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During the 19th century, the French model exerted a decisive influence on the modernizing Romanian social, intellectual and cultural life, integrating mentalities of Western Europe different from the Eastern “models” - Turkish, Greek, Russian - until then. French influence reached its peak and manifested itself in almost all areas of social and cultural life. The Romanians found in French culture and spirituality a source of inspiration, a model, a training base. Through French influence, Romanian culture crosses the threshold to modernity. One can observe the readiness of the Romanians to push the door of the West, an action capable of triggering a series of visible and irreversible acts for the creation of the modern state.
Malaysia borders Thailand in the north and Singapore in the south and is divided into West and East Malaysia. West Malaysia consists of the Malay Peninsula and several small islands around it. Meanwhile, East Malaysia which is 400 miles from the mainland, includes the states of Sabah and Sarawak. Malaysia was established in 1963 with the federation constitution; however, after a while, there was a change in its borders. Singapore, a part of Malaysia since its establishment, became an independent state by separating from Malaysia in 1965.
The cultural, religious, social and state structure of each society is shaped according to its own traditions, customs and traditions. The dynamics that exist on the basis of the structures of societies are transferred to the next generation. Although changes are observed in social structures over time, societies differ from others with their dominant features. Turkish society has also come to the fore with its family structure, cultural life and state administration. Turks, who wanted to be a world state by expanding the borders of the state in every period of history, established their own order in the geographies they conquered. For centuries, studies on Turkish culture, family and state structure have been carried out by local and foreign researchers. It has brought researchers together in different periods of history with the vocabulary it contains in the Turkish language, which is the subject of dictionaries, divans and inscriptions. Our study consists of the analysis of frequently used words about the state, cultural life and social structure in the Great Seljuk period.
Iran is located at an important point in the Middle East. Iran has a rich geography in political, military, economic and social terms, where great empires were established, different ethnicities lived together. Iran maintains its importance in the modern world. In the Iranian region, empires such as Achaemenids, Persians and Sassanids were established in the early periods of history. Then the spread of Islam in the region and the intense cultural interaction between east and west contributed to the formation of an Iranian identity. As a natural result of Iran being located in an area stretching from the Persian Gulf to the east of Anatolia to the west of India, many ethnic elements lived on the region. Different nations have lived in Iran throughout history due to the fact that Turkish migrations took place through Iran and the passageway of Arabs and Caucasian communities was Iran. Still, Iran’s land conditions allowed communities that migrated to habitable areas to settle in Iran’s geography. In addition, the geography of Iran has enabled these communities to preserve their own identities. In this study, information about the existing peoples in Iran and the general characteristic structures of these peoples are given.
Cumhuriyet döneminde Balkanlardan Anadolu’ya birçok göç yaşanmıştır. Bu göçlerin en yoğun yaşandığı yıllar mübadele dönemi olmuştur. Bu mübadele döneminde Anadolu’dan Yunanistan’a 1.200.000 kişi giderken Balkanlardan Anadolu’ya da 400.000 kişi gelmiştir. Bu gelenlerin 4.968 kişisi Muğla İline ve bunun da 459 kişisi Menteşe İlçesi’ne iskân edilmiştir. Bu mübadillerin iskânı sırasında sorun yaşanmaması için dönemin hükümet önce İmar ve İskân Vekâleti kurmuş ve vekâlet de her il ve ilçede İmar ve İskân Komisyonları oluşturmuştur. Muğla’da da Vali’nin başkanlığında bir komisyon kurulmuştur. Bu komisyonun; yerleşim yerlerini tespit etme, sağlık sorunlarını çözme, taşınma işini düzenleme ve ev, arsa, zeytinlik gibi malların dağıtımını adaletli bir şekilde yapma gibi görevleri vardı. Mübadele olayının bazı avantajları ve dezavantajları olmuştur. Muğla-Menteşe İlçesi’ne Rodos Adası Kavala, Drama, Tikveş gibi yerlerde tarımla uğraşan kişiler gelmiş ve bu da bölge tarımının gelişmesine katkı sağlamıştır. Ancak, gidenler Menteşe İlçesi’nde zanaat ve ticaret ile uğraşan kişiler olduğu için bu da bölgede ticaret ve zanaat faaliyetlerini olumsuz etkilenmesine neden olmuştur.
