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PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE INTRODUCTION-PDF-FILE BEFORE BUYING THIS BOOK TO EVALUATE WHETHER OR NOT THE SPECIAL OLD GERMAN CHARACTER STYLE IS READABLE FOR YOU. // „Since it would have been impossible to cover a subject as big as Russian Literature in one book, I turned my main attention to modern literature. The earlier writers up to Pushkin and Gogol - the founders of modern literature - are treated in a short sketch; then I move on to the chief masters of poetry, novella, drama, political literature, and criticism, and around these I have grouped the less excellent writers, the majority of whom are dealt with in brief notes. I am well aware that each of these latter offers something of his own and would be worth being explored in more detail. I also know that some of the lesser-known authors have occasionally portrayed certain schools of thought better than their more famous colleagues. But in a book intended only to give a broad general idea of the subject, the approach I chose was commanded.” (from the author’s introduction 1906)
This work, devoted to three great Polish romantics, can help to shed light on certain aspects, whether more specifically French or more broadly European, of this romanticism which a recent centenarian has adorned with a momentary topicality, but which, by the literary revolution aroused, remains of eternal relevance. For each of the three poets studied in this volume, patriotism is, along with love, the main source of inspiration. All celebrated the martyred Poland, affirmed in prophets, its approaching resurrection.
The Tale of Sim Chong is one of the most famous classical novels in Korea. The theme of the story is devotion and love between father and daughter. Sim Chong suffers all the hardships, she even decides to sacrifice her life for her father. The blind father tries to save his daughter, but after he is left alone, he suffers only misery. In the end, however, everything comes to a happy ending, so typical for Koreans. On the contrary, the Tale of Unyong is a story of tragic love that overcomes social barriers, even death. The whole novel is interwoven with tragedy and despair of the main and supporting characters, who live in a world full of pitfalls, where they fail to fulfill even the slightest wish. Unyong and her lover resemble Romeo and Juliet, but their love can overcome everything. The publication consists of an annotated translation of two classic Korean novels with an accompanying study.
So far, the Occident has only learned about the modern literature of the Turks from occasional articles in magazines. It is not yet time to write a detailed account of them, but it is worthwhile and even obligatory for a collection that includes the "Literatures of the East" to describe their development up to the present in a little more detail than has been done up to now. wants to include. However, a brief outline will suffice for the time being, in accordance with the current state of affairs. The fact that it follows Byzantium and Greece will not come as a surprise. A presentation of the entire Turkish literature would have belonged in the sixth volume (Persia and Arabia), but Turkish modernism alone no longer fits in with Asia, only with Europe. And there the bond with Byzantium offered her the most natural accommodation.
A selection of Old Slavic literature in Bulgaria / collected and published in Czech by Mr. Pavel Šafárik 1847; translated into Serbian by Mr. Janko Šafařík 1848; translated from Serbian into Bulgarian, [with a preface] and published by Deacon Hrisant Ioanovich of Kalofer. Published by The Princely-Serbian Printing House, Belgrade 1849
published in 1910by the Royal Publishing House, Sofia
Essay of Gregor von Glasenapp about Hermann von Samson-Himmelstjerna, completed by an essay of Hermann von Samson-Himmelstjerna about Gregor von Helmersen. Published 1908 by the German Association in Livonia by «ٲJonck & Poliewsky » publishing house in Riga.
The scientific monograph Artificial paradises: intoxications with culture – intoxications in culture is a polyphonic project on understanding the titular phenomenon, identifying its forms, manifestations and consequences that are both a subject of description of culture, and its integral component, a source of ecstatic, euphoric or at least hedonistic reactions and behaviors. One of the functions of culture and art is to evoke emotions, often extreme (and not always positive) ones that result in experiences comparable to narcotic or alcoholic intoxication. Contemporary theories of literary and artistic communication (based on an emphatic or somatic mode of reception) allow for a return to these reception conceptions seemingly abandoned a long time ago, bringing culture back to what is in popular opinion its unwaveringly primary task of delivering sensory impressions and emotional affections. It is in this sense that the initial metaphor of “artificial paradises” was interpreted by the authors of the various chapters in the monograph. The metaphor was applied to all literary and artistic tools that shape reality represented in a way that enables one to create an imagined world which suits the spiritual and emotional needs of a human being more than that one which is known for empirical experience. The monograph is therefore a multi-authored overview of different variants of understanding cultural intoxications, recognizing and indicating their presence or transmission in the culture of the Slavs.
