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This corpus-based study compares the lexical patterns of three English light verbs, make, give and take, in native and non- native student writing. Since these verbs are highly polysemous and form a large number of collocations, they pose problems for foreign language learners. The frequency and variety of collocations with light verbs are examined in the Greek Corpus of Learner English (GRICLE), and in the native corpora LOCNESS and PELCRA. Collocations with take and give feature more frequently in GRICLE than in the native corpora. Give was found to enter into more combinations in the Greek corpus, whereas both make and take are used in a larger variety of collocations in the native corpora. The contribution of these findings to language teaching is discussed.
This study explores the potential effects of Keynesian demand stimulation for small and medium-size businesses in Russian regions. The authors tested the following hypotheses: (1) is there a connection between small and medium-size business development in any given region of Russia and regional output (Gross Regional Product – GRP); (2) the higher the share of electric power consumption in GRP of a given region, the more regional product is created in this region and the higher the share of this regional product can be redistributed by means of small businesses. To test these hypotheses, the authors developed three indices related to the development of small and medium-size enterprises and the GRP, produced in the provinces of the Russian Federation. One index (SMEDI) summarizes the level of development of small and medium-size businesses in a region; another (GRPI) – the level of Gross Regional Product, produced in a given region; and finally (EPCI) - the level of electric power consumption in the GRP of a corresponding region. Correlation analysis was used to analyze data for 83 federal subjects of the Russian Federation for 2010-2014. The results indicate a moderate relationship between SMEDI and GRPI, and no relationship between SMEDI and EPCI. We conclude that the level of development of SMEs in the regions of Russia in 2010-2014 depends on the level of GRP to a certain degree. The level of development of SMEs is directly proportional to increases in GRP. But Keynesian model of demand stimulation, if applied to the Russian economy, stumbles upon the problems of fiscal federalism and the excessive centralization of economic governance, and this fact does not create effective stimulus for economic growth and small business development in Russia.
Health of citizens is a precondition for economic prosperity. Ensuring optimal functioning of health systems at limited financial resources of countries and regions is a difficult task. Its solution requires a lot of information that can be obtained only by appropriate analysis of data collected by authorized world, European and national institutions. About the state of public health systems there are collected and published a number of data on the regional, national, EU or OECD countries, continental and the world level. These databases can be used for comparative analyses on health status, risk factors to health, health care resources and utilization, as well as health expenditure and financing. Huge differences in health and healthcare exist between and within countries and regions. The aim of this article is to present the results of application of multivariate comparison statistical methods, regression analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis, which provide an overview of the health care status and public health systems expenditures, various causal relations and regional differences or similarities. This information is essential to the development of national and international health policies for treatment and financial budget of public health systems.
This paper explores how refugees in the UK perceive the relation between their experience of migration and their psychosocial health. Autobiographical narrative interviews were carried out with fifteen refugees residing in the UK. The findings reveal a contrast between the negative stereotypes concerning refugees’ psychosocial health and the participants’ own perceptions. Two of the three emerging narratives suggest a more balanced view of refugees’ psychosocial health, since in contrast to the stereotypes most participants did not perceive this through the lens of ‘vulnerability’. The third narrative revealed that a hostile social context can negatively shape refugees’ perceptions of their psychosocial health. This runs counter to the stereotype of refugees as being exclusively responsible for their ‘passiveness’ and therefore for the problems they face.
This article considers three theoretical approaches (late-modern, postmodern and feminist) to the apparent obsession with self-narration and memory in the early twenty-first century as they relate to an archival project on Irish migration. This archival project focused on the life narratives of those who witnessed mass out-migration from 1950s Ireland. The article reflects on the extent to which this project and the motivations of both the researchers and contributors reflect these theoretical accounts of the biographical turn.
