Innowacje społeczne odpowiedzią na lokalne problemy współczesnego społeczeństwa
The present-day society in Poland is more and more conscious of its responsibility for the economic and social life, especially at the local level. Civil society is not a passive re-ceiver of services, but it is an observer and a creator. Social innovations, with their main func-tion to solve social problems, make it possible to fully use the potential of civil society. Social innovations affect the areas inaccessible for the central government or the parliament. Social innovations have several advantages, which are difficult to quantify. Creating inter-sectoral partnerships, a closer cooperation at the local level, integration are just a few examples of these advantages brought by social innovations. Multi-dimensional effects of the innova-tions of that type, and first of all the ones that build up the social capital, are the argument for engaging the Polish society in that kind of activity. A possibility of financing innovations by the EU’s funds and good practices in that area encourage to implement social innovations at the local and national levels.