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The article seeks to ascertain whether and to what extent the state policy of “care” and “protection” of the family, woman-mother, children and youth in the period of socialism in Bulgaria is the result of the paternalism and populism typical of the Bulgarian socialist model.
The post-war situation confronts the Turkish population in Bulgaria with the challenges of both the strained relations between Sofia and Ankara and the assimilation-led policies of the communist ideology against the minority. This publication examines the attempts of the Bulgarian Communist Party to build a new view of life among the Turkish women in Bulgaria through the mechanisms of education and culture. By pursuing its goal of depersonalizing the influence of religion at the expense of emancipatory perceptions of women’s active participation in social and political life the state harnesses totalitarian propaganda in order to change the value orientation of the Turkish women. The striving for modernization of the life of the Turkish women is also in compliance with the specific tasks and problems of the simultaneously pursued minority policy in the country.
Conference report on the International Science Conference ‘Culture as Fieldwork: Authentic, Spectacular, (In)visible'
The issue of gender justice has drawn the attention of gender scholars as does gender equality a justice or civilization. Because of this, the paper examined women and gender equality justice or civilization. In discussing these gender issues, several documents, reports, newspapers, magazines, archives, articles, journals, among others, were systematically reviewed to support the argument. Two theories were used in supporting the argument. These are Islamic Feminist and Liberal Feminist theories. The assumptions of these theories centered on gender equality and gender justice in society. The study found that gender equality is not civilization but justice. This is of the fact that both men and women are born equal and need equal justice for the development of the nation. The paper recommended that men and women should be given equal opportunity in all aspects of life in order to ensure gender justice. Parents and religious leaders should adhere to the principles of gender equality for the betterment of society.
The text is dedicated to two movies based on Alberto Moravia’s book “Ciociara”. The author examines some folklore motifs through which the role of the woman is presented. The analysis also includes the dream of a wedding, which transforms the understanding of time-space relationship. Outlining authentic folklore motifs in the film narrative is in the centre of the study, together with the original presentation of the person having the wedding dream, which forms the visual core of the film. Central point in the text is the relation between reality and the way it is experienced by the dreamer.
The dumb blonde figure is very popular in the repertoire of international jokes and is characterized by two main qualities: stupidity and promiscuity. These features are also shared by jokes which have circulated in Bulgaria since the 1990s. Researchers view dumb blonde jokes as a consequence of the increasing presence of women in professional and public life in positions which were traditionally considered ‘male’ spheres. The jokes are a reaction to radical transformations in social values and also a specific response to problematized male identities. Over the course of time, the image of the blonde has undergone certain changes as the sexual innuendo has faded and stupidity has become the main object of ridicule. In this way, the blonde has become a version of the classical personage of the fool whose role has always been substantial in the processes of self-identification, whether they be national, social, ethnic, local, or regional in character. In this respect, the blonde represented in such jokes has the potential to become a universal archetype, since her image combines two major identity markers: gender, and more generally, cultural affiliation.
The text reviews the scientific monograph of Nurie Muratova ‚Women beyond the Archive. Invisible Histories of Women in Bulgaria‘, published by University Press ‚Neofit Rilsky‘ in Blagoevgrad. The book explores the place in the Bulgarian and world archives of two marginalized social groups – women and women with minority status. It is established that their visibility and invisibility, accessibility and secrecy, significance and underestimation depend on certain archival policies, social conditions, social stereotypes and prejudices.
‘After preaching, they feasted quite lavishly every day, they chose new lovers almost every night, they spent their time without being subjected to anyone, without worries, without fatigue, without danger’. In his Super Apocalypsim, the Cistercian monk Geoffrey of Auxerre describes in this way two Waldensian lady preachers, delineating an extraordinary condition of female autonomy. The article explores the ‘textual phy-siognomy’ of Super Apocalypsim, a biblical commentary written in the second half of the 1180s, but also high-lights its historical and editorial context. The testimony of Geoffrey of Auxerre, a leading representative of ecclesiastical hierarchies, allows us to analyse lexical choices and conceptual nuclei in order to clarify the speci-fic polemics underlying this description of the subversive life of an order which is represented by the two Waldensian women and the manner in which they experience female freedom. Emphasis is given to the issue of a dangerous ‘upside-down world’ (mundus reversus et perversus); this witnesses the subversive experience of the two Waldensian women. The article also recognises possible surviving traces of a radical evangelism and the attempt to create a new world (mundus novus).
