Книги 2011 г.
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
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Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
There are testaments from the 16th century preserved in Kremnica state archive. They are written in Latin, German and in one sample also in Slovak language. Last wills prepared a man for a death in spiritual and secular (division of property) way. Testaments eliminated conflict between secular property and desire for an eternal life. Formally testaments consist of several parts – invocation, intitulation, profession of faith, passages about human mortality, composing of the last will and redress of sins, heritages of property, confirmation, corroborating and date formulas. The content of the testaments is an important historical source for economic, law, culture, regional history and also history of material culture and everyday life.
Materials about the nature of personal relationships are an important source of information about everyday life. This article bring information on daily life and attention is focused on the city of Krakow. In addition leading themes, personal relationships contain a lot of information about the difficulties with the supply and quality of housing, the attitude towards the changes taking place in the city, functioning within the official public life and privacy. The purpose of this article is not to criticize source materials such as memoirs, or reflections on the formation and functioning of the memory of the war and occupation.
The aim of the author was to outline the development of the Slovak order education system on the example of three Czechoslovak order real gymnasia in Košice in the third decennium of the 20th century. It resulted in a picture of the studied gymnasia in the years 1935 – 1938. An absence of archival materials constituted a limitation to the research and processing of its results.
The article presents the program of sexual education prepared and offered by Krakow Branch of the Planned Parenthood Association in the wider context of socio-political situation in Krakow (1956 – 1989). Since the beginning of the Association’s existence, the special attention was paid to the development of educational program, which concerned the different aspects of „family life“. The article is going to answer the questions about its goals, the educational tools used to achieve them and its social targets. To accurately determine the position of the Association in the city‘s community I will analyse its foundation and activities in wider context of the pre-war traditions of the organisation and the activities regarding premarital counselling undertaken by the Krakow Catholic Church.
The article presents the results of а didactic diagnostic test which was conducted among students of VI degree in 138. „Prof. Vassil Zlatarski“ School. The results of the diagnostic study reveal the students’ abilities to work with images, such as explaining the causes and consequences of historical events, comparing images and compilation of short text answers.
With its fifth edition in 2019, the festival ‘Na Megdana na Drugata Bulgaria’ (At the Public Square and Gathering Point of the Other Bulgaria) establishes itself as one of the main events for Bulgarian emigrants in Europe. It gathers folklore enthusiasts and besides a dancing stage, it is a ground for new friendships, meetings, and exchange of expertise. The article examines the festival as a place of contact of informal migration-based groups of interest and as a trigger for developing an imagined community around symbols such as origin, clothes, music, dance and food. The ‘megdan’ is considered a community centre existing mainly in people’s mind but not as a geographic location. The article searches for the link between the event and the ways of preserving and transmitting cultural heritage in migration. The study was conducted in three stages: a preliminary online survey; fieldwork in the period May 10 – 12, 2019 in La Nucia, Spain; an additional digital data gathering.
Se estudia el enfoque que se le dio a la lactancia materna en diversos textosde la temprana modernidad: obras médicas de los siglos XV al XVII del Viejo y delNuevo Mundo y crónicas de la conquista espiritual de América. El corpus textualseleccionado lo unifica su marcado providencialismo y su potestad Divina. Se proponeubicar estas obras desde una tradición que toma en cuenta el eclecticismo y eldinamismo en la materialidad de la cultura escrita: siempre se construye un texto a partirde distintas fuentes para conseguir, de modo activo, algo novedoso. Con base en esto, sedestaca que los autores médicos y cirujanos de esta clase de obras crearon unametatextualidad en dos sentidos: uno propio del quehacer del arte médico y otromeramente literario. Finalmente, se propone entender las funciones de los autoresdentro del entramado al que invita su discurso normativo de estilo áspero, desde el cualdefendieron la idea de un paraíso en el Nuevo Mundo ante el cisma que tuvo la Iglesiaen el siglo XVI.
Between 20 and 25 of June, 2022, Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak was guest of Babes Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca. In her Romanian trip, she was accompaniated by her sister, Professor Maitreyi Chandra. The two of them offered a wonderful talk, on June 22, On Women’s Education in India. The audience had the opportunity to learn details about the educational system of India and how it changed during time. Their dialogue was transcribed by Georgiana Nicoara, PhD student at the Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
Review of: Malini Bhattacharya and Abhijit Sen (Eds.), Talking of Power. Early Writings of Bengali Women, New Delhi, Sage Publications India, 2021, 181 pp., ISBN: 978-93-81345-81-8.
There are many records throughout the Empire from the imperial provinces dating to 1st and 2nd century AD that mention dispute settlements between tribal communities in which the Roman provincial administration had significant role. The intention of the Romans to intervene to such disputes was not so much motivated by the need to ordain how the dispute should be settled, but to ensure all the prerequisites that the dispute was ended quickly and efficiently. Romans intervened to all disputes that they perceived as potential dangers to their smooth administration of the province. The more dangerous the dispute was the higher provincial official was concerned with its settlement. Such approach to dispute settlements resulted with a high degree of standardisation of such procedures throughout the Empire which can be qualified as some kind of administrative arbitrations. Moreover, such approach reflected a consistent policy to disputes in those provinces where stabilisation of Roman government was still going on, or where tribal communities did still not fully adapt to the new Roman administrative system and territorial divisions. In their attempts to bring such disputes to an end, the Roman provincial magistrates used certain powers which were typical for their criminal jurisdiction, especially in initiating the dispute settlement and the enforcement of the award.
Mefküre Mollova was the first Turkish woman and university professor in Bulgaria, who defended her Ph.D. thesis in the field of turkology and gained international fame for her research. She is the author of over 150 publications in prestigious international journals that continue to be cited today. Mefküre Mollova was among the founders of the Turkish Philology at the University of Sofia. She had worked for only about 7 years (1953-1961), when she and her husband were dismissed from their academic positions on false claims, and the Department was closed. She remained outside the academia until the end of her life.
The historiography devoted to the Balkan Wars of 1912 – 1913 is considerable in volume. There is hardly any research however regarding the question how such a distant country as the USA “sees” the development of the two military conflicts in the southeastern part of Europe preceding the Firs World War. An excellent basis for putting the topic on the agenda is created by the available documents from the archives of the USA – both published and in digital version. Their inclusion in scientific circulation will not fundamentally change the general knowledge of the Balkan wars, but it will add some interesting touches to it. This is precisely the main, if modest, purpose of this brief paper.