Метафора экзистенциального кризиса в контексте миграции (анализ медиадискурса и политического дискурса)
The study is an analysis of the metaphor of an existential crisis in the context of migration, which in recent months’ profiles in the position of the central themes of the current political and media discourse at European level and in the Slovak and Russian language environments. The author focuses on the phenomena of constructing and validating their own ethnic identity, "his and our", in contrast to the category of "foreign" clearly negative connote through new social and political experience - migration of population. Negativism as a distinctive feature of understanding of the migrant population is presented through such nominations that evoke pressure (obligatory quota, psychology of the population), pressure (migrants as army, migrants as insects, migrants like animals), threat (physical - hunt the people, violence and aggression), differences of opinion and differences (moral code, religiosity, label) etc.