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This is the first translation into Romany of Jordan Yovkov's "Stara Planina Legends".
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This is the first translation into Romany of Jordan Yovkov's "Stara Planina Legends".
Through the analysis of contemporary works of fiction, the papers published in these proceedings aim to shine light on the representation and/or construction of the Bosniak identity. Furthermore, as a result of the academic conference that preceded the publishing of these papers, these proceedings represent a collection of works which passed through the scrutiny of the Bosniak academic community, and thus presents an incumbent contribution to the fields of literary studies, sociology, contemporary history and cultural studies.
U utorak ujutru, nazove me Džilijan iz Katastrofa. Naime, vazduhoplovac po imenu Lulerton je potrovao pun kurac dabrova. Ja kažem da mi ne ubijamo dabrove, mi ih sakupljamo, jer u suprotnom progrizu kroz naše Aparate za Kontrolu Zagađenja (A.K.Z.) i zagađena voda teče iz naše Oblasti Zadržanja u Ajzenhauer Spomen-močvaru i ubija dabrove. „To ima smisla“, kaže Džilijan i spusti slušalicu. Mediji se ludo zabavljaju. „VAZDUHOPLOVSTVO UBIJA DABROVE DA BI SPASILO DABROVE“ glasi jedan od naslova. „UBIJENI DABROVI GOVORE O SVIREPOSTI VAZDUHOPLOVSTVA“ glasi drugi. „Možda ćemo hteti KODIJ za ovo“, kaže gospodin Rimni. Ja proverim arhivu. Postoji KODIJ vezana za kornjače u bazi u Oklahomi, iz otprilike 1984. godine. Postoji KODIJ o divljim konjima iz Severne Dakote. Takođe je korisna i KODIJ vezana za nenamerno uništenje uzgajališta golubica.
Teško da bi se svaki posao kojeg sam u životu radio mogao nazvati zanimanjem. Otvarao sam boce penušavog vina u prestižnim galerijama, naplaćivao parkiranje na seoskom vašaru koji se kasnije uzdigao do višednevnog nacionalnog festivala obeznanjivanja, brao i sušio vrganje, ispisivao fi rme i reklamne panoe, neformalno taksirao, čuvao i izvodio u šetnju tuđe pse, za neveliku nadoknadu pisao seminarske radove iz nekoliko sasvim različitih oblasti, organizovao malu proizvodnju gaziranih pića, prodavao polise osiguranja, pisao uvodnike i komentare za novine po pravilu zabranjene ili ukinute pre no što bih dobio honorar, eto, mogu da nabrajam bez kraja i konca... Na tom spisku ne nalazi se drevni i cenjeni zanat arhitektonski, mada sam, i to treba reći, u jednom periodu verovao da će upravo neimarstvo biti moj životni poziv.
Intimacy in fiction is an aesthetical, symbolical and emotional choice. Medicine and novel writing seem to prolong the disease nature has given to mankind. Some writers’ propensity for structural themes and motifs from pathology can be considered both a professional and a somatic diagnosis predisposition. Life as a fate leading to death was a general idea at the end of the 19th century. To suddenly utter, that the soul is the body could have destabilised humanistic sciences, and it meant the decentralisation of literary character, the shift of narrative techniques, the conversion of psychology to physiological analysis emphasising the authenticity of sensation. Hortensia Papadat Bengescu’s characters are so fleshless, that it’s easy to see their soul. Illness is their only connection to the world. Each character tragically aspires to a common life, refused to all of them by their psychological or physiological condition.
The monograph deals with the issues of expressivity (emotionality) in language. It starts with a theoretical chapter about the development and characteristics of fairy tales, fairy tales of German and Czech provenance are then analysed and compared. The author categorizes language expressivity at different language levels: phonetic, morphologic and word formation, syntactic and lexical, as well as those relating to text-linguistic, pragmatic and stylistic aspects of the utterance. The book also discusses translation problems, i.e. comparison of the original and the translation. The monograph analyses selected fairy tales by brothers Grimm, Clemens von Brentano, Michael Ende, Karel Jaromír Erben, Božena Němcová and Karel Čapek and presents examples of expressivity at several language levels.
MIXER, Đerđ Serbhorvat: Mađarske jagode u grlu; CEMENT, Saša Ćirić: Kako opravdati sebe u 26 slika; ŠTRAFTA, Saša Ilić: Ogled iz okrutne logike „srpskog uma“; VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE, Miloš Živanović: Vreme Betona, Na ostrvu na Adici; BULEVAR ZVEZDA, PAVKOVIĆ, Vasa; BLOK BR. V, L. Bodroža & T. Marković: Karta srpskog spasa (21)
MIXER, Davor Beganović: W. G. Sebald i zaboravljanje prošlosti; CEMENT, Ljiljana Đurđić: Crvenkapica iza otvorenih vrata; ARMATURA, Milica Jovanović: Sahrana i poslednji dani; VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE, Igor Đorđević: Bajka o šumaru i ribaru, Miloš Živanović: Sarajevsko, ljubavi moja, Predrag Lucić: T’ga za bazu Jug; BLOK BR. V, L. Bodroža & T. Marković: Karta srpskog spasa (23)
MIXER, Boško Tomašević: Pesnik jedne dimenzije; CEMENT, Nemanja Mitrović: Od izvora tri putića; ŠTRAFTA, Aleksandar Pavlović: Kondine tikve; ARMATURA, Slobodan Georgijev: Predsednčki kandidat; VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE, Kralj Leonida: Pozlaćteni opanci, Tomislav Marković: Zaustavite život!; BULEVAR ZVEZDA, ZAMETICA, Omer/ John/ Jovan; BLOK BR. V, Karta srpskog spasa
MIXER, Dragoljub Stanković: Postrojeni jezik; CEMENT, Saša Ćirić: Vagina u duši; ARMATURA, Andrej Nikolaidis: Balkan Pride - Hate Parade; VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE, Miloš Živanović: Snoid Osvetnik u Nejasnoj Poljani, Momčilo Mihajlović: Svetkovina; BULEVAR ZVEZDA, EGERIĆ, Miroslav; BLOK BR. V, Kosmoplovci: Strip
MIXER, Branislav Jakovljević: Zakleti borac protiv kraja istorije; CEMENT, Vesna Jovanović: Prijateljska ubeđivanja, Saša Ćirić: Erazmov trošni vavilon; ARMATURA, Miloš Živanović: Paralelni svetovi; ŠTRAFTA, Ljiljana Jokić Kaspar: Krokodili ne odlaze; VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE, Tomislav Marković: Plavi zec u šumi nacionalnih simbola; BULEVAR ZVEZDA: Redakcija: Matija Bećković; BLOK BR. V.
