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The term ‚cultural heritage‛ was coined by Henri Jean-Baptiste Grégoire (Abbé Gregoire) during the French Revolution in an attempt to bring an end to the vandalisation of monuments and works of art. In Romania, the legal protection of national heritage sites is ensured by the National Register of Historic Monuments (Lista Monumentelor Istorice), managed by the Ministry of Culture and its subordinate institutions. In the county of Maramureş, this register currently lists three synagogues (in Baia Mare, Sighetu Marmaţiei and Seini), six Jewish cemeteries (despite there being over 100 cemeteries scattered across nearly half the county), as well as a few houses previously owned by prominent members of interwar Jewry. For this study, we will make use of oral history (interviews), archival documents and scientific literature in order to emphasise the sacred and memorial aspect of the material Jewish heritage of Maramureș, composed of genuine ‚sites of memory‛ (‚lieux de mémoire‛ — Pierre Nora). Listed buildings of historical and memorial significance should be protected and valued, and their story told, in order to improve the intrinsic value of real estate, as well as to enhance the public space to which they now belong.
The article presents a pioneer project in Poland concerning the recordingof biographical accounts of deaf and hearing-impaired peopleconnected with Wrocław’s Deaf community. The authors discussmethodological issues related to the translating of sign languageinto Polish and the recording of a visual and spatial language in theform of text. They also characterize the challenges faced by the researchteam implementing the “Signing history” project and reflectupon the mistakes made during the project.
The text is devoted to a group of settlers who after the Second World War chose the Bieszczady for their place of residence. The aim was to show the roots of the history of the Bieszczady settlement. As sources showed, moving to the Bieszczady mountains was not always synonymous with an improvement of wellbeing. However, this was always a turning point in the individual’s life. The research used a variety of source materials, the most important including interviews with Bieszczady inhabitants and the unpublished competition diaries „My participation in the development of the Bieszczady Mountains” (1972). As the research showed, state propaganda was not without significance in the case of settlement in the Bieszczady. The text analyzes travel motivations and peripheral everyday life of the settlers.
Prof. Wacław Leszczyński’s account, registered by Marcelina Jakimowicz,was created as part of the documentation and research project of the "Remembrance and Future" Center entitled, "Wrocław science in professor relations". The first part of an unconstrained narrative on childhood was here supported with references, the period of war and occupation, the first years after the war spent in the Opole region and the Wrocław period – Wacław Leszczyński's studies and professional career at the present Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Prof. Leszczyński dedicates many of his memories to his mother, Jadwiga Leszczyńska, AK liaison officer, Auschwitz prosoner and post-war teacher and librarian.
The report by Anna Sobko (nee Kałuc) is primarily a story about the traumatic events of 1944–1947, which were encountered by Polish citizens of Ukrainian nationality living in three pre-war voivodeships –Krakow, Lublin and Lviv. Under international agreements and decisions of the Polish authorities, they were resettled to the USSR and then – as part of the "Vistula" Action – to the Western and Northern Lands. Ms. Anna, along with her entire family, was deported from Zahoczewo near Lesko to Smołdzino in Pomerania between April and May 1947. Her memories intricately detail their arrival to a new place of residence, living conditions, relations with other groups of the population and adaptation to the new cultural landscape, which changed from the Bieszczady to the Baltic region.
The article introduces the reader to the theoretical and historical framing of the 3R project. Firstly, it takes notice of the fact that in the recent Ukrainian history three important waves of protest happened in the same location: in the Independence Square in Kyiv. Secondly, it outlines the oral history method element in the project presenting the opportunities and possible setbacks of the project’s methodology, thus justifying the decision to follow Michael Frish’s approach of ‘more history’. Finally the authors justify the selection of the three interviews presented in this volume. Most of all, it presents three interviews, with Viktor Yushchenko, Mykola Riabcchuk and Maria Tomak, showing different views on Ukraine’s path towards democratisation.
This article deals with the experiences and memories of one of the authors of the book “Gračanica and the surrounding areas in the NOB and revolution”; with his experiences during the research that was undertaken for this book as well as the historical ambient that was prevalent during his work. As such the author brings interesting experiences of his work with statements and so called “oral history” that can be used as historical sources in the right framework. The author is arguing for a great deal of reservation and caution while using such sources. This approach is being illustrated by the research on the so called revolutionary movement in Gračanica during the Second Word War. The thing that is apparent during such investigations is that the comparative method has to be used to prove all oral statements, but also that there is the possibility of certain insights that can be bring a totally new light on the topic that is being investigated. In this case it was proven that the cooperation of the Chetniks and Partisans during the attack on Gračanica denied any possibility of sympathizers and communists joining the ranks of the communist uprising.
The article explains the historical context in which the oral tradition of the Montenegrins was created. The article analysis individual elements and concepts of the process, which are deeply rooted in the consciousness of Montenegrin society. In a review of the activities of significant individuals, who marked and celebrated the age of social resistance and the fight for freedom, is defined a model that will be in the function of strengthening the moral norm of Montenegrins. Special attention will be focused on the symbolism of the whole process and the way in which certain symbols have influenced the formation of the ideals of humanity and heroism. The Montenegrin folk literature, both written and oral, is the most important source in processing this topic. The analysis of the famous folk epic poetry has shown what the attitude of the Montenegrins towards the ideal of heroism is. Even though the highly idealized legends and epic folk poetry do not paint a realistic picture of the history of the Montenegrin fight for liberation, they are nonetheless a credible source in showing the ideal of heroism in which Montenegrins firmly believed. The method of field research I used the most was an interview. The target group were mostly people from villages in northern Montenegro, who retold me the stories and legends they heard from their parents and ancestors.