Bierwiaczonek, Bogusław. 2013. Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain
Review of: Bierwiaczonek, Bogusław. 2013. Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain. Sheffield: Equinox, pp. iv + 291. ISBN 9781908049346.
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Review of: Bierwiaczonek, Bogusław. 2013. Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain. Sheffield: Equinox, pp. iv + 291. ISBN 9781908049346.
En este artículo presentamos y analizamos las manipulaciones ideológicas de la Guerra Civil española que se reflejaron en los niños a través de la educación en el período entre el establecimiento de la Segunda República y el estallido de la Guerra Civil española, y se mostraron en las películas La lengua de las mariposas y Pan negro. Para presentar las consecuencias ideológicas, estas películas han sido seleccionadas porque reflejan una rutina diaria de los españoles, también muestran la influencia de la guerra en la vida de la gente y de una manera muy clara representan las ideolo- gías políticas de nacionalistas y republicanos. A través de las películas, se presentan ideales, tanto republicanos como nacionalistas, quienes tuvieron influencia directa en la vida de los niños a través de la educación en la escuela. Basándonos en las escenas analizadas de estas dos películas, comparamos la manipulación de los niños antes y después de la Guerra Civil española. Sobre la base de las escenas analizadas, compararemos la medida en que los niños fueron manipulados antes y después de la Guerra Civil española, así como por qué por qué es importante abordar el impacto de la educación y el entorno escolar en los niños en este período.
The first part of the essay deals with the conflicting opinions of vari- ous different authors regarding the place travel books should occupy in literature. It is often thought that travel books are not only a hybrid genre but that it is also questionable whether they are a genre at all. Although such a level of disagreement regarding travel books does exist, most authors point out the doubtless existence of fictional elements within them. Travel books can range from the ones which are similar to reports (grounded in facts) but are still somewhat subjective, to the ones where fictional elements are clearly dominant. Individual authors of various travel books usually displayed a tendency to take sides in disputes between the various Christian peoples of the Balkans, while there were even those who openly wrote in support of the Ottoman Turks. Although travel books represent a valuable source of facts and information, the question whether the author was objective/subjective remains unanswered. A good example of such tendencies is Black Lamb and Grey Falcon by Rebecca West, as well as Through the Lands of the Serb by Mary Edith Durham. Taking these travel books as examples, we analyse, in broad terms, the question of objectivity/ subjectivity which the reader and researcher of the Balkans must surely face. While the first travel book had received much more publicity over the years, the latter had remained rather obscure. It is an excellent example of how an author can change not only his/her initial views but sides as well, beginning at the positive pole regard- ing the Slavic population of the Balkans and eventually reaching the opposite one.
Der Begriff Vergangenheitsbewältigung2 ist eines der wichtigsten Forschungsthemen in Deutsch- land, das sich zur Aufgabe stellt, den Umgang mit der deutschen Vergangenheit des 20. Jahr- hunderts zu erforschen. Dabei wird der Begriff namentlich in Verbindung mit der Aufarbeitung der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit gebracht und ist somit insbesondere seit den 60er Jahren3 als einer der zentralen Begriffe in die öffentlichen Debatten gerückt. Ein wichtiger Forschungsaspekt stellt die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Holocaust4 an den europäischen Ju- den und die damit verbundenen nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen dar, dem, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die noch wenigen Zeitzeugen, besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wird. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt will der Artikel die Schwierigkeiten bei der literarischen Aufarbeitung der NS-Vergangenheit durch die Zeitzeugen5 exemplarisch behandeln. Das Augenmerk liegt dabei auf dem Verhältnis zwischen dem Erinnern und Fiktion. Als Basistext dient dabei das 1995 beim Suhrkamp Verlag veröffentlichte Buch Bruchstücke. Aus einer Kindheit 1939–1948.
