According to the constructive interdisciplinarity, the text draws attention of the theorists for several decades. In the new approaches, the text calls for complex research, including research centered on determining the mechanisms of producing and meaning understanding. A legal text is very different from ordinary speech. The concept of text is not identical at all authors, and sometimes it does not even have the same acceptance for one and the same author. However the legal text is based on the use of language, which is more than a stock of words, it is an instrument and an image, an object of power that seeks to be captured.The legal text reflects the terms and expressions of a legal system. In the legal text, language is a means of expression and texts constitute the main object of study. It is indisputable that law could not exist without a means of expression. The legal texts are very different depending on the type of legal act and its transmitters, are not uniform, as the legislator issues law, the judges speak it, the jurists comment on it, and the practitioners apply it. The style of law will differ from the style of a court order or a regulation. The proper drafting of the various types of texts is very important if we want the legal rules to be effective, that the judgments have exactly the same value that the judges impose on them, that the intention of the parties to a bilateral act to be expressed in the proper way. From this perspective, legal texts need to be coherent, drafted in impeccable style with the clearv use of terminology.