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Complex sentences with a relative attribute clause in Bosnian are semantically equivalent to Turkish phrases with participles and proparticiples in the function of the extended attribute supplements. The analysis of concrete examples enables to determine when and why these sentences are being used in literary texts, and contrastive comparison attempts to resolve the dilemma of how these examples should be transposed into Bosnian.
Today's young people, called E-generation, digital generation (Digital Natives), generation Z, are growing up with mobile phones, computers and the internet, so they take for granted and natural the use of social media in foreign language learning situations. The article clarifies the concept of 'new media', not in their new forms. The newness lies in the opportunity to use and expand the functions of the 'old' media through innovative technologies. The educational effects of the application of interactive media are presented. The means of communication related to social media (emails, forums, blogs, podcasts, web or internet telephony, chats, virtual classrooms) are reviewed.
Reading literary works in the original has always been a challenge for EFL students, even those who are in teacher training programs and have a richer philological background. As reading is the best way to discover and understand literature, it is important to identify effective means of involving students in active, meaningful reading procedures. The article provides an example of how to make the reading of J. Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels’ more engaging for students, applying Gardner’s MI theory.
This article discusses the issue of phraseological meaning from the cognitive culture-oriented perspective, which is based on two key assumptions. The first is that language and culture are two separate and interacting semiotic systems, while phraseological units are the products of this interaction. Thus, phraseological meaning is formed as a result of inter-semiotic transposition, i.e. transfer of some conceptual information from nonverbal signs of culture system into the verbal ones of the language system. The second assumption results from the first and stipulates that phraseological meaning is a two-strata structure, the surface stratum and the deep stratum. The deep structure encloses the conceptual foundation based on cultural elements and the surface stratum is its embodiment into language signs. We have chosen the semantic field of emotions to put in practice the cognitive culture-oriented analysis. Anthropologists have proven that emotions are not simply physiological reactions of human bodies, they are also the result of people’s cultural interpretation of extra-linguistic reality. Thus, we shall try to identify the conceptual information that underlies phraseological units depicting human emotions.
In the Republic of Moldova, German as a foreign language is taught not only at the faculties of philology but also at other faculties. This article discusses the specificities of working with specialized texts at the faculty of real sciences, economics and environmental protection (specialization - Engineering and Management).
This article deals with the problem of the lingo-cultural orientation of the English language lessons in teaching children with special educational needs. The features of teaching a foreign language to children with special educational needs, organizational and methodological aspects of this teacher's work in an inclusive class are shown in this work. The author gives the examples of the teacher's work during extracurricular activity, and justifies the used methods.
In teaching a foreign language, building and developing language skills represent the instructors’ main aim. But developing skills would not be possible without teaching pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. According to the communicative approach, among these language components, vocabulary is considered to be of great importance, without diminishing the role of grammar and pronunciation in a foreign language. It is well-known that vocabulary provides learners with the necessary knowledge meant to help them to deliver both written and spoken messages, without having too much grammar or pronunciation knowledge. Thus, the purpose of the paper is to identify possible ways of improving students’ vocabulary in Romanian, especially when it comes to word formation, a process that does not only involve learning words but also using them creatively
This research focuses on a contrastive critical and methodological approach applied to six well-known English and Romanian grammar books. The authors are interested to observe and interpret the strengths and limitations of the selected grammar books in order to identify educational strategies and stages to be taken when teaching grammar. A major attention was paid to the didactic contrastive scenario of teaching grammar. English grammars are descriptive, whereas Romanian grammars are rather prescriptive. Thus, this enquiry is an attempt to find a generalised and practical layout in the study of two different idiomatic approaches, with a focus on similarities and an aim on divergences. Methodologically speaking, this research targets to further developed and improve educational practices for teaching and learning English language rules and Romanian grammar. Given examples include an overview of verbal tenses and of general vocabulary, for A1-B1 CERCL levels, in both languages.
As innovative and effective approaches, gamification and flipped classroom have been widely applied in foreign languages teaching and learning, but little studies were conducted about gamification applying in flipped classrooms to assist the learning of Romanian language. To fill this gap, it was necessary to search for effective ways to find innovative solutions. Implementation of gamification in flipped classrooms can increase students' motivation towards in-class activities and towards Romanian language learning. The purpose of this article is to provide a practical and theoretical framework for integrating gamification in flipped Romanian language courses and use mobile applications such as (Kahoot! and Quizizz) for in-class activities, which can help in supporting with Romanian language learning by concentrating on various perspectives to apply the flipped classroom, in-class activities, gamification, and mobile applications in the educational context.
The following article deals with augmentative formations, that is, word formation products that reinforce or intensify the meaning of the basis. The focus is on the use of augmentation in the language of the German mass media. Based on a number of examples registered in current mass media texts, we have analyzed various word formation methods, the semantic peculiarities and the pragmatic performance of augmentative formations in modern German.
