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The article presents a quantitative research study that revealed the specificity of collaboration between teachers and support teachers in meeting the special educational needs of students in the context of inclusive education. The contribution of the paper is to expand the understanding of ways of collaboration for inclusive practices between teachers and support teachers in the Republic of Moldova. The results obtained illustrate the perspectives and factors that contribute to the development of partnership teaching practices in the inclusive classroom
The present paper presents the results of a qualitative scientific research based on the focus-group method. The concept of assertive communication are delimited from the perspective of the latest theories and arguments are made regarding the need for the integrated development of communication skills, self-affirmation and self-management in future student teachers. The research focuses on several essential dimensions of assertive communication, namely, initiating communication, self-esteem, defending one's rights, expressing positive and negative emotions. Its results provide us with clarifications regarding students' personal perspectives on building the teacher-student relationship, on the models provided and the skills acquired, on the concrete strategies of self-affirmation that they consciously use, on the approach to conflicts and situations. injustice, as well as on the techniques used in managing emotions in the context of teaching relationships. Starting from the types of assertive behaviors manifested by students in communication, a structure of their training and personal development needs is elaborated, as well as a series of educational strategies that can meet the expectations of future teachers
Starting from the premise that the management is the oldest of the arts and youngest of the sciences, it would mean that man has always been concerned with the act of leadership in various fields, including education. Perhaps it is within the school environment that it is necessary to know how to communicate effectively in order to achieve the objectives that will lead to the formation of a human personality needed in the society. The present article highlights the importance and the need for assertive communication within the school environment, emphasizing the advantages of assertive communication for human relationships. It also clarifies the meaning of management and managerial communication
This article reviews the literature on the skills of emotional intelligence to reduce stress, anxiety, fear, as well as the synthesis of scientific studies that have highlighted the mental pressure and challenges that adolescents go through during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as emphasizing the importance given to the support and emotional psychoeducation of adolescents to maintain mental health. The phenomenon of emotional intelligence is known worldwide and studied by many researchers. The data show that emotional education leads to academic performance, preventing problems, improving behavior or social relationships.
In the present study we aim to present the results obtained by using the method of objective appreciation, proposed by the Romanian psychologist Gheorghe Zapan (1957) in researching bullying behaviors in a class of students. The method proved to be a tool able to identify both aggressor (harassing) and victim students, producing results comparable to those obtained by the APRI BT questionnaire, developed by Australian researcher H. Parada (2000) and adapted to the Romanian school population by Cluj researchers. In the second part of the study we verified the method of objective assessment through the classic personality tests: EPQ and self-esteem scale (Rosenberg).
One of the most important problems is individual psychological assistance for students with special educational needs, who have a high level of anxiety. Teens with Special Educational Needs have problems in all spheres of their life. In this article, I propose some methods of working with teens to help them.
A teacher-psychologist in an educational institution performs a variety of functions: education, prevention, counseling and correctional and developmental work. However, sometimes in the process of work, specialists are faced with prejudice from both colleagues and pupils (schoolchildren or students).
The lack of free time, the large number of tasks, the busy regime often lead to a personal imbalance of social workers, which results in their professional burning. Known as the burnout phenomenon, burnout has a negative impact on the mental state, relationships with family, colleagues, and the quality of work. This article reflects one of the biggest problems facing social workers today, namely overwork at work and in their free time. The research of professional burning among social workers highlights the reasons and consequences of this phenomenon, which will help reduce its impact on well-being, quality of work, organizational climate.
The possibilities of psychological and psychotherapeutic intervention for medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic were limited and achieved through the methods of distance learning and counseling. The academical success and students psycho-emotional state depend largely on students' self-organization, their psychological adaptation to the changed conditions, and the psychological support provided by psychologists from the educational field.The psychologists come up with a series of practical recommendations, which can protect the mental and psychosomatic health of the beneficiaries.
Improving school leadership is now high on the list of priorities for school reform. Principals are considered key actors responsible for the successful management of all administrative functions of schools. They bear a great responsibility for maintaining the effective internal functioning of school systems, representing the schools in the community, and implementing educational policies. Principals also act as role models who promote the ethical and professional growth of teachers and other professional staff. Ultimately, school leaders have an indirect but significant impact on student learning and achievement. The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the social representation of competencies needed for an effective school principal to manage the administrative and instructional process. The participants were 119 female teachers who teach at the elementary level. A standardized task based on the free association method was used to collect data. Participants’ responses were analyzed lexically and semantically to differentiate associations from a qualitative perspective. The structural approach based on the analysis of prototypical categories was also used. The qualitative and quantitative analyzes revealed three facets of teachers’ representation of the competencies of a successful school leader. These dimensions included: a) the mission and basic competencies of a school leader; b) managing interpersonal relationships; c) skills, attitudes, and motivation for managerial career.
This article aims at exploring and presenting a set of essential personal characteristics necessary to form the leader in the municipal administration in the Republic of Bulgaria. It uses data from a specially designed online survey among the mayors in the municipalities on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as the regional mayors of the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. In this article, the focus will be on one of the questionnaires used in the study. It includes questions grouped in five building blocks and aims at revealing different aspects of the person‘s personality who form his/her personal profile. The methods of analysis that are used are descriptive statistics, the calculation of mean values, and the testing of statistical hypotheses. The analysis identifies the essential personality characteristics that are derived on the basis of the completed questionnaires by the mayors. Statistically significant differences in gender are observed mainly in terms of the Emotionality building block.
Volunteering in modern society has developed more and more in the context of the evaluation of its manifestation. The very concept of volunteering tends to emerge from the bosom of quiet and undisclosed goodness and moves to a level where it seeks widespread popularity, both as specific events and their results, as well as the results as a whole. Thus, the good example is multiplied by giving the opportunity to a wider range of people to receive information about the result of the voluntary activity and its effects. This trend is also projected on the ever-deeper inclusion of volunteers as part of the corporate culture. The incorporation of voluntary work into the corporate sphere is an expression of the possibility of its institutionalization. It is expressed in outlining the parameters of volunteering in terms of the attitudes of employees to be included in them, as well as describing the role and meaning that volunteering brings to society, to the organization and its image. At the organizational management level, this is realized by including the topic of volunteering in the components of quality management systems, in particular – in social responsibility. This trend is observed both in the private sector and in public organizations.