"The Portuguese-Czech dictionary of Brazilian Portuguese represents, within the Czech context, the first dictionary that focuses on the specific vocabulary of the Brazilian variant of Portuguese and attempts to translate it into Czech. It is based on the Pequeno Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa and, subsequently, enriches it with the current vocabulary of contemporary Brazilian Portuguese."
This multi-author monograph is the result of the jubilee scientific conference organised at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Applied Linguistics. The editors aimed to make individual chapters and problems raised in the publication correspond with the subject of (applied) linguistics and its numerous subdisciplines. Apart from the articles devoted to subdisciplines recognised in the linguists’ environment, such as glottodidactics, translation, terminology or specialist communication, the monograph contains texts on relatively new subdisciplines, including avialinguistics and jurisprudence. The monograph is complemented by reflections on broadly understood culture and literature.
The monograph represents a significant milestone in shaping the patterns of official communication in Poland. The research material comprises office collections originating from Upper Silesia during the 16th to 18th centuries, encompassing multiple towns governed by European municipal law. Due to the broad jurisdiction of local offices, the extant documents embody two distinct discourses: chancellery discourse, governing legal-social and ownership relations among residents, and court discourse, concerned with arbitrating disputes and maintaining public order. The characteristics of both discourses are related to the description of pragmatic functions typical for them, text categories and genres of statements recorded in written form.
The aim of the book is to analyse the theories of travel that Mickiewicz’s and Słowacki’s letters reveal. Undoubtedly, the 19th century can be described as the age of travel, which became a need, a fashion and even a must. Many different modes of travelling as well as many different types of travellers appeared at that time, some of them presented their experiences in written accounts. Mickiewicz and Słowacki described their voyages mostly in their letters, which – if analysed using the travel writing studies tools – can reveal these two poets’ understanding of the phenomenon of travel.
This book is intended primarily for English undergraduate students. Some sections are also useful for those who study language in general, as each chapter starts from the basic concepts in the different disciplines of linguistics, so that no prior knowledge of linguistics is necessary. The primary goal of the book is to enable students to acquire and expand their knowledge about human language in general, English as a world language, and about the scientific study of languages, which lays a foundation for a more detailed study of linguistic rules. Having read the chapters and completed the tasks in each section, students will be able to discuss the basic principles of modern linguistics, apply the tools for linguistic analysis, and use the metalanguage when describing fundamental concepts in specific areas of linguistics, such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and teaching methodology.
The main objective of the book is to analyze the evolutionary path of the forms haya cantado, hubiere cantado and hubiera~-se cantado in the period between 1701 and 2023 in Latin American varieties of Spanish. The monograph consists of three chapters. The first two present the history of the compound tenses of the subjunctive mood from Latin to 21st -century Spanish, while the third investigates in detail the frequency of its use between the 18th and 21st centuries in Latin American Spanish. Thus, the first chapter, which covers the period up to the Golden Ages, revolves around the creation of compound tenses whose origin is found in the Latin construction epistulam scriptam habeo. In the second chapter, after familiarizing the reader with the periodization of Latin American Spanish, the use of compound tenses of the subjunctive mood in different Spanish varieties in Latin America between the 18th and 21st centuries is examined, that is, in the period corresponding to modern Spanish. The most typical contexts of use of haya cantado, hubiere cantado and hubiera~-se cantado are analyzed, and it also offers some observations on the frequency of their use in Latin American countries. Chapter three analyzes the frequency of use of haya cantado, hubiere cantado and hubiera~-se cantado between 1701 and 2023, based on data collected in the CORDE, CORDIAM, CREA and CORPES XXI corpora. Likewise, the frequency of use of cantara~-se is examined, which, as indicated on several occasions, primarily competes with haya cantado.The work ends with concluding observations that concisely and briefly summarize the main ideas.
