Demographic Resilience. Demographic profile of Chișinau Municipality
Rezilienţă Demografică. Profilul demografic al Municipiului Chișinău
The analysis was developed on the basis of the revised data of the population and migration at the territorial level estimated by the National Bureau of Statistics in the year 2022 and the data of the Generations and Gender Study (GGS), which is the first and most complex longitudinal demographic study carried out to date in more than 24 countries of the world. The GGS is part of the international program coordinated by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). The conclusions of this study are intended to provide local authorities in the Republic of Moldova with disaggregated data about demographic changes in the Republic of Moldova, so that the authorities can develop demographic policies centered on people and adjusted to their real needs. At the same time, the conclusions of this analysis will be used by the authorities to identify measures to transform the demographic crisis into an opportunity, to support the country's development and promote demographic resilience in Moldova.