Author(s): Robert Bacalja / Language(s): Croatian
Publication Year: 0
The following identities are analyzed in this article: Croatian, Turkish, Venetian (Italian) and the stereotypes in the function of the identity formation in the discussion Croatian writers of Venetian Dalmatia and the life in their time of Tomo Matić, which was published in Rad JAZU, book no. 231, in 1925. The second part was published in 1927 (RadJAZU, knj. 233, pp. 23–84). The historical, cultural and literal themes will be interpreted,devoted to the period of Venetian rule over Dalmatia, i.e. the cultural imaginary createdin the year of celebration of one millennium of Croatian kingdom. In that layered discussionfrom 1925 and 1927 (that theme could be read in Matić’s text The Croatian awarenessin the people of old Zadar from the calendar Svačić from 1904, as well as in the study PetarZoranić from 1909, which would also be interpreted in this article) the following narrativescould also be traced: “a difficult struggle for the national freedom and survival at the troubled border between East and West, glorious past” (comp. Oraić-Tolić, 2006:37), and also a struggle for the Croatian language and literature, which is characterized by the analyses of the works of Marko Marulić, Petar Zoranić, Petar Hektorović, Juraj Baraković, Jeronim Kavanjin, et al. Matić pointed out a number of examples in the Croatian history, culture and literature, as well as other works of the Croatian writers: Vetranović. Lucić, Grabovac, and others.