Sexuální přitažlivost v psychoterapii z pohledu supervizorù
This article is devoted to a topic that is rather ignored so far in the Czech Republic. It offers the very new way of thinking about the topic of sexual attraction that can bring some kind of concern because it can be a challenge for changing previous attitude to this phenomenon. In our research we´ve decided to focuse on the question – how is this topic of sexual attraction supervised in our country and what is our supervisors´ opinion about this phenomenon, how is this topic communicated in supervision and what is the supervisors´ opinion about the relationship between client and therapist. So our effort was to take this phenomenon in the way it is and try to handle it in many different views. The research file was made of 13 supervisors (8 women and 5 men) out of Czech Republic. The design of our research was exposed as a combination of a multiple case study with the combination of qualitative experiment. The data were obtained by means of semistructured interviews which have 3 parts: a) mapping of supervisors´ own experience with the phenomenon of sexual attraction in psychotherapy and in supervision b) suggestion for the solutions of 5 model situations c) mapping of factors which can block or on the contrary can help to reveal this intimate topic in supervision. Our research results show clearly the contrast between wide spread experience with sexual attraction in psychotherapy and between the low therapists´ willingness to share these experience in supervision and in the psychotherapist training.