© Copyright by Barbara Batko-Tokarz & Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.Tematem tej rozprawy jest opis teoretycznych i praktycznych problemówpodziału tematycznego słownictwa współczesnego języka polskiego. Główną inspiracją do zainteresowania się tą tematyką stała się praca przy tworzeniu Wielkiego słownika języka polskiego PAN (skrót WSJP PAN), pierwszegoprymarnie elektronicznego słownika ogólnego współczesnej polszczyzny.Tworzący jego koncepcję zdecydowali, że słownictwo w nim zgromadzonepowinno podlegać klasyfikacji tematycznej. Zadanie stworzenia zasad tematycznej klasyfikacji haseł słownikowych od samego początku powierzonezostało autorce tej rozprawy. Jak dotąd nigdzie nie została jednak dokładnie opisana koncepcja, która legła u podstaw tego przedsięwzięcia. Dlatego też główny temat niniejszej książki stanowi opis teoretycznych podstawi zasad ich tworzenia, a także prezentacja oryginalnego schematu klasyfikacyjnego przygotowanego przez autorkę specjalnie na potrzeby podziałutematycznego słownictwa współczesnej polszczyzny wraz z dokładnymi zasadami jego budowy. Trzeba podkreślić, że nie będzie to jednak opis tego,jak obecnie wygląda realizacja koncepcji klasyfikacji tematycznej w WSJPPAN, w którym znalazła ona praktyczne zastosowanie, ale przedstawieniepodstaw teoretycznych i praktycznych rozwiązań, które były niezbędne, byna potrzeby słownika współczesnej polszczyzny powstał podział tematycznyzgromadzonego w nim słownictwa. Choć koncepcja ta służy konkretnemudziełu leksykograficznemu, autorka potraktowała ją jako punkt wyjścia dobardziej uniwersalnej refleksji o tematycznym podziale słownictwa współczesnej polszczyzny.
Publication available under license Attribution 4.0 International (BY 4.0).This is a revised version of my doctoral dissertation Generics in Norwegian –A Cognitive Analysis. I defended the thesis in October 2020 at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The goal of this book is to show how genericityfunctions in the Norwegian language and how it is rendered in the cognitiveframework.Genericity as a language phenomenon is regarded as the ability to talkabout kinds and to make generalisations about people, objects and events.The possibility to make such generalisations is known to be present in alllanguages (see Chapters 1 and 2). However, the way it is expressed may varyfrom language to language. In Germanic languages, and therefore also inNorwegian, genericity is expressed mainly with the use of different nounforms. When it comes to Norwegian, there are five noun phrase (NP) typesthat can be used generically and these are: bare noun, indefinite singular,definite singular, indefinite plural, and definite plural.All of the forms listed above can be used in a number of contexts, notonly the generic ones. In this study, a number of generic texts are analysed,together with feedback from native speakers of Norwegian, in order to determine whether there are certain contexts in which given NP types occuras generic. In the last section of the book, a cognitive model of such contextswas created (see Chapter 7), based on the models of Radden 2009, Pettersson1976, and Leslie et al. 2011.
La dimensión creativa siempre incluirá un cambio de perspectiva.Cuando cambiamos de posición, las cosas se ven de manera diferente.Lo que estaba lejos, se acerca, y lo cercano, lo familiar, lo que conocemos,o mejor dicho, lo que creemos conocer, se aleja mostrándonos suotro lado, una faceta desconocida, rara, que nos extraña, al principioasusta, pero al final despierta la curiosidad. Cualquier cambio de posición,aunque sea solo un paso, es una actividad creativa ya que nospermite ver las cosas de modo diferente y plantear preguntas que hastaese momento no tenían razón de ser. El cambio de perspectiva es laesencia del pensamiento humano. /excerpt from the introduction/