Author(s): Alin Albu,Dan TEȘILĂ / Language(s): Romanian
Issue: 2/2019
In the last years, wireless communication services have benefited from numerous improvements, both in terms of area of coverage and most importantly, in terms of offered quality and speed. Thereby, from the trivial 2G, which came with possibilities of voice and text communication, there has been an accelerated jump towards 3G technology, which has facilitated global access to the Internet through mobile devices. The technological breakthrough and the migration towards 4G services were based on previously used infrastructure, with significant improvements regarding bandwidth and data traffic in the domain of 800Mhz, 1800Mhz and 2600Mhz frequencies. At the moment, civilian technological capabilities have had an ascendant development, facilitating speeds of access and data traffic of hundreds of megabits per second, in contrast with those of ten years ago, which did not exceed 82 Mbps. Most probably, the technological evolution will not be limited in time under technological aspects, objective made possible through the implementation, in the immediately following period of time, of 5G services, services by which the cities of future, described in science-fiction literature, will become reality and the human society will migrate towards a virtual world. How much this technology is going to represent a source of risk for the security of states makes the subject of an extended analysis, through which we hope to respond to the following questions: what is 5G technology?, what are its directions of development?, what is the balance between costs and benefits? And, last but not least, how is it going to influence the security of states?