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This paper provides an overview of formal and informal greetings. The research was done on the basis of corpus in the Russian Language. Greetings arc speech acts which serve to preserve the positive face of the interlocutor. Highly conventionalized, with a marked phatic function, they serve as a signal to open the conversation and as an invitation to dialogue.
Kurdish Studies, as an academic field, seems today to be dominated by English and Turkish-language literature. Little is known about the volume of literature that has been produced (and is available) in Russian, an important world language spoken across a vast geographic space in regions not far from Kurdish lands. In this review, we have explored this published literature by using searches in Google Scholar. We present the results of this inquiry, as a simple inventory which shall serve to acknowledge and highlight the Russian-language scholarship on the Kurds, Kurdish and Kurdistan. It shows that access to this scholarship is paramount if we want to arrive at a more global understanding of the issues related to the Kurds and Kurdish studies.
In linguistics the term “metysatsia” is suggested for the nomination of a phenomenon of “interaction of related languages”, which, however, hasn’t come into active circulation in linguistic studies, but there is need to actualize it. The process of the Russian language’s influence on the Ukrainian one has been closely explored, but the reverse process of the impact of the Russian language on the Ukrainian one hasn’t been practically studied, though even Dahl’s Dictionary, which is the most authoritative explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the late nineteenth century contains many Ukrainianisms. There is need to explore in details the outlined process distinguishing the system of borrowings that are fixed in the Russian language and speech. The article focuses on the above-mentioned problem.
The article summarizes the author’s investigation in the field of expressing the egocentric senses on the different language levels. Deictic meanings and their concrete tinges are studied on the lexical, grammar and textual levels of the Ukrainian language.
This study is trying to answer the question of how does requesting differ in Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Finnish and Russian. The data is elicited by written discourse completion tasks (DCT) in which native speakers of Estonian, Finnish, Latvian, Lithuanian and Russian were asked to complete the situations described by filling in appropriate requests or questions. Head acts of the sequences have been coded for relevant grammatical categories: syntactic type of the clause, morphological form of the verb (especially considering mood and tense), negation of the main verb, modal constructions and address form. In our data, the most typical head act of request in all studied languages is an interrogative clause containing a modal verb in the conditional mood. The aim of the study is to identify the main politeness strategies which are used in the studied languages to perform a question about location or request to move somewhere. Typical questions, however, have less conditional forms. In addition, in this article we compare these languages with respect to expressing motion events.
The article critically assesses the theory of communicative networks and its applicability in the study of multilingualism as found in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL). The author analyzes foundations for postulating the existence of a speech community in the GDL and adduces counterarguments against viewing this community as a linguistic alliance of the Balkan type. The article offers new sociolinguistic and areal-typological methods of the study of language contacts. The author substantiates a systematic approach toward the problem of the ethnic attribution of Ruthenian. Based on the literary, linguistic, and cultural parameters, the author offers to drop the term ‘Old (Middle) Belarusian’ or ‘Old (Middle) Ukrainian’ in reference to this language.
The article presents many transliteration variants of Belarusian names and surnames in Poland. It discusses the most common variants of the Belarusian alphabet transliteration, both international and Belarusian, as well as Polish transcription. The multiplicity of variants raises technical problems in the documents (passports, residence permits, acts of birth etc.). The article is a voice in the discussion on the development of a unified system of transliteration of Belarusian alphabet for the needs of the documents recognized in Poland
One of the topical problems of modern grammar is the qualification of double syntactic connection. Its nature conforms to none of the features of syntactic connection on the axis of closeness /openness. The problem of the particularity of this syntactic phenomenon appeared in the early twentieth century but it is still not resolved. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the conditions for the birth of the idea of double-syntactic connection and to review the evolution of this phenomenon in Ukrainian and Russian scholarly works. As the analysis demonstrates, the double-syntactic connection does not determine a single phenomenon but it includes a set of phenomena. It is a type that combines different varieties of syntactic connection according to their common features, such as three-member-construction and the complex realization of the syntactic connection. Various linguists have interpreted the patterns of the establishment of that phenomenon and the forms of its realization in different ways. The prospective of our study is to define grammatical markers of the double-syntactic connection and to describe the structure of the constructions in which it appears.
The objective of this work is an attempt to show the features of personal deixis in narrative on the materials of the Macedonian and Russian folk texts. In article is considered the specifics of the means for expressing personal deixis in narrative, their similarities and differences in both languages are examined.
