Gender Pay Gap in the State Administration of the Czech Republic
Purpose: The most common phenomenon in labour market is inequality of remunerationaccording to gender, also called Gender pay gap. This disproportion in pay has varying degreesall around the world, affecting the global labour market. The firmness of the business sphereand the state administration is quite obvious in this issue. Employee remuneration is veryclosely related to the issue of ethical leadership and human resources management for thefuture. Design/methodology/approach: This article focuses on the analysis of unequal remunerationin the specific environment of state administration in the Czech Republic. Author compared thedata obtained from the Czech ministries from the year 2018 in order to find out gender pay gapin the Czech Republic and then carried out regression analysis on these data. Findings: On the basis of the statistical analysis, it was found that even within the stateadministration of the Czech Republic there are unequal rewarded men and women, which is tothe detriment of the female sex. Research/practical implications: These findings should outline the current state ofremuneration within the state administration of the Czech Republic. Based on these findings,the system could be corrected and adjusted. Originality/value: The present study analyzes the differences in male and female reward withinthe state administration of the Czech Republic. Similar comprehensive information in thepresent form is currently not published anywhere else.