Asırlarca Türk milletinin himayesi altında yaşayan Ermeni milleti, Selçuklu Devleti, Osmanlı Devleti ve sonrasında kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devleti dönemi dahil olmak üzere Türk Devletleri tarafından korunmuş ve himaye görerek, toplumsal yapının parçası olmuşlardır. Selçuklulardan sonra kurulan Osmanlı Devleti döneminde bu koruma ve kollama çok önemli düzeyde devam etmiştir. Toplumsal yapı içerisinde, Devletin ve Milletin bir parçası olarak siyasi, Sosyal ve ekonomik yapı içerisinde yer almışlardır. Bu çalışmada, Hristiyan dünyasının ve misyonerlerinin desteği ile, Kiğı ve Çapakçur (Bingöl) bölgesinde gerçekleşen Ermeni isyanı ve terör faaliyetlerinin siyasi ve sosyal etkileri ele alınmıştır.
Nikad nismo pisale štapom po pijesku. Ali kada je 1983. godine u Silver Springu, Maryland (predgrađe Washingtona, DC) osnovana Ženska alijansa za teologiju, etiku i obred (WATER), pisaće mašine, iako električne, bile su neophodna oprema. Ovo poglavlje pišem na MacBook Airu, sa istom osnovnom tastaturom, ali daleko od starih mašina.
Interview with Neda Pripić. Interview conducted by Tomislav Šulj
In the Croatian historiography of the second half of the nineteenth century and during the first half of the twentieth century not much attention was paid to the history of Jews. Only at the turning of the centuries several articles written by some Croatian novelists and journalists can be noticed. At the same time, it is important to note that there were just a few Jewish authors who dealt with their own history. The positive examples were Julije Diamant Grand Rabbi of Vukovar and Gavro Schwarz Rabbi of Zagreb. During the inter-war period there was not much written about Jewish history in Croatia – at the beginning of 20s’ and in the late 30s’ of the twentieth century just two Jewish writers can be traced: Lavoslav Šik and Lavoslav Glesinger. On the other hand, after the World War Two the situation significantly changed. Namely, after the war there was no one in Jewish communities in Croatia who would be interested in investigation of Jewish history. Thus, in the 50s’ authorities founded Jewish historical museum in Belgrade in order to invoke investigation and preserve memory about the history of Jews in the territory of Yugoslavia. Although this museum became a center that gathered a certain number of researchers, none of them ever became predominantly involved in the research of Jewish history. Still, from the 50s’ one can notice a number of articles and discussions dealing with the history of Jews in Croatia and Slavonia (works by Slavko Gavrilović, Miroslava Despot-Bliss etc.), and also in Dalmatia (works by Duško Kečkemet and Bernard Stulli). By the end of the twentieth and at the beginning of the twenty first century attitude towards investigation of the history of Jews has changed. During the last several years many books, articles, memoirs have been published including studies about holocaust and histories of Jews within small local communities.
After the collapse of Napoleon’s rule and the Congress of Vienna, at which a new map of Europe was drawn, the Croatian lands found themselves within the Habsburg Monarchy, but not united: Croatia and Slavonia (Banal Croatia or civil Croatia and Slavonia) were part of the Kingdom of Hungary, while Istria and Dalmatia were an inte-gral part of the Austrian lands. The Croatian-Slavonian Military Frontier was under the direct military administration of Vienna and was finally integrated with Croatia and Slavonia only in 1881. Until the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1918, the Croatian lands remained divided between the Austrian and Hungarian parts of the Monarchy.
