Mechanisms of national economy and its regions adaptation to the conditions of integration to the world economy
The purpose of the present article is to demonstrate the monitoring results of the Russian Federation economy transformation process under the conditions of membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO), and also the development of its adaptation mechanisms. Operative economic and regulatory mechanisms on the adaptation of the economic systems of Russian regions (namely, Kursk, Lipetsk, Kaluga regions) to specific features of development within the amplifying integration of the Russian Federation into the global economic space have been systematized in the course of the research. Industry-specific effects expected from the membership of Russia in the WTO have been defined. The analysis of negative consequences and competitive advantages from Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization for individual economic complexes has been carried out. The authors considered regional aspects of adaptation of social and economic activity in the context of the new geopolitical risks, and also presented the framework of the investment paradigm realization as the fundamental direction on the adaptation of regional economies to the conditions of the WTO membership.