Иван Кацарски – Провалите на лявото и възходът на десния екстремизъм
In the last decades, left-wing parties and movements have been losing the positions they held in the first decades after World War II. Leaving aside objective factors, this is largely due to the suicidal behavior of the social democratic left, which became part of the new liberal consensus. At least in the richest societies, the left has lost its authentic sensitivity, has become weak, has become fragmented, and to a great extent, has lost its international character. As paradoxical as it may be, the extreme right has started to identify with traditionally left causes: against the expansion of transnational corporations, against the „American system“ as an embodiment of contemporary economic, military, media and cultural dominance, and for the protection of national communities and cultures. The extreme right has turned towards the people who lose by new liberal policies and, in fact, is gaining their approval not on the basis of left universalist principles but on the basis of ideas of national and „Aryan“ racial solidarity. Contrary to clichés regarding the impossibility of international cooperation between ultra nationalist formations, the extreme right has turned out capable of uniting ideologically and organizationally at a trans-national level. Here lies the secret of its success among diverse groups of the population. For its opponents, this makes it a hard nut to crack.