The second half of the 14th century was the only prolonged period after the year 1000 in which the island of Rab was not under the Venetian rule, but subjected to the Hungarian kings together with the rest of Dalmatia. The new political constellation entailed a significant restructuring of power within the commune. It was only to be expected that the noble kindreds who had linked their position in the commune to the presence of powerful Venetian kindreds, who had their own vested interests in Quarner, would gradually decline. This happened to the Hermolais, who were related to Rab’s noble Venetian kindred of Badoer and who had been used to their members holding the office of Rab’s bishops for so long. It was also easily predictable that those kindreds who were inclined to Hungary even during the Venetian rule would now have their chance of surpassing all their local rivals. There was, however, something that came as a novelty with the ascension of the Angevin kings, and the inhabitants of Rab still had to learn to deal with it, each in their own way: the absence of a powerful authority of a count, which increased the significance of the titles of the vice-count and the communal chancellor. The increased importance of these two functions, as well as the greater role of judges in the public life of the local commune, also led to the restructuring of the attitude of Rab’s elites towards the relationship between public and private in their own setting.
Among the changes occurring in the communal societies of Dalmatia during the 15th century, the emergence of a wealthy commoner class was an important process, and it has been described in some detail by Tomislav Raukar. Even though he has set its beginnings as early as the 14th century, he claims that it particularly flourished with the establishment of the Venetian rule. He has also emphasized, however, that this process has hitherto been investigated in detail only for Zadar and Split.
The Hon. Aubrey Herbert M.P (1880-1923) was the second son of the Fourth Earl of Carnavon by his second marriage and was the half-brother of George Herbert, the Fifth Earl of Carnarvon who discovered the famed tomb of Tutankhamun in Egypt. He was educated at Eton and Balliol College in Oxford. In 1922 when he was only twenty-two years old, he was appointed honorary attaché at the British Embassy in Tokyo, and in 1904 he was transferred to Constantinople where he worked for the embassy until the outbreak of war in 1914. Over these years Herbert travelled much in Albania and Macedonia, where he made friends with many leading personalities especially among the Albanians.
Problemi që synojmë të trajtojmë në këto faqe ka të bëjë me prejardhjen dhe përhapjen e të ashtuquajturit “mit pellazgjik”. Siç dihet, ky mit, sikundër ata që lidhen me bëmat e heronjve të panteonit shqiptar – Skënderbeu, Pirro, Aleksandri i Madh – ka pasur fatin e madh, edhe letrar, të mbisundojë gjatë shekullit XIX, me pasoja domethënëse që shtrihen deri në gjysmën e dytë të shekullit pasardhës. Edhe sot e kësaj dite ky mit ngre kokën herë pas here, jo vetëm në format e vjetra, me po ato metoda parashkencore, por madje me po ato synime e pretendime që pati qysh kur u shfaq në krye të herës: të dëshmojë se shqiptarët nuk ishin (a nuk janë) tjetër veçse pasardhësit e drejtpërdrejtë të pellazgëve “të shenjtë e të lavdishëm” për të cilët shkroi së pari Homeri.
Nëse në vitin 1914 emigrimi europian arriti piken më të lartë në historinë e Argjentinës, llogaritet se 1,760.000 persona kanë hyrë brenda kufijve të shtetit në periudhen 1091- 1910, nuk duket e vështire të pranojmë se shqiptarët pak kanë ndikuar në atë shifër, pasi që ishin në numër më të vogël në mesin e “kombësive të tjera” sipas regjistrimit të tretë kombëtar të atij viti. Italianët, për ndryshim nga fqinjët e tyre më të afërt mesdhetar, vendoseshin në anë të kundërta, që me kalimin e kohës përbënin numrin më të madh të të arriturve në shtet.
The main goal of the research is to study the traditional culture of Albanians who live on the territory of the former Soviet Union Republics (Ukraine, Moldavia, and Russia) and the degree of ethnocultural and language interference happened due to long co-existence with neighbouring ethnic groups.
