![FAMILY INFLUENCE IN THE PHENOMENON OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY](/api/image/getissuecoverimage?id=picture_2018_40988.jpg)
Juvenile delinquency is a social pathological behaviour in which a child commits crime; it is a social disease which creates social disorganization in the society. Each one of us have heard about a crime committed by children, and this juvenile delinquency can be seen from social and legal points of view. From the social viewpoints, disrespect shown by a child towards norms, values, customs and traditions of society can be called juvenile delinquency. But from the legal view-point, breaking of laws established by state by a child is called juvenile delinquents. We all know that no child is delinquent by birth, but the behaviour of society makes him delinquent. Ill- treatment by parents or community members and even misbehaviour of class mates and teachers makes a child delinquent. Studies of the family took as its starting point the observation that, in general, children tend to resemble their parents in terms of appearance, behaviour and mentality, even the transmission of hereditary traits or characteristics involves physical, mental, from parents to children.