The object of our research are both written and spoken statements of Slovaks in Vojvodina. The Slovak language in Vojvodina is in constant contact with the Serbian language which has a significant influence on the style of expression of participants in communication. The influence of the Serbian language is particularly evident with the younger population when it comes to using new titles and expressions, which they take from the Serbian language. The contact of Slovak and Serbian is natural and inevitable. Slovaks from Vojvodina have good command of both languages (Slovak and Serbian) in everyday communication. We live in a bilingual environment, therefore, besides Slovak, we also use the Serbian language which greatly influences our expression. Professor Marija Mijavec is the one who has researched this area the most. She has published several monographs regarding this particular area. One group of Slovak words which have been taken from Serbian has been put into group of loan translation words (pridať – odovzdať; Slováčka – Slovenka; prepustiť – zabudnúť; tlačiarnička vo farbe – farebná tlačiarnička). Other group of words are interlinguistic homonyms. These are the words that have the same form in both languages but their meaning, semantics, is not equivalent in the languages in question (vychovávateľka, predškolská uztanovizeň, osobný preukaz).