Peculiarities of Komi-Permyak proverbs borrowed from the Russian language are described in the article. Subjects groups of mastered proverbs are presented, ways of their occurrence in the Komi-Permyak language are described. Attempt to distinguish signs of proverbs-loanwords was made (the presence of Russisms components, the use of figurative correlations typical for Russian, grammaticalness according to Russian structural schemes). Proverbs figurativeness modification, accompanying the process of its mastering, and semantic changes in the statement are marked. Conclusion, concerning the ability of adopted proverbs to acquire its colouring in borrowing culture, is made.
The article describes the formation of a figurative meaning in the names of the lowest Russian social strata. Polysemy occurs when the nominative meaning ceases to be relevant. The semantics of the portable meaning of the word "serf" includes the semes of two participants in the situation, voluntary lack of freedom, low behavior. The social hierarchy in figurative use is reinterpreted in the higher status of the speaker as the subject of evaluation.
The author of the article gives a comparative description of Russian and other Slavonic denominations of domestic animals whose names derive from that of color.
Трасянка (первичное значение „смесь сена и соломы для корма скота”) - речевой продукт, возникший в результате механического смешения в разных пропорциях элементов материи и формы (в смысле В. фон Гумбольдта) двух языков, в условиях Беларуси - русского и белорусского. Как и всякое креолизованное образование первоначально использовался для поддержания коммуникации в условиях ограниченных контактов между коренным белорусскоязычным населением, с одной стороны, и русскоязычным административно-партийным чиновничеством, имевшим более высокий общественный статус, с другой стороны. В дальнейшем сфера использования трасянки расширилась, особенно в городских аггломерациях, где она встречается в трудовых коллективах и даже в семье. Обеспечивает достаточно высокий уровень языковой интеграции за счёт упрощения („примитивизации”) структур контактирующих языков, чем и объясняется её ущербный характер в глазах, людей, владеющих двумя (или одной) „чистыми” языковыми системами. Характеризуется малой предсказуемостью появления в речи тех или иных элементов каждого из языков, что зависит от степени ассимиляции говорящих и конкретных условий коммуникации. Включает ряд маркировочных элементов (типа да, вот, именно, эта, как и под.), которые, по мысли говорящих, должны свидетельствовать о том, что разговор ведётся на русском языке. Как явление сугубо индивидуальное возникает, как правило, в результате усвоения русского языка т. наз. прямым методом людьми, воспитанными в одноязычной белорусской среде, чаще всего в связи с переселением в город или повышением общественного статуса. Недостаточное владение вторичной языковой системой нередко сопровождается явлением, называемым американскими лингвистами „self-hatred”, т. е. презрением и ненавистью к родному языку. При этом может происходить разрушение первичной языковой системы, в результате чего становится невозможным или крайне затруднительным речепроизводство на белорусском языке. В связи с этим трасята не может трактоваться как продукт, принадлежащий одной из языковых систем, а должна рассматриваться как особый межъязыковой феномен. В 30-е годы были попытки кодификации в качестве литературной нормы некоторых особенностей трасянки (Я. Волк-Леванович). Как трасянка иногда квалифицируются тексты или высказывания на белорусском языке, насыщенные русизмами (С. Дубавец). Есть попытки трактовать в качестве предшественника трасянки макаронические (белорусско-польские и белорусско-латинские) или конфессиональные (белорусско-церковнославянские) тексты (В. Свяжинский).
Materials for analysis were taken from Dictionary o f Moscow Argot by W. S. Jelistratow. New borrowings in Moscow argot are comparatively small in number. English and American words have formed the largest group. Aparat from that there are borrowings from French, German, Polish, Spanish, Japanese and other languages.
Tematem badań jest jeden ze sposobów lingwodydaktycznego opisu łączliwości przymiotników z rzeczownikami w języku rosyjskim i polskim. W artykule autor próbuje wyjaśnić czynniki wpływające na łaczliwość przymiotników oznaczających kolory, z rzeczownikami.
Autorka rozpatruje problem rozwoju wyrazów zapożyczonych w historii języka w ramach porównania leksyki ukraińsko-polskiej. Dokładnej analizie zostały poddane wyrazy: chwila, kochać, mowa i kwiat. Rozpatrzony z punktu widzenia lingwistycznego niewielki materiał dał zupełnie nieoczekiwane wyniki świadczące o tym, że wiele wyrazów z zakresu paraleli ukraińsko-polskich uważanych dotąd za zapożyczenia z języka polskiego nie znajdują potwierdzenia statusu zapożyczeń.