The essay is based on postcolonialism and it questions the correlation between official history and the process of dehumanisation by which economically dominating structures endeavour to devaluate other historical perspectives, defy- ing their own versions. Thus, a persistent attempt of imperial forces to impose aˈpatriarchalˈ version of history, as Fredy Perlman would say it, is identified. This eurocentric attempt of outcasting others, is defied by many social critics, such as Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire, and American academic, Arab from Palestine Edward Said, as well as writers of alike convictions, for example Eduardo Galeano from Uruguay, and Puerto Rican Jew Aurora Levins Morales, who are proposing hu- manism that Europe has betrayed throughout its history and its betrayal disguised cunningly. Despite the proclamations of these authors that such an one-sided history should be urgently revised, the tendency of overwriting the already accepted parts of history that do not correspond to the interests of the West, doesn’t cease. The afore mentioned process of overwriting (and fabrication of) history refers either to literal doodling over the pages that testify of bloody and genocide concerning events or to a victory of conquered nations over fascism. To the dates which (co)memorate mentioned events, a new aureole is assigned that celebrates new alliances within imperialistic culture. This essay displays the theories to which the empires strive in order to ̎colonize the mind̎ (Thiongo) and ̎dehumanize the oppressed ̎ (Freire), in order to achieve their own economic goals and to preserve the power. It also offers an insight into the mechanism of defence, available to the oppressed so that they can preserve their own history (and culture), and by doing so, their humanity as well.
The paper examines a Greek inscription from Philippopolis (IGBulg III, 1, 998) which illustrates the complex dynamic in the local religious and cultural life. The inscription contains a grave imprecation reproducing models from Asia Minor. However, the practice of using supernatural protection against grave violations is quite uncommon for the Thracian context and is clearly related to the fact that the owner of the grave identifies himself as a native from Nicaea. The foreign element of the grave imprecation is mixed in the inscription with a reference to the city’s mail cult of Apollo Kendrisos, itself a result of the religious syncretism between the Greek Apollo and a local Thracian deity. The double protection of the grave entrusted both to the local gods and to the native supernatural forces is enhanced by adding a third protective element – a grave fine. Thus, the use of profane, legal means of protection, typical only for the Roman law, demonstrates the owner’s integration also into the dominant Roman culture.
Recently, there is worldwide an intense debate about the efficiency and implementation of bilingual education. This problem becomes a very sensitive issue if education includes a minority and a majority language. The former one almost always has a lower level of prestige, and that is why it is endangered. That means minority language needs stronger support in the education process in order the keep the balance between languages since the macro environment of minority students is dominantly not in their mother tongue, but the official language of the state. Education of Hungarian as a mother language and as the language of instruction plays an important role in preservation of minority mother tongue and keeping and increasing its vitality. The occurrence of minority language/language variety compared to official language of the state in the school and the possibility of secondary language socialization in mother tongue are good indicators of the constitutional, legal background and legal security of a certain national community. Efficient minority education of Hungarian as a mother language and as the language of instruction could provide the functional bilingualism which is essential for minority’s everyday life. The aim of this paper is to introduce the complexity and variety of topics of this education model, and to furthermore illustrate how the different reactions related to (the bi- and multilingual and multicultural) society can change its functioning and existence. The paper also underlines that this model is able to be renewed, and its additional features are the quick and intense changes which are regulated by law. The innovations of the new millennium which aim is the inner renewal can lead education process in the right direction and increase its efficiency but only if the creation of laws is influenced by practical needs, what is more there are not any difficulties about its implementation.
Frei Luís de Sousa by Almeida Garrett: a pragmatic analysis of the theatre dialogue. In this article, we analyse, from a pragmatic point of view, the dialogue of the play Frei Luís de Sousa by Almeida Garrett and its translation made by Maxime Formont at the beginning of the 20th century and published in Livourne. We focus on the strategies used by the participants in the theatre discourse in order to consolidate and sometimes even to renegotiate their interpersonal relationship. Our main interest concerns the use of nouns and pronouns in the 1st Act. For a better understanding of the socio-historical context of this play, we propose a short introduction to the 19th century, in Portugal. We also present and analyse some important para-textual pieces of information that accompany the translation made by Maxime Formont.
