Семантические и синтаксические свойства предикативов ощущения (сензитивов)
The paper considers constructions «sensation predicative + infinitive» and «emotion predicative + infinitive». The infinitives of the movement, position and some others are typical for sensation predicative: Kholodno stoyat’ / ekhat’ ‘It’s cold to stand / to drive’; Temno idti / chitat’ ‘It’s dark to go / to read’. Such an infinitive occupies an intermediate position between a valency and an adjunct. In the infinitive construction, sensitives undergo a semantic shift: they are shifted to the zone of emotional evaluations (Mne dushno ezdit’ letom v metro ‘It’s stuffy for me to ride the subway in the summer’) or to the zone of modal predicates (Uzhe temno chitat’ ‘It’s dark to read’).