9-11 мая 2016 года в г. Брно в двенадцатый раз прошла международная научная конференция «Актуальные проблемы обучения русскому языку XII». Конференция продолжила серию конференций (2012 г., 2014 г.), организованных кафедрой русского языка и литературы педагогического факультета Университета им. Т. Г. Масарика и направленных на исследование актуальных проблем обучения русскому языку, а именно – на проблемы методики преподавания русского языка и литературы, проблемы лингвистики и литературоведения. В конференции приняли участие ученые из России, Украины, Белоруссии, Чехии, Словакии, Польши, Казахстана и Франции.
The methodology which Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past uses in collecting personal memories is partially grounded in the basic methodological principles of the oral history method. It has been used since 1948, when the oral history method was accepted in the scientific community as a technique of documenting history and it enables Documenta, as a human rights organization working on the process of dealing with the past, to respond to unique request which are set before the organization. Except for trying to respect scientific principles of documenting with the use of oral history method, the methodology we use also includes a step forward towards a social engagement. As part of the wider process of dealing with the past, Documenta, through its activities related to collecting and recording personal memories, tries to provide an opportunity to people, who have neither been active in creating historical events nor have carried any political power during certain periods, to affirm themselves as social actors. On the other hand, by insisting on the principle of multiperspectivity, we try to present to the public plurality of different narratives. Our aim is to contribute to a deeper and all-encompassing understanding of certain historical processes which have significantly affected the lives of people from these areas. The methodology of our work on the project “Personal memories of wars and other forms of political violence from 1941 until today” consists of several phases which follow one after another and are in part complementary.
Metodologija rada kojom se Documenta - Centar za suočavanje s prošlošću koristi u prikupljanju osobnih sjećanja dijelom se zasniva na osnovnim metodološkim principima metode usmene povijesti koji se koriste od njezina usvajanja kao nove, znanstveno prihvaćene tehnike historijskog dokumentiranja, 1948. godine, a dijelom uključuje specifične zahtjeve koje Documenta, kao organizacija za ljudska prava koja se bavi suočavanjem s prošlošću, ima pred sobom.
We may describe the strategy applied to projects and programmes as a direction or course of action that contributes to the project’s success in its environment. The projects analysed in the previous topics were integrated into a local strategy and planned since their inception. Implementing successful projects requires planning a strategy and finding innovative means of problem-solving in a specific geographic area. This guide will provide quick steps for designing and implementing a project or strategy in your city or region.
This chapter is dedicated to the structural equation modelling methods applied to solve sustainable development research problems. A structural equation model is an abstraction of reality, and the researcher’s job is to build a model that approximates that reality as closely as possible. This task can be difficult if we do not have a clear understanding of what the reality of the studied phenomena is. Sometimes there is a sound theory behind the studied phenomena, and we can use variables that other researchers have already pointed out as valid indicators. In other situations, we have to start with a set of variables and test many hypothetical relationships based only on theoretical work. In this chapter, we focus on providing researchers with the knowledge needed to specify, evaluate, and interpret structural equation models (SEMs) in any field of social sciences, but most and foremost—in research related to the concept of sustainable development.
Sustainable development of business entities can be analysed in terms of three dimensions, i.e., economic, social and environmental ones. The economic dimension of sustainable development can be assessed, inter alia, by entities’ technical efficiency defined as the relation of outputs to inputs. One of the methods that is used to assess the technical efficiency of business entities compared to other entities is the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The aim of the chapter is to determine the relative technical efficiency of representative agricultural farms from the individual European Union countries in 2018. Moreover, the scale efficiency indexes and the area of scale effects (increasing or decreasing) of the analysed farms were also determined. In the study the data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) for 2018 were applied. In order to achieve the assumed research goals, the input-oriented DEA model was used, and the technical efficiency indexes of farms were estimated with the assumption of constant return to scale (CRS) and variable return to scale (VRS). This allowed, among others, for indicating the countries with farms achieving the highest technical efficiency (Belgium, Spain, Italy, Malta and Netherlands assuming CRS, and Belgium, Spain, Italy, Malta and Netherlands, Greece, Ireland, Romania and Slovenia assuming VRS), the lowest technical efficiency (the Czech Republic and Slovakia) within surveyed group of farms. All relatively inefficient farms (except Slovakia) functioned in the area of increasing economies of scale.
