Obraz(y) zawodu nauczyciela w opiniach internautów (wokół listu otwartego MEN do rodziców i opiekunów)
The article presents the results of research into the linguistic and cultural image of a teacher in the Polish society. It begins with a brief discussion of the role of teachers in social and educational systems. Afterwards, it moves on to describing the causes of a crisis of trust in the educational system and the weakening of teacher’s authority. The analyses presented here have been carried out on the basis of opinions posted under an article discussing an open letter addressed to parents and guardians published by the Ministry of Education in the online edition of “The Rzeczpospolita” daily. The resulting image of a teacher was patchy, and the differences in the attitude to the profession stemmed from views on social equality, education, and balanced working time. The opinions often expressed temporary emotions and frustrations of people forming them.