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Hardly any part of the history of the Jews has so far been as neglected as the legal history of the Jews in medieval and modern times. It is a special, however very large scientific area, even an independent science with wide branching, comprising an era of about one and a half millennia, based on both history as well as on law, offering an undreamt-of abundance of legal historical material and historical, legal and sociological problems presents. These aspects have almost entirely eluded, even to the present day, any systematic scientific work, any historical collection, judicial comprehension and sociological lighting. And yet today, less than ever, a particular justification for the importance of this field of research is needed.
A source not unimportant to the history of the Jews in the Middle Ages are the responses and the decisoric works of the Jewish scholars. It is true that the historical moment in the treatment of the historical substance takes a back seat, because both the questioner and the spender of the ans-wer are concerned with the decision of the ritual law, but the historical core is all the more diffe-rent from the treated law topic. (Comprehensive in the Yearbook of the Society, VIII, B. Suler "Rabbinische Geschichtsquellen p. 27 ff.) In this regard, the work of Rabbi Yitzhak Or Sarua deserves special attention.
The excerpts from 33 Responses of Rabbi Israel ben R. Chajim Bruna used here are divided into 21 pieces according to the individual events, each piece comprising the entire material, even if it is taken from various responses, which refers to the relevant event. The majority of them are of great and greatest importance for the history or cultural history of the Jews in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia in the 15th century. Here is a brief overview of the content and the value of the more important pieces of interest to us, which should also serve as an explanation of the events and instructions for a deeper understanding of the context.
In the following, the festive days of Purim and Megilloth, as far as they relate to Prague and Bohemia, are listed, and, besides those which have already been published and are mentioned here only very briefly, the others are discussed in some detail. Additionally to the Megillath-Samuel, belonging to the more important ones in content and size, is completely reproduced.
The purpose of this work is not to set out in detail the basics and presuppositions of Jewish mysticism; nor is it our intention to detail the curriculum of the leaders of Sabbatianism, Sabbatai Zewi and Jakob Josef Frank and their prominent confessors. In our narrative we only want to limit ourselves to a concise overview of the lives of the two sectarians and their basic doctrines. In more detail, we only want to deal with those times when their heresies began to invade the Bohemian lands, and describe how they were received here and what attacks and struggles they faced here. That's why our study is in two parts. The first part will contain a brief overview of the life and teachings of Jakob Josef Frank with a more detailed account of his stay in Moravia, written on the basis of new and previously unused material. The second part will be dedicated to the end of Frank's life and especially the persecution of his Prague followers by the advocates of the ruling Jewish orthodoxy around 1800; Also for this purpose previously unknown archive sources were used. The dogmatic side of these struggles remains unnoticed, because the ideological and religious content of the teachings of Frank and the religious foundations of Sabbatai Zewi are not connected with the history of Jewry in the Bohemian lands, but are well known from the previous literature. The present work will pay particular attention to essential events and real facts in order to enrich historical knowledge about the spread of Frankism and its propaganda in the Czech lands. The events are to be faithfully described according to the sources, without the intention of favoring any of the hostile parties; sharp failures against one or the other party will always be only the echo of the sources in their wording or in faithful paraphrase.
The history of the Jewish community in Telč (Moravia), which numbered 93 souls as late as 1921, has not yet been published, with the exception of a few short notes by Beringer and Janousek on the history of the city and the rule of Teltsch (Telč). And yet the history of this small Jewish community provides us with events of general interest. So the otherwise seldom found fact that in 1651 the city purchased from its landlord Wilhelm Count Slawata the establishment of a numerus clausus of only three Jewish families by obliging them to pay a Jewish tax (Židoplat) per 30 fl to be paid to the count's pension in two half-yearly installments. The trial of the brothers Josef and Moses Hesky, who were accused of fraudulent bankruptcy in 1667, is neither without general interest, since a case of magistrate justice against bankrupt Jews, if the believers were Christians, is presented here. Finally, we are also shown that Christian tradespeople repeatedly complained about the competition of the Jewish traders against the competition of Jewish merchants, not only the authorities and the state authorities, but also that the latter in their shops (as in a modern department store) peddle a larger number of different categories of commodities. Also interesting are the reasons which the Teltsch Jews cite for the fact that the Jewish trader does not specialize in a single type of commodity in his trade like the Christian one.