Mi smo bili kod mog dida na Šolti. Dida je u dvoru sidijo na lingeštulu i čitao je novine. Tata je sidijo za stolom i popravljao je sa kacavidom šuko šteker. Mama je sidila do njega i čistila je fažolete. Ja sam sidijo na podu u dvoru i slagao sam nogometne slije. Dida je okrenijo stranicu od novina i vrtijo je sa glavom. Onda je on rekao: „Ja ne razumin, majkemi, šta se svi pale na ovog Stepinca! Pa on je bija dobar sa ustašama!“ Ja sam dida pitao: „Ko je Stepinac?“ Dida je rekao: „Neki pop šta je bija dobar sa ustašama!“
The book consists of three cycles, “Express pot”, “Nervus vagus” and “Letters”. Every story, especially those in the cycle “Express pot”, suggest unresolved emotional tensions / relationships / situations that culminate in the kitchen and with food. Blagojević places these primordial, traditional spaces of women's business in and around the kitchen on a new level and transforms them into spaces of culmination or resolution of the inner dramas of her heroines. The stories told in this way reveal a new dimension of sauerkraut, polenta or meat hammers because they cease to be food or tools in the kitchen and become a symbol of rebellion, disapproval, social disintegration, social status. Overall, “Nervus Vagus and Other Stories” is a collection of likable and readable stories that will easily win over readers with a strong emotional charge, interesting influences in everyday life and a constant walk between the tragic and the comic and make them look at seemingly ordinary things from a different perspective.
Sjednica užeg kabineta Vlade RH u stranačkim prostorijama HDZ-a. Prisutni: predsjednik Vlade Andrej Plenković, ministar obrane Mario Banožić, ministar branitelja Tomo Medved, ministar financija Zdravko Marić, ministar unutrašnjih poslova Davor Božinović, fotografija Franje Tuđmana na zidu.
Sent tumbling forward as the driver of the double-decker bus suddenly hits the brakes, I climb down the stairs trying to hold on to the seats for balance. I lean against the four-person seat behind the driver to stop myself from falling. The bus driver swerves right and cuts the other driver off in the right-hand lane, and so the bus driver honks at the man who is making rude gestures to him. The bus driver starts shouting as he raises his right hand at the bus, which looks like a tin of sardines surrounded by bullet-proof glass.
The case was compelling. Just like all his previous successful cases in this hot spot, where he was appointed after completing his training program with a senior degree. Despite being produced in the same series, each member of the Adra class was defined with different capacities. They were all installed with different software devoted to the common principles that determine essential rights and responsibilities, primarily focusing on efficiency principles and, to a lesser extent, qualification principles–though they have unique hardware configurations. The AI should pay attention not only to its own social cognition progress but also to the diverse interests and priorities of the real and legal entities. Especially if “Civil Liberty” is the core substance.
In the middle of the Chamber of All, Tabip bent her knee, feeling their breath on her neck. The Men of All, they were called; each was a sofi, a collector of the Leaves. Wanderers of the vast lands of Dunyā. Aldermen of their kind. Each represented a capital raised from history’s ashes and a civilization divided by endless turmoil. Yet, all united now to overcome the challenge Dunyā was facing. “Much has changed over millennia,” Tabip thought, keeping the words that would be considered a deadly sin to herself.
The dark patterns of the handwoven rugs decorating the walls and the smoke of the e-cigarettes made the pub gloomy. There were no windows to air the place. None of the clubs in the old industrial district had any. The rebel tunes of vintage Anatolian rock surrounded the patrons. Özgür was having a pint of Efes while thinking over Yasemin’s questions. Yasemin was a master at two things: stirring cocktails and making customers talk.
The wind is roaring. I imagine it diving like a hawk, yelling into the forest from one end. With the crackling of trees along with the soughing through branches and leaves, this roar grows into a crescendo, and the forest itself turns into a horror movie set.
There was no sound in the temple. Rarely a mechanical sound would appear between the glass and steel walls, disappearing in a very short time. It wasn't loud enough to be heard; in fact, it was noticeable because it was so quiet inside. A tiny digital blip immediately turned into noise and radiated inside like a drop of coffee into milk.