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“Toponyms in Czech, Croatian and Bulgarian Phraseology“ is a contrastive book on the phraseology of Czech, Croatian and Bulgarian. The author focuses on phrasemes that contain a toponymic component in their structure. He analyses these phrasemes and within them also confronts them from the formal, semantic, motivational and typological point of view, and also notes the aspect of their origin. The book studies phrasemes with the structure of comparison, phrasemes with a nominal structure of collocation, phrasemes with a verbal structure of collocation and phrasemes with a propositional and polypropositional structure. The semantic side of the collected phraseological units with toponymic component is described using delimitation of different phraseosemantic fields. The book also includes, to the extent necessary, the theory of the proper name. An integral part of the book are chapters presenting the major Czech, Slovak, Croatian and Bulgarian phraseological theories, as well as a comprehensive survey of Czecho-Slovak and South Slavic (i.e. Bulgarian and /Post-/Yugoslav) phraseological literature
This article focuses on the latest Polish prose and discusses the question of whether references in literary texts to Polish realities (references in fiction to people from the world of politics, religion, culture; to spatial or urban concretisations) in the field of widely understood fantasy can be grasped by foreign readers. The author argues that decoding meanings is not only inspiring and linguistically interesting (vocabulary-wise, in developing the competence to create texts-descriptions), but also becomes a contribution to mediation and openness to different forms of delivery and the Other. The study cites excerpts from the works of Ignacy Karpowicz (Niehalo), Marcin Kołodziejczyk (Prymityw) and Zygmunt Miłoszewski (Jak zawsze).
Niniejszy artykuł to analiza językowo-kulturowych konceptów dusza i soul, obecnych w dwóch utworach literackich autorstwa współczesnych polskich noblistek oraz w ich przekładach na język angielski. Teksty, o których mowa, to wiersz Trochę o duszy Wisławy Szymborskiej i opowiadanie Zgubiona dusza Olgi Tokarczuk; ich angielskie tłumaczenia to, odpowiednio, A Few Words on the Soul (tłum. Stanisław Barańczak i Clare Cavanagh) i The Lost Soul (tłum. Antonia Lloyd-Jones). Oprócz opublikowanych wersji angielskich analiza zawiera komentarz na temat prób alternatywnych tłumaczeń dokonanych przez studentów Uniwersytetu Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Tym, co łączy oba teksty, jest przekonanie, że współczesny świat, z jego pośpiechem, deficytem uwagi i konsumpcjonizmem, nie jest miejscem przyjaznym ludzkiej duszy. W poszukiwaniu obecności ludzkiej duszy w owym gorączkowym świecie obie autorki proponują podobne rozwiązania: człowiek musi wrócić do swojego małego świata: swojej wewnętrznej rzeczywistości, dalekiej od wyobrażeń szybkiego postępu i globalizacji. Niniejsza analiza przyjmuje perspektywę kognitywnoetnolingwistyczną i ujmuje byt określany polskim słowem dusza i angielskim słowem soul jako koncept kulturowojęzykowy. Następnie idzie tropem podobieństw i różnic tkwiących w obu omawianych językach, a tym samym rozważa status tego konceptu w językowym obrazie świata zakorzenionym w tych dwóch językach. Prowadzi to do interpretacji wiersza Szymborskiej i opowiadania Tokarczuk jako niestandardowych, indywidualnych, literackich realizacji standardowego (potocznego) językowego obrazu świata, wspólnego dla Polaków. Taka lektura pozwala sięgnąć do angielskich tłumaczeń tych tekstów jako zapisów dokumentujących przeniesienie polskiego konceptu duszy do nowej kulturowojęzykowej lokalizacji. Opierając się na koncepcji kultury jako góry lodowej, w której poszczególne teksty należy czytać jako językowe realizacje pewnych elementów treści kulturowych, leżących u podstaw tych tekstów, w niniejszym artykule podejmuje się próbę rozważenia, w jakim stopniu możliwe jest przeniesienie z oryginału do przekładu.
Recenzja książki: Ilona Witkowska, Wyrazić nienazwane: językowokulturowy obraz zapachu we współczesnej polszczyźnie, Kraków: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych „Universitas” 2021, 268 s.
Recenzja ksiązki: Katarzyna Ostrowska, Reportaż książkowy w świetle językoznawstwa statystycznego. Składnia – styl – gatunek, Kielce: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 2023, 235 s.
