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In this text Emilia Kałuzińska is trying to reconstruct socializing offer of advertising. For this purpose, she analyzes the linguistic picture of the world in the spoken texts ads shown on children’s channel. High vocabulary attendance in the field of buying and selling contributes to extract CONSUMPTION AREA, among which stands out exposing of NEWNESS, as well as LOANS that are in commercials autotelic value.
The internet has seen an increase in the number of media standing in opposition to the so-called mainstream and questioning the stale state of affairs. The main tool they use to challenge the mainstream is language. To distinguish itself from traditional information providers, online alternative media use it in a highly provocative way. An example of such media is the internet radio KonteStacja. The online community of its supporters has coined a specific language, in which provocation is present in nearly all types of texts.
This article attempts to offer a brief description of the overall situation in contemporary linguistics in the context of the changes taking place. Specifically, it refers to the ongoing discussions in the areias of various contemporary humanist disciplines on the subject of the achievements of structuralism and is future prospects in studies on language. The main theses considered here are: 1. One should not speak of the decline structuralism without indicating how this term should be understood and defining the scope of the teoretical-methodological principles developed by de various structuralist schools. 2. Taking into account the general principles and methods of the description, as given in the majority of contemporary literature on the subject it may reasonably be supposed that as yet no theoretical-methodological counter-proposal has emerged which, opposing structuralism, would discard al its basic premises while at the same time protecting the autonomy of linguistics as a science. The author endeavours to show that it would be more rational to speak of a successive – and broadly enriched – stage of evolution of the idea of structuralism.
The Old Believers in Poland are a bilingual community. They use two languages: Russian dialect and Polish language. Polish influence on the Old Believers’ dialect increased after two World Wars, when they became separated from their co-religionists in other countries and had more often contacts with Polish neighbours. Their language situation may be characterized as diglossia – they choose one of their languages depending on the domain of life and other social conditions. The medical terminology is a specific part of the Old Believers’ dialect. There are a lot of borrowings from Polish language caused by the need of protection of health and life in Poland, where the Old Believers met first of all with Polish health care system. The article is an attempt to characterize the influence of Polish language in the lexis describing medicine and health care.
The subject of the article is the analysis of the meaning and collocations of the adjective czerwony ‘red – Communist, Soviet’ in the Polish-language press published in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s and 1930s. The press was primarily to function as a tool for the Sovietisation of the Polish minority, thus the periodical press was directly dependent on state publication policies. The research was conducted on a textual sample encompassing a selection of issues of 36 Polish-language press titles, diversified in terms of their scope, target group, and subject matter. The lexeme czerwony is characterised by a very high textual frequency, a few times higher than in the case of adjectives denoting other colours; thus, there are over 770 examples of the word czerwony, while the next in line are biały ‘white’ – 135 and czarny ‘black’ – 110. The frequency is definitely increased by the fact that the adjective czerwony also constitutes part of various newly-formed proper nouns.
The paper deals with the so-called un ou deux phonèmes? problem in Modern Polish. The framework adopted by the author is the theory and methodology of Axiomatic Functionalism, i.e., a functional semiotic approach developed by Jan W. F. Mulder in association with Sándor G. J. Hervey which is mainly based on linguistic ideas of André Martinet. The analysis focuses on the phonological interpretation of sequences of palatalized labials and [j], nasal diphthongs, and affricates in Polish. The author argues that nasal diphthongs and palatal and retroflex affricates should be interpreted monophonematically, whereas it is both adequate and economical to interpret sequences of palatalized labials and [j] and alveolar affricates as realizations of sequences of two separate phonemes.
This article deals with a particular type of simple sentences with a complex predicate which includes the demonstrative pronoun Pol. to / Russ. это ‘this.’ The author presents the view, prevailing in the linguistic literature, that in terms of syntactic structure, such units perform the role of the so-called copula. The analysis of linguistic material of modern Russian and Polish (taking into account the category of functional syntax) leads to the conclusion that such instances are in fact cases of subject duplication, which is used to emphasise the subject in spoken language.
The article is a review of Beata Jarosz’s book about the linguistic image of the wedding, entitled Językowy obraz ŚLUBU, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2014, 266 pp.