On March 25, 1832, the wealthy Prague Jewish merchant Jakob Dormitzer, probably under the influence of a request in the Prague newspaper of March 1 of the same year, which will be discussed further, presented a memorandum to the Prague Gubernial Presidium to carry out the necessary improvements to Jewish customs and conventions, and did not even shy away from the then revolutionary proposal to postpone the Jewish Sabbath holiday to Sunday in order to assimilate the Jews of the Christian population. All the better Jews - Dormitzer argued - would realize that it was necessary to remove from Jewish customs everything that is inappropriate today and has its origins in times of long persecution and contemptuous treatment of the Jews. In grateful remembrance of the fact that the Austrian government was the first in Europe to call the Jews to defend their country, Dormitzer recommended the introduction of Reformed Jewish worship in the Vienna and Pester Muster synagogues and the relocation of the Saturday holiday to Sunday, an amendment whose permissibility and usefulness are allegedly proven by strict orthodox principles. Dormitzer relied in support of his radical proposal on a booklet of Chief Rabbi Aron Chorin from Arad: "The faithful messenger to his fellow religious", of which he enclosed a copy in his memorandum and in which he himself (on page 16) is quoted with his views under the pseudonym Jakob. Of course, Dormitzer's unusual proposal required a thorough consideration by the provincial authorities, who were always very cautious in Jewish matters in order to avoid, in particular, the awakening of religious passions He did not, however, express any concern that the Jewish religious leaders might object to Dormitzer's radical suggestion, and therefore called on the town captain to discuss both the mayor of Prague and the Antra Gierer and some more educated Prague Jews, especially on the question whether the transfer of the Jewish holiday to Sunday according to religious principles was permissible at all.
Tobias Jakobovits has dedicated an in-depth study of the Jewish badges in Bohemia. (Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Juden…, Vol III., Prag 1931, pp.. 145 ff.) Amongst these badges, the yellow spot ordered by Maria Theresia in 1750 played its defamatory role the longest and only in 1781 did this remnant of a bad time disappear. Jakobovits shows in detail the drudgery that arose the Prague Jews from occasional violations of the ordinance, which was directed primarily against the unmarried Jews, since the married people were already marked by the beards. In addition to the files which he refers to, which relate to the yellow spot, there are also some documents in the Vienna State Archives of the Interior and the Judiciary, which record the facts of some transgressions of this kind and are therefore extensively communicated here as a supplement to the work of Jakobovits.
When the undefeated samurai Miyamoto Musashi retreated to a cave in 1643 and wrote The Book of Five Rings, a manifesto on swordsmanship, strategy, and winning for his students and generations of samurai to come, he created one of the most perceptive and incisive texts on strategic thinking ever to come from Asia. Musashi gives timeless advice on defeating an adversary, throwing an opponent off-guard, creating confusion, and other techniques for overpowering an assailant that will resonate with both martial artists and everyone else interested in skillfully dealing with conflict. For Musashi, the way of the martial arts was a mastery of the mind rather than simply technical prowess—and it is this path to mastery that is the core teaching in The Book of Five Rings. Written not only for martial artists but for anyone who wants to apply the timeless principles of this text to their life, the book analyzes the process of struggle and mastery over conflict that underlies every level of human interaction.
„The Prince” was written by Niccolo' Machiavelli in the 1500s. It has continued to be a best seller in many languages. The Prince is a classic book that explores the attainment, maintenance, and utilization of political power in the western world. Machiavelli wrote The Prince to demonstrate his skill in the art of the state, presenting advice on how a prince might acquire and hold power. Machiavelli defended the notion of rule by force rather than by law. Accordingly, The Prince seems to rationalize a number of actions done solely to perpetuate power. It is an examination of power-its attainment, development, and successful use.
Prof. Georgy Fotev is a Bulgarian sociologist. His scientific works are in the areas of theory and history of sociology and the disciplinary fields of modern sociology. The focus of the research interests of G.Fotev is the nature of sociology as a multiple paradigm science. Another major theme in the works of Georgy Fotev is the dialogue as a base and horizon of multiple paradigm sociology. Georgy Fotev has publications in the fields of historical sociology, sociology of politics, ethnosociology, the crisis of legitimacy, sociology of values, etc. His books "The long night of communism in Bulgaria" and "Bulgarian melancholy" throw light on the dramatic fate of the Bulgarian national society. Georgy Fotev was Minister of Education and Science (1991 - 1992). He is professor emeritus of New Bulgarian University. In 2003 he was awarded the Distinguished Service Award from the American University in Bulgaria. Mankind is shaken by a multitude of uncertainty. There is an increasing perception that uncertainty becomes permanent. The focus is on the existential, social, political, economic, global and other basic varieties of human uncertainty. The author explores the fundamental conditions of human uncertainty and the main forms of her manifestation and experience. The phenomenon is seen in the light of the new science of chaos and complexity in the context of the risky society/world, in terms of catastrophic consciousness and the conditions of crisis types. Particular attention is paid to trust as a fundamental social attitude and condition against decadent attitudes and nihilism.
The presented monograph is a result of many years of practical work and research of the author in the sphere of intentional influence in Bulgaria, USA and NATO structures. It would be of interest to psychologists, sociologists, psychological surgeons, PR and image-maker specialist, managers, and anyone who wants to understand the psychological mechanisms of influence - why do we think what we think, why we feel what we feel, why we act the way we do it, and how other people and the media influence us. In fact, the book does not offer ready-made recipes, but an understanding of the process that enables us to protect ourselves from unwanted influences and to be more effective in achieving our goals.
The question of land property has always been an intriguing one for the European historians, especially medievalists, as practices concerning property are complex. Medieval concepts such as (land) property, ownership, and lease do not correspond to our understanding or to the Roman period. In the changed social and economic circumstances of Late Antiquity, ownership gradually lost its absolute meaning. The notion of land possession also changed radically throughout the Middle Ages.
