Intermedijalnost u arhitekturi Makovog Spavača
The paper tries to depict how Mak’s Stone sleeper establishes within an intermedial communication an imitative connection between poems in the traditional connected verse with visuality of medieval tombstones (bos. Stećak). One can recognize poems/stećaks in the form of a coffin, a coffin with a tombstone, a pole, a slab with or without a base and in various sizes. Relief figures from the stećaks take turns, bypass each other and plug into a compressed imagery of metaphorical-metonimical-symbolic connections and meanings. Visual monolithic property of the stećak and expession of relief signs is suggested through the medium of the language via omnipresence of euphony/eurythmy. By the means of assonance - alliteration, rhyme, anaphora, polysyndeton and parallelisms and other, they gave dimensions to the whetted reduction of the edges and polished stone form.