Today, Silesia is a large region located in the south-western part of Poland. A very small part of Silesia is currently in the Czech Republic and an even smaller part in Germany. In this paper, the author, Professor of the University of Opole, Piotr Sadowski, points to the examples evidencing the contacts between the ancient Romans and the inhabitants of Silesia at that time. He also asks about the nature of these contacts. He is convinced that the current cultural identity of Silesia, apart from Polish, German and Moravian factors, was also influenced by the achievements of ancient Roman culture. The author is aware of how many divergent views exist as to the ethnic affiliation of the inhabitants of Silesia in the first centuries of the Roman Empire. Probably at that time the representatives of various ethnic groups lived there, forming a union of tribes controlling the Аmber route. Numerous findings, especially the so-called Roman imports indicate that a number of Roman goods reached them - just recall a beautiful silver cup with plant and animal motifs from the 1st century AD found in Gosławice (today the part of Opole). The nature of Roman-Silesian contacts was influenced by the geo - political situation of peoples living between them. There was a time when Marcus Aurelius wanted to create two new provinces, Marcomanniа and Sarmatia. However, that did not happen. The Marcomannic Wars caused that trade relations in today's Silesia decreased and gave way to the political ones, as evidenced by the furnishings of the magnificent graves from Zakrzów (now the part of Wroclaw). Summing up, from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD, the lands of today's Silesia were under strong influence of imperium romanum, initially most of all economic, later more political.
Dacia was, between 106 and 275 AD a Roman province , known under the surname of Dacia Felix. Our contribution takes advantage on a circumstance, at least as happy as the province was considered to be: the existence of the wax tablets of Alburnus Maior (nowadays Roșia Montană, in Alba County, Romania . Also known as Triptychs, some are valuable sources of historical and legal informations, while others simply record scenes of social life. Uncovered between 1786 and 1855 out of the former provincial golden mines, they are a priceless account of the way locals transplanted the Roman Classical Law. In fact, this very direct application of Roman Law in the Dacia province was, among other Transylvanian epigraphic testimonies , also demonstrated by these waxed tablets (tabulae ceratae Alburnense ). Those juridically relevant were studied by Romanian legal historians such as Ion Peretz, Ion Baltariu , Vladimir Hanga . Our purpose here is to give a brief account on how the vulgarisation of Roman Classical Law took place in this part of the Empire.
Data about scientific events in the field of the humanities in Bulgaria in the first half of 2023.
The subject of this text is the study of the ritual practice associated with summoning of demonic beings – Queen of Spades and Bloody Mary. The purpose of the text is to characterize the specific process of summoning ghosts, as well as to look for the prototypes of the considered female figures. The different conditions under which the sessions take place, their socio-historical context and the characters anchoring in popular culture, being its product, are compared. Attention is also paid to the social function of such practices, with an emphasis on their psychological interpretation. Queen of Spades and Bloody Mary are perceived as manifestations of fear, but at the same time, they are its antipodes, and the roots of this statement are sought in the initiation practices among adolescents associated with the transition to adulthood.
Основната цел на този текст е да представи концепцията за деколонизацията на психичното здраве чрез изследване върху началото на този процес по време наСтудената война. Поради тази причина е въведена дискусията за появата на глобални илокални проекти в транскултурната психиатрия. Като обект на основен документаленанализ избрахме окончателния доклад на транскултурния проект на Световната здравна организация, проведен между 1965 и 1973 г. в Глобалния юг и Глобалниясевер, озаглавен Международно пилотно изследване на шизофренията (СЗО, IPSS1973). Нашата цел е да идентифицираме, чрез анализа на този глобален междукултуренпроект на СЗО, как психичното здраве и културата са били третирани като медико-политически проект, целящ да създаде общ език за психиатрията чрез универсалисткаепистемология. СЗО е обвързана със социалните проблеми на следвоенния период,търсейки в епистемологията на универсалността потвърждение на обстоятелството, чевсички сме равни, а също и възможност да бъдат избегнати бъдещи конфликти междуотделните нации. Световният мир, световното гражданство и универсализмът са важнимедико-политически програми на IPSS и особено на СЗО. По отношение на структуратана психиката, деколониалният подход смята, че всички хора са еднакви, респективно наедно и също ниво. Въпреки че универсалността на шизофренията изиграва важна ролякато критика на колониалната психиатрия, IPSS поема по много рискован и ограниченпът. Проблемът е, че не всички сме еднакви. Заложени са на карта субективността, разнообразието и различни културни и социални аспекти, които трябва да бъдат взети под внимание. В този смисъл опитът да се създаде общ и универсален език за шизофренията повдига въпроси за някои постколониални и транскултурни подходи.
The study presents the graphic works of six modern female artists that are part of the Tulcea Fine Arts Museum`s heritage. Their work, presented in the context of the modern period of development of fine arts in our country, is prefaced by a comparative analysis between feminism and the feminine in art, starting from the general understanding of the concept of feminism. The article aims to promote the graphics collection of the Tulcea museum and to provide a starting point for future analytical studies.