Challenges of the Young Generation in Eastern Europe: Young People in Slovakia
One of the phenomena of our time is the vision and problems of the young generation. Whether in Eastern or Western Europe, the problems of young people are about the same everywhere: Little or no vision for a better life because of youth unemployment, etc. At the same time it is most important that the generation that is building its own future disposes of adequate basics to achieve its goals. The main topic of this article covers the development of the young generation in the Slovak Republic. In order to understand the perceptions of young people, the article is dedicated to current problems of adolescents in Slovakia. Their points of view are supported by various surveys. Presumably the biggest challenge in Slovakia is the high rate of youth unemployment followed by dissatisfaction with the current state of the education system. Unemployment is also the major issue concerning the question how young people perceive the European Union and the growth of political extremism. To sum it all up, we can say that the better any state and institutions work, the more positive will the future prospects for young people be.