The article examines the role memory plays in the process of acquisition of French as a foreign language while using drama in the classroom. The suggested activities are designed to help learners improve and train their memory while working with the play Cocorico by Sylvaine Hinglais. The activities can be used with all learners regardless of their language proficiency level.
The article examines the sometimes confusing use of the terms competence and skills in the Moldovan language education context. Teachers of English as a foreign language seem to closely follow the guidelines of the national curriculum, which does not seem to facilitate the teachers’ work in their design process. The fact that the term competence is opposed to that of skill in TEFL literature seems to be ignored by the authors of the curriculum. Thus, teachers feel forced to use the exact terminology from the curriculum, even if it can cause confusion.
The article deals with the application of English proverbs and sayings for effective teaching of English Methodology. The author suggests applying them for mastering the principles of teaching in general as well as teaching English language in particular since proverbs describe the millennium-long experience of people, reflect valuable pedagogical ideas. The main focus of the author is to consider a large number of English and Ukrainian proverbs, to select the ones that concern pedagogical approaches to teaching, and to group them according to the principle mentioned. The examples also include some Ukrainian and Russian proverbs as well as English quotation when it is appropriate. Following the classification of principles developed by A.N. Shchukin, one to twelve examples are selected to exemplify each principle. The principles of teaching are of four groups: didactic (10 principles), psychological (4 principles), methodological (5 principles) and linguistic ones (3 principles). In the course of the study we came to the following conclusions: there is a large number of proverbs on pedagogical and methodological principles, the use of proverbs leads to the development of abstract and associative thinking of would-be teachers. The author claims that proverbs should be widely used in lecturing and suggests a range of tasks for students: using a proverbs give some advice to a pupil, pupil’s parents or a colleague, explain a proverb, share your school experience using a proverb, express you agreement or disagreement with a proverb, choose a proverb with a different meaning, find Ukrainian or Russian equivalents for an English proverb, discuss the relevancy of a proverb to modern conditions, match a proverb to a principal it describes.
The following article examines two important components to aid students develop their English language oral skills and to enhance their understanding of literature and thinking skills. The first component is the use of the Question and Answer Relationship Format to help teachers elicit appropriate questioning and use strategies to understand literature and nonfictional text in a deeper fashion. The second component is the use of Literature Circles. This strategy, widely used in the United States, allows students to read fictional texts and discuss in depth all the components of a literary piece. Consequently, this technique also triggers students’ oral skills while in the classroom. Such a method is ideal for English Language Learners from an intermediate to an advanced and near proficient levels in any educational context. Thus, the authors also share insights from their own classroom experience while using the aforementioned techniques.
The English Department offers Bachelor and Master degree programmes. The graduates of these are qualified teachers of English at lower secondary schools. In the second year of the Bachelor programme (single-subject study plan), the students are required to participate in an Integrated Language and Methodology Course, which is based on experiential learning principles. Students in the other study programmes and study plans can take the course as optional. The course presents a reasonable intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social challenge. The participants have an opportunity of developing their communicative competence in English and teaching competences as well as their personalities. The course takes place in Dům Ignáce Stuchlého at Fryšták (the Zlín Region), a building offering accommodation, catering, and suitable number of well-equipped classrooms.
Teaching Romanian grammar for international students it is known to be a real challenge. They have to cope with different rules compared to their native tongues, most of the time very different of Neo-Latin languages, to understand that the rules they have to learn do not help them in particular cases and to practise a lot to be able to face the requirements of the use of language. An important part, usually misunderstood also by the Romanian speakers, is represented by the possessive article which has to be used not only as a part of the ordinal numeral or of the possessive pronouns, but also of the nouns in genitive or of the syntactic structures. The aim of the paper is to present some teaching methods and exercises that are used within the Preparatory year to avoid regular or particular errors.
The ability to comprehend and engage with academic and professional documents is crucial for university learners pursuing a degree in informatics within the realm of their English language education. This article explores how teachers can introduce students to a variety of scientific and business communication texts by designing specific tasks to enhance their skills in interacting with such materials. Our goal is to give some insights to the ongoing conversation about foreign language education by sharing different strategies and assignments used in this context. We aim to highlight effective teaching practices that empower students to navigate the complexities of scientific discourse with confidence. The article provides a practical example, illustrating the teaching of the job application topic with background information and examples of practicе activities.
Recently, in the context of a large increase in international tourist routes in the scope of tourism development strategies in many countries, including the Republic of Moldova, special emphasis has been devoted to the professional training of specialists in the industry. In addition to the cognitive capabilities that students must have after finishing their education, they must also know and understand an international language that provides communicative skills, with English being the only one that can guarantee this.