Review of Ewa Golachowska’s book about the multilingualism among Belarusian Catholics at the turn of the 21st century: Jak mówić do Pana Boga? Wielojęzyczność katolików na Białorusi na przełomie XX i XXI wieku, Instytut Slawistyki PAN i Wydawnictwo Agade, Warszawa 2012, 195 pp.
The text concentrates on the language program of the Czech National Revival. Special attention is paid to the typical for the period overlapping between the terms “language” and “people” and thus to preserved in language cultural, literary, state and emotional memory that should be revived for the future. The notion of language in this case is perceived as a concept that contains and summarizes the program of the National Revival. During the first quarter of the 19th century in Czech environment, namely language becomes a measure of the ethical and the aesthetic, of the “own” and the “foreign”, of the “high” and the “low”.
The aim of this paper is to identify the syntactic position of the comparative operator tak. First, we present a classification of degree phrases as proposed by Neeleman, van de Koot and Doetjes (2004). The authors divide degree expressions into two classes, namely class-1 and class-2 degree expressions. The expressions of the first class function as heads while expressions of the second class form a group of maximal projections. Only the former but not the latter c-select prepositional phrases, nominal phrases with a gradient property and verbal phrases. Since class-2 degree expressions are adjuncts, they can have a rich internal structure and appear without the host element. As for the movement, only class-2 degree expressions can undergo leftward movement. In the paper we demonstrate that comparative tak looks like a class-2 degree expression in contrast to its English counterpart in an analogical construction, i.e. the comparative as. The crucial difference between English and Polish degree expressions is the fact that in English the dummy operator much appears only in a limited number of contexts while its Polish equivalent, i.e. bardzo, is very common among degree expressions from class-1. This observation does not allow us to adopt Neeleman et al. (2004) syntactic analysis of degree expressions without any modifications.
The article discusses the problem of noun synonyms in the seventeenth-centuryagricultural guidebooks by Jakub Kazimierz Haur. The research focused on two importantaspects: 1) similarity of meaning between synonyms (the semantic criterion), and 2)interchangeability of synonyms (the criterion of context). A detailed analysis shows thatin addition to the basic distinction between full and partial synonyms there are severalvarious combinations of synonyms that were created on the basis of two main criteria,which are used in a description of synonymy.
The author presents a formant -asy (-‘asy) creating names of colours, e.g. białasy,czerwonasy, szarasy, żółtasy, that existed in the old Polish language until the second part ofthe 18th century. These are adjectival derivatives whose meaning is related to a partial orweakened feature defined in the word-formation base. In the Polish dialects derivatives wereformed with the help of a formant -asy not only from adjectives naming colours e.g. burasy,modrasy, posiwasy, but also from those naming flavours e.g. słodkasy, physical characteristicsof objects e.g. mokrasy, przydługasy, and negative features of living beings e.g. głuptasy,ubogasy, starasy. The author indicates their geographical range - north, south and insulareastern peripheries of Polish lingual area – on the basis of the data taken from publishedsources. The appearance of derivatives with a morpheme -as- created from an adjectivebiały, that originate from other Slavonic languages, suggest that the morpheme was knownin the whole Slavic territory. The persistence of the formant -asy in the old Polish languageand Polish dialects makes our ethno-lingual area the example of peripheral territory wherethe innovation occurred in the connectivity of the mentioned suffix with basic adjectivesof various meaning.
In the article the author presents some issues related to the description of the phoneticsystem and the morphology of the Polish dialect used in the South-Eastern Borderlands(on the basis of Trembowla and Wierzbowiec). The manuscript obtained by the author includesmemoirs, descriptions of everyday life in the South-Eastern Borderlands before the SecondWorld War, a dictionary of words which were then in use, family letters, songs, prayers – thus,the description of the local dialect shall have a value for the documentary history of Polish.
The authors present a selection of sportspersons’ nicknames and pseudonyms used in the Polish and European media. The onomastic material was excerpted from the press, radio, television and the Internet. Dozens of personal names of Polish and world sportspersons were collected and analysed. The material was taken from the texts in, among others, Polish, English, German and Spanish. This paper aims at a typology of sportspersons’ nicknames and pseudonyms and it constitutes an attempt to unveil the primary onomastic and language-systemic mechanisms behind such formations. Also, their semantic as well as structural-grammatical motivation is discussed.