The purpose of the following article is to present and analyse the tactical solutions employed by the Irish Republican Army and British forces in the Irish War of Independence in 1919–1921, particularly in the context of urban action. The article presents, the innovative methods of guerrilla warfare employed by the military wing of the Irish nationalist movement and the responses of British forces to these actions. The main issues covered in the text are: the Irish Republican Army's campaign against the Royal Irish Constabulary and the Dublin Metropolitan Police, the operation of the new British police units formed specifically to combat Irish separatism known as the Black and Brown and the Support Divisions, and the major combat operations carried out by the republican movement. In addition to analysing purely military operations, the article also describes the functioning of the intelligence services and the most important operations of the spy networks of both sides. In the context of Republican intelligence, the contribution of Michael Collins to the construction of an effective informant structure and the formation of a special liquidation group, the so-called Squadron, is particularly covered. From the perspective of the topic of the article, two specific moments in the Irish War of Independence were considered particularly significant. The first was the events of the so-called Bloody Sunday of November 1920 and the attack on the Customs House in Dublin on 25 May 1921. The article adopts a chronological structure, distinguishing three main phases of the conflict. The subject of the study was the testimony of the participants in the events described, found in the Bureau of Military History.
The chapter addresses the issue of a broader view of the regeneration of an industrial city in the light of dynamically occurring multidimensional technological, social, political and, above all, environmental changes. Regeneration consists in discovering the usefulness of each component of the production potential in new conditions and properly incorporating it into the productive and developmental circulation. It is a process in which a new “grammar” of management emerges on the one hand (new concepts, a new language, a new conceptualization of the functioning and development of the city), and on the other hand, management shifts to a new development trajectory. It is impossible to start this process without modifying the socio-economic imaginary and building a new paradigm in the approach to further processes of urbanization and urban development. The reallocation of industry towards Third World Countries by global corporations over the past 50 years has shown how sensitive – politically, socially and ecologically – we have created the modern world. The scale of the problem is revealed to us at an accelerated pace by extreme climatic events, epidemiological threats, political and war conflicts. Supply chains are being disrupted, basic principles of social and economic security are being violated. These are, among other things, the main reasons for the need for a different view – scientific and political – of the geography of the world’s production processes and the need to take into account – in the further development of civilization – “commonly” ignored global external costs. We now know that we are in the phase of a civilizational and climatic geopolitical and demographic breakthrough, which requires a different view of the productive functions of cities, their future functional and spatial structure, the degree of preservation of material cultural heritage. Perhaps the delayed changes that are taking place in Łódź are a new opportunity that will be used in a new historical moment of changes in the geography of the world’s industry, moving away from energy based on coal and other fossil fuels, and to re-reallocate the generation sphere to the global level towards the return of “industry” to the cities of the Western World and the EU. However, the reindustrialisation of the cities of the EU, Europe and the Western World will have a different trajectory resulting from the clearly visible features of a new type of digital and low-emission economy, as well as the possibility for cities to generate “new” strategic generation resources on their own. These new “economic resources” are produced in complex territorial urban socio-economic systems. As a consequence of these objective trends, we can conclude that the new wave of development and transformation of cities will be determined by “new” resources and development factors already inherent in urban systems as a result of the historical process of accumulation with minerals, raw materials and also the accumulation of knowledge and skills of city dwellers. Especially large cities have a “hidden” critical mass, the liberation of which will allow the transition to a new trajectory of development based, in a strategic sense, on intangible intellectual resources. Such a new resource of industrial development becomes “territorial capital”. Without going into a deeper analysis of contemporary development processes, widely described in the literature on the subject, it is worth pointing out the permanent trends that will determine further development processes and what may result from them for global, national and local activities of public institutions towards cities and urbanization processes. These include:• Accelerating digitization of all spheres of economic, social, political and military life. • Increase in demand for stable electricity. • Building a global consensus on action to protect the climate and restore the regenerative functions of the natural environment. • Political and economic pressure on the development of renewable energy sources as new resources for building sustainable competitive advantages on territorial scales. • The depletion of cheap sources of mineral resources and the strengthening of market innovations and motivation to use secondary raw materials. • Economic polarization of the world and conflicts over access to water.