results are presented in four chapters and they concern:• Epistemological considerations aimed at examining the evolution of supply chains in conditions of disruptions and shaping the main pillars of chain adaptability in a turbulent environment,• Economic aspects of adaptability of supply chains along with its vulnerability determined shaped externally (e.g. due to the political factor),• Improvement of supply chains in the pharmaceutical industry, in the context of an increase in adaptive relations in the face of increasing instability of the environment,• Legal conditions governing the functioning of adaptive supply chains of medicinal products, including vaccines against COVID-19 and the issue of the risk of interference with active substances.The research should be of interest not only to universities and science institutions, but also managers responsible for the functioning of supply chains, healthcare entities and medical units servicing deliveries, as well as people interested in Logistics, Transport and Innovation.
More...Keywords: Shakespeare; reception; culture; theater; literature
The book examines the reception of Shakespeare and his works in Poland and worldwide in the context of literature, theater, cinema, culture, history, and politics. It draws attention to the significance of national sources of his works, the sixteenth-century cult of Lucrece in Poland and in Europe, and selected aspects of Shakespeare’s presence in Poland during World War II and under the communist regime. Some space is devoted to Ira Aldridge and Helena Modrzejewska, two eminent performers, who greatly contributed to Shakespeare’s promotion in the 19th century and who built their careers upon his fame. The work also presents the question of the authorship of his works in the context of ongoing debates over centuries. The book demonstrates the poet’s relevance to contemporary cultural and socio-political issues, ranging widely across his plays and poems, and their presentations in the theater. It points toward new directions in Shakespeare’s studies while uniting human experiences in various places, spaces, and times.
More...Keywords: American literature; modernism; William Faulkner; American South
An expert stylist and original experimenter, promoting the stream of consciousness method, devoted his works to the American South. He inspired such writers as William Styron, Mario Vargas Llosa, Alberto Moravia, Toni Morrison. In 1949 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature.
More...Keywords: Juliusz Słowacki; law; legal culture; Romanticism; comparative studies;
The study is devoted to the functioning and changes in the subject of law in Juliusz Słowacki’s works. The author reconstructs poet’s law imaginarium and shows how it was incorporated into his literary work. The publication reflects on the issues concerning scientific and professional life of Juliusz Słowacki. The book carefully analyses the connections between legal culture and Sarmatism, the influences of other legal traditions (English, Russian and Spartan) and the court scenes in tragedies.
More...Keywords: nauczyciel języka specjalistycznego; JOS; program studiów; nauczanie języków obcych do celów zawodowych; edukacja językowa; kształcenie nauczycieli; szkolnictwo wyższe
Głównym celem publikacji jest analiza procesu kształcenia nauczycieli języków specjalistycznych (JOS) w Polsce. Jest to kwestia o tyle istotna, że na coraz bardziej zglobalizowanym rynku pracy, umiejętność komunikowania się w języku obcym zawodowym jest niezwykle pożądana, a absolwenci filologii coraz powszechniej zatrudniani są jako lektorzy języka zawodowego lub trenerzy lingwistyczni w firmach i korporacjach międzynarodowych. Książka zawiera teksty badaczy reprezentujących różne ośrodki naukowe. Zebranie wyników badań oraz indywidualnych doświadczeń reprezentantów różnych filologii i specjalności z pozwoliło na przedstawienie dziedziny kształcenia nauczycieli języków specjalistycznych w sposób wieloaspektowy. Dzięki temu możliwe było zarysowanie kierunków rozwoju tej dziedziny dydaktyki w Polsce, a także określenie zestawu kompetencji (zarówno dydaktycznych, jak i miękkich), wymaganych od przyszłych nauczycieli-trenerów.
More...Keywords: academic entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial university; determinants of academic entrepreneurship
The main objective of the monograph is to define and analyze the current conditions of academic entrepreneurship, as well as to identify actions taken by Polish universities to support it. The monograph attempts to assess the broad context of the functioning of universities in Poland, which consists of the socio-cultural and economic environment and the activities undertaken by the universities themselves.
More...Keywords: video games; gamers; players; video game culture; gamification; ludicity
This book is a proposal to identify and take a closer look at selected aspects of the functioning of modern culture, in which the growing importance of games (especially video games) and the broadly understood ludicity, or "game-like" qualities, are clearly manifested. The key point of reference for the considerations undertaken are gamers, understood as a specific type of cultural participants. As the foundation for the argument, the examples of an academic reflection on the subject-matter are recognized and the field of this reflection is outlined, highlithting mainly the links between games and culture. This is followed by a discussion of issues related to the specifics of experiencing video games (mainly in a technological context), but also to the competencies of gamers, and to the fact of their diverification as a group, including some taxonomies. Further on, the perspective broadens, turning to the culture of games/gamers (among other things: venues designed for gamers, specialized media, events and other phenomena shaping the "gaming culture"). The argument concludes with an attempt to look at culture (as a whole) through the prism of its "gamification". Thus, the manifestations of "game-likeness" beyond the core "gaming culture" itself are discussed – the influence of games on other branches of culture (including entertainment industries or the arts), cultural protocols, everyday life, etc., and therefore on the competencies desired for modern cultural participation.
More...Keywords: Self-promotional discourse
Zasadniczym tematem tomu jest wieloaspektowe ujęcie dyskursu autopromocyjnego we współczesnych realiach. Prace znajdujące się w tym tomie starają się wypełnić lukę w studiach nad dynamicznie rozwijającym się w Polsce dyskursem autopromocyjnym. Wśród autorów znaleźli się językoznawcy, logopedzi, trenerzy biznesu, medioznawcy oraz kulturoznawcy, którzy w swoich tekstach przedstawili zjawisko autopromocji w perspektywie zarówno swoich badań naukowych, jak i doświadczeń zawodowych.Tom adresowany jest zarówno do studentów specjalizacji: dziennikarstwo, komunikacja medialna, komunikacja promocyjna oraz dyskurs publiczny w obrębie studiów humanistycznych, jak i do studentów dziennikarstwa oraz różnych specjalizacji medialnych na Wydziałach Nauk Społecznych oraz Pedagogiczno-Psychologicznych jako doskonałe wzbogacenie wiedzy na temat autopromocji.
More...Keywords: Alberto Marvelli; Italian Catholic Action; social activist; social and charity work in local environmen
The book presents the history, organizational structure, major objectives, spheres of action, religious and moral preparation of the members of the Italian Catholic Action. It also explores the life of an eminent social activist Alberto Marvelli (1918–1946), called by his biographers “a labourer of mercy”, and discusses his selected works (Diary, Letters, Speeches to the Youth, Spiritual Reflections, Political Fragments). On the example of Marvelli’s life, the author shows the influence of religious formation on the commitment to social service and its ideological references.
More...Keywords: italianisms; contact linguistics; language contact; Italian borrowings; Italian loanwords; Italian culturemes; pseudoitalianisms
This volume deals with the influence of Italian lexical elements upon Polish, especially upon the units used in Polish written sources. Of particular interest here are the latest Italian borrowings (Italianisms, culturemes, pseudoitalianisms, hybrid forms) – dating back to the 20th and the 21st century, both lexical and semantic. The aim of the present book is, therefore, to explore the scale of this impact upon Polish on the basis of a corpus compiled and organized in the form of a lexicon comprising over 2,500 entries with definitions and examples from works including fiction, non-fiction, specialized literature, newspapers and magazines as well as Internet sources and electronic media. The work is complemented by specific numerical and content data sets documenting conducted research as well as by extensive visual material.