Originile şi responsabilităţile Primului Război Mondial la un bilanţ istoriografic centenar
Probably, more than the factual register of the Great War, some historiographical issues, as those concerning the origins of that huge belligerent collision, are determining yet the intensive debates among scholars. Such debates seemed to be perpetuated on the alignments of the Powers which were involved by a war which tended to swell the entire World. The primary task for the scholars was to have the access to the hidden reasons, concentrated during the age of the secret diplomacy by the great alliances, as that Triple or that French-Russian, even that vaguely engaging Entente, which wandered through the origins of a World War. The debates on those origins became complicated because the manner in which the peace was achieved, in 1919, among the victor Powers and that which mainly suffered the defeat. Owing to the publications of the diplomatic documents, especially from the German, French, Austrian, Russian, and Italian Archives, the historical explanations of the origins of that War seemed to become more and more convincing. The impact of the Second World War was to be on the point to destroy the elaborating course of those explanations. And for at least a part of the historians colloquium, the impact of the Cold War was an even more destroying one. Recently, it is to be recognized, the process of Europe’s and, in time, of World’s integration is nurrishing a kind of formal or relaxing literature on so grave events, as those which covered the years 1914−1918. A more intensive approach or reference to the primary text of the origins of those events has to be the proper way for the revealing the historical truth.