This article aims to provide the analysis of the process of translating a political discourse by relying on speech acts. The meaning of an utterance varies depending on the context. Thus, starting from a pragmatic approach and taking into consideration the theory of speech acts, we will try to demonstrate the importance of preserving illocutionary force in order to adequately translate political discourse. The political speech chosen to illustrate the examples is Emmanuel Macron's speech at the Palace of Versailles on July 3, 2017. This pragmatic approach is based mainly on the speech act theory introduced by John Austin and developed byJohn R. Searle.
Urbanization gradually generated new needs and resources which, in their turn, led to a significant increase in technological innovation. As a consequence, digital transformations marked a radical change in the way people rethink and reorganize today’s society. Such transformations have not only shaped our lives but also influenced our cognitive status. We intuitively conceive and develop new concepts on the basis of metaphor. As a means of cognition, metaphors help us conceptualize things. The visual representations of what we perceive play a very important role in the way we conceptualize one mental domain in terms of another. By linking language to thinking and visual images, cognitive metaphor theory opens up the possibility for metaphor to serve as a vital methodological tool in investigating metaphoric representations.
Literary works have contributed a crucial role to the manifestation of the dominant themes of the time and the era to which they belong. Each writer and each work has a special orientation in its approach to convey the intended message. This article, having as its approach context and metacontext analysis of the text, scrutinizes Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mocking Bird in order to assess the writer’s tact in the illustration of specific issues through the manifestation of their cultural, historical, and religious context and background. Through the introduction of these materials, this study has also tried to answer the question concerning the manner in which the writer has captured the theme of racism via the projection of the unseen, unfathomable, and the unobjectionable information of the mentioned origins to touch upon our consciousness and arouse sympathy towards the humanitarian crisis practised at that time. The article reveals the plausibility of the interpretation of the novel based on religious, historical, and cultural background references. It renders the fact that Lee contributed a significant share to the illustration of such themes as racism and inhumanness at that time and stands as a landmark of inspiration for others as well.
This paper deals with a classic of American literature, a master of the short story and poetry, a literary critic who demanded seriousness, professionalism and high standards of literature – Edgar Allan Poe – along with his contribution to literature in his native Appalachia and to world literature, and the way his literary legacy has been cherished in modern times and seen from different cultural perspectives. The paper will also shine additional light on the way the literary works of the “Tomahawk Man” influenced new generations of artists.
The starting point of the paper is to assume that Lenin’s image functions as a pop culture icon. Consequently, the basic purpose of the present text is to try to answer the question about how to create and present the image of the head of the Bolshevik Revolu-tion, as well as about its function in Russian and Polish science-fiction works. The research material includes five fantastic stories: Andrei Lazarchuk, The Mummy, Andrei Stolarov, The Mummy, Andrzej Pilipiuk, Lenin, Lenin 2. Something survived, Cane Fields. Based on the analysis of the works, it can be inferred that Russian authors are definitely more (despite the presence of humorous accents) directed at reworking trauma and anticipating future events with an apocalyptic overtone. In the case of Andrzej Pilipiuk, this element is not there − Lenin’s image is exclusively satiric and grotesque, lacking the features of a realistically life-threatening monster. It seems that Russians are still living “in the shadow” of the Chief and trying to work through the trauma of communism. In the works of Andrzej Pilipiuk, Lenin’s painting (while maintaining all of his constitutive qualities) carries no real threat of returning to the dramatic past and successfully functions as a relic of the past and one of the icons of pop-communism.
The paper presents some aspects of media presentations on a particular ethnic group which in the western psyche brings up associations with Socialism, Cold War Era, wealth, as well as of criminals, and last but not least, as the deadliest secret agents. In particular, the paper dwells on the cases of poisoning of Russian ex-spies in the UK as reflected in the media. The focus is on the way a Bulgarian, a British and a Russian newspaper present the case of the attempted murder of Sergey and Yulia Skripal with Novichok in Salisbury paying attention to the main topics put forward in the media discourse on spies. Some of the coverage of the Bulgarian trace, i.e. Emilian Gebrev, in the case is also analysed.Using CDA as the main method of analysis, the paper looks into the language used to present the whole case, the voices that get heard on the case, the focus of presentation of each media discourse along with the effect all these have on the general population. The paper argues that although articles on the topic are mostly informative and familiarize the general public with the life of spies with all its enchantment, setbacks, and negative or positive consequences, they also reveal the ongoing struggle for political dominance between today’s super powers, the existing ethnic/ national and social stereotypes, and finally stir panic, as despite some overt activities the whole activity remains largely clandestine and spies look just like normal people.
