Rola systemów depozytowo-zwrotnych (kaucyjnych) w organizacji recyklingu odpadów komunalnych w państwach Europy. Wykorzystanie automatów RVM (butelkomatów)
Deposit Refund/Return Systems (DRS) are currently operating successfully in several European countries, similar organisational solutions are found in the United States, Australia and other countries. Such systems use a mechanism of collecting a deposit for the purchase of certain goods and returning the deposit if the customer gives the packaging back to the seller or a special collection point. Such systems also increase the circulation of materials and raw materials in recycling processes and thus reduce the level of waste disposal. RVM machines (Reverse Vending Machines), popularly known in Poland as "bottling machines”, are a popular element improving the operation of such organisational systems. Deposit and return systems are a common name for the way of organising and increasing the degree of recycling of waste, especially packaging waste from households. However, they differ in terms of organisational and regulatory solutions in individual countries. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to compare the solutions applied in the European countries in the area of returnable deposit systems, to make their typology, to present the benefits and achievements of individual countries and the difficulties in implementing such a way of dealing with waste. The article uses reports and statistical data, as well as the results of research conducted by consulting companies and checking operators of return depository systems.