The study focuses on the formulation of ideas as a contribution to the explanatory theory of speech style. Ideas relate to the ontological basis of style, the fundamental role of sociocultural meanings, the rationality of stylistic knowledge, and the deep motivation of stylistically relevant linguistic behavior and action in social interaction. The author approaches style from a holistic position based on the belief that speech style is integrated into the ways of human activity as a whole controlled by a pragmatic subject. In the center of attention is the subject of style, who discovered sociocultural meanings tied to the ways of activities, developed the ability of stylistic adaptation to current conditions of social interaction, and learned to deal with stylistic knowledge with appropriate rationality in communication practice. The author also answers the question of what laws and principles underlie the existence of style, its subject and stylistic behavior and actions.
The article deals with the terminology of mineralogy, particularly with the names of minerals formed from proper names of places located in the territory of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. The official list of minerals approved by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification of the International Mineralogical Association is used as a corpus. In the sample, containing almost six thousand items, 40 terms of this type were found, constituting 21% and 24% of the names for which the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic is listed as the first place of discovery. These terms have become part of the official terminological vocabulary of the natural sciences. For each of them, the article provides its etymology. The names are based on onomastic metonymies, with roots referring to the names of type localities where the minerals were found, names of the surrounding villages, towns, hills, and mountain ranges.
Representing research in phraseology and onomastics, the article is devoted to fixed phrases featuring a fictitious proper name as a lexical component. The undertaken analysis encompasses historical and modern Polish phraseologisms with an etymologically reinterpreted fictitious onomastic component based on a witty or humorous play on words which uses various semantic and sound-related associations. It turns out that the distinctive feature of the discussed phraseologisms is their impermanence, for most of the historical lexical units are no longer used in the modern language. Only a few of such lexical combinations have survived until today, e.g. na święty Nigdy, pani Piasecka, pan Łopaciński, pojechać do Rygi. The article indicates the reasons for the lexical absence of the presented phraseological combinations (e.g. the jocular overtones or the growing obsolescence of vocabulary items).
The article is devoted to the role of corpus data in monolingual and translational lexicography. Such data can significantly influence the construction of entries in monolingual and translational dictionaries, as demonstrated by the analysis of the Czech lexical unit klika. The analysis has shown the possibilities of describing the meaning of the unit using a monolingual corpus and indicating its foreign-language equivalents using a parallel corpus. The text can serve as a basis for further reflection on the creation of the lexical grid, the form of the dictionary entry and criteria for establishing translation pairs.
The article addresses historical semantics and the possibilities offered by its methodology, as well as the inclusion of digital data and tools. The utilization of dictionaries (SPXVI, Swil, SL, SW, SJPD, USJP, WSJP PAN), language corpora (Odkrywka, Chronopress, SpokesPL, MoncoPL, Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego/National Corpus of Polish, Korpus Dyskursu Parlamentarnego/ Corpus of Parliamentary Discourse), concordances and statistics made it possible to present the emergence of a new meaning of the lexeme format and its textual synonyms, and the chronology of the changes. It is shown that corpus data predate lexicography, hence the possibility of using such data to track neosemantisms in statu nascendi, and thus presenting the dynamics of semantic changes.
The subject of the article is an attempt at recreating, based on source ma-terial, the initial contacts of the renowned Slavist Giovanni Maver with the studies of Polish literature in Poland and the community around two scholars in Polish literature: Stanisław Kot and Roman Pollak
This article presents the process of creating a digital dictionary of translationtriads in a database version (accessible through a search engine on the WWW). Theauthor conducts discussion on practical and technical, theoretical, interlingual, as wellas metalexicographical problems, related to the procedure described here, that is, theissue of – more generally – the transformability of dictionaries. As a theoretical basisand source of lexi co graphic practice in relation to the ac ti vi ties described here, theauthor points to a lexi co graphic tradition he calls Opole idio ma tics, which is as so cia -ted with the figure of Wojciech Chlebda, among others, the creator of phrasematics orthe concept of the lexi co graphic idio ma ti con.
The article is devoted to the analysis of phra seo lo gi cal Ger ma nisms from the ety -mo lo gi cal point of view in all three groups of Slavic languages, in par ti cu lar, to thecomparison of the figurative core of the idioms jemandem einen Korb geben, derblaue Montag in German, and then in Czech, Croatian, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Russianand Be la ru sian. The essence of the study is to analyse the semantics of German idiomsbased on explanatory and etymological lexicographic sources and further unravel thethread of phraseological receptions in Slavic languages, which are confirmed byverified lin guis tic facts and the corpus of modern written language. This studycontinues our research, which we published in the journal Bohe mis tyka (2021/1), andsup ple ments it with new material.