Kinetotherapy for students with special educational needs has a strong educational and therapeutic character due to the means and methods used to recover their associated conditions. In order to conduct this study, a questionnaire was applied between February and March 2021 to teachers carrying out kinetotherapy activities with students with special educational needs enrolled in special schools from all regions of Romania. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the process of implementing educational-therapeutic activities in the field of kinetotherapy in Romanian special education. The questionnaire is structured in two parts and extracts both demographic and socio-professional data about respondents as well as data on the main components of didactic activities, analysing educational documents, methods and teaching aids used in educational-therapeutic activities and the evaluation process, aspects regarding the relationship with parents and the collaboration with members of the multidisciplinary team. The validation of the questionnaire items is given by the value 0.920 of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, which shows the excellent internal consistency of these items. The studied sample consists of 51 respondents whose gender distribution is 41.2% (21 participants) for males and 58.8% (30 participants) for females. In conclusion, the study has revealed that it is necessary to optimise educational documents to facilitate the individualisation of the kinetotherapy programme by adapting educational-therapeutic activities according to the particularities of the physical and psychomotor development of students with special educational needs.
The research of ancient history in institutional terms is less represented than other historic periods, which certainly has an impact on the quality and quantity of published papers. We should also bear in mind one specific characteristic of ancient historiography – the difficulty of making a clear distinction between historical and archaeological research of the ancient history of Bosnia and Herzegovina – thus the results of both of these scholarly fields can be observed through the prism of comparability of their themes. A noticeable stagnation in the process of archaeological and historical research is the result of the war of 1992–1995 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the recent period witnessed the birth of a significant number of papers addressing topics such as Roman conquests, peregrine communities (civitates peregrinae), municipal units, and Romanization and urbanization of present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina. We should emphasize that the majority of these papers address the topics from the period of Augustus’s and Tiberius’s reign. The focus is on the study of the position of indigenous communities during the military conflicts with Rome, while the issue of their development following Bellum Batonianum (AD 6–9) is quite neglected. Apart from Slovenian scholar Marjeta Šašel Kos, the first phases of the Roman conquests of the territory of present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina were mostly studied by Croatian scholars – Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić, Danijel Džino, and Marin Zaninović – as part of their wider scope of research during the last two decades. Their research assumes two opposite directions. Firstly, they believe that the conquest of the Adriatic hinterland, i.e. the interior of Illyricum, should be traced through military and political interaction of Rome with individual indigenous communities and polities. Secondly, they believe that the sources are interpreted by tracing the essential political interaction between Rome and the entire regional geopolitical system of Illyricum in order to avoid defining Roman interactions with certain smaller political bodies. In the context of regional historiography regarding Roman conquests, we should single out the papers of already mentioned Danijel Džino. Although his stances frequently part ways with the scholars from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Džino should be acknowledged for making a methodological contribution to the study of the ancient history of Bosnia and Herzegovina through his research.
As was evident, even though the period in question was relatively short, a considerably large number of Ottoman materials were published, despite the diverse nature of the sources. This is partly a result of the fact that some of the above work was made even before 1992, either as projects of individuals or institutions. The material may be uniform in its kind, but it still allows the study of numerous issues that can be studied on the basis of published sources, which makes the “uniformity” of materials completely marginal. While an argument could be made in this respect with regard to the temporal disparity of sources, there are a number of other factors that need to be taken into account. First of all, the (lack of) preservation of the materials for certain periods, but also the absence of a strategy that would, in its program, at least to a point define certain guidelines that should be followed in filling certain time gaps, especially when it comes to the 19th century. Regardless of this kind of shortcoming, it can be said that in terms of publishing of sources, this period was still productive, even though there was a significant amount of material that was translated for decades before its publication.
