Образ мира, агрессивность и рефлексивность у студентов педагогического профиля
Individual peculiarities of the world image should be regarded when the issue of education of psychologically healthy teachers is considered. The objective of this research is to study the structure of interrelations between various psychological indicators of the personality (aggression and reflexivity) and some characteristics of the world image in the case of students, whose future profession can be pedagogical activity. The methods of psychological testing, questioning, and mathematical statistics are applied in the research. The obtained results show that there are reliable interrelations between individual and psychological indicators and characteristics of the world image. The study reveals that the intensity of manifestations of certain characteristics concerning aggression, world image, and reflexivity differs in students depending on their gender. In addition, differences in the reflexive regulation of aggression are found between boys and girls. A number of conclusions are made on the basis of the obtained data. Exclusive methods aimed to train and develop future teachers of a new type, who will have such a world image that would correspond to their identity, would enable development of psychologically healthy persons without contradicting the principle of humanity. The results of the research can be used to develop special theoretical and practice-focused training courses for future teachers, advanced training courses for professional teachers to decrease psychological illiteracy and to improve psychological health.