The article is a reminder of the si gni fi cant con tri bu tion of Karel Hau sen blas toCzech stylistics, namely the theoretical definition of teaching style in the system offunc tio nal styles. Hau sen blas’ de fi ni tion of func tio nal style is of fun da men tal im por -tance not only on the basis of the lin guis tic function of reporting, or aesthetic, as thestylistic theory has done until now, but on a com bi na tion of dominant functions inteaching communications, in addition to the reporting function as well as thedirective, in fluen cing function. Therefore, he considers teaching style as a complexstyle based on a combination of language functions in communications. He preciselydif feren tia tes the stylistic cha rac te ris tics of teaching texts and, for example, po pu la ri -zing texts, in which is the directive function also si gni fi can tly applied. He em pha si zesthat the objective of po pu la ri zing texts is to motivate the recipient of the text to take aninterest in the subject, while educational texts teach the recipient. Similarly, hecompares a different share of the directive function in teaching texts and in differenttypes of texts. The paper also focuses on the ap pli ca tion of Hau sen blas’ concept ofteaching style in pedagogical and linguistic works (especially by M. Jelínek) and inthe current theory of com mu ni ca tion spheres and the de fi ni tion of the sphere of schoolcommunication, and it focuses on the verbal component of teaching communications.
In this con tri bu tion, I focus on what con no ta tions the naming of places implies forCzech speakers. The material comes from a phra seo lo gi cal fund of Czech. Idiomsvery often reflect the life story of a person and a nation, therefore the geo graphi callocation and typical features of Czech landscape and Czech set tle ments find ap pli ca -tion in it. As a Central European country, the Czech Republic is specific in that it is thepart of an imaginary geo po li ti cal border that divides Europe into a „developed andcivilized“ West and a „primitive and barbaric“ East. Many names of set tle ments aswell as landscape elements carry con no ta tions of emotions and even pathos. In thepresent, although a pathetically patriotic approach is mostly receding into the background,some elements connected with Czech landscape and settlementsremain in thelin guis tic picture of world.
We often use expressions expressing space in the language automatically withoutthinking about their foundations and correlations. A suitable framework for their inves ti ga tion is provided by cognitive lin guis tics through me ta pho ri cal models derivedfrom the ex pe rience of the human body moving in space. The presented text, theo re ti -cally embedded in Levinson’s subdomains of spatial language, focuses on theintrinsic fra me works of ex pres sing space in Czech. To express the location of objectsin space, the Czech language mainly uses a relative system based on the ob ser ver’spers pec tive. It rarely uses an absolute system oriented according to the cardinal di rec -tions. This study analyzes the intrinsic system of spatial localizers in Czech, focusingonly on localizers originating from the source domain.
This paper explores the spelling of proper names, business names, and app names in the Slovak language. It focuses on proper names that start with a lowercase or uppercase letter in a compound word. The motivation behind names is examined, including the ownerʼs name, generic designation, foreign words, and acronyms. Similar names are found across various companies, products, and services. Creating words in an individual way allows for the investigation of authorial invention and exploration of the word-forming potential of language. The creation of new words contributes to the expansion of vocabulary, while also observing its influence on Slovak orthography.
The document discusses the formation of resident names from foreign geographical names in Slovak orthographic rules. It highlights the historical and systematic approaches to creating these names, focusing on the use of suffixes and infixes. The text provides examples of how different geographical names are transformed into resident names, considering factors like syllable count and phonetic characteristics. It also examines the inconsistencies and challenges in standardizing these names, particularly with non-declinable toponyms. The study references various linguistic sources and previous research to support its analysis. It concludes by emphasizing the need for updated orthographic guidelines to address the evolving linguistic landscape.
The document delves into the lexicon of the Zemplín region, focusing on expressions related to human psychological traits and behaviors. It builds on previous research, expanding the semantic field to include a variety of expressive and idiomatic phrases. The text provides numerous examples of how different characteristics, such as intelligence, foolishness, and emotional states, are described in the local dialect. It also highlights the use of metaphors and similes to convey these traits, reflecting the rich cultural and linguistic heritage of the region. The study emphasizes the importance of preserving these expressions as part of the broader Slovak linguistic tradition. It concludes by acknowledging the support of various grants and the contributions of dialectological research.