Socio-political everyday life of the Habsburg Monarchy was heavily shaped by the activities and life styles of the elites, their mutual relations and connections. It was not before the last two decades that the historiography has paid some attention to the “personal” in the affair of ruling as well as to the role of the ladies-in-waiting, very often owners of the wealthy estates, whose role has manifested as very important. Offcourse, the area of the Kingdom of Hungary-Croatia was not an exception. Nevertheless, these ladies are still rather unknown in Croatian historiography. Hence, the main goal of this paper is to point out the influence of the two of those ladies-in-waiting who were also the owners of the very wealthy estates in the Kingdom of Hungary-Croatia: Countess Batthyány and Countess Althann. Both were married to the much influential magnates, but also close friends and partners of the two of the most powerful men of the Habsburg Monarchy in the first half of the 18th century - the emperor and the king Charles VI of Habsburg and Eugen of Savoy. In the paper the author asks if these relations could positively reflect on socio-political relations within the Kingdom of Hungary-Croatia, or to the interests of the individual members of the Hungarian or Croatian estates’ corporations. To answer to these questions the author did her research not only based on the preserved written historical materials or secondary literature, but the author also analyses the allegorical fresco on the ceilings in one room of the Čakovec castle. This fresco was made in the 1720s on the initiative of Countess Althann, the owner of the castle. This fresco itself as well as the circumstances of its fabrications depicts the historical evidence of the importance of the associations of the political magnates in the creations of the political intrigues of the Habsburg Monarchy of that period.
The Evangelisti (earlier Tributinići, sometimes Vangelisti) kindred, by its is origin from Jajce in Bosnia, who after their arrival in Dubrovnik experienced their growth as well as ascend on the social scale just to become the Antunini – the highs strata of the citizens of Dubrovnik. The first member of the kindred was Gradoje Tributinić whose son Bielosav was married to Anđela, the daughter of Evangelista Moro, and was the founder of the family in Dubrovnik. The linage was continued by his son Brailo who married Patronila, the daughter of Luca Bratosalić, in 1443, as well as by Brailo’ son Evangelista, who married Rusa, the daughter of Thomas Alduardi, the official physician of the Republic of Dubrovnik, in 1469. The next generation of the Evangelisti kindred represents Gabriel, son of Evangelista, who married Margarita, the daughter of Benedict Bratosaljić, while his son, Evangelista Jr., who married Francisca Marina, the daughter of Antun Rugia in 1539, was the last member of the Evangelisti kindred who had male offsprings. Namely, his only son Gabriel Jr., who married Iva Mate Stay in 1595, had not any offsprings. After his death as well as the death of his unmarried brothers Marin, John, Damjan and Anthony in the 1620s, the Evangelisti kindred came to an end.
Besides the introductory notes on the position of the Jews and anti-Semitism in Russia, Germany and Hungary, the article deals with two sermons delivered by the Chief Rabbi of Zagreb, Dr Hosea Jacobi, on the celebration of Hanukah in November 1883 and on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his rabbinic ministry in Zagreb on 14 January 1893. Regarding the first sermon, particularly interesting are the impressions overwhelming him while, for the first time, preaching in the synagogue in Croatian language. In the second sermon, he emphasized that Croatia is an example of a country in which Jews live peacefully and may develop their cultural, economic and religious potentials, in which they are spared of anti-Semitic assaults and hatred, to which they are exposed in many other countries. Both sermons are important as sources for the research of Croato-Jewish relations in the nineteenth century.
The university as a community of thinking and free people has always been of interest to researchers. A discussion of the open spaces of university discourse can provide a starting point for a debate about styles of scientific thinking and action. In the space of the university, we can certainly see scientific discourse, scientific and research discourse, but also increasingly popular science discourse or 'absent discourses'. This book is a generational transmission of knowledge, a kind of transfer between knowledge and experience and what is just entering the world of science. It is a kind of encouragement to use the scientific achievements combining the interpenetrating disciplines of academic knowledge. Texts by prominent figures from the world of science presenting various fields of science are gathered in one place. We dedicate the book to both scholars and students wishing to learn about the intersecting areas of the architecture of academic knowledge.
Moderni feminizam je jedva nešto stariji od dva veka. Sam termin je još mlađi, tako da u nevolji definisanja, istoričarke za starije periode često upotrebljavaju termin ’feminizmi pre feminizma’. Već tu je jasno da feminizam ima jaku potrebu za preciznošću i samoograničavanjem, koje svedoče o dugoj borbi za ulazak u prihvaćeno područje političkog rečnika, naučne terminologije, i istorije ideja. U situaciji stalnog ispitivanja i samoispitivanja iznutra, i stalnog poricanja i prećutkivanja spolja, možda bi zaista bilo jednostavnije nazvati feminizmom sve političke pokrete, krugove i situacije u kojima se proizvodila ideja jednakosti polova, promocija ženskih kvaliteta, i slavljenje ženskog doprinosa razvoju ljudskoga roda. (…)