The authors respect the view that the agreement has brought peace, but there is room for questioning its effects on the economy, development and prosperity. At the same time they respect the view that peace is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for development. And third, it is unquestionable that without peace there is no prosperity. Thus, the territorial organization is important, development is more important, but peace is the most important. This is the context in which the results of application of these mathematical models should be viewed. This paper compares the efficiency of the model of territorial organization in 1990, or in pre-Dayton period, and efficiency of the territorial organization in the post-Dayton period, measured by applying DEA mathematical model, or CCR and BCC models. The model was applied to the basic territorial units of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main contribution is in the application of models and reducing the subjective influence in conclusions about the territorial organization which is determined by the Peace Agreement in Dayton. The paper uses the results of previous studies of the author. Secondary sources were also used, taken from the statistical yearbooks of the Institute for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, or rather the Institute for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Federal Institute for Programming. This paper, along with abstract and key words, includes an introduction, a review of previous studies, methodology, results, conclusion and bibliography.
Kontinuiranim jačanjem istraživačko razvojnih aktivnosti i inovativnih sposobnosti kompanije postižu dugoročno održive konkurentske prednosti na sve kompleksnijim i neizvjesnijim tržištima današnjice. Istovremeno, stvaranjem novog znanja, inovativnom primjenom postojećih znanja i tehnologija, te olakšavanjem njihovog transfera doprinose izgradnji ekonomije znanja i konkurentnosti zemlje. Jedan od stubova ekonomije znanja jeste efektivan inovacioni sistem, u kojem posebno mjesto i ulogu imaju kompanije. Cilj rada je predstaviti i analizirati doprinos kompanija efikasnom funkcionisanju inovacionih sistema, ispitati vezu i uticaj inovativnosti i izdataka za istraživanje i razvoj na globalnu konkurentnost. Kao metodološki okvir za analizu efekata inovacijskih sposobnosti korišten je Globalni indeks inovacija (GII), kao i Indeks globalne konkurentnosti (GCI), u kojem inovacije i sofisticiranost predstavljaju jednu od tri kategorije konkurentnosti. U fokusu analize bio je odnos između inovacijskih inputa i inovacijskih outputa, kao i odnos između GII i GCI Bosne i Hercegovine, zemalja zapadnog Balkana i grupe odabranih zemalja Evropske unije (EU). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji statistički signifikantna veza između inovacijskih inputa i outputa. Evidentne su razlike u jačini veze između varijabli inovativnosti i konkurentnosti za zemlje zapadnog Balkana i za izabrane zemlje članice EU. Takođe je utvrđeno da izdaci za istraživanje i razvoj značajno utiču na vrijednost indeksa konkurentnosti.
By continuously strengthening research and development (R&D) activities and innovative capabilities, companies are achieving long-term sustainable competitive advantages in today’s increasingly complex and uncertain markets. At the same time, by creating new knowledge, innovative application of existing knowledge and technologies, and facilitating their transfer, they contribute to building a knowledge economy and the country’s competitiveness. One of the pillars of the knowledge economy is an effective innovation system, in which companies have a special place and role. The aim of this paper is to present and analyse the contribution of companies to the efficient functioning of innovation systems, to examine the relationship and impact of innovation and R&D expenditures on global competitiveness. The Global Innovation Index (GII) and the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), in which innovation and sophistication represent one of the three categories of competitiveness, were used as a methodological framework for analysing the effects of innovation capabilities. The focus of the analysis was the relationship between innovation inputs and innovation outputs, as well as the relationship between the GII and GCI of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the countries of the Western Balkans and the group of selected countries of the European Union (EU). The research results show that there is a statistically significant relationship between innovation inputs and outputs. There are obvious differences in the strength of the link between the variables of innovation and competitiveness for the countries of the Western Balkans and for selected EU member states. It was also found that R&D expenditures significantly affect the value of the competitiveness index.