This article addresses legitimation in discourse seen as a complex and multifaceted concept. The specific focus is on authority legitimization which is understood not simply as ethos construction but rather as a claim to rightness, i.e. the claim to be normatively right to perform the speech act. Building upon work on legitimation by van Leeuwen and van Dijk, the article studies intertextuality as one aspect of authority legitimation. The presence of elements of one text in other texts can take various forms and degree of visibility and intensity. Therefore the main purpose of the article is to identify the types and functions of intertextuality. A framework within the scope of Critical Discourse Studies is proposed by which a small corpus of acceptance speeches of contemporary American political leaders is analyzed. The results from the quantitative and qualitative analysis have shown that speakers of different political backgrounds use intertextuality similarly. It is revealed that the most common source of intertextuality is the voice of the political opponent. The main functions of intertextuality in the analyzed speeches are solidarity and credibility building as well as downgrading opposing points of view.
In this twofold study, I will focus on the exilic/ diasporic Nigerian-born black British author Ben Okri as a postcolonial author reflecting the issues of postcolonial literature in his novel The Famished Road from a translational point of view. I will first discuss the qualities of the exilic/diasporic experience in postcolonial literature in terms of theme, style and language use; language is the key element in postcolonial literature which reflects the hybridity of cultures and the hybridity of the language used in postcolonial texts, which is closely associated with the translation challenges of a postcolonial text into a culture which is alien to postcolonial experience. My aim in this study firstly will be to discuss whether the novel The Famished Road which displays the characteristics of a postcolonial text in terms of style, themes and the hybrid language use avails itself with all its generic qualities in the Turkish translation and creates the same effect and impressions on the Turkish reader in terms of voicing the postcolonial experience as it has on the English reader and, secondly, how the generic qualities are transferred into the language of a culture which does not possess a similar literary or cultural medium.
Perception is universal for human beings but linguists are interested whether it is conceptualized the same way in different languages. The focus of this article is the concept of smell and how it is linguistically coded in English and Bulgarian. Such cross-linguistic meanings have not been systematically investigated when they appear in context. This study is corpus-based to capture, on the one hand, the conceptual organization of smell and, on the other hand, the structure of more abstract concepts. The study applies the cognitive perspective to interpret the conceptual metaphors in the domain of smell. The interplay of senses is used to enhance the “linguistic codability” of perceptions. Smell, which is on the whole understudied, together with touch and taste, offers a wide variety of metaphoric interpretations not only within one language but also across languages. The range of usage that is readily observable in the corpus reveals that this type of data must form the basis for empirically grounded studies of semantics. Moreover, these data suggest that cross-linguistic analogy in polysemous meanings may rely not only on universal cognition, but also on the universal experiences of social interaction.
In Eastern European folktales, the supernatural adversary appears often in form of a dragon, a snake or a giant. The same fantastic figures have symbolic meanings in Christian religion too. The article gives an account of Georgian and Bulgarian folktales, demonstrating pre-Christian and Christian thoughts in folk narrative tradition on the example of fairy-tale characters Dev (Giant in Georgian and Bulgarian folktales), Gvel-veshapi (Dragon in Georgian folktales), Zmej and Lamja (Snake in Bulgarian folktales). Because fairytales include elements of the nature-based religions of the ancients, it stands to reason that Christian religion is also reflected in them. An overview of folkloric materials outlines the characteristics, constants and variables of the mythological and Christian images of snake, dragon and giant as well as pagan folkloric transformations of the folk beliefs in these beings. This article presents a comparison of the typology of Georgian and Bulgarian folktales in context of their cultural traditions.